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Protest leader Suthep rejects negotiations with govt


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Protest leader Suthep rejects negotiations with govt
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BANGKOK, Feb 25 – Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban today flatly ruled out dialogue with the government to end Thailand’s political conflicts.

He said it was unnecessary to find a mediator for negotiations since “a country is not for trading and the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) has organised rallies, aiming at changes and appointment of a good person to run the country.”

Mr Suthep, PDRC secretary general, said the government has been trying to discredit the movement's leaders and supporters as well as spread rumours in order to weaken their strength.

He called on PDRC supporters to strictly follow the non-violent principles which could be a constitutional protection for them.

People from all walks of life to dress in black for three days, starting tomorrow, he said, to mourn the deaths of three children from bombings at the PDRC rally venues at Ratchprasong on Sunday and in Trat province on Friday night.

He himself wore a black shirt today.

Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra today expressed condolences to the families of those killed in the demonstrations and ordered security reinforcement at rally sites.

She had been told that overall 21 persons were killed and 738 others injured at political rallies and said protesters should not take their children to rally sites.

Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul informed the Cabinet that Indian businessman Satish Sehgal would be deported from Thailand for his involvement in the PDRC rallies. Mr Satish has lived in Thailand for five decades.

Ms Yingluck is scheduled to visit the northern provinces of Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai tomorrow. She has been on the move since Government House and her temporary office at the headquarters of Permanent Secretary for Defence were sealed off by protesters. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-02-25

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"Mr Suthep, PDRC secretary general, said the government has been trying to discredit the movement's leaders and supporters"

Seems like they have done a mighty fine job of that themselves!

"He called on PDRC supporters to strictly follow the non-violent principles..."

While sales of popcorn army t-shirts are openly for sale at the protest site!

The vendors have their own right is selling Pop corn.

Nothing is wrong with that.


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Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban today flatly ruled out dialogue with the government to end Thailand’s political conflicts.

Surprise, surprise.

Since the beginning, this dispute has been about winner takes all and their taking no prisoners. It appears that without the intervention of a third party, something else with real clout behind it, than this situation will never be resolved peacefully.

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Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban today flatly ruled out dialogue with the government to end Thailand’s political conflicts.

Surprise, surprise.

Since the beginning, this dispute has been about winner takes all and their taking no prisoners. It appears that without the intervention of a third party, something else with real clout behind it, than this situation will never be resolved peacefully.

And let us hope it will not be the military as the reds have made several times their intentions very clear of what their next actions would be....

Enough deaths already...

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

Well, he said he admires the popcorn shooters that shoot at civilians. And he also said he "enjoys their work".

In other words, he admires killers and enjoys murder.

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Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban today flatly ruled out dialogue with the government to end Thailand’s political conflicts.

Surprise, surprise.

Since the beginning, this dispute has been about winner takes all and their taking no prisoners. It appears that without the intervention of a third party, something else with real clout behind it, than this situation will never be resolved peacefully.

And let us hope it will not be the military as the reds have made several times their intentions very clear of what their next actions would be....

Enough deaths already...

Suthep Thugsuban and his cronnies see a Government on the defensive, having no real bargaining power and so considers himself as having the upper hand and therefore for the present sees no reasons to go into negotiations with them.

Unless something drastic happens that persuades all sides that it`s in their interests to sit at the negotiating table, then these troubles will escalate further.

I would like to see a massive sink hole open up and swallow the lot of these tinpot, warmongering imbeciles, but unfortunately this is not going to happen. Law and order must prevail whatever it takes to enforce it, these people cannot be allowed to run amuck and be above the laws or their own law in their own right.

Yes, I agree enough deaths already, but what other options are there? Because I don`t know for sure.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Doesnt this government have just about a week left anyway?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yingluck will no longer be caretaker on 3rd March.

I think that is when negotiations start.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If there is a judicial coup it will signal the start of further violence as the people who voted for the government are, quite rightly, going to be angry. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Suthep is hoping to happen.

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Doesnt this government have just about a week left anyway?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yingluck will no longer be caretaker on 3rd March.

I think that is when negotiations start.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If there is a judicial coup it will signal the start of further violence as the people who voted for the government are, quite rightly, going to be angry. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Suthep is hoping to happen.

How is that a judicial coup? Are you suggesting that Yingluck should breach the constitution and hold onto power after her term as caretaker expires?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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"Mr Suthep, PDRC secretary general, said the government has been trying to discredit the movement's leaders and supporters"

Seems like they have done a mighty fine job of that themselves!

"He called on PDRC supporters to strictly follow the non-violent principles..."

While sales of popcorn army t-shirts are openly for sale at the protest site!

The vendors have their own right is selling Pop corn.

Nothing is wrong with that.


They better sell popped rice, that would help.

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What a surprise. He's leading a lawless mob trying to topple and elected government, what can he negotiate?

What's to discuss, Yingluck won't leave, her brother won't let her. She steps down, the protests end. I suppose they could discuss an amnesty for all her crimes against the Thai people, but she would have to talk to the courts. We all know PTP won't recognize the courts decisions, so maybe she will stay in Chiang Mai surrounded by her 6,000 UDD guards. I don't know if the army would come after her, the police sure wouldn't.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

I notice your calling Suthep names now. Is that to allow you to actually define your opponent, based on just a few facts, or even on no facts whatsoever.

Maybe it is to imply that it is okay to "remove" people if you call them the right name, like butcher or fascist thug.

Why do you think he enjoys seeing people die? Is this a fact or a belief?

I don't think Suthep is a butcher and I don't think he enjoys seeing people die. I think he is steadfast on ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. Democracy can not be watered down. Negotiations in allowing a watered down democracy is in fact making PTP stronger. Democracy and PT are inversely proportional. The weaker democracy is the more powerful PT is. The stronger the democracy the weaker PT is. Checks and balances are the PT's worst enemy. As is shown in this minefield of legally issues they just can't ever seem to escape from.

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Protest Leader? He's not the protest leader, he's the front for his bosses.

And one who clearly doesn't care how many innocents die as long as he gets his way.

but you forget hes not doing the killing just thought i would remind you...nothing happened when they started until mysterious people got involved ie redshirts..but hey lets keep it one sided aye..thumbsup.gif

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