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Yingluck to work outside Bangkok to avoid protesters


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Were else in the world would it be possible for a rabble-rousing anarchist with warrants on him to say in public that he and his mob chase hound and even try to "capture" the Prime Minister? We have surpassed the sickening stage.

Why can't they round these thugs up wholesale and put an end to this nightmare?

Because what might be called the "establishment", including at least some of the military command and judiciary are behind him, funding him, and planned the whole shouting (and if needs be shooting) match. That's why.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I suppose one advantage of being up country is that she is further from the sea, and therefore further from the "Navy SEALS"!

Although I suppose they could Schnorkel their way up the Mekong in frogman outfits to snatch her!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That won't go down very well at all with the watching International Democratic Nations.

Thais don't care. And why should they, the country is already at the bottom of the barrel and accepted as 3rd world. Doesn't stop the money flowing in and that's all that matters to them.

Internally the government is protected by an obscure language and low literacy in foreign languages, it's easy enough to keep the general population docile by spreading propaganda in their own language, external yapping such as my writings have zero meaning.

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The rumour my wife tells me is that she is going to set up temp government in Chiangmai.

Its kind of a no brainer at this point why stay in Bangkok if they hate you there. May as well set up a government in exile.

They can set it up it in Dubai or in Montenegro (if the Skype connection is good over there)

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