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Pollsters point finger at government in Trat and Ratchaprasong lethal attacks


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Pollsters point finger at government in Trat and Ratchaprasong lethal attacks


BANGKOK: -- The caretaker government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra must be held responsible for lethal attacks in Trat and Ratchaprasong that killed five persons, including four children last week.

This was the latest survey by NIDA Poll on “Political Crisis and Role of the Armed Force and the Police.”

NIDA conducted interviews with a total of 1,255 people of all education levels and occupation from February 26-2, followed recent bomb and gun attacks at the protest sites of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) in Trat last Saturday and at Ratchaprasong in Bangkok last Sunday.

In both attacks, five persons, who included four children died and over 40 injured.

Asked whether who should be held responsible for the two attacks that killed four young children, 39.36% of pollsters pointed their fingers at the caretaker government.

It also revealed that 26.61% said all involved parties must take responsibility, particularly the attackers, while 16.57% blamed the PDRC, 4.94% to police, 3.98% to the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO), 0.64% to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and 7.89% were unsure.

When asked what role the armed forces should play, 47.49% of pollsters said soldiers should step out to protect the people and to maintain peace in the country, but 29.04% disagreed, saying that soldiers should stay put and be impartial.

Only 13.47% of them wanted the armed forces to stage a coup to end the political conflict, while 3.35% said the armed forces should support the caretaker government, 2.07% said soldiers should perform their duty and act as a mediator to end the political turmoil, and 4.22% were unsure

On the role of police, a clear majority of 62.07%, said police should protect people’s lives and assets and ensure law and order, but 24.62% want police to stay put and be neutral.

Only 2.87% said police should side with the caretaker government, while 4.46% gave other opinions, such as fairly perform their duties, particularly in catching those inciting violence, and police guarding protesters at rally sites can do nothing as they are banned from carrying weapons, while 5.98% had no comment.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pollsters-point-finger-government-trat-ratchaprasong-lethal-attacks/

-- Thai PBS 2014-02-28

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Considering it was almost certainly carried out my the governments supporters then yes the should be held responsible.

Have you thought about getting in touch with the authorities since you have such *certain* evidence. They'll be keen to hear such evidence.

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A poll? A stinking poll to determine innocence or responsibility in this or any matter like it??? What is wrong with anyone to think this is in the least bit credible or proper? Pure, unadulterated propaganda with no good intentions other than to create news and skew public opinion. Dangerous is what it is. The only entities responsible are those who planned and carried it out. Find them and try them with evidence. Otherwise, it will only lead to mob mentality.

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A poll? A stinking poll to determine innocence or responsibility in this or any matter like it??? What is wrong with anyone to think this is in the least bit credible or proper? Pure, unadulterated propaganda with no good intentions other than to create news and skew public opinion. Dangerous is what it is. The only entities responsible are those who planned and carried it out. Find them and try them with evidence. Otherwise, it will only lead to mob mentality.

So Tarit should drop the murder charges against Ahbasit and Suthep for the 2010 fiasco?

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A poll? A stinking poll to determine innocence or responsibility in this or any matter like it??? What is wrong with anyone to think this is in the least bit credible or proper? Pure, unadulterated propaganda with no good intentions other than to create news and skew public opinion. Dangerous is what it is. The only entities responsible are those who planned and carried it out. Find them and try them with evidence. Otherwise, it will only lead to mob mentality.

So Tarit should drop the murder charges against Ahbasit and Suthep for the 2010 fiasco?

Just one of the problems with your ridiculous comparison being a poll wasn't used to determine the requirement for abhisit and suthep to face murder charges. A case was presented to the courts and they decided it was sufficient for abhisit and suthep to face murder charges.

Edited by fab4
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A poll? A stinking poll to determine innocence or responsibility in this or any matter like it??? What is wrong with anyone to think this is in the least bit credible or proper? Pure, unadulterated propaganda with no good intentions other than to create news and skew public opinion. Dangerous is what it is. The only entities responsible are those who planned and carried it out. Find them and try them with evidence. Otherwise, it will only lead to mob mentality.

So Tarit should drop the murder charges against Ahbasit and Suthep for the 2010 fiasco?

Where do you get that question from my post sir?

My explicit point is that taking polls is a mob's way of prosecuting. A poll measures opinion and I do not think anyone, yourself included, who would like to be held responsible for something based on someone's opinion. This article is tabloid fodder.

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Daily attacks on the protestors with the police and the government doing NOTHING to curb the violence nor catch the perpetrators. This of course culminated in the deadly attacks at Trat and Ratchaprasong. So yes, this government should take responsibility. And the whole lot of them including Poo and the CMPO drunkard should be prosecuted for not doing their jobs.

The police are wisely remaining in the background as the protestors are clearly very antagonistic towards them. Ditto for Yingluck putting some distance between herself and the feral mob. Avoiding confrontation is a wise tactic that will be the main reason the current illegal, minority uprising peters out into nothingness.

As for the attacks - who really knows who's responsible for what - Army, Police, Reds, Yellows, Blacks, Cambodians, Elites, Farmers, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Goofy.

We all have our own self serving biased opinions as to who the murderous thugs are - but none of us have any proof either way - we just accuse and defame those who's views differ to our own.

The Government and the Reds remaining well clear of the protestors is no doubt the single greatest reason the number of deaths and injuries hasn't skyrocketed.

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clap2.gif Trial by Poll. I guess when you have a juducial system that does not allow for jury trials and grants judges with the authority alone to decide what is evidence, guilt by poll would seem less invasive. But yet many people will grab these polls as evidentiary of guilt. It isn't.

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Daily attacks on the protestors with the police and the government doing NOTHING to curb the violence nor catch the perpetrators. This of course culminated in the deadly attacks at Trat and Ratchaprasong. So yes, this government should take responsibility. And the whole lot of them including Poo and the CMPO drunkard should be prosecuted for not doing their jobs.

The police are wisely remaining in the background as the protestors are clearly very antagonistic towards them. Ditto for Yingluck putting some distance between herself and the feral mob. Avoiding confrontation is a wise tactic that will be the main reason the current illegal, minority uprising peters out into nothingness.

As for the attacks - who really knows who's responsible for what - Army, Police, Reds, Yellows, Blacks, Cambodians, Elites, Farmers, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Goofy.

We all have our own self serving biased opinions as to who the murderous thugs are - but none of us have any proof either way - we just accuse and defame those who's views differ to our own.

The Government and the Reds remaining well clear of the protestors is no doubt the single greatest reason the number of deaths and injuries hasn't skyrocketed.

Fair dinkum ManNoreason....the only reason the police are staying in the background is because the upper management is sick of seeing them in the news throwing bombs, shooting innocent people and firing weapons from pickup trucks.

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A poll? A stinking poll to determine innocence or responsibility in this or any matter like it??? What is wrong with anyone to think this is in the least bit credible or proper? Pure, unadulterated propaganda with no good intentions other than to create news and skew public opinion. Dangerous is what it is. The only entities responsible are those who planned and carried it out. Find them and try them with evidence. Otherwise, it will only lead to mob mentality.

So Tarit should drop the murder charges against Ahbasit and Suthep for the 2010 fiasco?

Just one of the problems with your ridiculous comparison being a poll wasn't used to determine the requirement for abhisit and suthep to face murder charges. A case was presented to the courts and they decided it was sufficient for abhisit and suthep to face murder charges.

Which the PTP tried to avoid on more than one occasion with their amnesties. So they clearly don't care about the justice they promised for those killed in 2010. Of course it could be that they've seen the evidence and aren't convinced of it's merit. Obviously I haven't seen all the evidence but going by the investigations so far into the deaths that I've seen the army did the killing but there has been no investigation of them as far as I know.

Which court was that by the way? Was it one of those biased ones that always favour the Democrats like the Constitutional Court who ruled against them recently. I admit I get confused as they seem to be biased if they say anything against the government but If they don't then it all goes quiet.

Was it actually the court that decided or the Attorney General? I'm not sure.

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Daily attacks on the protestors with the police and the government doing NOTHING to curb the violence nor catch the perpetrators. This of course culminated in the deadly attacks at Trat and Ratchaprasong. So yes, this government should take responsibility. And the whole lot of them including Poo and the CMPO drunkard should be prosecuted for not doing their jobs.

The police are wisely remaining in the background as the protestors are clearly very antagonistic towards them. Ditto for Yingluck putting some distance between herself and the feral mob. Avoiding confrontation is a wise tactic that will be the main reason the current illegal, minority uprising peters out into nothingness.

As for the attacks - who really knows who's responsible for what - Army, Police, Reds, Yellows, Blacks, Cambodians, Elites, Farmers, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Goofy.

We all have our own self serving biased opinions as to who the murderous thugs are - but none of us have any proof either way - we just accuse and defame those who's views differ to our own.

The Government and the Reds remaining well clear of the protestors is no doubt the single greatest reason the number of deaths and injuries hasn't skyrocketed.

Fair dinkum ManNoreason....the only reason the police are staying in the background is because the upper management is sick of seeing them in the news throwing bombs, shooting innocent people and firing weapons from pickup trucks.

The iconic image / video of the Feb 18 confrontation was of a very brave police office kicking away a grenade thrown AT a group of kneeling, huddled, non aggressive police. Did the police take any offensive action the day? Yes. Why? I'm sure the answer has something to do with popcorn.

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Yet another Push Poll. I recycle my comment from the last push poll.

If they're using Push Polls as evidence, it shows they don't have evidence!

It's like when Shampoo makers say "Our shampoo makes your hair silkier than the leading brand", that's a claim and has to be true based on science fact.

On the other hand, do a push poll and say "Our shampoo makes your hair silkier* than the leading brand.. *82 out of 104 people sampled agree" then that's a push poll claim, it expresses a claimed opinion which you simply obtain with a push poll.

When you see things like that, you can be certain that their shampoo does not make hair silkier, because if it did, they'd be making the science fact claim, not the push poll fiction claim.

So they don't have facts to back their claim, instead they do a push poll and it immediately tells you the facts don't support their claim, because if they did, they'd be pushing those facts and not a push poll result.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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A poll? A stinking poll to determine innocence or responsibility in this or any matter like it??? What is wrong with anyone to think this is in the least bit credible or proper? Pure, unadulterated propaganda with no good intentions other than to create news and skew public opinion. Dangerous is what it is. The only entities responsible are those who planned and carried it out. Find them and try them with evidence. Otherwise, it will only lead to mob mentality.

So Tarit should drop the murder charges against Ahbasit and Suthep for the 2010 fiasco?

I hope not. I want to see them thrown out, as they so obviously will be. There are some noses that need to be rubbed in it.

Edit: The charges thrown out. It's not too late to hit 'unlike' codger!!!

Sent from somewhere in the Pacific

Edited by Crushdepth
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anybody else notice how the number of polls conducted has increased by about 200%...? In the last coupla weeks...That the platform of insurrection has now begun a full blown and thinly veiled PR campaign..... Is it a mere co-incidence..? Hardly... It is part of the orchestration... look at who the people of NIDA are... look at who is fronting the polls... who has a booth at the PDRC camp in Asok..Who funds/owns Thai PBS... before you utterly buy anything they say...Unbelievable that so many bright people here on TV are so easily duped.. by veneer.. and the increase in NIDA POLLS somehow figures into the waning support Suthep has been getting... It is not an unknown tactic... to try an end run... a hail Mary or any other tactic that MAY get you over the line... I gotta tell ya...even as split as the posters in this forum are and as passionate as we are about our views red blue pink green South North...none of what we think or say here... no matter how correct or not means anything... very much like these polls from NIDA...poll.. poll here's an alternative definition of poll that represents these "all knowing" inter Bangkok uncorroborated...polls they are merely biased fodder in the pr machine...

Poll (livestock)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A cow with a prominent poll
The poll is a name of the part of an animal's head, alternatively referencing a point immediately behind or right between the ears. This area of the anatomy is of particular significance for the horse.
All this rhetoric needs to stop. All these street battles need to stop.. all the violence needs to stop... I don't need a poll to know that probably everyone on here agrees...and if not it's on you but concessions need to be made from both sides... the spurs and whips certainly have had no effect..
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There comes a time when these Polls become meaningless. First of all, the veracity of these polls become questionable when it is not clear who are being polled and whether the polls are really representative of the REAL pulse of the people. I suspect there is a lot of spin control in these recent polls concerning Thai politics so cannot rely on them in forming an opinion about current events. Interesting to see - though, how things are developing.

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- 39.36% of pollsters pointed their fingers at the caretaker government.
- 26.61% said all involved parties must take responsibility, particularly the attackers.

Quite a poll that is, where the attackers are less at fault than the government.

If my neighbor kills the guy across the street, is it also the government's fault?

Just wondering because they hate each other a long time, so this may be the moment.

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I find it amusing that those who denigrate polls (those that don't favour their own party) are the same group that advocate elections to solve all political problems.

Are they not similar means of finding the thoughts of the public?

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kimamey, on 28 Feb 2014 - 03:53, said:
fab4, on 28 Feb 2014 - 03:15, said:
Local Drunk, on 28 Feb 2014 - 03:06, said:
Dimpys Dad, on 28 Feb 2014 - 03:02, said:

A poll? A stinking poll to determine innocence or responsibility in this or any matter like it??? What is wrong with anyone to think this is in the least bit credible or proper? Pure, unadulterated propaganda with no good intentions other than to create news and skew public opinion. Dangerous is what it is. The only entities responsible are those who planned and carried it out. Find them and try them with evidence. Otherwise, it will only lead to mob mentality.

So Tarit should drop the murder charges against Ahbasit and Suthep for the 2010 fiasco?

Just one of the problems with your ridiculous comparison being a poll wasn't used to determine the requirement for abhisit and suthep to face murder charges. A case was presented to the courts and they decided it was sufficient for abhisit and suthep to face murder charges.

Which the PTP tried to avoid on more than one occasion with their amnesties. So they clearly don't care about the justice they promised for those killed in 2010. Of course it could be that they've seen the evidence and aren't convinced of it's merit. Obviously I haven't seen all the evidence but going by the investigations so far into the deaths that I've seen the army did the killing but there has been no investigation of them as far as I know.

Which court was that by the way? Was it one of those biased ones that always favour the Democrats like the Constitutional Court who ruled against them recently. I admit I get confused as they seem to be biased if they say anything against the government but If they don't then it all goes quiet.

Was it actually the court that decided or the Attorney General? I'm not sure.

I was replying to a post that was using a ridiculous comparison between a poll about who is allegedly responsible for the violence and murder charges that suthep and abhisit face. I made no value judgements about the judicial process in my post, just posted the facts and pointed out the fallacy of trying to compare the two.

What your agenda is, I don't know, but it does not add anything to the discussion apart from your obvious baiting/trolling which I shall ignore on this occasion, as on others.

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I find it amusing that those who denigrate polls (those that don't favour their own party) are the same group that advocate elections to solve all political problems.

Are they not similar means of finding the thoughts of the public?

That's a good point, but the Thai Rouge thought police are in action now, and all most follow the doctrines of Brother and Sister Number One, otherwise e they will be "crushed".

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JRSoul, on 28 Feb 2014 - 05:14, said:

I find it amusing that those who denigrate polls (those that don't favour their own party) are the same group that advocate elections to solve all political problems.

Are they not similar means of finding the thoughts of the public?

Do you feel that the results of the opinions of roughly 2000 people and (potentially) 45 million people should be given equal weight? If so that is probably why you find it amusing that people denigrate polls but advocate elections.

Mind you , you'd probably find a stone amusing.

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I find it amusing that those who denigrate polls (those that don't favour their own party) are the same group that advocate elections to solve all political problems.

Are they not similar means of finding the thoughts of the public?

That's a good point, but the Thai Rouge thought police are in action now, and all most follow the doctrines of Brother and Sister Number One, otherwise e they will be "crushed".

Thai polls have a long history of bias. They have not been particularly accurate in regard to the election outcomes either. The only poll that counts is the one called an election. Seriously, when only 0.64% of the respondents hold Thaksin accountable, one has to wonder as to the reliability of the data.

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I find it amusing that those who denigrate polls (those that don't favour their own party) are the same group that advocate elections to solve all political problems.

Are they not similar means of finding the thoughts of the public?

That's a good point, but the Thai Rouge thought police are in action now, and all most follow the doctrines of Brother and Sister Number One, otherwise e they will be "crushed".

Thai polls have a long history of bias. They have not been particularly accurate in regard to the election outcomes either. The only poll that counts is the one called an election. Seriously, when only 0.64% of the respondents hold Thaksin accountable, one has to wonder as to the reliability of the data.

The mere fact that numpties think they can actually "poll" an estimation of guilt and accountability is idiotic, and reflects pretty badly on the intelligence of NIDA itself. You can't "poll" this type of thing in a representative manner

Its like asking a poll of "which type of person robs a bank"

a. A good person

b/ A bad person

c. A thief

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