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Reds besiege NACC HQ as PM Yingluck gets hero's welcome in North


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Reds besiege NACC HQ as PM gets hero's welcome in North


BANGKOK: -- HUNDREDS OF redshirts surrounded the national anti-graft agency yesterday and camped out in a bid to prevent the agency from pursuing a corruption case against caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) had scheduled today for Yingluck to acknowledge her charges related to rice-pledging scheme, but the premier yesterday began her trip to the north. It is uncertain whether she will present herself to hear charges against her at the NACC.

Three groups of redshirts joined yesterday's rally. The reds from Nonthaburi province, led by Chavalit Suriya and Suthichai Posapol, those from community radio groups - who padlocked the gates at the NACC and set up a stage and camped out - and a civil society group of 70 red shirts.

Mock coffins of NACC commissioners were placed in front of the office and petition letters were submitted by protesters demanding honest and equal treatment for all politicians.

None of the nine commissioners reported for work at the NACC yesterday.

Beginning her tour of the north and the northeast yesterday, Yingluck arrived in Chiang Rai province to a warm welcome from locals who embraced her and loudly called her to fight on. The greetings left the premier's eyes brimming with tears.

Hundreds of supporters of the prime minister gathered at the Air Force base and she later chaired a meeting at Chiang Rai police command on drug suppression.

A number of Cabinet members were present: caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan, Transport Minister Chadchart Sittipunt and Deputy Education Minister Sermsak Pongpanit. Deputy Police Chief Pol General Pongsapat Pongcharoen was also with the group.

Yingluck later visited Chiang Mai, her home province. Next week she will go to the Northeast to Udon Thani and Khon Kaen provinces, both strongholds of pro-government red shirts, to look into the issues of drought and drugs.

Kritsanapong Prombuengrum, leader of red shirts in eight northern provinces, said the reds are prepared to welcome and ensure the safety of the premier. Supporters will be deployed at various risky spots during her visits to the northern region.

"We must protect and ensure the safety of the prime minister, because the premier is the only person who can advance Thai democracy," he said.

He said the red shirts could not guarantee the safety of anti-government supporters if anyone should blow whistles as a symbol of protest against Yingluck.

-- The Nation 2014-02-27

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Well that confirms that the reds are planning to split Thailand into the northern Republic of Shin, where "corruption is normal"(long termers will remember the champion of democracy that said that infamous quote), the people will be promised everything while being robbed of their hope, future and dignity. Good luck to them up there, they will get exactly what they want and deserve.

Meanwhile the rest of the nation can continue in an improving democracy, complete with strengthened checks and balances, functioning police force, education improvements. The vital lesson that must be learned for the nation south of the Republic of Shin is that a cult of personality such as the one that the Shins created must never be allowed again. Had Thaksin's first election win been nullified due to his lying and blatant asset concealment(which showed he was 100% unsuitable to be PM in a functioning democracy) none of this mess would have happened. Checks and balances, checks and balances........

So true, all because of the immortal "honest mistake". Dark days ahead for the north?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Reminds me of the last days of Hitler taking refuge in his bunker...while the country around him was falling like ten pins.

Add a few other corrupt regimes to that list as well, Marcos and Suharto spring to mind.

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"...in a bid to prevent the agency from pursuing a corruption case against caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra"

I would question this motive as stated.

No-one can expect this NACC to stop doing what they are doing....Given their Opposition-friendly history, especially on display in this case, the motive is more clearly to focus attention on that fact.

As with that phony PAD-Dem oriented NIDA Pol ruminating about Neutral Prime Ministers, the notion that the very popular and powerful choice for Prime Minister by the electoral majority, will somehow be denied, is like waving a red flag in front of the PTP/UDD/RS's(no pun intended).

The fact this NACC is ruminating about this, as well as that NIDA thing, is all seen as playing the "coup-monger and Elitist" fiddle.

I would therefore postulate that the motive is to draw attention to this lack of Independence, and to the motivational roots of this NACC, rather than trying to prevent them from doing what they and Elitist friends are intending to do.

It amazes me how some puffed up lickspittles leap to the defence of the indefensible in this manner as well as those who take a news story and twist and distort the facts to suit their own fawning ends.

Do you know what evidence the NACC has?

We know for a fact that there has been a fictitious government to government deal with China

And we know for a fact that the scheme has lost hundreds of billions of baht

And we know for a fact that there are millions of tonnes of rice unaccounted for

And we know for a fact that the farmers have seen the smallest fraction of the funds

And we know for a fact that rice has been imported from neighbouring countries to be sold into the scheme

So before you unleash all your usual "elitist" "coup" nonsense, consider the facts that are in the public domain

And wait until the facts of the cases in question against YS and her cabinet are known before you deride them

I haven't see anything but allegations yet on all your "facts" I prefer to see if indeed the ":facts are real or just proffered.. we all know from years and years of residing here that nothing is as it appears at first blush... and often times second and third blushes... so for me... the jury is still out.. I recall photos of Chinese Officials sitting at a table signing rice deals... are there "facts" that support those Photos were fake...? never let the "facts" get in the way of a good story.. my uncle Roald used to say...and he spun yarns long into the night and deep into the bottle......

I'm not sure anyone really knows wth is going on.... but we know one thing for sure it is messed up...here's a quote from a blurb in the nation a few weeks ago... now it appears to me that there were deals made.. pre-existing deals linked to the high speed train projects and others going forward... but we all interpret things differently ,, so hard to get a real grip...because nothing...nothing is transparent here..

Then, another Chinese firm, Heilongjiang Beidahuang Rice Industry Group, was said to have signed another "g-to-g" deal. Last week, the Commerce Ministry confirmed that the firm had cancelled the contract due to Thailand's domestic changes.

Chinese government would consider any deal a government-to-government transaction only if it is done through its national state enterprise for this purpose - COFCO.

COFCO does have a five-year contract to buy 200,000 tonnes of rice yearly. Another deal was to be signed on December 15, last year, for a two-year special offer to buy one million tonnes each year after Premier Li Keqiang's visit last year. The draft agreement mentioned the Thai government's readiness to give priority consideration to China's participation in the country's high-speed train project - and Beijing's agreement to receive agricultural products as part of the payment for that service.

But the signing never took place because of the House dissolution.


Edited by SeaVisionBurma
fixed font issue - changed to standard font
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Reminds me of the last days of Hitler taking refuge in his bunker...while the country around him was falling like ten pins.

I don't think it is appropriate to label the PDRC as rapists and looters engaged in mass murder. In fairness, I don't think the PDRC is as bad as the Soviet Red Army. whistling.gif

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At the same time, I also wonder if Abhisit or Suthep would visit Nakhon Ratchasima, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai or any province in the northeast and north of Thailand? This is how polarized the KOT has become.

Someone seems to be spending a LOT of time up in the "north" of the country . . . anyone know how many trips she's made "south" of Bangkok over the course of her term so far?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Reminds me of the last days of Hitler taking refuge in his bunker...while the country around him was falling like ten pins.

I don't think it is appropriate to label the PDRC as rapists and looters engaged in mass murder. In fairness, I don't think the PDRC is as bad as the Soviet Red Army. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn width=19 alt=whistling.gif>

....or the American army coming in from the other direction whose crimes have been covered up in the West

Edited by millwall_fan
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"...in a bid to prevent the agency from pursuing a corruption case against caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra"

I would question this motive as stated.

No-one can expect this NACC to stop doing what they are doing....Given their Opposition-friendly history, especially on display in this case, the motive is more clearly to focus attention on that fact.

As with that phony PAD-Dem oriented NIDA Pol ruminating about Neutral Prime Ministers, the notion that the very popular and powerful choice for Prime Minister by the electoral majority, will somehow be denied, is like waving a red flag in front of the PTP/UDD/RS's(no pun intended).

The fact this NACC is ruminating about this, as well as that NIDA thing, is all seen as playing the "coup-monger and Elitist" fiddle.

I would therefore postulate that the motive is to draw attention to this lack of Independence, and to the motivational roots of this NACC, rather than trying to prevent them from doing what they and Elitist friends are intending to do.

It amazes me how some puffed up lickspittles leap to the defence of the indefensible in this manner as well as those who take a news story and twist and distort the facts to suit their own fawning ends.

Do you know what evidence the NACC has?

We know for a fact that there has been a fictitious government to government deal with China

And we know for a fact that the scheme has lost hundreds of billions of baht

And we know for a fact that there are millions of tonnes of rice unaccounted for

And we know for a fact that the farmers have seen the smallest fraction of the funds

And we know for a fact that rice has been imported from neighbouring countries to be sold into the scheme

So before you unleash all your usual "elitist" "coup" nonsense, consider the facts that are in the public domain

And wait until the facts of the cases in question against YS and her cabinet are known before you deride them

Could you please post the resources that documents those facts, as I have requested anti-government people to post how many billions were lost, and from when in the government budget it was lost from.

I know for a "fact" that anti government supporters have quoted all of these facts over the last 4 months.

I know as a fact the NACC has only charged Yingluck with, "Negligence in preforming her job" Why when you know all the facts the NACC does not have evidence to make a charge of "Corruption".

Kindly enlighten us!


Kikoman, do you dare to come out and openly say on TV that you think the rice scheme is a succesful, corruption free program that helps the farmers as well as the country?

Kikoman may reply in due course, but let me also retort, if you don't mind.

Agricultural price support programs are never intended to be profit-oriented. They are Policy oriented programs focusing on specific agricultural sectors....This is for the purposes of helping farmers as well as the country.....I am sure the PAD-dem's appreciated similar efforts in the past dealing, with rubber. I understand at one point in a a pre-Thaksin Govt., the govt. of the day dictated that Rubber could only be farmed in the South.

The principle concern by farmers about this rice thing, was the financial impediments the Elitists threw up to prevent making payments as scheduled...All for political purposes, belying their sudden conversion to huge political concerns for this agricultural sector and these constituents, and to foster their coupist intentions.

With respect to the self-serving, oft-charged corruption thing the Opposition tries to lay exclusively at the feet of the elected Govt., an analysis involving all elements would be in order, including the PAD-Dem Bureaucracy constituency.

And if such humongous levels of corruption be discovered and responsibilities assigned, a thorough vetting in Parliament may be called for.

Thereafter the voters would act accordingly......An expression of which is currently being impeded by the Opposition for reasons we can all speculate about....In fact, the electorate is in the process of voting their views, including this rice thing....One cannot complain that the electorate was not informed before they voted, considering the noise made by the Opposition.

Finish the election and tabulate the votes.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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Words fail me...........coffee1.gif i never argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level ..............then beat you with their experience

I would say the idiots are the opposition to the Shinawatras, instead of trying to force an elected government out of office when its clear tehy have MASSIVE SUPPORT still and then trying to push a family out of politics why not actually work towards showing the people you have THEIR interests at heart.

Thaksins won the peoples hearts by taking them into account and helping them and that is why they have the massive support and the only way to tackle that is for the opposition to stop thinking about themselves and start a campaign to help the poor in the north because the BKK elite is still seen to be only interested in enriching themselves and keeping the poor poor.

Until they realize that they are doomed to lose the next election YET AGAIN no matter what happens in the interim.

You cannot hold down the majority of voters who WANT THE Shinawatra family in power and you wont be able to change that by force just like it was proven in the last Coup.

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Now will Yinluck cry that she could not make an appearance as her own people shut down the office she was meant to go to

When PDRC were allowed to do the same in Bangkok for months and besides all the violence, the court ordered the police to leave them be, They were peaceful protesters!

Why is it not a "peaceful protest" to do the same, for the Red shirts to shut down NACC!

Hey lets not be discriminatory here, what one side is allowed to do so is the other!


How very selective of you.


Rubber bullets?





Intimidating the independent authorities is an absolute disgrace.

However I do agree that a peaceful protest should be left alone.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ask not what your Country can do for you , but ask what can you do for YOUR Country …start with ridding Thailand of the parasitic corrupt so called leaders would be a good start….but the reds are so idiotic they just don’t get it bah.gif

They should be re named PRR----------------- programmed red robots.

This headline is sick--the PM gets a hero's welcome, really what does that mean, she won the war in the Falklands??? rubbish.

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