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Yingluck told of "unpredictable and uncontrollable" consequence if farmers lose patience


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Just remember,

That blood is thicker than water, she will do what ever her brother tells her, and he doesn't really give a sh** how retains his control....

so lets' chip in and buy sister a ticket to Dubai...... I never liked the man, sweet mouth sorry ass.... Great replies from many members, thanks for all of your input..... the problems are only beginning in my opinion..... Let us call it what it is, a manipulation of the Thai vote, using Thai Fairy dust.....



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Likely one of the factors the Yingluck administration decided to apply massive police force today was because of the impending farmers march in Bangkok on Monday. There is no question this issue is a great embarrassment to the administration. And it also impedes their narrative that the unrest is all about the PDRC. This farmer's story and observations are heart-breaking. Perhaps the prospect of having Yingluck yet again refuse to meet the farmers on Monday, was something Pheu Thai simply couldn't let happen. What better way than to prevent such a march from ever materializing.

Is she still the Darling of Isaan? :-)

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Likely one of the factors the Yingluck administration decided to apply massive police force today was because of the impending farmers march in Bangkok on Monday. There is no question this issue is a great embarrassment to the administration. And it also impedes their narrative that the unrest is all about the PDRC. This farmer's story and observations are heart-breaking. Perhaps the prospect of having Yingluck yet again refuse to meet the farmers on Monday, was something Pheu Thai simply couldn't let happen. What better way than to prevent such a march from ever materializing.

Is she still the Darling of Isaan? :-)

I doubt it.

Even in Chiang Mai where she is supposed to be popular I am hearing more and more Thai people ridicule her. And her evil bro. And the PTP. And the redshirts..............................

I am sure if another political party came along that had absolutely no connection to the Shins, PTP, redshirts or the Democrats they would win government for those reasons alone. thumbsup.gif

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Yingluck is one tough lady she will not quit,

But my tough lady you must meet and talk with the farmers,

You must let them work with you to pay them.

Make a deal with them ask for a loan, go with the farmers to the EC to have the EC OK the release of the money!


Here's one farming family that collected their subsidy.

Some people are so easily bought.

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No problem. Just heard that Krung Thai has approved a loan, to be released in smaller amounts, as apposed to a single lump sum ,allegedly the clincher was the tax 'incentives' offered to the bank by the caretaker government. Make of that what you will - details are very sketchy. My guess is the loan amount gets to be written off as tax paid at the end of the financial year. But it is a guess.

Krung Thai staff are also reporting a very brisk trade in withdrawals (both large ans small) as well. Lets just hope we don't end up with a run on the bank.

I predicted some time ago that the first bank to cave into the government's demand for loans could well see a massive run on its assets, which could potentially bring the bank down. If Krung Thai think they have just made a wise decision, I would like to see what their opinion will be next week...!!

80% of mine has been removed. If there is confirmed news that they are funding the PT caretaker criminals it's time to close the account for me...

I agree ... and I think millions of others will also. Fortunately (after disposing of the money-grabbing HSBC), I chose Bangkok Bank as the place to put my Thailand cash, and that seems to have worked out fine for me...!

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Thank god they have toild her of this because she might have other info


Thai Police Clear Areas of Protesters as Their Numbers Ebb

Protesters have failed to “shut down” Bangkok as they vowed last month, but a hard-core group of protesters numbering in the thousands remains defiant.


Notice the way Thomas Fuller in the NYT article glosses over the catastrophe of the rice pledging scheme and appears to toe the government line that there is just a slight temporary hiccup in payments due to the govt's caretaker status, even though the govt started defaulting on farmers before the protests started. He also emphasises that it is terribly unfair to poor Poo that the NACC is investigating the scheme so rapidly (nearly 3 years after the scheme started sucking the life blood out of Thai govt finances).

If Poo and the other crooks are justly found guilty of fraud and malfeasance, does it matter how quickly their crimes were investigated or is it important to let them go over the statute of limitations. I am sure that Mr Fuller is an upstanding moral individual but considering his obvious pro-Thaksin bias a less fair minded commentator might accuse him of discretely accepting an additional income in exchange for writing this bilge.

It is interesting to note that a google search reveals that only match made between the arrested PDRC leader, Sontiyarn, and the Crown Property Bureau which Fuller alleges Sontiyarn has links with is Mr Fuller's own article. There is no other mention of this alleged link on the web. Perhaps Fuller made it up. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?

This is very much in line with the other thread this morning about the foreign press.

We hear so much talk about foreign interests having significant amounts invested in ensuring that Thaksin remains in power in Thailand, and although I have been very sceptical about this in the past, it does now seem to have some merit.

Either that, or the foreign media correspondents are totally oblivious to what is actually going on here...!!

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This lady is tough. No matter what she will not quit.

If she quits, she must leave the country as her brother did before her.

Once again the Shin-Elite have screwed the poor and are telling them its because they love them so much.

Where's the money gone? For an answer you must ask the Shin Family - they know - but they're not telling.

They're billionaires and the poor Thai farmers don't even know how many zeros a billion has Where did all the money go to? Guess even farmers know it by now.

All money went Into your pockets. Shouldn't bite the hands that feed you. But you don't care. Step down and save face. It's too late.-wai2.gif

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They're billionaires and the poor Thai farmers don't even know how many zeros a billion has.

Considering the differences in British and American English, who does know? It really depends upon who is speaking, doesn't it? Now, would that be nine zeroes, or twelve? Either way, it's more than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes.

Edited by Kabayo66
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Yet another pathetic media article.

Most farmers are more than happy, they have had 2 years of rice payments for their crops, and there is a little hold up with the very latest payment as the PDRC are blocking ministries and warning banks not to lend money to pay farmers etc....

Have you see a few hundred (paid for ?) farmers protesting ? Ever seen more than 100 in a single protest group ? Mostly see 20 or so ?

Wow, so many millions all upset and yet just a couple of hundred (paid for ?) protesting....................

The biggest laugh of all :

Suthep and PDRC accuse Thaksin/PTP of buying farmers votes by paying more for rice, in effect giving them money.

Suthep and PDRC are now raising money and giving it (free) to farmers, to buy their support....................... cheesy.gif

Pot - Kettle - Black cheesy.gif

All in my opinion of course

Edited by LevelHead
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government steals money from people directly and through inflation

thus the farmers were aiding and abetting the theft by co-opperating with the govt

the farmers literally have blood on their hands like most people

the first step in fixing this is understanding what is really going on

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I love the smell of propaganda in the morning.... smells like.... failure.

It is clear that they are trying to sell the illusion that a massive voter base is now turning on PTP, and it's just not the case.

If it were we would have scenes on the streets like 2010.

That's not to say there's not a lot of pissed off farmers out there and they have every right to be, the government delayed on promises but every institution denying the government money during this dissolution sure doesn't help matters in any way.

It's almost as if people want the farmers to turn on them to suit their cause.

You seem to be very quick to make the assumption that the farmers are not going to take out their frustration on the caretaker government, and that all of this is mere propaganda ... I would like to think that this was true, but the PTP, and particularly the Shin clan, have stirred up a real hornet's nest here, resulting in several suicides, so tensions are clearly running high.

Furthermore, as regards your comment that it "smells like failure" ... what are you saying ... failure on who's part...? If you're saying it's failure on the part of the farmers, then your comment is most inappropriate. The failure lies fairly and squarely with the caretaker government.

Unless you have been hibernating over recent months, then it should be clear to you that there are currently signs of a massive turnaround in the voter base. Even the self-confessed red shirts amongst these farmers have clearly stated that they have been betrayed and that they will never vote for these incompetents again.

I wouldn't be too surprised to find Yingluck's offer of payments from Monday amounting to nothing more than down-payments, something which is likely to enrage farmers even more, and could potentially lead to them storming Government House and dragging her out on to the streets, that is of course, if she doesn't happen to be somewhere else when her lies are proven. Don't forget, the police have given the red shirt contingents the impression that they are untouchable, so they will feel that they have a free hand to do whatever they want, with impunity...!

As regards your comment on numerous "institutions denying the government money", as in every other case where attempts have been made on here to shift the blame for non-payment to the farmers, I say to you, if the government did indeed make a deal with the Finance Ministry back in September to borrow money to pay the farmers, why did they not actually pay them at that time?

The caretaker government itself has stated that the debts not only go back to October 2013, but in fact, there are still outstanding payments relating to July-September 2013. The House was not dissolved until December, so regardless of how many times the Thaksin apologists bleat on about it, the government in office at the time was not prevented from making the payments due to the farmers by any institution.

What's more to the point, why did they need to borrow money at all? What happened to the 700 billion (at the very least) that has been pumped into this scheme?

Finally, with your obvious post count restart, perhaps you would like to hint whom you are a reincarnate of (?)

From the info that I have gathered it seem that they never had the full amount of money needed to pay for the program right from the beginning.

Their original funding and cash flow figures were way off....right from the start.

** How could they know exactly how much it would really cost to cover everything involved...even without the corruption and theft of funds.

Now they are far short while many farmers are patiently waiting ( but angry of course ) for their due payment.

So now the caretaker government officials are running around requesting loans to cover the debts owed to the farmers.

The fact that nearly all the banks turned them down immediately tells you the bankers know well that the original money / budget was grossly misappropriated ( as expected of course ) while the bankers do not want to be drawn into a fiasco that will only grow worse.

Many farmers did get paid and they thought the program was a better deal...but in the end the corruption and greed practiced by all too many Thai people directly or indirectly involved in the rice pledging program has seriously effected a growing percent of the farmers who simply want to be paid.....and then they will carry on growing rice.

The project is not a bad concept.....however if it is dependant on government officials to administer the program then it is doomed ...sooner or later ....as the amount of money is so large it is inevitable that the accounting will run amuck, as usual.

The Minister in charge talks as though there is nothing at all wrong happening ( as expected ) making like he is squeaky clean while absolving himself of any wrong doing or malfeasance on his part.

Why is it that all of the Thai ministers "look like" low life criminals and sure enough they turn out to be criminals dressed up like politicians while they lie and lie and lie some more and always shift the blame onto other people or other reasons.

Is there not one Thai politician that is actually sincere and not corrupted and or not in politics for their own personal gain and self serving reasons??

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I love the smell of propaganda in the morning.... smells like.... failure.

It is clear that they are trying to sell the illusion that a massive voter base is now turning on PTP, and it's just not the case.

If it were we would have scenes on the streets like 2010.

That's not to say there's not a lot of pissed off farmers out there and they have every right to be, the government delayed on promises but every institution denying the government money during this dissolution sure doesn't help matters in any way.

It's almost as if people want the farmers to turn on them to suit their cause.

You seem to be very quick to make the assumption that the farmers are not going to take out their frustration on the caretaker government, and that all of this is mere propaganda ... I would like to think that this was true, but the PTP, and particularly the Shin clan, have stirred up a real hornet's nest here, resulting in several suicides, so tensions are clearly running high.

Furthermore, as regards your comment that it "smells like failure" ... what are you saying ... failure on who's part...? If you're saying it's failure on the part of the farmers, then your comment is most inappropriate. The failure lies fairly and squarely with the caretaker government.

Unless you have been hibernating over recent months, then it should be clear to you that there are currently signs of a massive turnaround in the voter base. Even the self-confessed red shirts amongst these farmers have clearly stated that they have been betrayed and that they will never vote for these incompetents again.

I wouldn't be too surprised to find Yingluck's offer of payments from Monday amounting to nothing more than down-payments, something which is likely to enrage farmers even more, and could potentially lead to them storming Government House and dragging her out on to the streets, that is of course, if she doesn't happen to be somewhere else when her lies are proven. Don't forget, the police have given the red shirt contingents the impression that they are untouchable, so they will feel that they have a free hand to do whatever they want, with impunity...!

As regards your comment on numerous "institutions denying the government money", as in every other case where attempts have been made on here to shift the blame for non-payment to the farmers, I say to you, if the government did indeed make a deal with the Finance Ministry back in September to borrow money to pay the farmers, why did they not actually pay them at that time?

The caretaker government itself has stated that the debts not only go back to October 2013, but in fact, there are still outstanding payments relating to July-September 2013. The House was not dissolved until December, so regardless of how many times the Thaksin apologists bleat on about it, the government in office at the time was not prevented from making the payments due to the farmers by any institution.

What's more to the point, why did they need to borrow money at all? What happened to the 700 billion (at the very least) that has been pumped into this scheme?

Finally, with your obvious post count restart, perhaps you would like to hint whom you are a reincarnate of (?)

Is there not one Thai politician that is actually sincere and not corrupted and or not in politics for their own personal gain and self serving reasons??

probably not .......even if such a person existed ,they would never be alllowed to be elected by the shadowy elite that

like things just the way they are

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They're billionaires and the poor Thai farmers don't even know how many zeros a billion has.

Considering the differences in British and American English, who does know? It really depends upon who is speaking, doesn't it? Now, would that be nine zeroes, or twelve? Either way, it's more than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes.

A real good example, indeed. What about shoes? A 43 sized shoe in Germany would be a 9 in America and a 10 in the UK?

Better using Thai math. Many thousand million- Qua......-w00t.gif

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In the movie "Clear and Present Danger," CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel.

Now in the thrilling sequel, "Unpredictable and Uncontrollable Consequences," Analyst Jack Ryan, played in this film by Suthep Thaugsabun is caught with his pants down and captured by evil nemesis Chalerm Yoobamrung.

Edited by Blackmirage2013
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Just exchange the government vouchers for the rice they pledged, which they can then take to the "millers" for cash. They get the going rate for rice as they would have done originally and they can then return home to happy wives. I suspect though, that this solution would not do as it would be missing the fat profit they all greedily jumped at against their wives better judgement.

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Yet another pathetic media article.

Most farmers are more than happy, they have had 2 years of rice payments for their crops, and there is a little hold up with the very latest payment as the PDRC are blocking ministries and warning banks not to lend money to pay farmers etc....

Have you see a few hundred (paid for ?) farmers protesting ? Ever seen more than 100 in a single protest group ? Mostly see 20 or so ?

Wow, so many millions all upset and yet just a couple of hundred (paid for ?) protesting....................

The biggest laugh of all :

Suthep and PDRC accuse Thaksin/PTP of buying farmers votes by paying more for rice, in effect giving them money.

Suthep and PDRC are now raising money and giving it (free) to farmers, to buy their support....................... cheesy.gif

Pot - Kettle - Black cheesy.gif

All in my opinion of course

So a few hundred farmers are owed 130 billion baht .. shit rice farming is lucrative.

There is a difference between "raising " money to give to farmers than use Tax payers money. NO?

Opinions are a bit like <deleted> .. full of <deleted>!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yet another pathetic media article.

Most farmers are more than happy, they have had 2 years of rice payments for their crops, and there is a little hold up with the very latest payment as the PDRC are blocking ministries and warning banks not to lend money to pay farmers etc....

Have you see a few hundred (paid for ?) farmers protesting ? Ever seen more than 100 in a single protest group ? Mostly see 20 or so ?

Wow, so many millions all upset and yet just a couple of hundred (paid for ?) protesting....................

The biggest laugh of all :

Suthep and PDRC accuse Thaksin/PTP of buying farmers votes by paying more for rice, in effect giving them money.

Suthep and PDRC are now raising money and giving it (free) to farmers, to buy their support....................... cheesy.gif

Pot - Kettle - Black cheesy.gif

All in my opinion of course

Little hold up with payment?

All the farmers in our village have been waiting for their money since October.

When was the election called?

All rice farmers here blame the Govt, simple as that. They know the real cause of the non payment.

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Behind all,of the rhetoric in this is a grain (sorry) of truth.

The Dems have a wonderful opportunity to set out real policies.

What is missed in politics here is that people WILL vote for you if you show them real and deliverable policies and promises that you keep.

The Dems repeatedly seem to miss this.

Make policies and promises and ultimately assurances that you will adhere to and people will support you.

Where are these? Are you REALLY anti-corruption Abhisit? How will you deliver that? Are you really going to sort out the mess that is Thai politics? How?

Can you really deliver a solution? No signs from you that you can! Or will.

Or are you simply a party trying to gain power on the back of discontent with PTP?

That is just the same old same old and Thailand has gone beyond that.

Your expensive and privileged education should have taught you better than that.

If you have something to offer - make it clear.

If not, get out of the way and allow others to take the helm.

Put up or get out of the fireplace.

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I love the smell of propaganda in the morning.... smells like.... failure.

It is clear that they are trying to sell the illusion that a massive voter base is now turning on PTP, and it's just not the case.

If it were we would have scenes on the streets like 2010.

That's not to say there's not a lot of pissed off farmers out there and they have every right to be, the government delayed on promises but every institution denying the government money during this dissolution sure doesn't help matters in any way.

It's almost as if people want the farmers to turn on them to suit their cause.

You seem to be very quick to make the assumption that the farmers are not going to take out their frustration on the caretaker government, and that all of this is mere propaganda ... I would like to think that this was true, but the PTP, and particularly the Shin clan, have stirred up a real hornet's nest here, resulting in several suicides, so tensions are clearly running high.

Furthermore, as regards your comment that it "smells like failure" ... what are you saying ... failure on who's part...? If you're saying it's failure on the part of the farmers, then your comment is most inappropriate. The failure lies fairly and squarely with the caretaker government.

Unless you have been hibernating over recent months, then it should be clear to you that there are currently signs of a massive turnaround in the voter base. Even the self-confessed red shirts amongst these farmers have clearly stated that they have been betrayed and that they will never vote for these incompetents again.

I wouldn't be too surprised to find Yingluck's offer of payments from Monday amounting to nothing more than down-payments, something which is likely to enrage farmers even more, and could potentially lead to them storming Government House and dragging her out on to the streets, that is of course, if she doesn't happen to be somewhere else when her lies are proven. Don't forget, the police have given the red shirt contingents the impression that they are untouchable, so they will feel that they have a free hand to do whatever they want, with impunity...!

As regards your comment on numerous "institutions denying the government money", as in every other case where attempts have been made on here to shift the blame for non-payment to the farmers, I say to you, if the government did indeed make a deal with the Finance Ministry back in September to borrow money to pay the farmers, why did they not actually pay them at that time?

The caretaker government itself has stated that the debts not only go back to October 2013, but in fact, there are still outstanding payments relating to July-September 2013. The House was not dissolved until December, so regardless of how many times the Thaksin apologists bleat on about it, the government in office at the time was not prevented from making the payments due to the farmers by any institution.

What's more to the point, why did they need to borrow money at all? What happened to the 700 billion (at the very least) that has been pumped into this scheme?

Finally, with your obvious post count restart, perhaps you would like to hint whom you are a reincarnate of (?)

The "failure" bit was just a word I chose to fit with the apocolypse now quote that it's based on, I wasn't gonna say "victory" was I!

So, don't read too much into it, It meant that the PDCR aren't fooling me by using the farmers for propaganda against the caretaker government.

I think I can save myself a lot of time and answer the rest of your long post and questions, by quoting myself "That's not to say there's not a lot of pissed off farmers out there and they have every right to be, the government delayed on promises"

Also I completely disagree with you that there is "a massive turnaround in the voter base" but there's only one proper way to find out isn't there? unfortunately one side doesn't wanna play ball.

"Obvious post count restart" Such a strange phrase.

Anyway, sorry to dissapoint you but when I get involved on a forum, I get involved. If you feel the need to get the tinfoil hat out because of it, that's your problem my friend.

Edited by HD 205
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Doe's any one of these "lower deck lawyers" in TV really know what happened with the rice scheme. We see so many tales but no one is really specific on the matter. I see mostly anti PT rhetoric with very little substance. In fact i just see an anti PT bandwagon. Yes we know that it has happened, but how and why , and who are the presumed corrupt persons involved. Name them.

Edited by oldsailor35
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The farmers should vote democrat next election... then there will be no rice scheme. Not sure what the farmers think they will achieve by ousting PTP/Yingluck. Might as well be patient.

The Democrats had their own rice scheme. It was paid directly to the farmer thus cutting out much of the scope for corruption. You have to wonder why PT didn't implement similar.

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Yet another pathetic media article.

Most farmers are more than happy, they have had 2 years of rice payments for their crops, and there is a little hold up with the very latest payment as the PDRC are blocking ministries and warning banks not to lend money to pay farmers etc....

Have you see a few hundred (paid for ?) farmers protesting ? Ever seen more than 100 in a single protest group ? Mostly see 20 or so ?

Wow, so many millions all upset and yet just a couple of hundred (paid for ?) protesting....................

The biggest laugh of all :

Suthep and PDRC accuse Thaksin/PTP of buying farmers votes by paying more for rice, in effect giving them money.

Suthep and PDRC are now raising money and giving it (free) to farmers, to buy their support....................... cheesy.gif

Pot - Kettle - Black cheesy.gif

All in my opinion of course

Most of the Thai farmers that I've known over the last 20+ years couldn't afford to travel to Bangkok when they were getting paid, let alone purchasing new ( farmer style) clothes and hats for the trip, as seen in some pics of protesting farmers.

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