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racism among expats in thailand


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You can go back in history as far as you like... the only reason the world population never rose above 1 billion in the past was because the bacteria inhabiting this planet always managed to systemically decimate the human population around the world and keep it at a more or less constant level. Thanks to Penicillin today we have an excess of 6 billion people living on this planet, this excess in itself is 6 times more than the whole population of the planet at the date of discovery of Penicillin. This whole excess of 6 billion people was created thanks to some White looking weirdo working in his weird lab not so long ago... I'm just curious where does that really put you in the whole chain of importance of things in this world as opposed to what you would like to imagine it to be...


Seems to me those bacteria were mostly wiping out white people on the European continent.

Where does what put me in the whole chain of importance of things?

Are you directly related to the guy who invented penicillin?

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You can go back in history as far as you like... the only reason the world population never rose above 1 billion in the past was because the bacteria inhabiting this planet always managed to systemically decimate the human population around the world and keep it at a more or less constant level. Thanks to Penicillin today we have an excess of 6 billion people living on this planet, this excess in itself is 6 times more than the whole population of the planet at the date of discovery of Penicillin. This whole excess of 6 billion people was created thanks to some White looking weirdo working in his weird lab not so long ago... I'm just curious where does that really put you in the whole chain of importance of things in this world as opposed to what you would like to imagine it to be...


Seems to me those bacteria were mostly wiping out white people on the European continent.

Where does what put me in the whole chain of importance of things?

Are you directly related to the guy who invented penicillin?

This just shows how extremely poorly educated you are. So you are the superior race to the whites? Mind telling what it is, or you already figured you don't want to be laughed at ? :)

I don't need any credit for that guy's discovery - it's just when your "superior" race disses white people, that literally includes the very guy to whom you should all credit your own existence, and that's not an exaggeration...

I was talking about the fact that you obviously owe your own existence, and your whole family owes its existence at least 4 generations back to the discovery of some white guy in his lab, yet oddly enough you still consider yourself to be superior to the person who in a way created you and the 3-4 generations of people preceding you... Doesn't that strike you as a little odd...?

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What strikes me as odd is that you would comment on this forum like a white supremacist and think others will agree with you. This is not a Klan meeting.

By the way. I'm white, German ancestry, raised in USA where the Klan has a big presence.

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What strikes me as odd is that you would comment on this forum like a white supremacist and think others will agree with you. This is not a Klan meeting.

By the way. I'm white, German ancestry, raised in USA where the Klan has a big presence.


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You can go back in history as far as you like... the only reason the world population never rose above 1 billion in the past was because the bacteria inhabiting this planet always managed to systemically decimate the human population around the world and keep it at a more or less constant level. Thanks to Penicillin today we have an excess of 6 billion people living on this planet, this excess in itself is 6 times more than the whole population of the planet at the date of discovery of Penicillin. This whole excess of 6 billion people was created thanks to some White looking weirdo working in his weird lab not so long ago... I'm just curious where does that really put you in the whole chain of importance of things in this world as opposed to what you would like to imagine it to be...


Seems to me those bacteria were mostly wiping out white people on the European continent.

Where does what put me in the whole chain of importance of things?

Are you directly related to the guy who invented penicillin?

This just shows how extremely poorly educated you are. So you are the superior race to the whites? Mind telling what it is, or you already figured you don't want to be laughed at ? smile.png

I don't need any credit for that guy's discovery - it's just when your "superior" race disses white people, that literally includes the very guy to whom you should all credit your own existence, and that's not an exaggeration...

I was talking about the fact that you obviously owe your own existence, and your whole family owes its existence at least 4 generations back to the discovery of some white guy in his lab, yet oddly enough you still consider yourself to be superior to the person who in a way created you and the 3-4 generations of people preceding you... Doesn't that strike you as a little odd...?


What a tragic, warped view of the world you have.

Just because someone disagrees with your racist views doesn't mean they're not white. Some of us speak out against bigotry and hatred in all forms

Let's imagine for a second that I was black (I'm not).

Please explain how would I owe my existence to a white bloke in a white coat when the Bubonic plague started in Northern China and wiped out half of Europe?

Not Africa, Europe

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What strikes me as odd is that you would comment on this forum like a white supremacist and think others will agree with you. This is not a Klan meeting.

By the way. I'm white, German ancestry, raised in USA where the Klan has a big presence.

care to expand on your one word comment?
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What strikes me as odd is that you would comment on this forum like a white supremacist and think others will agree with you. This is not a Klan meeting.

By the way. I'm white, German ancestry, raised in USA where the Klan has a big presence.

care to expand on your one word comment?


The part about the klan having s big presence.

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You can go back in history as far as you like... the only reason the world population never rose above 1 billion in the past was because the bacteria inhabiting this planet always managed to systemically decimate the human population around the world and keep it at a more or less constant level. Thanks to Penicillin today we have an excess of 6 billion people living on this planet, this excess in itself is 6 times more than the whole population of the planet at the date of discovery of Penicillin. This whole excess of 6 billion people was created thanks to some White looking weirdo working in his weird lab not so long ago... I'm just curious where does that really put you in the whole chain of importance of things in this world as opposed to what you would like to imagine it to be...


Seems to me those bacteria were mostly wiping out white people on the European continent.

Where does what put me in the whole chain of importance of things?

Are you directly related to the guy who invented penicillin?

This just shows how extremely poorly educated you are. So you are the superior race to the whites? Mind telling what it is, or you already figured you don't want to be laughed at ? smile.png

I don't need any credit for that guy's discovery - it's just when your "superior" race disses white people, that literally includes the very guy to whom you should all credit your own existence, and that's not an exaggeration...

I was talking about the fact that you obviously owe your own existence, and your whole family owes its existence at least 4 generations back to the discovery of some white guy in his lab, yet oddly enough you still consider yourself to be superior to the person who in a way created you and the 3-4 generations of people preceding you... Doesn't that strike you as a little odd...?


What a tragic, warped view of the world you have.

Just because someone disagrees with your racist views doesn't mean they're not white. Some of us speak out against bigotry and hatred in all forms

Let's imagine for a second that I was black (I'm not).

Please explain how would I owe my existence to a white bloke in a white coat when the Bubonic plague started in Northern China and wiped out half of Europe?

Not Africa, Europe

The bacteria that caused the bubonic plague was by far not the only bacteria ever around, you can add to that Syphilis, Cholera, Typhus, Tuberculosis, Gonorrhea each of which and especially when combined can easily and significantly decimate or significantly reduce population of any city without treatment. Do I really need to waste my time trying to explain that? The introduction of this WMD vs the bacteria is exactly what enabled the unprecedented level of growth and congregation of people around the planet, on every continent. There were other factors as well, but this the main one. Any technological advancement can be easily hampered if there are not enough people left around to take advantage of it. For the benefit of humanity itself and its development and growth of community, culture and so on - humans themselves are the main resource and contributors available on this planet. So this one invention is exactly what enabled the growth of so many communities - of various races on every continent, unlike at any stage previously in history.

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What strikes me as odd is that you would comment on this forum like a white supremacist and think others will agree with you. This is not a Klan meeting.

By the way. I'm white, German ancestry, raised in USA where the Klan has a big presence.

care to expand on your one word comment?


The part about the klan having s big presence.

sorry maybe I am not a global expert on The KKK but I know that a lot of the people in southern Indiana are racists and there is definitely a klan presence there. Anyway, that is what you decided to comment on. Weird.
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The bacteria that caused the bubonic plague was by far not the only bacteria ever around, you can add to that Syphilis, Cholera, Typhus, Tuberculosis, Gonorrhea each of which and especially when combined can easily and significantly decimate or significantly reduce population of any city without treatment. Do I really need to waste my time trying to explain that? The introduction of this WMD vs the bacteria is exactly what enabled the unprecedented level of growth and congregation of people around the planet, on every continent. There were other factors as well, but this the main one. Any technological advancement can be easily hampered if there are not enough people left around to take advantage of it. For the benefit of humanity itself and its development and growth of community, culture and so on - humans themselves are the main resource and contributors available on this planet. So this one invention is exactly what enabled the growth of so many communities - of various races on every continent, unlike at any stage previously in history.

Yeah, evaded the question with all the grace of a hippo on ice but that's a common trait among supremacists of any colour. Poke holes in their stories and they swerve clumsily to the next piece of fantasy.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Your disturbing tirade leaves me in no doubt that what people say about Thailand attracting the worst of the West is by no means an exaggeration.

BTW, the pace of the world's population explosion over the last 100 or so years aligns almost perfectly with the scale of oil production, squire, not cures for a few random diseases

You're nowhere near as bright as you'd like to imagine you are

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The bacteria that caused the bubonic plague was by far not the only bacteria ever around, you can add to that Syphilis, Cholera, Typhus, Tuberculosis, Gonorrhea each of which and especially when combined can easily and significantly decimate or significantly reduce population of any city without treatment. Do I really need to waste my time trying to explain that? The introduction of this WMD vs the bacteria is exactly what enabled the unprecedented level of growth and congregation of people around the planet, on every continent. There were other factors as well, but this the main one. Any technological advancement can be easily hampered if there are not enough people left around to take advantage of it. For the benefit of humanity itself and its development and growth of community, culture and so on - humans themselves are the main resource and contributors available on this planet. So this one invention is exactly what enabled the growth of so many communities - of various races on every continent, unlike at any stage previously in history.

Yeah, evaded the question with all the grace of a hippo on ice but that's a common trait among supremacists of any colour. Poke holes in their stories and they swerve clumsily to the next piece of fantasy.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Your disturbing tirade leaves me in no doubt that what people say about Thailand attracting the worst of the West is by no means an exaggeration.

BTW, the pace of the world's population explosion over the last 100 or so years aligns almost perfectly with the scale of oil production, squire, not cures for a few random diseases

You're nowhere near as bright as you'd like to imagine you are

Oh I did answer your question, but it seems you are obviously suffer from an acute brain cell deficiency to understand it, and you should really take it as a compliment, the reality is of course much worse. There was nothing "disturbing" or even racist about my "tirade", the problem is that you are yourself extremely disturbed for whatever reason:) Since I'm not your therapist and you don't pay me $150+ an hour, there's really not much I can do to help you with your problem :)

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What strikes me as odd is that you would comment on this forum like a white supremacist and think others will agree with you. This is not a Klan meeting.

By the way. I'm white, German ancestry, raised in USA where the Klan has a big presence.

care to expand on your one word comment?


The part about the klan having s big presence.

sorry maybe I am not a global expert on The KKK but I know that a lot of the people in southern Indiana are racists and there is definitely a klan presence there. Anyway, that is what you decided to comment on. Weird.

I'm from the US and have worked in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Kansas, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Nevada, Arizona and California (even a few weeks in Rochester Indiana) and I have never come in contact with an admitted klan member, so when someone claims there is a big presence of klan in the US l call bullsh*t. Why is that weird? I think making up nonsense and posting it up as fact is weird.

That you've backpedaled and admitted you were making it up is commendable. Thanks.

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What strikes me as odd is that you would comment on this forum like a white supremacist and think others will agree with you. This is not a Klan meeting.

By the way. I'm white, German ancestry, raised in USA where the Klan has a big presence.

care to expand on your one word comment?


The part about the klan having s big presence.

sorry maybe I am not a global expert on The KKK but I know that a lot of the people in southern Indiana are racists and there is definitely a klan presence there. Anyway, that is what you decided to comment on. Weird.

I'm from the US and have worked in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Kansas, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Nevada, Arizona and California (even a few weeks in Rochester Indiana) and I have never come in contact with an admitted klan member, so when someone claims there is a big presence of klan in the US l call bullsh*t. Why is that weird? I think making up nonsense and posting it up as fact is weird.

That you've backpedaled and admitted you were making it up is commendable. Thanks.

i didn't backpedal at all. The whole point of my comment is that I came from a VERY racist part of America where the Klan definitely has a presence. Feel free to go there and prove otherwise.
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Sorry I have to add my 2 cents here. Before this term is ever thrown around again it's important that people understand what it actually means:

  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
    As far as I can tell this is not me by any stretch of imagination... I tolerate opinions of any groups of people - some people don't eat pork - fine with me, some people don't eat beef - fine with with me, and so on and so forth, I respect their rights of association and disassociation... All I am saying is that everyone(including myself) has the right to demand the same in return. It's very simple and very civilized. And in general sense it doesn't hurt to be extra careful and to use proper manners and common sense when dealing with people who have different background from yours... that's really all I'm trying to encourage here.
    Some people who commented here certainly deserve accusations of bigotry without a doubt, as for the accusations of somebody being a Klan member, come on, I appreciate the sense of humour, but it's just ridiculous :)
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What strikes me as odd is that you would comment on this forum like a white supremacist and think others will agree with you. This is not a Klan meeting.

By the way. I'm white, German ancestry, raised in USA where the Klan has a big presence.

care to expand on your one word comment?


The part about the klan having s big presence.

sorry maybe I am not a global expert on The KKK but I know that a lot of the people in southern Indiana are racists and there is definitely a klan presence there. Anyway, that is what you decided to comment on. Weird.

I'm from the US and have worked in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Kansas, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Nevada, Arizona and California (even a few weeks in Rochester Indiana) and I have never come in contact with an admitted klan member, so when someone claims there is a big presence of klan in the US l call bullsh*t. Why is that weird? I think making up nonsense and posting it up as fact is weird.

That you've backpedaled and admitted you were making it up is commendable. Thanks.

i didn't backpedal at all. The whole point of my comment is that I came from a VERY racist part of America where the Klan definitely has a presence. Feel free to go there and prove otherwise.

Sorry, I thought you meant there was a big presence of klan in the US.

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OP now watch all the expats here come out from the woodwork trying to insist how unracist they are while calling the thais racist forgetting that it is western society that is one of the most racist places around with the slavery of black people for example something which no asians have ever done.

In fact there are different standards of racism that these expats will use. They have now freed blacks so they are no more racist yet just assume a thai looks at them wrongly the thais are more racist.

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OP now watch all the expats here come out from the woodwork trying to insist how unracist they are while calling the thais racist forgetting that it is western society that is one of the most racist places around with the slavery of black people for example something which no asians have ever done.

In fact there are different standards of racism that these expats will use. They have now freed blacks so they are no more racist yet just assume a thai looks at them wrongly the thais are more racist.

Asians never owned slaves?

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i have stayed in this country for just 5 months, and i have noticed that the greatest amount of racism surprisingly

exist among expats..Thais will readily accept you if you are a good person . this is my personal experience, i am black living in Thailand.

i have gotten stares from the locals but nothing serious, but i have experienced the highest form of racism among expats.

What level of racism?

You comparing the racist stares you get from the locals.. To how, (maybe drunk) American(s) assumed you could not be a teacher in Thailand, because you're black?

That type of extreme racism?

What other racial incidents

have you had in the past 5 years?

If an American is making you feel less of a man.. Man up and try harder to convince them you are actually a teacher in a school, because I'm not convinced you are either..

Anyway.. Maybe those that think you're here in Thailand for their entertainment... Have had to walk on egg shells, making sure not to mention watermelon or fried chicken in a conversation with a black person, without being accused of being a racist..

It's like there is no problem if you were white, and I said you could be the 'poster boy' for whatever... But since you're black, mention 'boy' and for sure you'll be screaming some racist claim..

Anyway.. Seems like your doing fine, just don't let stupid shit bother you..

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i have stayed in this country for just 5 months, and i have noticed that the greatest amount of racism surprisingly

exist among expats..Thais will readily accept you if you are a good person . this is my personal experience, i am black living in Thailand.

i have gotten stares from the locals but nothing serious, but i have experienced the highest form of racism among expats.

What level of racism?

You comparing the racist stares you get from the locals.. To how, (maybe drunk) American(s) assumed you could not be a teacher in Thailand, because you're black?

That type of extreme racism?

What other racial incidents

have you had in the past 5 years?

If an American is making you feel less of a man.. Man up and try harder to convince them you are actually a teacher in a school, because I'm not convinced you are either..

Anyway.. Maybe those that think you're here in Thailand for their entertainment... Have had to walk on egg shells, making sure not to mention watermelon or fried chicken in a conversation with a black person, without being accused of being a racist..

It's like there is no problem if you were white, and I said you could be the 'poster boy' for whatever... But since you're black, mention 'boy' and for sure you'll be screaming some racist claim..

Anyway.. Seems like your doing fine, just don't let stupid shit bother you..

How low would the IQ of these white people have to be if they have to work so hard to avoid saying "watermelon" and "fried chicken" in everyday parlance with another human being who just happens to be black?

That being said, though, the range of the average redneck's conversational repertoire is known to be rather limited

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i have stayed in this country for just 5 months, and i have noticed that the greatest amount of racism surprisingly

exist among expats..Thais will readily accept you if you are a good person . this is my personal experience, i am black living in Thailand.

i have gotten stares from the locals but nothing serious, but i have experienced the highest form of racism among expats.

What level of racism?

You comparing the racist stares you get from the locals.. To how, (maybe drunk) American(s) assumed you could not be a teacher in Thailand, because you're black?

That type of extreme racism?

What other racial incidents

have you had in the past 5 years?

If an American is making you feel less of a man.. Man up and try harder to convince them you are actually a teacher in a school, because I'm not convinced you are either..

Anyway.. Maybe those that think you're here in Thailand for their entertainment... Have had to walk on egg shells, making sure not to mention watermelon or fried chicken in a conversation with a black person, without being accused of being a racist..

It's like there is no problem if you were white, and I said you could be the 'poster boy' for whatever... But since you're black, mention 'boy' and for sure you'll be screaming some racist claim..

Anyway.. Seems like your doing fine, just don't let stupid shit bother you..

How low would the IQ of these white people have to be if they have to work so hard to avoid saying "watermelon" and "fried chicken" in everyday parlance with another human being who just happens to be black?

That being said, though, the range of the average redneck's conversational repertoire is known to be rather limited

No one should avoid saying any non-racist word....

Like asking an Asian, if they want rice crispy for breakfast or fish sticks for lunch.. That's all I had to offer at the time, but heard the bullshit that I was stereotyping..

Or a black person being informed there is watermelon on sale, that all all customers are being informed of..

Some blacks are just way too sensitive.. And one Asian dude I know of...

Edited by D3030
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No idea what world you live in where black people kick off when the word "watermelon" is said but I suspect it's only accessible while you're in REM sleep

I'm sure some blacks are too sensitive just as some whites are.

You only need to look at the fools in Thailand bitching about the word "farang" to see that

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OP now watch all the expats here come out from the woodwork trying to insist how unracist they are while calling the thais racist forgetting that it is western society that is one of the most racist places around with the slavery of black people for example something which no asians have ever done.

In fact there are different standards of racism that these expats will use. They have now freed blacks so they are no more racist yet just assume a thai looks at them wrongly the thais are more racist.

Asians never owned slaves?

1. In many asian not be deep slavery and its be 1000-1400 year ago ..

2. Racism and Slavery it not realy from same way comes.. UK Irland guys sels as black african guys to America ( just price be cheaper)

3. Slavery have different type.Not all slave was a thing without any rights. Some slave societies the slave was as a part of a family with more more hard work and less rights.

4. Not forget what happened in America when even cancel slavery - Jim Crow laws.rolleyes.gif

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Do you wear something like this?


If you do they were probably just taking the piss!

No harm done.....

Sorry, have to click the link, wouldn't let me upload the picture..

those are two mechannics :D

otherweise knowsn as grease monkeys but that might be construed as racist ,.................:)

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No idea what world you live in where black people kick off when the word "watermelon" is said but I suspect it's only accessible while you're in REM sleep

I'm sure some blacks are too sensitive just as some whites are.

You only need to look at the fools in Thailand bitching about the word "farang" to see that

I live in the world of "Reality!"

When a white guy gets offended by being described as a 'farang" - It makes no sense to me..

I saw an Asian guy, thought was Thai.. I was told he was farang because he spoke English like I did...

What irks me, is when a person backs down from a belief/stance to avoid being accused of being a racist!

Got to go..

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OP now watch all the expats here come out from the woodwork trying to insist how unracist they are while calling the thais racist forgetting that it is western society that is one of the most racist places around with the slavery of black people for example something which no asians have ever done.

In fact there are different standards of racism that these expats will use. They have now freed blacks so they are no more racist yet just assume a thai looks at them wrongly the thais are more racist.

Asians never owned slaves?

1. In many asian not be deep slavery and its be 1000-1400 year ago ..

2. Racism and Slavery it not realy from same way comes.. UK Irland guys sels as black african guys to America ( just price be cheaper)

3. Slavery have different type.Not all slave was a thing without any rights. Some slave societies the slave was as a part of a family with more more hard work and less rights.

4. Not forget what happened in America when even cancel slavery - Jim Crow laws.rolleyes.gif

So plenty of Asians did own slaves, that's what I thought.

Some would argue the slave trade is still going in many parts of Asia.

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Slavery is going on everywhere around the world. Europe, US, Asia, Africa - you name it... lol

All those illegal Mexicans usually live in conditions which one would describe as being something next to being a slave - menial labour without any rights, and that's on top of the other problems such as human trafficking and forced prostitution - it's a huge problem in US, in other parts of the world too... lol

Personally I find that I am the most non-racist and almost transcendental person I met anywhere, I feel like I completely lack the racist gene. But It's an unfortunate reality that most people on this planet are racist( but I think the right word is ignorant here) - but in my view they are just narrow-minded and can only see what's on the outside, for the most part all they see is the slight variation in pigmentation - but at least from the scientific view that should really give you almost zero information about the subject, yet for some odd reason it's the only bit of information that most people choose to see and through some magic completely filter out all the other more important information... And this is not a "white" problem by far, everybody is guilty of this... This is humans for you... A lot of us see only what we want to see... The idea that white people are somehow more or less racist than others is completely ridiculous... I think all humans tend to get confused or prejudiced in exactly the same way, because while we may look a bit different, our perception of this world is exactly the same, that doesn't really differ from one race to another, or between any two humans a lot - we are all being shown exactly the same picture, that's exactly why we all fall into exactly the same rabbit hole - it's due to our common limitations of the perception of the world we live in - we all have exactly the same problem. That's why I don't understand what all this finger pointing is for, when everybody is equally limited and therefore prejudiced in our perception of the world around us...

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..but i will admit they dont like the black color..not that they don't like your person

yes, it's my impression: it's not your person they don't like, it's the black color ; how many Thai people told me they don't like their brown color ( that they call " black " , but it's brown ); they like white color, for them it's the symbol of beauty and it shows they don't work outside in the fields

I have heard racist words for Burmese from Thai people, you see it can be also for other Asian people

as for the word " farang ", ok for me, I am a farang and it's shorter to say it than " the guy with a white skin "

Edited by Aforek
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