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Farang salaries: how much do you make?

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Hi everyone. I know this has been covered a few times before, but those threads are years old and income levels shift annually.

So, to all farangs in Thailand who earn their income based on a salary: what is your salary in Baht per month (gross amount, i.e., before tax)?

If you feel like providing your age, industry, and job title, as well, that would be interesting. This thread is mainly for curiosity's sake, and for judging our bartering power with our bosses. biggrin.png

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The OP's mistake was not making it a poll to keep it private. Not too many are willing to post in public what they are making or if they do, exaggerate it. biggrin.png

Are you suggesting people dont lie in TV polls ?...biggrin.png

Think the last time we had a "how much money do you make" poll I was very suprised to learn that greater than 60% of TV members are multi-millionaires in USD terms...tongue.png

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I'm a teacher in Bangkok and do OK. Basic salary is 68,500 (21 contact hours a week) but with overtime, marking, privates and IELTS examining I usually make over 100,000 a month.

Ok let's turn this post and try to relate it to another current post where it was asked how much do you think a IT specialist is worth.

Question brusterbudgen if you don't mind, could you live the same way as you do now if you were back in your homeland on the same salary, or would you expect more of a salary back home

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I'm a teacher in Bangkok and do OK. Basic salary is 68,500 (21 contact hours a week) but with overtime, marking, privates and IELTS examining I usually make over 100,000 a month.

Ok let's turn this post and try to relate it to another current post where it was asked how much do you think a IT specialist is worth.

Question brusterbudgen if you don't mind, could you live the same way as you do now if you were back in your homeland on the same salary, or would you expect more of a salary back home

I earned significantly more when I lived in London, working in business not teaching, but my outgoings were significantly higher then they are here. I don't think I could live comfortably in London on my Thai salary, but it's fine for here (I own my condo, so don't pay rent).

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Salaries? Bosses?

I'm happy to say I have never had either.

What's prison life like now days?

he also never married.

Wait. Seriously? You two have never met someone who graduated college and started their own business? And what makes you think I'm a "he"? Or an unmarried "he" for that matter?

Where the heck did the marriage comment come from anyway, Naam? Even if you thought I was a broke (male) loser, is there some place on Earth where broke losers don't get married? ... Because where I come from we seem to have plenty -- and Thailand isn't exactly ground zero for power-marriages.

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and for judging our bartering power with our bosses.

Unless you have specific skills the Thais dont have or are willing to pay highly for, you have no bargaining chips, always bare in mind there are plenty of Quasimodos willing to take your job for less than half of what you earn.

Such is the pull of the Thai hairy magnet.

Over on another thread some sap is talking about coming here to earn the eqiuvalent of a paper boys salary, a whopping 500 pommie pesos per month. Unbelievable, but still they keep coming.

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Enlish tacher

I earn 35 thausand bath per month.

My rent is 8000 per month, which lets me have at least two or three long times per month before food. I beer at 7-11 . Leo is the best.

Leo is for splashing out once a week, Archa for the other 6 days. tongue.png

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Isn't this one of the 'hot button' issues for foreigners in many Asian countries - that Asian people think nothing of asking you how much you earn, straight up, as though it's on the same level as where you come from and whether you prefer coffee or tea ? I worked in a company in Brisbane where any suggestion that any of us knew what someone else - particularly a manager - earned was cause for a nice long chat in the boss's office. I've also worked in a role where I was privy to certain payroll information and nothing was treated with more sensitivity than who could and could not access that data - it can really fire people up or get them fired ....

There are enough pissing contests on TV as it is - I don't think we need another one.

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