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Message to Bangkok Thai's and Farangs

Pattaya Pat

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Pat. as the wife is off to see her niece in Khon Kaen for a few days, I was thinking of nipping down for a few days.

If I promise to leave the Bentley, expensive clothes, at home can I apply for a visa?

I'll "go native" if you want and wear me flip-flops and wife beater singlet plus I'll fill up on pie over the next day or so and make sure I have a pot belly so I'll fit right in, I'll even put on a bit of blusher so I look on the verge of a coronary while I stagger around town pushing my bar girl's latest baby around in the hope people will think its mine and not really the work of one (or several) of the local moto boys....I won't go as far as to shit me kecks mind you....

Heavy - i'm more than happy to have a bit of banter etc, but I really have absolutely no idea what you are rattling on about.

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The irony of the Op telling others not to come to a city in which he is a foreigner is amusing..

This alone makes the op stand out as somewhat of a muppet, he should think a little harder and if he has any, perhaps use more of the grey matter before attempting such a pathetic wind up...

Are you a poster that actually uses his own name as a user name?

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It is not just the hordes of BKK riff-raff that need to concern us Pattayans. Everyday the People's Republic of Jomtien send loads of trouble makers and assorted other low life into our city. They are led by Thailands answer to Che Guevara also known as the Jingthing.His supporters call his a freedom fighter, though I say he is a rebel. These Jomtien troublemakers even cause fights on baht buses!

I say to all peace loving people:

Fight the Invasion!

Rise up against these hooligans!

Save Our Shitty!


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