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How should I feel?


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You know the old saying, "Never lend money to friends or relatives"

You should be oldernough to look after your self, you would have known your situation and plan accordingly, your friends said no because they know you could not give it back. You got yourself into it get out of it yourself.

"You should be oldernough to look after your self," This comment opened a door for me. Although the OP has not given his age, he says he has been in Thailand for ten years, this can give us a rough idea how old he is, and I would be guessing but how about very late twenties or very early thirties?

The age group of the generation who have never had to fend for themselves, it's always been breast feeding, click your fingers and expect to get what you want. No idea of how to plan, save, or live a life without the hand out for everything. The OP goes on about a "failed/failing business" and yet he supposedly ploughs in good money after bad, probably expecting the usual hand outs, to cover his inefficiencies.

Spoilt and totally irresponsible springs to mind.

Edited by nonthaburial
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If jackvale passes up on this once in a life time opportunity count me in. I can't believe I would ever get another chance like this again in my life time. Had exact same offer once via email but I was to stupid to grab it. My sister advised me against it. I never spoke to her again. I can't wait to see the look on her face when I tell her of my good luck. This must be karma for all the money I have lent and never paid back. Now I have a chance to get back on top.

LOL, at least someone knows a good deal when they see it!!

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When i won my large lawsuit. I had a shirt that said "i am not a bank". Boy did i ever wear that sucker out.

Needless to lend and needless to borrow, will only lead to sadness and sorrow!


Easy to say all this when you're on the top but ever been hungry? Again, my reaction and yours obviously differ. If I had a few hundred dollars and my friend was homeless and hungry, I would never lecture or turn my back. I've been very close to these people for a long time. They came to me when they had problems (not financial) and I was there 100%. The door shuts on me for financial and at least one is a multi millionaire by inheritance. OK now I'm venting but I hope I can make this work out on my own before lighting charcoal and saying goodbye. Thanks everyone.

How are you going to pay for the charcoal?

Seriously, no need to top yourself. Get some help.

I need 10,000 baht by 3/12 for rent and food. That's all I asked from my friends. I already have the charcoal and metal pan. I have no family in my country so no plane ticket or somewhere to go. I have until the 12th to hopefully get my old business up and drawing income. Wish me luck.

so you've got till December then. LOL

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Can you teach English? At least it pays for the rent and food. That's surely better than asking friends to give you money? If you're not into it I guess it can be a boring slog, but you're choices would seem limited if u want to stay here.

When I first came to Thailand I used to lend out money to people who I thought were friends but none of them ever paid it back. This includes all kinds of people and professions. Worse still, they changed phone numbers and I never saw them again. I've been approached several times since and I now never do it. But I guess if I got collateral such as a good chain or an expensive gadget I might do, but ask for their gold chain, lap top or camera and you'll see a lot of nasty glares and screwed up face gestures.

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Can you teach English? At least it pays for the rent and food. That's surely better than asking friends to give you money? If you're not into it I guess it can be a boring slog, but you're choices would seem limited if u want to stay here.

When I first came to Thailand I used to lend out money to people who I thought were friends but none of them ever paid it back. This includes all kinds of people and professions. Worse still, they changed phone numbers and I never saw them again. I've been approached several times since and I now never do it. But I guess if I got collateral such as a good chain or an expensive gadget I might do, but ask for their gold chain, lap top or camera and you'll see a lot of nasty glares and screwed up face gestures.

If the OP is too stupid to think about this idea himself, he really needs to leave now and go back to his mummy.

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Umm feel sorry for you but friends are friends BUT there are no friends where money is concerned don't discard these people for not being able to help you maybe just maybe their respective postions are not all that great could be running short themselves.

Do you have any assetts you can sell can you move in with someone explain your postion offer to clean the place do the cooking washing etc to help pay your way it's worth a try...DON'TGIVE UP please

WHATEVER you do don't discard your friends money comes and goes true friends are always there for you.

Wishing you all the very best and I really hope things get better for you tomorrow is another day .

Take Care

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Umm feel sorry for you but friends are friends BUT there are no friends where money is concerned don't discard these people for not being able to help you maybe just maybe their respective postions are not all that great could be running short themselves.

Do you have any assetts you can sell can you move in with someone explain your postion offer to clean the place do the cooking washing etc to help pay your way it's worth a try...DON'TGIVE UP please

WHATEVER you do don't discard your friends money comes and goes true friends are always there for you.

Wishing you all the very best and I really hope things get better for you tomorrow is another day .

Take Care

Your post is encouraging. Thank you.

I asked 4 people I'm close to for a loan but not so much for the money but to see the reaction. It wasn't nice. Door slammed in face type of thing. For all they know, I only needed $20 but they wouldn't even ask. One friend, who receives hefty disability payments from US govt, has offered to help without me ever asking (this was a year ago when things were still good for me). He doesn't want me to sell my motorbike. He said "I'm your guardian angel." No, he's heterosexual. :)

Still working on finding a good web designer.

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Umm feel sorry for you but friends are friends BUT there are no friends where money is concerned don't discard these people for not being able to help you maybe just maybe their respective postions are not all that great could be running short themselves.

Do you have any assetts you can sell can you move in with someone explain your postion offer to clean the place do the cooking washing etc to help pay your way it's worth a try...DON'TGIVE UP please

WHATEVER you do don't discard your friends money comes and goes true friends are always there for you.

Wishing you all the very best and I really hope things get better for you tomorrow is another day .

Take Care

Your post is encouraging. Thank you.

I asked 4 people I'm close to for a loan but not so much for the money but to see the reaction. It wasn't nice. Door slammed in face type of thing. For all they know, I only needed $20 but they wouldn't even ask. One friend, who receives hefty disability payments from US govt, has offered to help without me ever asking (this was a year ago when things were still good for me). He doesn't want me to sell my motorbike. He said "I'm your guardian angel." No, he's heterosexual. smile.png

Still working on finding a good web designer.

Why did he offer to help when things were still good for you? Is he some kind of fortune teller? Or maybe he really is an angel!!!

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A friend in need, is a pain in the arse!

Personally, I don't need anymore 'friends in need'. Had a gutful of them.

Articles in Australian news in the past year reveal a 'hidden economy' in the country with BILLIONS of dollars owing. From relatives and 'friends' borrowing money and NOT repaying debts. The figure is huge! My own son who lobbed here for a couple of months last year had no money to speak of. Why? Because he had lent his 'mate' $5000.00, who has now skipped the state. Whilst my son still 'defends' his so-called mate, he knows he is never going to get his money back.

I lost my one of my best friends 10 years ago over a paltry $2000 I lent him in a time of need. Very sad. To this very day. We were closer than brothers.

I lost another when he came to Thailand for a brief holiday, at my invitation, to get over a broken romance. He went home quit his job in Oz, came back and basically 'moved in' and I couldn't get rid of him. Whilst he continued to 'use' me and what I provided, for over 5 months. Contributing nothing. (he was an alcoholic as I came to learn the hard way). When I told him he couldn't live here anymore, that I wanted my life back, and if he wanted to stay in Thailand then he should get himself a visa and his own place. I would provide all the help needed for him to achieve this. Since that day, he left my house sulking and angry, I have never heard from him again.

Another. I received an out of the blue email from a bloke who used to work for me some 30 years ago, telling me that he was recently having a discussion with his wife about who was the man he most admired and respected when he was in the Military. That man was me apparently. I emailed him back and humbly thanked him. I then received another email, about a week later, telling me that he and his wife were going to come to Thailand to attend a wedding and could I put them up at my place when they got here. I never replied.

Another. A bloke I hardly knew 40 years go. Contacts me. All over me like a cheap suit. He lives on Welfare in Oz. He is a drunk and a Sex Tourist. Arrives in Thailand, again, for 1 month holiday with $A5,500.00. Two weeks later, 1800 on a Saturday night, as I am about to go out with some Thai friends, he knocks on my door, totally unannounced and asks, quote, 'can I put him up for the night' - Which translated, meant, can I stay for 2 weeks, for nothing, until my scheduled return flight home. He had blown Baht 150,000.00 in 2 weeks on piss and women.

I reckon I fill fill up alot of space on these pages with more true life stories.

It seems to me these days, the more you have all your shit in one sock, the more responsible YOU are, the more you make yourself a target for the irresponsbile, world owes me a living, bludgers of this world. I am over them.

I have been down and out and unemployed before. I know what it is like to be robbed of your dignity, busted. Supporting a young family at the time. But I did not 'hit up' my friends for cash. Necessity is the mother of invention, and I clawed my own way out of the hole I was in.

I suggest you take charge of yourself and do the same.

Getting old and cynical? Perhaps. But all I want is a friend who just wants to be a friend only, nothing else.

Never have anything to do with a 'friend' who wants what you have. Envy is an overpowering emotion.

Sorry mate, but you need to stop blaming others for your own failings. Is that the 1st step in a 12 step program? I don't know, but it sounds like a good place to begin.

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Does anyone know what product he is going to sell? Is it goods or a service of some sort?

I'm really getting a feeling he is on to a winner here, if only he was not so coy about his business model.

Of course I understand that in the high powered world of business it is sometimes prudent to play your cards close to your chest. This tells me he is a careful chap who is likely to be rich all over again.

Is your other handle "jackvale" by any chance? Because no one else could possibly be so gullible.

Jeez, who is gullible exactly?

I used to be a Plumber in my working days. With you all the way on this one. Must be in the Jeans. Still got my hair though ? lol


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What a load of bol*#%cks. Go home, get a job and do what everyone else in society has to do, WORK!! I'm sick of this hand out mentality that seems to be gripping society today. Stop feeling sorry for this guy coz your not helping him, your just giving him false hope!!!

Wake up and smell the coffee my friend, you get nothing for nothing in this life.

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why on earth require they live there?

1) don't most of the hosting companies provide free websites and assistance and

2) what sort of fool has 30,000 Baht in hand one day, and then cant eat or pay rent the next day?

some folks called this a scam in the brewing,

it sounds more like a person on the computer all day,

and not enough man in him to carry himself through the world,

no one would lend money to a person without the ability to pay back,

A male film maker had the balls recently, to call my g/f to borrow 10,000 baht,

repeat: a man called a woman to borrow money.

she had the money, but said it didn't "feel" right, so declined.

the next day one of her best friends called her to say, the same man came to his store to borrow 20,000 baht.

he also declined,

they both later surmised he lost a football bet.

either way, they havent heard from him since,

the OP, is not believable, was already caught in an easy lie about having family, not having family, and yet, the thread persists

I am unsure why I even read as much as I did, until I read his post prior to this one, which sounded like hit had just hit the crack pipe,

yeah, things are looking up all right,

gives his last 30,000 baht to a school, to keep a visa...........but its 1,900 baht to extend a visa......math sounds right for the OP

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I always give to those I know who are a in difficult situation, thro' no fault of their own.

My main criteria is that they do not ask.

Paid an airfare for a stranded guy, who was doing his utmost to earn the money.

He had cycled from Bulgaria to Thailand, flew to Oz and was refused and Rt'd here.

The sort of guy they need.

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Can you teach English? At least it pays for the rent and food. That's surely better than asking friends to give you money? If you're not into it I guess it can be a boring slog, but you're choices would seem limited if u want to stay here.

When I first came to Thailand I used to lend out money to people who I thought were friends but none of them ever paid it back. This includes all kinds of people and professions. Worse still, they changed phone numbers and I never saw them again. I've been approached several times since and I now never do it. But I guess if I got collateral such as a good chain or an expensive gadget I might do, but ask for their gold chain, lap top or camera and you'll see a lot of nasty glares and screwed up face gestures.

If the OP is too stupid to think about this idea himself, he really needs to leave now and go back to his mummy.


Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Would you lend money to your friends if they asked you tomorrow, next week or next month ?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If I had it, yes I would and I have. For me, a friend helps a friend unconditionally because he wants to, when he has the means. Anything less is not a friend. I have read the sentiments of others here but I don't have the time for the people who won't help me in my time of need when I know full well they could help me. These are not aquaintances but very close friends.

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This moron wants people to work for free.

As a web developer, I HATE people like you with a passion.

I want nobody to work for free. I put "Partnership" in writing where we both bring our skills to the table and equally rely on each other. Profit split. Makes way more $$ than fixed salary or hourly.

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Would you lend money to your friends if they asked you tomorrow, next week or next month ?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If I had it, yes I would and I have. For me, a friend helps a friend unconditionally because he wants to, when he has the means. Anything less is not a friend. I have read the sentiments of others here but I don't have the time for the people who won't help me in my time of need when I know full well they could help me. These are not aquaintances but very close friends.

If you had it;) so you would not lend them any money.

It's always the same "friends" that have money. And the same "friends" that never have money. And like the others to support them

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This moron wants people to work for free.

As a web developer, I HATE people like you with a passion.

I want nobody to work for free. I put "Partnership" in writing where we both bring our skills to the table and equally rely on each other. Profit split. Makes way more $$ than fixed salary or hourly.

A partnership with you is work for free. When you can't support yourself. Or even get food on your plate, there will never be any money for partners

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This moron wants people to work for free.

As a web developer, I HATE people like you with a passion.

I want nobody to work for free. I put "Partnership" in writing where we both bring our skills to the table and equally rely on each other. Profit split. Makes way more $$ than fixed salary or hourly.

if you really believe that, go knock on some doors / send some emails to offer your skills to relevant businesses in return for a share of the extra $$ you bring in... asking other people to create $$ for you in return for you letting them keep a share of it isn't going to fly

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<deleted>. ALL YOU POSTING GET A GRIP. THIS IS A TROLL SCAM. PRICK IS HOPING HE MIGHT CATCH A STUPID FISH. Or at very least having a laugh at how many posts here. Including mine. How dumb are you all. This is embarrassing that some/many think this is a genuine post.

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<deleted>. ALL YOU POSTING GET A GRIP. THIS IS A TROLL SCAM. PRICK IS HOPING HE MIGHT CATCH A STUPID FISH. Or at very least having a laugh at how many posts here. Including mine. How dumb are you all. This is embarrassing that some/many think this is a genuine post.

Calm down lad, go and pull your pud or something........ Jeez.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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