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5pm: I've been in touch with web designers all day to relaunch the business that made me rich in the first place. Wish me luck smile.png

I'll update this space whether I go up or down within the next few weeks. I can sell my motorbike and go from there. Not taking any loans smile.png.

You've all inspired me in one way or another. Cheers.

Well best of luck and all but based on my experience (many years back) and based upon reading stories more current, it won't be soon before those web designers and all say to themselves:

If he isn't going to pay us and has no money to invest in getting the business up-and-running, what do we need HIM for?

What I'm trying to accomplish now is finding web designers in North America (my target market). I can't afford to order a site myself now so I figure better to split the profits with a designer (for now) who will invest in making the site and handle hosting while owning the site. I handle production of my service, sales, and customer service. We both need each other. I'm the expert in my field. :)

Once I have enough $$, I'll branch out solo and/or have a slew of designers all over N. America, Oz, and Europe, splitting the profit under the aforementioned setup. Both have their merits but I'd rather take it all. :). We'll see how it goes. In talks with many webbys all day yesterday and today. I'm seeing the light...

If you are in North America and can make websites, please contact me. Thank you.

You say that you are an expert in your field. But you can't even get food on your plate without your friends paying for it

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by larsjohnsson
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Hells bells , this is a scam. Someone try this for fun. Contact the OP and ask how to be involved in his business. Have your bank details handy. You won't want to miss out on this ripper business opportunity. Better still offer 10k baht but you want 20% return in 4 weeks. He will say no, but I will give you 25% especially if you can make it 15k.


Hey jacksam........

Great ideas! Here's some that I've used on scammers (when I'm bored and want something to play with) and it gets rid of them better than anything I've tried. I just say "yes I'm definitely interested!" Just send by email attachment, copies of ALL and I do mean ALL of your personal identification, Names and addresses of relatives I can contact for verification of your identity, and a "small" earnest payment of, let's say, $100.00 usd sent by Western Union to me. After this is completed, I will send you as much as you need. Needless to say, the rats jump ship and I never hear from them again.

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Maybe you are in a situation where you should gop home, instead of taking other peoples money... Dont you have a pension?

Dont you have ajob to support yourself? Than go home.. not right to count on other people to support you...


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Does anyone know what product he is going to sell? Is it goods or a service of some sort?

I'm really getting a feeling he is on to a winner here, if only he was not so coy about his business model.

Of course I understand that in the high powered world of business it is sometimes prudent to play your cards close to your chest. This tells me he is a careful chap who is likely to be rich all over again.

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Does anyone know what product he is going to sell? Is it goods or a service of some sort?

I'm really getting a feeling he is on to a winner here, if only he was not so coy about his business model.

Of course I understand that in the high powered world of business it is sometimes prudent to play your cards close to your chest. This tells me he is a careful chap who is likely to be rich all over again.

Is your other handle "jackvale" by any chance? Because no one else could possibly be so gullible.

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Bad plumber surely your post was an attempt at scaraism . The OP is a wind up scam. Mind you not a bad effort with such an original lame OP. 8 PAGES response. I'm waiting in a train station. What's other peoples excuse. Let's do a pass the hat around for the poor troll.

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Does anyone know what product he is going to sell? Is it goods or a service of some sort?

I'm really getting a feeling he is on to a winner here, if only he was not so coy about his business model.

Of course I understand that in the high powered world of business it is sometimes prudent to play your cards close to your chest. This tells me he is a careful chap who is likely to be rich all over again.

Is your other handle "jackvale" by any chance? Because no one else could possibly be so gullible.

Jeez, who is gullible exactly?

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Bad plumber surely your post was an attempt at scaraism . The OP is a wind up scam. Mind you not a bad effort with such an original lame OP. 8 PAGES response. I'm waiting in a train station. What's other peoples excuse. Let's do a pass the hat around for the poor troll.

At last!

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Does anyone know what product he is going to sell? Is it goods or a service of some sort?

I'm really getting a feeling he is on to a winner here, if only he was not so coy about his business model.

Of course I understand that in the high powered world of business it is sometimes prudent to play your cards close to your chest. This tells me he is a careful chap who is likely to be rich all over again.

Is your other handle "jackvale" by any chance? Because no one else could possibly be so gullible.

Jeez, who is gullible exactly?

If that was your attempt at sarcasm, you need to do better.

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just because someone doesnt lend you money does not disclude them from being your friend. some people dont like to borrow or lend with friends and family and there is plenty of anicdotal evidence as to why.

i personally have no problem lending someone a few hundred baht if they are short for their share of a meal, or lost/forgot their wallet etc but do not lend considerable amounts to just about anyone.

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Only the captain stays aboard a sinking ship......see you later buddy

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unless you are Italian that is.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Sorry to hear you have come to this situation. I don't think you should hold your friends responsible for your well-being. Friendship is not same as financial support..

That's my opinion

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I disagree. You know the expression "through thick and thin?" My mark of a real friend is when they are there not only in the good times. Bear in mind, I'm asking some people who have very good income/savings. One recently inherited millions of dollars. They share with me their highs and lows yet when I come to them with my low, the door is shut. Should I even consider these people friends and continue seeing them? What does it say about our friendship? I've never asked any friend for money before. It's not like this is a habit. "Nobody knows you when you're down and out."

If someone wants to keep a friend, he does not lend money to that friend....

Never lend an amount that you are not ready to give and never expect it back..

Perhaps your friends are not ready to GIVE you any money...

Loans are given out by banks.

If a bank does not feel a loan has a good chance of return with a profit, perhaps your friends feel the same...

Ever tried getting a loan from a bank here? You can't even get a credit card without a work permit.

As for the OP - people are heartless nowhere more so than in the land of selfish. I agree you should not borrow or lend but I have done both - borrowed as through circumstances beyond my control my assets were stolen leaving me with nothing available here. Without the help of a few friends, one French and one English, I would have lost everything or at least it would have been almost impossible to have fought back. So friends should be there to lean on in times of extremes otherwise they are just acquaintances.

I don't think you should expect them to be financing a business venture though!

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Now if there is a remote possibility that you are in this predicament, here is my advice. After living in Thailand for 8 years and owning two successful businesses, through my own careless actions I found myself falling on hard times, I did not ask for handouts although i could of used them, as i am a very proud person, even when my money was down to the last few hundred baht i still did not ask, but out of all my so called friends, there was only 1 person willing to help, yes and you guessed it he was a Thai national, he lent me the money for a plane ticket and i high tailed it out of Thailand back to my country and started over, needless to say as soon as i started making money again i repayed my loan, but that's just my story. I am now hugely successfull again and am planning on retiring in the LOS within 5 years, at the age of 44!

What i am trying to say to anyone in this kind of pickle (not neccessarily to the OP as i think he is a scammer) is that if you do fall on hard times in the LOS, do not procrastinate because it is inevitable that you will have to get back to the real world, just do what you have to do to get back to your family/real friends and put the bad stuff behind you!!

And normally the help will come if required from the person you would least expect it to come from. NEVER GIVE UP!!!!

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Would you please define "hugely successful" for comparitive purposes? I'm interested to know the difference between rich and hugely successful.

BTW I am poor, so no vested interest from my part.

Lets just say that i will be in a position to retire by the age of 44, (around 4 and a half years away), not bad considering i came back to the U.K with around 1000 baht in my pocket in late 2008, so like i said in my previous post, never give up, because there is life after failing miserably in the LOS:)

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March 4 Update: The wheels are turning. I have not borrowed from anyone but there have been offers from 1 friend. He does not want me to sell my motorbike and has re iterated that the loan is on the table, if it comes to that. I still stand by my feelings that friends, if they can help (have the means), should offer if they perceive or are made aware a friend is struggling. This is exactly what I would do and have done. Everyone else is an acquaintance but I’m very surprised that some people who I really considered close and I have really treated them like brothers have shunned me. Wow, I’m learning a lot. We’re all different and I can’t expect everyone to think like me.

I've written to heaps of web designers around the world. They are a pretentious lot and want thousands of $$ rather than partnership and potentially regular income but some have the entrepreneurial spirit and we are moving forward. I would prefer to run the entire business myself but I cannot post ads from here on free sites like Craigslist. I have no choice but if I work with many people, maybe I’ll be making so much $$ that I won’t care that I give them 50% of the profit. Using past income stats, that’s about $500 each per day. If I make what I used to make doing this same business, the web designers make a lot of money for doing very little. If I’m making a lot of money, then I don’t really care and quite happy if we’re all raking it in.

But this could all fail and then I’ll be no further ahead. So we’ll see how it goes. Dealing with the web designers has kept me busy and having positive thoughts so even if I haven’t made any money yet, it’s nice to have nice thoughts. :)

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Jack, I hope you aren't being as coy with your lazy, greedy website boffins as you are being with us.

Or did you just ask for a website to make you as rich as you were before?

On the other hand, you might just be talking utter nonsense.

Who knows?

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Jackvale! My father was a very well known and prominent politician in some African country that im sure you've never heard of, around 3 years ago he was killed when a cannon being fired in his honour, misfired sending the cannonball straight up in the air and then plummeting down hitting the old man square between the eyes, needless to day this was a sad day for me.

My father left over $20,000,000 to me but because of the strange laws in this country i can not claim any of the monies betroved to me in his estate. What i'm really trying to say is if you send me the mandatory bank fee which will allow me to change the details on his banking book to your name then i will share the $20,000,000 with you once the bank have released the funds (of course all funds will go to you first as you will be the designated name on the bank book), but after reading some of your posts i trust you 100% and i know you will do the right thing and share the money with me.

Anyway all i need from you is the mandatory 30,000 baht bank fee and then we can get the ball rolling (pardon the pun, my poor old dad didnt see the ball rolling). I suggest you sell your motorbike or take the loan money from your friend and then we can be in business.

My preferred method of receiving funds is through Western Union, so let me know if this is ok for you.

Jackvale, how lucky can you be? This is the opportunity of a lifetime. You need money quick and the bigjules is offering loads, tax free. Sell the bike. Take the loan. Heck, sell your virginity if you have to! I'm pretty sure the jules dude is not going to wait around forever. Do it now!

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If jackvale passes up on this once in a life time opportunity count me in. I can't believe I would ever get another chance like this again in my life time. Had exact same offer once via email but I was to stupid to grab it. My sister advised me against it. I never spoke to her again. I can't wait to see the look on her face when I tell her of my good luck. This must be karma for all the money I have lent and never paid back. Now I have a chance to get back on top.

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