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PM staying at 'safe house'

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She cannot be responsible for the many years of corruption in Thailand. Her brother made efforts to resolve some and then given the bum's rush..fact is, Thailand took on the vast production of rice in SEA, esp Vietnam, w/out adequate facilities to test, dry, package & store properly.. simply greed by the rice mills. the aluerone layer on rice grain aka bran (most nutritious part-fed to livestock et al..) if not removed/polished will cause rot.. Thailand cannot be the rice hub until corrections are made.. YLS has been made a scapegoat for inept &/or scheming Rice moguls, they know who they are.. http://www.fao.org/docrep/t0567e/T0567E07.htm

Edited by 123thaibourbon
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She cannot be responsible for the many years of corruption in Thailand. Her brother made efforts to resolve some and then given the bum's rush..fact is, Thailand took on the vast production of rice in SEA, esp Vietnam, w/out adequate facilities to test, dry, package & store properly.. simply greed by the rice mills. the alueron layer on rice grain aka bran (most nutritious part-fed to livestock et al..) if not removed/polished will cause rot.. Thailand cannot be the rice hub until corrections are made.. YLS has been made a scapegoat for inept &/or scheming Rice moguls, they know who they are..

She is not responsible--full stop.

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So YL is in hiding and has not been seen in 4 days. How do they know she is even in BKK?

Only a few days ago it was announced plans were being made for her to go north on a mission to (oversee) the drought problem. I guess she is sufficiently scared now to be in hiding and must be doing her caretaker job via facebook. Either that or she is on a shopping trip?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Shows how much she trusts the dynamic duo of Chalerm and Tarit to control peace and order and ensure her safety.

Or indeed the military, isn't careteaker-PM Yingluck still also caretaker-Defence Minister, as well ? rolleyes.gif

No, she's keeping well away, while the shit flies & Chalerm's boys wade-in, wouldn't want any of the blame to attach itself to one of the 'family'. wink.png

She can then return later and still claim to have squeaky-clean hands ! facepalm.gif

Edited by Ricardo
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That's what you want from a nations leader, someone that sheds crocodile tears, runs the country from facebook and is inaccessible because she is cowering from the electorate and press in a safe house.

And all due to an old unhinged idiot that you are supporting in his vain quest for power.

Do you honestly think this is a good outcome of the protests?

Is this really what you want, what the Thai people want?

If your answer is yes, I'll put you and suthep in the in the same mental bracket.

The electorate was duped into voting for a party led by a political novice, so obviously they got what they asked for.

If they want change they will NOT vote for her in the election now proceeding, something quite evidently happening.

After this faux election is declared void and reforms carried out, do you expect her to be elected in the unlikely case that she will be eligible to run?

Edited by JRSoul
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She cannot be responsible for the many years of corruption in Thailand. Her brother made efforts to resolve some and then given the bum's rush..fact is, Thailand took on the vast production of rice in SEA, esp Vietnam, w/out adequate facilities to test, dry, package & store properly.. simply greed by the rice mills. the aluerone layer on rice grain aka bran (most nutritious part-fed to livestock et al..) if not removed/polished will cause rot.. Thailand cannot be the rice hub until corrections are made.. YLS has been made a scapegoat for inept &/or scheming Rice moguls, they know who they are.. http://www.fao.org/docrep/t0567e/T0567E07.htm

No point in trying to educate the Suthep farangs, they don't want to learn.

Altogether now all hail the great leader hail hail hail.

The tractors went home boys it's all over.

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That's what you want from a nations leader, someone that sheds crocodile tears, runs the country from facebook and is inaccessible because she is cowering from the electorate and press in a safe house.

And all due to an old unhinged idiot that you are supporting in his vain quest for power.

Do you honestly think this is a good outcome of the protests?

Is this really what you want, what the Thai people want?

If your answer is yes, I'll put you and suthep in the in the same mental bracket.

The electorate was duped into voting for a party led by a political novice, so obviously they got what they asked for.

If they want change they will NOT vote for her in the election now proceeding, something quite evidently happening.

After this faux election is declared void and reforms carried out, do you expect her to be elected in the unlikely case that she will be eligible to run?

"If they want change they will NOT vote for her in the election"

Correct It's what it's all about, not Sutheps dictatorship!!!!!! we will tell you when you can vote BS.

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She cannot be responsible for the many years of corruption in Thailand. Her brother made efforts to resolve some and then given the bum's rush..fact is, Thailand took on the vast production of rice in SEA, esp Vietnam, w/out adequate facilities to test, dry, package & store properly.. simply greed by the rice mills. the aluerone layer on rice grain aka bran (most nutritious part-fed to livestock et al..) if not removed/polished will cause rot.. Thailand cannot be the rice hub until corrections are made.. YLS has been made a scapegoat for inept &/or scheming Rice moguls, they know who they are.. http://www.fao.org/docrep/t0567e/T0567E07.htm

No point in trying to educate the Suthep farangs, they don't want to learn.

Altogether now all hail the great leader hail hail hail.

The tractors went home boys it's all over.

As they say it aint over till thr fat lady sings. The farmers have not been paid and it is still questionable if YL can use gov bonds to pay them. If the farmers are not paid this time the only thing that will be over is YLs position and there is still the question on wether her freedom will be over as well after the NACC is finished with her.

As for your comment about Suthep farangs! I am sure that most farangs here are not supporters of either party. I believe more that that support punishment for wrongdoing. It is you and the supporters of these parties that make us see justice is not important. Unlike you hard core political fanatics most farang can see the BIG picture about both parties actions.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Easy there campers it IS a Nation piece so don't take it too seriously coffee1.gif

Could well be true about the PM skipping off, natural for posters to speculate as no one seems to know her whereabouts, I would guess she wouldn't even trust her cabinet to know, would YOU??, look who is in the cabinet positions.

Yet we still get anti Nation talk and dwindling pro government posters.

There is something dodgy about the over re-action of the P.M. to the threats to hound her down---she takes that as a death threat ??? stupid it was meant as to locate her and confront her---but taking it to the extreme she is hiding---not from fear of being hurt but from fear of being more exposed by the questions she may be asked.

My idea is the brother is saying keep out of view, as he knows she cannot cope with question time. He actually couldn't if you look at his interviews in the past-his answers were about the same caliber as hers, skirting and a joke.

Another stunning analysis of the situation relying on all the old stereotypes.

People move on even if you don't, mentally, that is.

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The major aspect of this article revolves around the word "BELIEVED".

A biased newspaper prints a story saying it thinks, perhaps, could be, maybe she is at a safe house.

They have no proof, they have no evidence and their whole story is based on their "belief" she is. This again shows the very worst of the bias in certain media outlets who print headline stores based on rumour with no evidence of it being correct or not

All in my opinion of course.

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So YL is in hiding and has not been seen in 4 days. How do they know she is even in BKK?

Only a few days ago it was announced plans were being made for her to go north on a mission to (oversee) the drought problem. I guess she is sufficiently scared now to be in hiding and must be doing her caretaker job via facebook. Either that or she is on a shopping trip?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You do know there is a difference between being protected in a safe house and being "in hiding"? Just because you may not have seen her in four days doesn't mean she "has not been seen for 4 days". That's the whole idea of a safe house.

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The major aspect of this article revolves around the word "BELIEVED".

A biased newspaper prints a story saying it thinks, perhaps, could be, maybe she is at a safe house.

They have no proof, they have no evidence and their whole story is based on their "belief" she is. This again shows the very worst of the bias in certain media outlets who print headline stores based on rumour with no evidence of it being correct or not

All in my opinion of course.

Is it unreasonable to speculate when the PM disappears for 4 days during a political crisis? At least when she is publicly lying we know there is some faint semblance of leadership.

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So YL is in hiding and has not been seen in 4 days. How do they know she is even in BKK?

Only a few days ago it was announced plans were being made for her to go north on a mission to (oversee) the drought problem. I guess she is sufficiently scared now to be in hiding and must be doing her caretaker job via facebook. Either that or she is on a shopping trip?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You do know there is a difference between being protected in a safe house and being "in hiding"? Just because you may not have seen her in four days doesn't mean she "has not been seen for 4 days". That's the whole idea of a safe house.

I understand your point. And people have seen her i am sure. Every day she can be seen in facebook quoting her innocence and blaming others. A safw house is where someone goes to run and hide from view. Is that what a leader of a country should be doing? This is a time when she should be acting the leader and setting the example to her people

Not running scared to a safe house.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The major aspect of this article revolves around the word "BELIEVED".

A biased newspaper prints a story saying it thinks, perhaps, could be, maybe she is at a safe house.

They have no proof, they have no evidence and their whole story is based on their "belief" she is. This again shows the very worst of the bias in certain media outlets who print headline stores based on rumour with no evidence of it being correct or not

All in my opinion of course.

Is it unreasonable to speculate when the PM disappears for 4 days during a political crisis? At least when she is publicly lying we know there is some faint semblance of leadership.

In 2010 PM Abhisit disappeared for 2 weeks !!!!!!!! Not seen in public for 2 whole weeks.

Speculation in some areas was the military had killed him, military arrested him, he had run away to a foreign country and other such nonsense.

My question would be why do you beleive the nonsense put out by the biased media in Thailand - the terrible partisan bias of certain sections of the medai adds to the problems with their propaganda and nonsense stories.

Edited by LevelHead
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So reportedly the PM has been bullied into seeking physical safety. It has been a dismal and grotesque spectacle, in the last few months, watching an influential minority tearing up the democratic parts of the Thai constitution and cheating, bullying, finagling their way into power, just as it was in the period of the last coup. But these events are even more depressing than last time, now the right-wing cover has been blown by the likes of Andrew MacGregor Marshall, there is no secret any more as to what it is all really about, or there shouldn't be. Unable even to talk about the masonic cabal of deep-level politics, many people in Thailand believe this is actually a crusade against corruption, strangely not noticing that the PDRC's attempt to eliminate democracy to gain power for their backers is exactly as corrupt as corruption can get. Physically harrassing the government out of power is the most sordid and politcally bankrupt means they could use, and it has started.

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The major aspect of this article revolves around the word "BELIEVED".

A biased newspaper prints a story saying it thinks, perhaps, could be, maybe she is at a safe house.

They have no proof, they have no evidence and their whole story is based on their "belief" she is. This again shows the very worst of the bias in certain media outlets who print headline stores based on rumour with no evidence of it being correct or not

All in my opinion of course.

Is it unreasonable to speculate when the PM disappears for 4 days during a political crisis? At least when she is publicly lying we know there is some faint semblance of leadership.

In 2010 PM Abhisit disappeared for 2 weeks !!!!!!!! Not seen in public for 2 whole weeks.

Speculation in some areas was the military had killed him, military arrested him, he had run away to a foreign country and other such nonsense.

My question would be why do you beleive the nonsense put out by the biased media in Thailand - the terrible partisan bias of certain sections of the medai adds to the problems with their propaganda and nonsense stories.

Are you 100% sure? I remember it that Abhisit went to an Army camp and held meetings etc.

If you have any links to Abhisit disappeared for 2 weeks. much obliged

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And here, ladies and gentlemen, you have in a nutshell why the PM should resign. The country needs a leader to stand up and be counted, not hide and hope all the beasties will go away. Even her brother has gone unusually quiet.

Enough is enough. For the sake of the country PT needs to appoint someone who can at least offer some semblance of leadership. There must be someone capable of stepping up to the plate surely.

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She cannot be responsible for the many years of corruption in Thailand. Her brother made efforts to resolve some and then given the bum's rush..fact is, Thailand took on the vast production of rice in SEA, esp Vietnam, w/out adequate facilities to test, dry, package & store properly.. simply greed by the rice mills. the aluerone layer on rice grain aka bran (most nutritious part-fed to livestock et al..) if not removed/polished will cause rot.. Thailand cannot be the rice hub until corrections are made.. YLS has been made a scapegoat for inept &/or scheming Rice moguls, they know who they are.. http://www.fao.org/docrep/t0567e/T0567E07.htm

UMM a few problems with your post! First it was Thaksins idea for rice pledging, Second, It was tried already in previous years under Thaksins Governments and found to be wanting. Third, It was brought back by Yingluck as a vote buyer, Full well knowing it had problems (see 2)

I fail to see how the "THE rice moguls " are causing this since i would imagine they want a high world price not a low one. And your sentence about package and storing is fairly ludicrous as the bulk of the rice warehousing was done by the Public Warehouse Organization Ministry of Commerce

But due to mismanagement and lack of sales they had to rent further warehouses from the private sector.


Don't let the facts get in the way

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I don't know how long the PM can hide and try to do her jobs.

Frustrated anti-government people are looking for her.

The longer it takes to find out where about, the more irrational people will be out there.

It will be a dangerous situation for Yingluck.

She should leave Bangkok and go somewhere safer, but I don't think she can leave Bangkok.

If she can't do the job, she is going to blame on PDRC again. We already know that she likes to blame other people.

I don't think she is capable of doing her jobs no matter what and PDRC is not the reasons for her poor job performance.

However, she will make another excuse and the rice farmers will be the victims. I feel sorry for the farmers.

Both PDRC and Yingluck do not care about the farmers.

Whoever wins in the end, I never support any violence in order to resolve the crisis.

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So YL is in hiding and has not been seen in 4 days. How do they know she is even in BKK?

Only a few days ago it was announced plans were being made for her to go north on a mission to (oversee) the drought problem. I guess she is sufficiently scared now to be in hiding and must be doing her caretaker job via facebook. Either that or she is on a shopping trip?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Doing as she is doing makes it easier for her to make a fast get-away if things really goes sideways. I feel sure she is being told by Dubai what to do on a daily basis. If in essan she can scamper across the border into Cambo and be protected by the Dubai dandy's good buddy. The G5 private jet is probably already on standby.

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