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Redshirts test court's neutrality with a rally at NACC


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Why are the UDD so against the PM answering charges of corruption when she and her fellow ministers have treated the farmers so badly? Money intended to help the por has clearly gone missing and nobody would have a better idea where than the chairperson of the rice committee herself.

You'd think the UDD was there to support the workers not to protect the rich elite in the government.

If I would believe to have been wrongfully accused of something, they wouldn't have to summon me to defend myself, I'd be knocking on their doors to be let in and prove my innocence.

Innocent people don't run and hide, more to the point, they don't sent other people to intimidate those who accuse them.

The UDD and PTP, have a long history of running. The Dear Leader as an example, camping out in the desert. Suthep has again stated today that he will hand himself into the authorities, once The Shin regime has gone. I am no fan of Suthep, but someone has had to lead protests against the sham of a now caretaker government.

Yingluck by not attending, is making a statement that she is above the law, or she's not so sure regarding her innocence.

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Well, its completely legal what they did because the courts said so.

Did a court already rule on this particular protest? I mean it just started. also this is a 'fake' protest which had nothing to do with the NACC at first (see 1st post in this topic). Only when they were totally ignored they escalated into completely locking the building rolleyes.gif

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To the pro-government Redshirts, the verdict is nothing less than another proof that the Thai courts are applying "double-standard" to the political crisis; in 2010, the court affirmed the State of Emergency imposed by then-Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva against the Redshirts protests in Bangkok

Because their peanut brains don't see the difference between armed mob and peaceful protestors.

Sorry, no pop corn man in 2010


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Well, its completely legal what they did because the courts said so.

They are quite entitled to protest peacefully, no one is disagreeing with that.

However, based on democracy, which means having a rule of law, can you provide us reasons as to why Yingluck not attending a hearing is democratic? I may be missing something, but I look forward to hearing the democratic principles that PTP adhere to and promote.

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The red shirts just love their fires, don't they? Brought your one liter bottles too? bah.gif

I thought the police were suppose to clamp down on starting fires?

I see they have got a fire going again though, true to usual form.

Even Khaosod was unable to capture anything other a highly menacing reminder of the red shirt's last " peaceful " protest - Ratchaprason in 2010 - where they expressed their love of democracy by burning down half the capital. Why do these people insist on burning things ?


Pyromania is an impulse control disorder

Someone suffering from this disorder deliberately and purposely sets fires on more than one occasion, and before the act of lighting the fire the person usually experiences tension and an emotional buildup.

When around fires, a person suffering from pyromania gains intense interest or fascination and may also experience pleasure, gratification or relief.


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Its a smart move, expose these pathetic old yellow judges for the bias fools that they are.

When the government implements reforms, cleaning up this elite serving trash should be first on the list.

Install some right-thinking Shin-elite instead ? wink.png

And surely the NACC aren't actually "judges" at all, they just investigate & propose prosecutions, or do they investigate the 'wrong people' ? facepalm.gif

"When the government implements reforms"

Surely Yingluck told the country, some time ago, that PTP-policy was reform & anti-corruption ?

So when's she finally going to make a start, then ? whistling.gif

And isn't there some danger, that the UDD's anti-NACC-demonstration might be seen by many, as suggesting that they should not be investigating Reds ? blink.png

Yay for Red Anti-Corruption Investigators ! laugh.png

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Its a smart move, expose these pathetic old yellow judges for the bias fools that they are.

When the government implements reforms, cleaning up this elite serving trash should be first on the list.

So, what you're basically saying is that a Government, should be allowed to do what the hell it likes, whether it's corrupt, evil or against the law, without no meddling from the courts or anti-corruption offices? Any kind of criticism against the Government by official offices is always met with "it's the Elite!!!!". So, basically, their supporters want them and think they should do anything they like.

Wow, democracy Thaksin style, indeed. No wonder, there are people protesting, when you have Government's supporters with these morals. Sad indeed.

Out of 120 words in your completely off target post, you managed to get only one right: "meddling". Maybe you just got lucky, I don't know, but whatever perceived wrongs you think the government may or may not have done, its not solved by bias rulings from a bias judiciary, its solved by a judiciary committed to upholding the law, not upholding the interests of some elites.

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Its a smart move, expose these pathetic old yellow judges for the bias fools that they are.

When the government implements reforms, cleaning up this elite serving trash should be first on the list.

So, what you're basically saying is that a Government, should be allowed to do what the hell it likes, whether it's corrupt, evil or against the law, without no meddling from the courts or anti-corruption offices? Any kind of criticism against the Government by official offices is always met with "it's the Elite!!!!". So, basically, their supporters want them and think they should do anything they like.

Wow, democracy Thaksin style, indeed. No wonder, there are people protesting, when you have Government's supporters with these morals. Sad indeed.

Out of 120 words in your completely off target post, you managed to get only one right: "meddling". Maybe you just got lucky, I don't know, but whatever perceived wrongs you think the government may or may not have done, its not solved by bias rulings from a bias judiciary, its solved by a judiciary committed to upholding the law, not upholding the interests of some elites.

So, if another judiciary finds the same cases against the Government, then what? Will you call them, "the Elites!" too. This Red Propaganda machine sure works at convincing you lot that that it's only the Elites working against the Shins (who happen to be Elites too and have many Elites supporting them as well). Next you'll be saying Thaksin is innocent of corruption and "it's all just Politically Motivated" and this is all about Rich vs Poor.

The Red side were only moaning about Bias, AFTER the Anti Corruption went after the Shins. If they haven't got anything to hide, then there's no need for them to worry, is there?

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Well, its completely legal what they did because the courts said so.

Yes, so they must terrorists for doing the same thing as the PDRC did, right?

Dont you mean fascits? After all the PDRC are labelled fascits by some of the TVF members for what they are doing, therefore using the very same logic the UDD must be fascits too...

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Even Khaosod was unable to capture anything other a highly menacing reminder of the red shirt's last " peaceful " protest - Ratchaprason in 2010 - where they expressed their love of democracy by burning down half the capital. Why do these people insist on burning things ? I can tell you this - if Suthep had ever stooped to setting fires everyone in the UDD would be screaming. What the UDD really want to do is exactly what they said they'd do last Sunday, when they called for the NACC offices to be closed tomorrow so that the NACC would be unable to proceed with their impeachment investigation of Yingluck. That is what the UDD are doing. There is nothing peaceful whatsoever by the UDD's call for Yingluck to defy the independent agencies and the courts. There is nothing peaceful about the UDD's threats to the judicial system. There is nothing peaceful about the UDD blocking farmers from their right to protest. The UDD is a treacherous organization that masquerades as pro-democracy, when there are in fact pro-Thaksin, pro-corruption, anti-farmer, anti-independent agencies, anti-checks and balances, anti-courts, and arsonists.

But really - how is this so different from Sutheps group blocking elections, preventing ballots from getting out the printers?

It's all the same thing...

One set of pro democracy advocates blocking an election, the other set of pro-democracy advocates blocking investigations into corruption.

"TiT" really isn't sufficient for this turn of events...

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Its a smart move, expose these pathetic old yellow judges for the bias fools that they are.

When the government implements reforms, cleaning up this elite serving trash should be first on the list.

I suppose it depends what they replace it with.

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This is genuinely perplexing?

When did the police ever force ably disperse a red shirt protest - please, someone, anyone got a link?

And now they complain 'double standards' when the police are ordered to show the same method of protest handling (non violent dispersal) as they have with the redshirts in the past, with the PDRC.now

Seems to me to be all equal - why complain, unless an uneven playing field is what the reds seek?


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Gives the army more reasons to stage a coup.

As in 2006 (a peaceful coup) and then let the guns fire in 2010. Is that what you mean?

No way Nicky Master, as they, the Army know what they have done in one or three past coups with Gen Suchinda vs Major Chamlong, Yellow shirt mob in those day and still is today living in Kan. We have no problem with his village as we live and let others live, nice and peaceful in the Land of Simles


Please read more about Thai History on this subject before making a comment like that.

Win coffee1.gif

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To the pro-government Redshirts, the verdict is nothing less than another proof that the Thai courts are applying "double-standard" to the political crisis; in 2010, the court affirmed the State of Emergency imposed by then-Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva against the Redshirts protests in Bangkok

Because their peanut brains don't see the difference between armed mob and peaceful protestors.

Sorry, no pop corn man in 2010


red bandana men in 2010


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This is genuinely perplexing?

When did the police ever force ably disperse a red shirt protest - please, someone, anyone got a link?

And now they complain 'double standards' when the police are ordered to show the same method of protest handling (non violent dispersal) as they have with the redshirts in the past, with the PDRC.now

Seems to me to be all equal - why complain, unless an uneven playing field is what the reds seek?


Red shirts don't want an even playing field, they want it all to themselves.

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I’m sure the PDRC know where get their hands on a few front-end loaders to clear these clowns if need be. The anti-government protestors are well seasoned to placing themselves in danger. However, on the other hand the Red shirts are a little rusty at staging protests. Usually, they run upon hearing the first odd angry shot as they did before. A sleepless night ahead at NACC.

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Look on the bright side. As long as these particular UDD demonstrators are doing their thing peacefully, they won't be involved (directly) in intimidating rice farmers or throwing grenades. Of course it will also force Chalerm to give up any attempts to move against the PDRC protesters as well.

Let them camp out at the NACC peacefully. If the police are unable to persuade them to let the people working there get to work tomorrow, I'm sure that the NACC will act responsibly and temporarily change address, avoiding any confrontation.

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