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Racism towards chinese tourists and biasness.

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To the pedants on here saying that Chinese is not a race; we get it! For the purposes of discussion most people will associate dicrimination against someone Chinese as being racist.

There are only 3 or sometimes 4 races recognised by anthropologists: white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid

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To the pedants on here saying that Chinese is not a race; we get it! For the purposes of discussion most people will associate dicrimination against someone Chinese as being racist.

There are only 3 or sometimes 4 races recognised by anthropologists: white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid

That is so last century! Ya missed a few:




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To the pedants on here saying that Chinese is not a race; we get it! For the purposes of discussion most people will associate dicrimination against someone Chinese as being racist.

There are only 3 or sometimes 4 races recognised by anthropologists: white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid

That is so last century! Ya missed a few:




And of Course homoplastice




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You know something? The 4th sentence onwards you don't make anymore sense.

No it isn't based on some other thread but my personal observation.

You know speaking of fornication well does it run in the family? You know we all have different concepts of it.

If you're on the path to enlightenment, you best know where to find the light switch...


Weird that you say that the timing of your thread is not born out of another thread decrying perceived racism which was started earlier in the day...


Fornicating with Kangaroos and Sheep? Not my cup of tea but cooked medium rare with a beautiful red wine jus is a different story altogether...

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To the pedants on here saying that Chinese is not a race; we get it! For the purposes of discussion most people will associate dicrimination against someone Chinese as being racist.

There are only 3 or sometimes 4 races recognised by anthropologists: white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid

Yes - those are the races that annoy me every morning on the skytrain by pushing in and shouting on their mobile phones. No more White, Asian or Black tourists I say. And as for those Australoids with their flippin' boomerangs ..... go walkabout somewhere else and stop clogging up the Khao San Road.

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We was on Khao San yestreen having a gargle and there were a fair few Chinese quackpackers there. The majority of the female of the species I observed are quite delicious, so gents, welcome the Chinese with open arms...

They are struggling with the backpacker "hippy" look though, but the look on their faces when staff jabber at them in Thai, and the apparent shock on said staff's faces when they realise that not all Asians in Thailand are Thai is a picture....

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To the pedants on here saying that Chinese is not a race; we get it! For the purposes of discussion most people will associate dicrimination against someone Chinese as being racist.

There are only 3 or sometimes 4 races recognised by anthropologists: white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid

You cannot be that daft can you?

He made that statement about chinese not being a race so as to avoid being called racist if he made any slurs towards chinese.

FYI chinese is both a nationality and an ethnicity and it's the same with an englishman. You can either be an anglo that is an ethnic englishman or a black englishman that is a citizen of england but of a different ethnic group like black.

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You know something? The 4th sentence onwards you don't make anymore sense.

No it isn't based on some other thread but my personal observation.

You know speaking of fornication well does it run in the family? You know we all have different concepts of it.

If you're on the path to enlightenment, you best know where to find the light switch...


Weird that you say that the timing of your thread is not born out of another thread decrying perceived racism which was started earlier in the day...


Fornicating with Kangaroos and Sheep? Not my cup of tea but cooked medium rare with a beautiful red wine jus is a different story altogether...

I find your post so weird it seems that you are going way off topic. Please we aren't discussing your family habits.

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We was on Khao San yestreen having a gargle and there were a fair few Chinese quackpackers there. The majority of the female of the species I observed are quite delicious, so gents, welcome the Chinese with open arms...

They are struggling with the backpacker "hippy" look though, but the look on their faces when staff jabber at them in Thai, and the apparent shock on said staff's faces when they realise that not all Asians in Thailand are Thai is a picture....

so if the girls are ugly you shouldn't welcome them?

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We was on Khao San yestreen having a gargle and there were a fair few Chinese quackpackers there. The majority of the female of the species I observed are quite delicious, so gents, welcome the Chinese with open arms...

They are struggling with the backpacker "hippy" look though, but the look on their faces when staff jabber at them in Thai, and the apparent shock on said staff's faces when they realise that not all Asians in Thailand are Thai is a picture....

so if the girls are ugly you shouldn't welcome them?

Absolutely not dear chap....

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We defeated the Russians and saved the world from their nuclear weapons and in doing so brought peace to mankind.

God bless you Ronald Regan.

And when did you defeat the Russians then

Just about a week before we brought peace to mankind.

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I thought ethnicity bashing was the #1 sport at this forum. Nobody is spared here.

I don't see the Russians being treated more favourably. It seems there are many negative posts aimed at them

As for the Chinese, even the Chinese government is aware of how their people don't observe or seem to care about the customs of their host nations, and in an attempt to make them less offensive when abroad they published a handbook not long ago, explaining to Chinese citizens about undesirable habits such as spitting.

In both situations, we are talking about Communist countries, whose people were generally isolated and have not yet developed the "travel sophistication" of countries where people enjoyed less restrictive access to the world.

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We defeated the Russians and saved the world from their nuclear weapons and in doing so brought peace to mankind.

God bless you Ronald Regan.

And when did you defeat the Russians then

So, in a thread that is about racism towards Chinese people, farang000999 decides in a disassociated manner to follow up on an old one about sarcasm and give us a good example of sarcasm.

His statement that the US defeated the Russians must be sarcasm. It sure ain't reality.

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Certainly did defeat them at the global geopolitical games we were playing up to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The military-industrial complex had everyone convinced they actually threatened globalisation and the worldwide spread of MNC capitalism.

Now they use terrorism, pedophilia and the war on drugs as excuses.

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I can't agree with the OP ... I know plenty of people who actively speak out about bad Russian behavior, but not just Russiansit might be Italians, Aussies, Americans, anyone who is being obnoxious or making a public spectacle out of themselves.

Does OP mind telling me why its only Chinese OP is supporting on this particular thread. I can remember plenty of nationality's that cope a ragging every so often on here if they become known for some public misdeed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You address the forum as if everyone is one person and thinks the same.

Can you post an example of this alleged racism ?

I wish i could have saved the posts down but i suppose you will get my point if you read this forum long enough.

Ok here is an example. Like someone will write oh more chinese tourists will be coming to say chiang mai and he will imply it's a bad thing because of the racist assumption that the tourists he observed means that all chinese tourists will be like that,

You know that this won't apply to russians. Ppl will be willing to overlook the fact that not all russians behave badly but it doesn't apply to the chinese tourists.

Perhaps you should get a hobby.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You address the forum as if everyone is one person and thinks the same.

Can you post an example of this alleged racism ?

I wish i could have saved the posts down but i suppose you will get my point if you read this forum long enough.

Ok here is an example. Like someone will write oh more chinese tourists will be coming to say chiang mai and he will imply it's a bad thing because of the racist assumption that the tourists he observed means that all chinese tourists will be like that,

You know that this won't apply to russians. Ppl will be willing to overlook the fact that not all russians behave badly but it doesn't apply to the chinese tourists.

Perhaps you should get a hobby.

so you didn't actually deny my observation to be wrong but somehow indirectly support such views.

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" Ok here is an example. Like someone will write oh more chinese tourists will be coming to say chiang mai and he will imply it's a bad thing because of the racist assumption that the tourists he observed means that all chinese tourists will be like that,"

The first thing that you should realize that Chinese tourist are pouring in lately. It is a relatively new experience. You obviously haven't been around a long time but in the past 15 years there have been other groups that dominated the tourism industry and they did receive a lot of criticism at first.

We will eventually get used to their ways.

problems with your post and outrage is due to logic and not stereotypes.

1st the Chinese government has made vast efforts in the past 2 years to train Chinese tourists how to behave. They have been given a very bad rap globally.

2nd some of the older traditional acceptable social behaviors in China do not translate well outside of China.

3rd. The vast amounts that are coming is overwhelming. CM alone has several thousand each month. There is definite a noticeable difference between the amount of tourists during off season.

Chinese Tourists as a group/not every person but as a group are loud, self entitled, do spit in public spaces including indoor.

I was at the CM airport getting off a plane from Beijing 300 Chinese tourist on the plane with me. Going through immigration was insane. People cutting in line. There was an old man who hauked up the largest phlegm bomb and spit right on the floor. This was only 1 person out of 300+ however, it is easy to lump everyone together when something that outrageous happened. If this was a group of tourist from other countries most likely someone would have yelled at that person but Chinese do not correct innapropriate behavior from each other.

Bias against Chinese Tourists is not the same as Bias agains the nationality/ethnicity.

Racial discrimination is based on race, nationality or ethnicity so ignore comments about Chinese not being a race.

The noveu riche of China do have a long way to come as a group before they are accepted as tourists. Heck in France there are shops that have signs that say "No Chinese"

I have taught Chinese students in Bejing. Most foreigners that come to Beijing are quite shocked with the differences in what is socially acceptable. No one thinks that all chinese people spit, pee in public, let babies crap on the street, are loud, aggressive etc. However, when you see it several times a day it is pretty easy to fall victim to the stereotype.

Overall, relax. In time, a year or so most will accept the Chinese tourists and the occassional breech of ettiquete. You cannot expect people to automatically accept a different way of doing things immediately.

Bottom line for me is being pushed and knocked about. I was so happy coming back to Thailand and not having that happen.

OP my guess is that you are chinese but never have lived in your homeland for extended periods of time or turn the blinders off to the cultural differences between Chinese polite and Thai polite.

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To the pedants on here saying that Chinese is not a race; we get it! For the purposes of discussion most people will associate dicrimination against someone Chinese as being racist.

There are only 3 or sometimes 4 races recognised by anthropologists: white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid

You cannot be that daft can you?

He made that statement about chinese not being a race so as to avoid being called racist if he made any slurs towards chinese.

FYI chinese is both a nationality and an ethnicity and it's the same with an englishman. You can either be an anglo that is an ethnic englishman or a black englishman that is a citizen of england but of a different ethnic group like black.

Technically its discrimination on the lines of ethnicity, not race.

It is an issue however when numpties go on about racial genetic superiority only to find out they arent a distinct race.

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I love any race (nationality/colour/creed) that has desirable women (which for me, so far, is all of them).

Thai women,

Small and slim yum, yum.

Chinese girls,

With the extra white legs,

I'm even learning some Chinese in the hope of scoring.

'war eye knee' = I love you.

Russian girls,

Yep, some of them are totally cute (and available) too.

American girls,

My pal scored with a lass half his age a couple of weeks back, she invited me to join, but sadly I had other plans.

Japanese girls,

You haven't lived until you have bedded one, be prepared for some outstandingly unusual requests.

Keep the different nationalities and races coming, I'm ready.

Chiang Mai, the city where you can sample delicacies from around the world.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Have you been to Spain, the way some of the ''British Tourists'' act are terrible.., but they have been doing this for years..

I am British and its so degrading....

''Benidorm'' is the hub of it, all the ''Chav Brits'' head there, and then the trouble starts, fuelled by the old demon drink of course..

Could just imagine what the Spanish think of us....

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Have you been to Spain, the way some of the ''British Tourists'' act are terrible.., but they have been doing this for years..

I am British and its so degrading....

''Benidorm'' is the hub of it, all the ''Chav Brits'' head there, and then the trouble starts, fuelled by the old demon drink of course..

Could just imagine what the Spanish think of us....

That's been going on for 40 years. In the current business climate, they probably wish more would pitch up.

But you see, the Spanish are smart. They try to keep the mess all in one spot, un like thailand where every resort ranges from 1 to 5 star.

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umm... I introduced myself to some hippy girl and asked where she was from... she said "china" I said oh really ? i meant oh wow never meet a hippy from china/cool i have a few questions that a hippy from china might know.... she got angry and said, Sorry and walked away...

i didn't know what to make of it but took it as an agressive way of dealing with something deep inside of her and insecurity about the envorment in China.. I found this rude vulgar and not at all good to project what someone else means without giving them a chance to explain..

i regreat not saying.. sorry for what ? or what are you talking about ?

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