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Protest leader Suthep rejects negotiations with govt


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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

I notice your calling Suthep names now. Is that to allow you to actually define your opponent, based on just a few facts, or even on no facts whatsoever.

Maybe it is to imply that it is okay to "remove" people if you call them the right name, like butcher or fascist thug.

Why do you think he enjoys seeing people die? Is this a fact or a belief?

I don't think Suthep is a butcher and I don't think he enjoys seeing people die. I think he is steadfast on ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. Democracy can not be watered down. Negotiations in allowing a watered down democracy is in fact making PTP stronger. Democracy and PT are inversely proportional. The weaker democracy is the more powerful PT is. The stronger the democracy the weaker PT is. Checks and balances are the PT's worst enemy. As is shown in this minefield of legally issues they just can't ever seem to escape from.

Not sure you are on the same planet as Suthep... he is one of the least Democratic people in this whole mess... follow his past read his history... far from "ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. " way far away from it... he uses the "D" word as a slogan...nothing more.....

Edited by DirtFarmer
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Could't agree more. Tell YL, her brother and all the rest of PT to pound sand.

Pound sand...<deleted> does that mean?

Are you telling them to put a couple of quid on the sand? or get a hammer each and "pound sand" at say Pattaya beach?

God you read some dribble on this forum bah.gif

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Doesnt this government have just about a week left anyway?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yingluck will no longer be caretaker on 3rd March.

I think that is when negotiations start.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If there is a judicial coup it will signal the start of further violence as the people who voted for the government are, quite rightly, going to be angry. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Suthep is hoping to happen.

How is that a judicial coup? Are you suggesting that Yingluck should breach the constitution and hold onto power after her term as caretaker expires?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The term judicial coup when applied to the current situation refers to the loaded changes to the constitution after the 2006 coup and alludes to the corrupt nature of the judiciary's expanded powers:

To quote one source: "Even though the judiciary has more power, there has been little public discussion about our new judicial guardians. This is despite surveys showing widespread payment of money to judges in cases and whether this is a good thing. The judiciary can come under all kinds of influence, but there is little mention in the media about corruption in the justice system. Surveys of foreign businessman on corruption showed concerned about the expanded powers for the judiciary. Given the increased role of the court and many controversial decisions, BP was not surprised when a survey in 2011 found that 57% of those surveyed had little or no confidence in the Constitution Court."

(Asian Correspondent.com)

There is plenty more that can be read about the bias of the judiciary but I don't think I can post the links here.

If anyone believes that overthrowing the elected government by dubious legal means will bring a peaceful end to the situation they are very misguided.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

I notice your calling Suthep names now. Is that to allow you to actually define your opponent, based on just a few facts, or even on no facts whatsoever.

Maybe it is to imply that it is okay to "remove" people if you call them the right name, like butcher or fascist thug.

Why do you think he enjoys seeing people die? Is this a fact or a belief?

I don't think Suthep is a butcher and I don't think he enjoys seeing people die. I think he is steadfast on ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. Democracy can not be watered down. Negotiations in allowing a watered down democracy is in fact making PTP stronger. Democracy and PT are inversely proportional. The weaker democracy is the more powerful PT is. The stronger the democracy the weaker PT is. Checks and balances are the PT's worst enemy. As is shown in this minefield of legally issues they just can't ever seem to escape from.

Suthep has butchered the country in two by inflaming society, he has shown no reasonableness or wisdom, just a madman with his butchers knife hacking the country to pieces. He is up against murder charges, he is cowardly hiding behind props like the Thai flag - thinking he is invincible, and after all that has happened in the last few weeks, this fool still refuses to go to the negotiating table. The fact that there are still some farangs supporting this nutcase is absolutely mind boggling.

Stop dishonestly spouting off about democracy and checks and balances which you either care nothing about or know nothing about. The only thing you lot are interested in is the downfall of Thaksin (a petty, selfish, and increasingly stupid obsession) - so much so that everything else, democracy included... is basically a zero in comparison.

I tend to agree that the apparent support for the anti-democracy protests from supposedly educated and enlightened farangs, who presumably benefit from democracy themselves in their home countries, is genuinely mind boggling. Or just effective trolling!

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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Could't agree more. Tell YL, her brother and all the rest of PT to pound sand.

Pound sand...<deleted> does that mean?

Are you telling them to put a couple of quid on the sand? or get a hammer each and "pound sand" at say Pattaya beach?

God you read some dribble on this forum bah.gif

No insult intended, but if you don't know what "go pound sand" means, you are obviously not an American, or you are, but one under the age of 40.

"The origin of the expression go pound sand is from a longer expression, not to know (have enough sense to) pound sand down a rathole. Filling rat holes with sand is menial work, and telling someone to pound sand down a hole is like telling them to go fly a kite. The expression dates to at least 1912 and is common in the midwestern United States."
Source: Urban Dictionary.
by anonymous October 31, 2003
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He is the wrong person to negotiate with. Before there is any meaningful negotiation, he should be arrested together with the violence monk and the team of violence plotters first. Never ever float the idea of negotiating with him.

The situation has become that of no negotiate with whoever that is from the dem's pdrc/pcad and groups associated with it.

Unless we see the rule of law prevail, we will continue to see unrest or even worse.....

They are not protesters, neither are they peaceful or unarmed. The popcorn vendors, distributors and brigades surface only on certain 'signal' to blame on the government and the law enforcement agencies. Behind the violence is also the involvement of the military on their side.

post-198606-0-91017100-1393332093_thumb. post-198606-0-55905200-1393332105_thumb.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

I notice your calling Suthep names now. Is that to allow you to actually define your opponent, based on just a few facts, or even on no facts whatsoever.

Maybe it is to imply that it is okay to "remove" people if you call them the right name, like butcher or fascist thug.

Why do you think he enjoys seeing people die? Is this a fact or a belief?

I don't think Suthep is a butcher and I don't think he enjoys seeing people die. I think he is steadfast on ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. Democracy can not be watered down. Negotiations in allowing a watered down democracy is in fact making PTP stronger. Democracy and PT are inversely proportional. The weaker democracy is the more powerful PT is. The stronger the democracy the weaker PT is. Checks and balances are the PT's worst enemy. As is shown in this minefield of legally issues they just can't ever seem to escape from.

Suthep has butchered the country in two by inflaming society, he has shown no reasonableness or wisdom, just a madman with his butchers knife hacking the country to pieces. He is up against murder charges, he is cowardly hiding behind props like the Thai flag - thinking he is invincible, and after all that has happened in the last few weeks, this fool still refuses to go to the negotiating table. The fact that there are still some farangs supporting this nutcase is absolutely mind boggling.

Stop dishonestly spouting off about democracy and checks and balances which you either care nothing about or know nothing about. The only thing you lot are interested in is the downfall of Thaksin (a petty, selfish, and increasingly stupid obsession) - so much so that everything else, democracy included... is basically a zero in comparison.

Thank you for bringing sense to this thread.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

I notice your calling Suthep names now. Is that to allow you to actually define your opponent, based on just a few facts, or even on no facts whatsoever.

Maybe it is to imply that it is okay to "remove" people if you call them the right name, like butcher or fascist thug.

Why do you think he enjoys seeing people die? Is this a fact or a belief?

I don't think Suthep is a butcher and I don't think he enjoys seeing people die. I think he is steadfast on ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. Democracy can not be watered down. Negotiations in allowing a watered down democracy is in fact making PTP stronger. Democracy and PT are inversely proportional. The weaker democracy is the more powerful PT is. The stronger the democracy the weaker PT is. Checks and balances are the PT's worst enemy. As is shown in this minefield of legally issues they just can't ever seem to escape from.

Suthep has butchered the country in two by inflaming society, he has shown no reasonableness or wisdom, just a madman with his butchers knife hacking the country to pieces. He is up against murder charges, he is cowardly hiding behind props like the Thai flag - thinking he is invincible, and after all that has happened in the last few weeks, this fool still refuses to go to the negotiating table. The fact that there are still some farangs supporting this nutcase is absolutely mind boggling.

Stop dishonestly spouting off about democracy and checks and balances which you either care nothing about or know nothing about. The only thing you lot are interested in is the downfall of Thaksin (a petty, selfish, and increasingly stupid obsession) - so much so that everything else, democracy included... is basically a zero in comparison.

That is such a pathetic response, really! what a load of bullshit. Just ranting off. sad!

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Maybe the NSA could be contacted to see if they intercepted the walkie talkie signals of the popcorn shooters and see if they can find out who gave the orders.

What kind of range do you think these walkie talkies have?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Protest Leader? He's not the protest leader, he's the front for his bosses.

And one who clearly doesn't care how many innocents die as long as he gets his way.

Correct me if I am wrong but thats an oxy moron

first you say he is not a leader and only does what he is told by his bosses

then in the next line , AS LONG AS HE GETS HIS OWN WAY

the problem with telling lies is you have to have a good memorie and remember what he said

Did any one else pick this up ?

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What a surprise. He's leading a lawless mob trying to topple and elected government, what can he negotiate?


1) the Thai courts disagree with you and say what his is doing is not against the law

2) this is no longer an elected goverment, they are only caretakers

will this BS ever stop

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I want to know what reforms Suthep has in mind?

If they are genuine reforms designed to cut down corruption and government monopoly then I will support it.

But Suthep refuses to divulge the nature of the reforms until after he has taken power!

That is a very dangerous thing to accept and the reason why I cannot support such a movement.

I fear one of the reforms is cutting the voting rights of poor and less educated citizens.

Have you ever thought the reforms need to come from the Thai people not Suthep

So why we not have an election on what reforms must be done

we might just start with a debate from the leaders before the public on national tv

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

He's from Surathani. Division, chaos and people dying there is like faith, hope and charity. Surathani - murder capital of Thailand. (Nakorn Sri Thammarat is the hit man capital... funny that.) On all sides they are all murderous a-holes, and it's getting very tedious.

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He called on PDRC supporters to strictly follow the non-violent principles which could be a constitutional protection for them.

One would also believe that the Constitution of 2007, gives everyone the right of movement, the right to vote and the right to work at their rightful place.

Is that correct? coffee1.gif

I have a work permit that says I can only work at designated place, so if I am not able to work due to the fact that I am BLOCKED from entering the said place by these protesters, where does that leave me and the Company that I work for? facepalm.gif

This whole thing is a total load of codswallop blink.png

Win thumbsup.gif

Suthep asking for people's constitutional rights to be respected? But isn't one of them the right to vote?

Yet Suthep prevented millions of people from voting?

"Yet Suthep postponed millions of people from voting?

The majority of people I talk to want to vote, after Taskin's get out of jail free card is cancelled

But you not think thats fair

Taskins rights before the peoples

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

I notice your calling Suthep names now. Is that to allow you to actually define your opponent, based on just a few facts, or even on no facts whatsoever.

Maybe it is to imply that it is okay to "remove" people if you call them the right name, like butcher or fascist thug.

Why do you think he enjoys seeing people die? Is this a fact or a belief?

I don't think Suthep is a butcher and I don't think he enjoys seeing people die. I think he is steadfast on ensuring all the principles of democracy will be adhered too post ballot box. Democracy can not be watered down. Negotiations in allowing a watered down democracy is in fact making PTP stronger. Democracy and PT are inversely proportional. The weaker democracy is the more powerful PT is. The stronger the democracy the weaker PT is. Checks and balances are the PT's worst enemy. As is shown in this minefield of legally issues they just can't ever seem to escape from.

Suthep has butchered the country in two by inflaming society, he has shown no reasonableness or wisdom, just a madman with his butchers knife hacking the country to pieces. He is up against murder charges, he is cowardly hiding behind props like the Thai flag - thinking he is invincible, and after all that has happened in the last few weeks, this fool still refuses to go to the negotiating table. The fact that there are still some farangs supporting this nutcase is absolutely mind boggling.

Stop dishonestly spouting off about democracy and checks and balances which you either care nothing about or know nothing about. The only thing you lot are interested in is the downfall of Thaksin (a petty, selfish, and increasingly stupid obsession) - so much so that everything else, democracy included... is basically a zero in comparison.

Very well said. Thank you for taking the time to write this.

I don't think any of the "red propagandists", as we are called by the Suthep-loving farangs, claim that Puea Thai or Thaksin is perfect or not corrupt, but to replace bad with worse is not a solution that will bring peace and stability to Thailand.

The only third party option for neutral prime minister would be Chuwit, but then again, he's also up to his neck in corruption and prostitution, but he would be neutral as in not having anything to do with Puea Thai or the Democrats.

Moonao - So it began with Suthep? The country was calm and stable before the PDRC? One could suggest the country was "inflamed" when the amnesty bill was passed by a vote of 307 to -0 when the majority were opposed to it.

Suthep is up against murder charges. So is yingluck, Adul and Tarit. Doesn't mean any of them are murderers does it? Or not at least until they are proven guilty. Or your "team" are not murderers because you support them, but my "team" are murders because you do not support them?

Hiding behind a flag? It is a Thai flag and they are portraying a sense of patriotism. Is that wrong? Or just wrong because they are not your "team"?

Negotiations on all the principles of democracy is not required. You either have a democracy or you don't? No need to negotiate that one.

You suggest some people are "nut cases" for supporting him. So again, if we don't believe in the same thing as you then we are nut cases? I could say the same thing about the UDD supporters, but a principle of democracy is freedom of expression. I am democratic so even though I don't agree with the UDD supporters, they are allowed to express and believe what they like. It is called democracy.

"The only thing you lot are interested in" Us lot? So me and every forum member are cardboard cutouts of each other? We are one and the same? Us lot reminds me of "You lot are for us or against us" Is there no in-between or is it black and white. Seems like a very polarized view point.

ShannonT - I am still waiting on your answer to my question mate?

Cheers guys.

Edited by djjamie
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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

You are allowed an opinion

but Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility have seen Yingluck has no say in the matter and as the real leader will not be their the who thing is a sham

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The era of backroom deals is over. The Thai people are justifiable nauseated with everything that happens behind closed doors. What has been particularly educational during this period is that the extra intense spotlight on the Yingluck administration through the NACC, aided by their present - and perpetual - caretaker status - has been nothing less than shocking. And yet that is how Pheu Thai have governed from the beginning. And they've done it all behind closed doors.

At the end of the day, this will not be about Yingluck or Suthep. It will not be about Pheu Thai or the PDRC. It will be about three elements that have been at play long before this drama began - the constitution, the courts, and the independent agencies, and it is through all three that the path forward will be forged. The constitution is already hard at work. On March 5, Yingluck will be constitutionally required to step down in lieu of a parliamentary quorum. The present caretaker status of the Yingluck administration will be history. The constitutional provisions for what follows are also clear mapped out in the constitution - which it is to be emphasized - is the basis of all laws in the country. The courts have a myriad of impeachment cases to proceed with. None look promising for Yingluck nor many other administration officials. The independent agencies will continue under the new constitutionally sanctioned interim administration to do their work, not only in providing evidence regarding what will at that point be referred to as the former Yingluck administration - but also to the interim administration itself and all subsequent administrations that ensue from future national elections. All three elements of the rule of law - the constitution, the courts, and the independent agencies - must be protected and unimpeded.

A period of reform awaits the country, and people from all walks of life will be involved. That is the hope at the end of the tunnel. And the path forward.

Or Taskin wants a Coup as he knows his time is over

at least with a coup he can blame it all on the army for kicking his henchmen out of power

if there is no coup they will only be able to blame themselves

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He called on PDRC supporters to strictly follow the non-violent principles which could be a constitutional protection for them.

One would also believe that the Constitution of 2007, gives everyone the right of movement, the right to vote and the right to work at their rightful place.

Is that correct? coffee1.gif

I have a work permit that says I can only work at designated place, so if I am not able to work due to the fact that I am BLOCKED from entering the said place by these protesters, where does that leave me and the Company that I work for? facepalm.gif

This whole thing is a total load of codswallop blink.png

Win thumbsup.gif

Suthep asking for people's constitutional rights to be respected? But isn't one of them the right to vote?

Yet Suthep prevented millions of people from voting?

"Yet Suthep postponed millions of people from voting?

The majority of people I talk to want to vote, after Taskin's get out of jail free card is cancelled

But you not think thats fair

Taskins rights before the peoples

That makes no sense whatsoever. If Thaksin had a 'get out of jail free' card why wouldn't he come back to Thailand. Personally, I'd be happy to see him locked up, but if people would stop obsessing about him and demonising him, the situation in Thailand might improve. He's a convenient scapegoat, but the problem goes a lot deeper than just him.

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I think Suthep the butcher actually enjoys seeing division, chaos and people die.

Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility would have been at the negotiating table weeks ago.

You are allowed an opinion

but Any leader with any brains and sense of maturity and responsibility have seen Yingluck has no say in the matter and as the real leader will not be their the who thing is a sham

The same can be said for Suthep. Christ! You can just not help it can you?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by maxme
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