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Military personnel are being paid as bodyguards ISOC


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Kikomen is correct to a point but as I've learned from posting here and in the 18 months I've lived in Thailand, their Armed Forces to an extent cannot be compared to that of the West.

Typically issued weapons are kept in an Arms Khote seperate from the Magazine (Ammunition Bunker) and you tend to draw your weapon out, as and when it's needed.

That's to prevent military issued weapons to be used in crimes and other acts of violence.

I can see various types of weapons on that Blog, from a Glock 17 to an M4 (popcorn bag) to a Thompson .45.

Some could possibly be standard issue, but the .45 isn't.

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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


Fully agree that active duty military should NEVER take up sides unless ordered to do so by the head of that military branch. Wonder what the head of the Army Gen. Prayuth is thinking about the Navy right now?

The 3rd hand has now been revealed along with the lies of the SEAL commanding officer about Cambodia having people in Thailand for which he never provided evidence, although he claims to have it.

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For those who are still on active duty, how are they allowed to leave their duty station for an extended period of time without the approval of their COs? And for those on active duty, there is no policy prohibiting involvement with individuals who have been charged with sedition? Truly, truly amazing.

Of course, there are more details that he would rather keep confidential. So much for transparency and fighting corruption.

A common military scam sees conscripts in the final months of their service leave their ATM cards and bank books with their commanding officers. Their pay automatically goes into their accounts and is withdrawn by the commander. In return, the recruits are not required to turn up for work (often there are not enough barracks for them all) and can take on whatever non-military work they can find for which they do not need a civilian ID (they had to turn these in for military IDs). Moonlighting in security work would be one option for which they at least have some training. Huge numbers of personnel are therefore ready to serve the nation on paper, and being paid for it, but are otherwise phantom soldiers. It would be disingenuous to think there were no similar scams among regular (non-conscript) troops.

Perhaps Thai Visa comments would be more enlightening if they were based on information rather than emotion.

If you are aware of these 'scams' you have more knowledge than me. But a 'scam' is a 'scam' and isn't it the same as corruption - which the PDRC is so intent on wiping out? Emotions aside, do you condone these 'scams'?

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For those who are still on active duty, how are they allowed to leave their duty station for an extended period of time without the approval of their COs? And for those on active duty, there is no policy prohibiting involvement with individuals who have been charged with sedition? Truly, truly amazing.

Of course, there are more details that he would rather keep confidential. So much for transparency and fighting corruption.

A common military scam sees conscripts in the final months of their service leave their ATM cards and bank books with their commanding officers. Their pay automatically goes into their accounts and is withdrawn by the commander. In return, the recruits are not required to turn up for work (often there are not enough barracks for them all) and can take on whatever non-military work they can find for which they do not need a civilian ID (they had to turn these in for military IDs). Moonlighting in security work would be one option for which they at least have some training. Huge numbers of personnel are therefore ready to serve the nation on paper, and being paid for it, but are otherwise phantom soldiers. It would be disingenuous to think there were no similar scams among regular (non-conscript) troops.

Perhaps Thai Visa comments would be more enlightening if they were based on information rather than emotion.

If you are aware of these 'scams' you have more knowledge than me. But a 'scam' is a 'scam' and isn't it the same as corruption - which the PDRC is so intent on wiping out? Emotions aside, do you condone these 'scams'?

The PDRC is intent on wiping out the 'rice price pledge scam' which seems to have lost the country and it's taxpayers 700++ billion Baht.

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What's the salary like for that Steve?

There's moonlighting and then there's moonlighting for politial reasons where if you're caught, it carries a stigma of the reputation of your unit, I believe in the West, they call it "bringing the name of the said company into disrepute"

I've know blokes who were sacked from Security companies for that very reason, for getting pissed up in places like Jordan and Dubai, and then sacked for sullying the name of their employer.

I don't think there's a huge issue moonlighting for financial gain if you're on a low income, but when you're doing it for political reasons and you're exposed/caught, then that's a different story and a potential embarrasing situation to put your unit under, as we have seen with these SEAL's ;)

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I guess these military officers would have more access to grenades and launchers than the man on the street.

Especially when they're from the Navy ?

Looks like Rajasit Seals made a Facebook page for this campaign (link to Rajasit Seal FB page):

Interesting to read their mindset. Very much BlueSky.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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I guess these military officers would have more access to grenades and launchers than the man on the street.

Especially when they're from the Navy ?

Not just the Navy, but the Naval Special Warfare Unit who have access to everything that the Thai Army Special Operations Units have, which would include everything from suppressed weapons, to Heavy Support Weapons.

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For those who are still on active duty, how are they allowed to leave their duty station for an extended period of time without the approval of their COs? And for those on active duty, there is no policy prohibiting involvement with individuals who have been charged with sedition? Truly, truly amazing.

Of course, there are more details that he would rather keep confidential. So much for transparency and fighting corruption.

A common military scam sees conscripts in the final months of their service leave their ATM cards and bank books with their commanding officers. Their pay automatically goes into their accounts and is withdrawn by the commander. In return, the recruits are not required to turn up for work (often there are not enough barracks for them all) and can take on whatever non-military work they can find for which they do not need a civilian ID (they had to turn these in for military IDs). Moonlighting in security work would be one option for which they at least have some training. Huge numbers of personnel are therefore ready to serve the nation on paper, and being paid for it, but are otherwise phantom soldiers. It would be disingenuous to think there were no similar scams among regular (non-conscript) troops.

Perhaps Thai Visa comments would be more enlightening if they were based on information rather than emotion.

If you are aware of these 'scams' you have more knowledge than me. But a 'scam' is a 'scam' and isn't it the same as corruption - which the PDRC is so intent on wiping out? Emotions aside, do you condone these 'scams'?

The PDRC is intent on wiping out the 'rice price pledge scam' which seems to have lost the country and it's taxpayers 700++ billion Baht.

Still didn't answer my question. Do you condone 'scams' by soldiers to defraud the government of money? If there is a lot of them and this has been going on for quite some time. who knows what it has cost the country? As the Michael Jackson song goes: "I'm starting with the man in the mirror." And it is more than ironic that the people protecting the head of the corruption cleaning group in Thailand are fleecing the government themselves. Wouldn't you say? Emotions aside.

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And when will these thugs be arrested? Military personnel moonlighting? Arai wa? blink.png

They are entitled to work, aren't they??

Better than what the police do when they retire - become professional hit men!!!!

Luckily not every precinct end up like the do in Nakhon but that's the south for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Has the popcorn bag shooter been identified yet?


I you're interested,there is some dam_n good footage for Popcorn guy's group, from one of the blogs worth reading.

Also something I've never seen anywhere else on the news, so this is likely the first place anyone has ever pointed it out in an English language source:


This man's band says "Ratchasid Navy Seal'

That is the group of Navy Seals mentioned in this photo.

So not only are they paid guards, they identify themselves as seals while doing it.

Just thought i would point out to you that he is ducking and trying to avoid being shot. Would you not agree?

So that means someone was shooting at them, would you not agree?

The CIA all moonlight in America, this is a well known fact if you own a large business or your a well known person. They are there for hire. Right or wrong this is a fact in most countries worldwide.

So the hiring of Thai Navy seals for protection and self defense is not unusual at all and happens in most countries worldwide.

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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


So will evidence be provided to support these accusations, people be arrested, charged and prosecuted in accordance with the law.

No, I thought not. Just the police accusing the military again. Trying to provoke a response? The man in Dubai must be thinking hard again.

Like to see the police do their job, protect all members of society and not just those who happen to support the Shins.

What happened to the 4 reds caught with guns and grenades, the woman caught driving the car from which shots were fired at protesters, the off duty policeman who was caught after shooting at protesters from the back of a motor bike?

The Shins are no more supporters of a free society than any wannabee dictator or have you forgotten their attacks on free speech already?

ISOC is run by the military not the police. And thus your whole post is garbage.

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Has the popcorn bag shooter been identified yet?


I you're interested,there is some dam_n good footage for Popcorn guy's group, from one of the blogs worth reading.

Also something I've never seen anywhere else on the news, so this is likely the first place anyone has ever pointed it out in an English language source:


This man's band says "Ratchasid Navy Seal'

That is the group of Navy Seals mentioned in this photo.

So not only are they paid guards, they identify themselves as seals while doing it.

Just thought i would point out to you that he is ducking and trying to avoid being shot. Would you not agree?

So that means someone was shooting at them, would you not agree?

The CIA all moonlight in America, this is a well known fact if you own a large business or your a well known person. They are there for hire. Right or wrong this is a fact in most countries worldwide.

So the hiring of Thai Navy seals for protection and self defense is not unusual at all and happens in most countries worldwide.

And you know this about the CIA from??? Watching Jack Ryan movies, or Jason Bourne Movies?

Also can you link some proof that Active duty Special Ops people provide protection for people in most countries world wide, which countries would these be?

There's enough Former SF types out there in these very same countries that they don't need to use duty personnel, Iraq and Afghan and Maritime Anti Piracy is litterally awash with these types, really, there's no need to use active duty at all.

Active duty types DO provide security for the likes of Diplomats/and State Deartment types, but again, they have there own Agents, and have no real need to use active duty blokes, you're talking about senior political figures of their respective countries that May use Active duty personnel, it entirely depends on where they are and the threat.

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Naval Special Warfare Command personnel were not only moonlighting as bodyguards, but were also serving criminal organisations after quitting the military.

Would be worried if I didn't know they were also serving criminal organisations but now I am relieved.

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I guess these military officers would have more access to grenades and launchers than the man on the street.

Especially when they're from the Navy ?

Looks like Rajasit Seals made a Facebook page for this campaign (link to Rajasit Seal FB page):

Interesting to read their mindset. Very much BlueSky.

Their page is very disturbing. Pictures of the popcorn man as a hero and talk of killing redshirts. It a wonder this page is allowed to exist on facebook.

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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


How often do red shirt supporters say that a coup wouldn't work now because so many soldiers come from red shirt areas? Don't those people have access to guns and grenades as well?

Obviously you have never been in the military and do not know that the military knows where all of the weapons are, When you are in the military you are not given guns for you to carry around 24/7 when the weapons are not in use they are locked down.

I believe you are talking about apples and oranges, in a civil war, members of the military will choose what side they choose to fight with, as happens in all civil wars. Soldier would refusal orders to kill their own people,

Again Soldiers do not have guns on then while their off duty or when involved in activities that do not require weapons, and do not have access to those weapons when off duty!


you do realize that you are also pointing the finger directly at the police as they carry their weapons on them when on and off duty so by your reckoning all the protesters that have been shot and bombed were done by by the police. The trouble with you is that you can only see "red" and therefore you throw any semblance of sensible thought out the window. Also going by your own words I am led to believe you were involved in the recent attacks on the children/protesters as you have been coming in here and cheering them on so again by your reasoning you have to be involved. Now if this sounds stupid to you how do you think everyone else sees your posts with all your unsubstantiated accusations about the armed forces, especially when its the police/reds accusing them. If you are going to make accusations then produce the evidence to do so instead of using your own personal bias and innuendo or the lies that the ptp/reds/police make up such as the yl kidnapping that proved to be all bullsh*t but again you believed them because it involved ex navy seals so they had to be guiltyblink.png

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Found a higher resolution photo of this group of Rajasit Seals.


It's interesting that the military are distancing themselves from the PDRC, isn't it? Oh, sure they were our guys but they are no longer seals, sure they're our guys but they're moonlighting in their spare time as guard...


you are just soooo smart, who would have thought to wear arm bands to identify exactly who they are to a shoot out blink.png . People that are doing things undercover usually dont advertise who they really are, bit odf a give away, I bet you also think that if someone wore a arm band saying pm that it would have to be yl, or maybe a jacket with police on the back they had to be police. Your posts are just so intelligentcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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"Criminal organisations" is obviously a coded reference to the PDRC. Very interesting to watch the splits developing in the military. There seems to be only a minority faction siding with the anti-democracy conspirators, while the main body of the army is content to sit on the sidelines and hedge their bets.

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"Criminal organisations" is obviously a coded reference to the PDRC. Very interesting to watch the splits developing in the military. There seems to be only a minority faction siding with the anti-democracy conspirators, while the main body of the army is content to sit on the sidelines and hedge their bets.

I believe that Prayuth represent a new generation of military and, unlike the old guard, understands very well that there is no going back from here...a coup will only worsen things dramatically.

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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


How often do red shirt supporters say that a coup wouldn't work now because so many soldiers come from red shirt areas? Don't those people have access to guns and grenades as well?

Obviously you have never been in the military and do not know that the military knows where all of the weapons are, When you are in the military you are not given guns for you to carry around 24/7 when the weapons are not in use they are locked down.

I believe you are talking about apples and oranges, in a civil war, members of the military will choose what side they choose to fight with, as happens in all civil wars. Soldier would refusal orders to kill their own people,

Again Soldiers do not have guns on then while their off duty or when involved in activities that do not require weapons, and do not have access to those weapons when off duty!


Must have changed since 2010 then. People shot and ammunition found to link to weapons but no idea who fired the shots. I seem to remember a while back there were incidents where weapons went missing as well.

No system is perfect and I doubt it's any different here.

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Found a higher resolution photo of this group of Rajasit Seals.


It's interesting that the military are distancing themselves from the PDRC, isn't it? Oh, sure they were our guys but they are no longer seals, sure they're our guys but they're moonlighting in their spare time as guard...


you are just soooo smart, who would have thought to wear arm bands to identify exactly who they are to a shoot out blink.png . People that are doing things undercover usually dont advertise who they really are, bit odf a give away, I bet you also think that if someone wore a arm band saying pm that it would have to be yl, or maybe a jacket with police on the back they had to be police. Your posts are just so intelligentcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Have you ever done covert work? probably not but when it goes "noisy" first thing you do is identify yourself to other friendlies as a friend,to avoid a blue on blue, done through pre determined items/dress codes etc, whether it colour coded armbands/caps..

You insult the poster and end up looking like an ass yourself!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

You also have an epic fail when you factor in "This is Thailand" !! whistling.gif

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Has the popcorn bag shooter been identified yet?


I you're interested,there is some dam_n good footage for Popcorn guy's group, from one of the blogs worth reading.

Also something I've never seen anywhere else on the news, so this is likely the first place anyone has ever pointed it out in an English language source:


This man's band says "Ratchasid Navy Seal'

That is the group of Navy Seals mentioned in this photo.

So not only are they paid guards, they identify themselves as seals while doing it.

I wonder why a Navy Seal would want to identify himself as such.

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