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When he paid the fine of B20,000 and was recieving his reciept he called the immigration officer an 'Ass hole' under his breath (thinking the guy would not understand) but he did.


Never upset an immigration officer is the rule I think your friend has just learned.

Personally I would have thought Ass hole is understood by 90% of immigration and police officers around the world no matter what the native language is.

So a friend of mine travelled on a visa run to Cambodia last week and was refused entry back in to the Kingdom as he had oversayed his visa up to the maximum B20,000 fine, he was actualy 9 weeks overstay. He has been blacklisted and told he will be unable to re-enter for 12 months. Now he is stuck, i will fly to Cambodia this week and give him money so he can get back to his home country, all his belongings are still in Bangkok and he has a 12 month rental agreement on a condo with 4 months still to run.

What a mess, Just a warning to you guys who are in the same position, next time you wanna go out of the country just remember you wont be back for a while. :o

It serves him right, what more can you say - If you choose to break the law then don't cry because you can't come back.

Was he too lazy to leave his condo for half an hour and extend his visa ?

Why bother posting stuff like this.


Hi English Noodle , thanks for being honest.

Suggest yr friend re-enter with a new passport , but do not use a International airport, Passportnumber changes , but name and birthdate not.


Its something for us all to be aware of making sure that all details are correct in terms of Visa's.

I was given a tip a few years ago by a Thai family member (also in the Police), best thing to do always is only ever answer questions you are asked - nothing more and be polite and show gratitude at all times.

Giving all sorts of information that is not necessary can be seen that you have something else you can tell them. If you go to a local lock-up, you will see the police have a different way of dealing with the offenders, like making them wash the dishes clean things etc. Not showing politeness will make a lot of trouble.


I can now understand why the official laughed and welcomed yr friend to Cambodia.

Properly would have done the same thing.

Guess they still have a good laugh about this incident.

Surely he will not repeat his mistakes.


"When he paid the fine of B20,000 and was recieving his reciept he called the immigration officer an 'Ass hole' under his breath (thinking the guy would not understand) but he did."

I must admit I am also partial to calling people the same, though usually from within my car. However to those in uniform or position of power I normally abbreviate it to Sir.

I must admit I am also partial to calling people the same, though usually from within my car. However to those in uniform or position of power I normally abbreviate it to Sir.
In this particular case, a “thank you, sir” on the part of the overstayer would perhaps not have been too far out of place, without “sir” being used as a euphemism for worse. After all, the 20,000-Baht fine was the absolute minimum the immigration official had to impose, and he could have done more from the outset if he had wanted to.

Something just occurred to me: I doubt that border runners usually carry 20,000 Baht with them, in excess of the usual amount needed for such trip. Therefore, it might be safe to assume that he was aware of the amount of the applicable fine already when he prepared for his trip.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



"When he paid the fine of B20,000 and was recieving his reciept he called the immigration officer an 'Ass hole' under his breath (thinking the guy would not understand) but he did."

You do that to an immigration officer in my home country.... he may just reply, "Say hi to cousin Jorje for me, and tell your sister I will be home late tonight.

Now ask a cop what time it is in my home country, he and his army of co-workers may just beat you to within an inch of your life just because they can.

This is Thailand and we are guests only.
What brought this on, Visarunner? In your own house, where you are not a guest, or in your home country, do you call all and sundry <deleted>?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Respect is the key. Thailand would like to see respect, like the most other countries also when you‘re visitor there - home country or not.

Thailand has some more, which other countries has lost already maybe.

Live a bit together with Thais and accept the culture, you‘ll see it quickly. I have seen many „falangs“ they rarely show respect to Thais and want to live in LOS for long time or for ever. A good example is, not give back the ( :o ) „wai“.


A thank's to eugengeri for the nice post.

Many of us threat the Thai's like our servants and if you overstay and tell the Official a..... what would happen in yr country?


well certainly if I were on overstay I'd be on a plane and not doing a Poipet Visa run .....

but the audacity of a guy ... to be rude to an immigration officer!

A thank's to eugengeri for the nice post.

Many of us threat the Thai's like our servants and if you overstay and tell the Official a..... what would happen in yr country?

Nothing in U.K.Anyway Noodles,I hope your friend can get himself sorted out soon....The ban seems a little on the hard side to me.

...tell the Official a..... what would happen in yr country?
Nothing in U.K.

I wouldn’t be so sure. UK officials are human, too.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


So a friend of mine travelled on a visa run to Cambodia last week and was refused entry back in to the Kingdom as he had oversayed his visa up to the maximum B20,000 fine, he was actualy 9 weeks overstay. He has been blacklisted and told he will be unable to re-enter for 12 months. Now he is stuck, i will fly to Cambodia this week and give him money so he can get back to his home country, all his belongings are still in Bangkok and he has a 12 month rental agreement on a condo with 4 months still to run.

What a mess, Just a warning to you guys who are in the same position, next time you wanna go out of the country just remember you wont be back for a while. :o

It's about time Thailand started clamping down on these people. There are a lot of arrogant people who have been exploiting that 20K max fine thing for years. The good news for your friend is that I am sure he will get his Apt deposit back. LOL

Well i have been to cambodia to visit my friend and give him his credit cards and other essentials.

When he paid the fine of B20,000 and was recieving his reciept he called the immigration officer an 'Ass hole' under his breath (thinking the guy would not understand) but he did.

The immigration officer then went out of his way to implement his full power in the situation and my friend got the boot.

Now my friend is to apply for a new passport and try to re-enter.

I will keep you informed.


LOL, your friend is a true to form moron. What a buffoon


Well i have been to cambodia to visit my friend and give him his credit cards and other essentials.

When he paid the fine of B20,000 and was recieving his reciept he called the immigration officer an 'Ass hole' under his breath (thinking the guy would not understand) but he did.

The immigration officer then went out of his way to implement his full power in the situation and my friend got the boot.

Now my friend is to apply for a new passport and try to re-enter.

I will keep you informed.


And the computers they have don‘t recognize this after re-entry?

The guy is of extremely low intelligence obviously; He'll never get back in the country with his new passport, LOL. He'll be throwing cash away on that plane ticket. There is not 1 person in this forum more foolish than this friend

Hehe I'd say your friend is very lucky.

You do that in my country and you go to jail in a nanosec.

He does it in my country and he gets a Rodney King style beating. No respect or common sense. These people get everything they deserve. Hope he enjoys his 12 month vacation and monetary losses. I'm sure his girlfriend will be faithful. LOL


This one's pretty much a case study in how NOT to handle your affairs. It's fellas like Noodle's pal who make it rough on the rest of us -- putting those immigration chaps in a state of mind of just hoping for an excuse to jerk us around.


Only once in 22 years as a tax officer at the IRS did we get a really abusive taxpayer in the office. He didn't threaten anybody, and his language was only borderline. We called for "inspection." Both inspectors arrived, one of whom looked like Betty Boop, the other like Whoopi Goldberg. The big boss shows up and says that Betty and Whoopi will be joining us for the rest of the conversation. Jerk-taxpayer says, "Fine with me, as long as they're not packing any heat, ha-ha." Boss says: "Yes, they both are carrying loaded Magnum service revolvers." The jerk almost peed in his pants. They escorted him all the way to his car, and it was not sexual "escort service."


In the days when I was traveling a lot on business I was a frequent visitor to the Suan Plu Immigration Office and I can’t count the number of times there would be some obnoxious Farang – usually dressed in shorts and a ragged T-shirt - loudly complaining about something; why did he have to pay for a Visa Extension; why was the layout of the Forms so confusing, why did he have to go to another office to pay the fees – always with the attitude that the Immigration Officer was a fool and he, the Farang, was somehow superior and special exceptions should be made.

In every instance I saw the Immigration Officer was the model of politeness but the Farang was given a real run-around, sent off to nonexistent offices, told the pictures were too small and he had to get them re-taken, and so on. I never stayed to wait until he was finally granted his extension or whatever but I would bet he spent most of the day there.

It never pays to be arrogant towards someone who can make your life miserable – even for a few hours.



Well my friend is now back in Thailand with a brand new passport and he even managed to get a 1 year visa from a Thai guy in a bar in Cambodia, cost him B7,500 and worked no probs.

Well all well that ends well, worked out quite good for him realy.

Cheers to all the people who added to the thread.


Well my friend is now back in Thailand with a brand new passport and he even managed to get a 1 year visa from a Thai guy in a bar in Cambodia, cost him B7,500 and worked no probs.

Well all well that ends well, worked out quite good for him realy.

Cheers to all the people who added to the thread.


Do I read correctly, he is now here on a FAKE visa??


PLEASE tell me I'm wrong here :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Thanks, but no need to warn us. The Rules & Regs are quite easy to follow. SOM NAM NA methinks!

Completely off topic but please what does “Som nam na” mean? :o

Well my friend is now back in Thailand with a brand new passport and he even managed to get a 1 year visa from a Thai guy in a bar in Cambodia, cost him B7,500 and worked no probs.


Well all well that ends well, worked out quite good for him realy.


The mind boggles at the mindset of some... :o

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