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Pleas led to rally site closures

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this is the lie.

we move to lumpini park because is more safe for the people !!

we have the more people every day now and have to protect for the safety !!

Can I come and camp outside your house please. Can I pee in the gutter outside your house. Can I invite my friends over each night and stay up late and make a lot of no use. Can I also get some stall holders to come over and leave trash all over the road outside your house. Could I invite some octogenarians over to sing karaoke during the day time. And finally, can I invite over some people dressed in black who look like they just escaped from prison yo act as security guards and demand to inspect people's bags as they go yo and from their homes? No? I thought so. Good riddance to the mob. Good luck at the ballot box.

if your a thai say something.if not leave..you not forced to stay here..as if bangkok is the cleanest capital..hahahahahahaw00t.gif

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Fat Haggiss post # 60

Surrounded by upwards of 30 armed bodyguards isn't exactly showing bravery is it? whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn


It's following in the footsteps of that chap ''whatshisname''' who nipped off to Dubai a few years back from where he directed a civil disorder campaign from the safety of numerous up market shopping ,malls and hotels scattered around the world. whistling.gif

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There are several possible reasons for the pull-out but from what I have seen I don't think small shops suffered so much unless Curious ... when such a determined protest leader changes his mind almost overnight it causes a lot of speculation and when 80% of a country thinks corruption is OK it is easy to speculate on reasons.

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Looks like Suthep and his "men" have sold out on their principle. It's clearly a sell out and rationalization. A typical Thai sell out. They have achieved nothing.

They actually achieved all of their goals, you just haven't realized it yet!

I also believe they did accomplish their goals, They brought this government and YL out into the sunlight for all to see, except for the red's and they don't give a rat's about having an honest government. They think the Baht 15k/ton paid for their rice is eternal and as soon as K. Suthep is gone the government ill have s**t pots of money to play and pay with.

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"They actually achieved all of their goals, you just haven't realized it yet!"

The living in denial brigade are waking up to defend their leader!!!

Not exactly

Some are they are trying to raise an army of 600,000

While others want to quit and run . Set up a new nation.

"Some" are playing with fire.

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Fat Haggiss post # 60

Surrounded by upwards of 30 armed bodyguards isn't exactly showing bravery is it? whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn


It's following in the footsteps of that chap ''whatshisname''' who nipped off to Dubai a few years back from where he directed a civil disorder campaign from the safety of numerous up market shopping ,malls and hotels scattered around the world. whistling.gif

Yep, agree on that but nobody mentioned monkey face's bravery though did they? ;)

Dubai isn't all it's cracked up to be either, it's just another shythole but an expensive one, full of ignorant people who look down on everyone, then you have the locals!! cheesy.gif

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Well whoever takes over the Government still has to sell that rice and pay the farmers..

True, but very difficult to sell rotten rice so there will be nothing to sell. Evaluation from some Thai 'rice experts' they estimate up to 75% of this existing stored rice will be rotten by the time all is this political mess is settled. Sad really.

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No body is opposed to democracy except the Shinawatra clan.

That's why I enjoy reading this forum. Some people just say the craziest things.

Yes and add nauseating support for deaths of protestors (not Northernjohn).

No doubt the numbers at the protests have dwindled and concentrating the protest site to one area makes sense.

They haven't totally succeeded in their aims but certainly have achieved a lot. No amnesty, parliament dissolved, Shin dynasty in the spotlight, corruption made an issue that even the Shins can't ignore.

They have the red shirts all over the place. Some applaud at the Trat deaths, some want a Lanna 'peoples democracy' as if they know what that means. Others want to intimidate the NACC and even finish the job of nullifying the election by targeting the EC.

There is still much water to flow under Thailand's bridge and not even Mr propellorhead can stop it.

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this is the lie.

we move to lumpini park because is more safe for the people !!

we have the more people every day now and have to protect for the safety !!

Can I come and camp outside your house please. Can I pee in the gutter outside your house. Can I invite my friends over each night and stay up late and make a lot of no use. Can I also get some stall holders to come over and leave trash all over the road outside your house. Could I invite some octogenarians over to sing karaoke during the day time. And finally, can I invite over some people dressed in black who look like they just escaped from prison yo act as security guards and demand to inspect people's bags as they go yo and from their homes? No? I thought so. Good riddance to the mob. Good luck at the ballot box.

if your a thai say something.if not leave..you not forced to stay here..as if bangkok is the cleanest capital..hahahahahahaw00t.gif

Is that a variation on the " don't let the door hit you on the way out" line? Listen Sunshine, the point of my post was that the protesters have shown complete contempt and disregard for the ordinary citizenry of this fair city and for those who are not on the payroll of the protest backers. Anyway Sunshine, I've got to dash off now and leave Bangkok because I complained about something. Ha, ha, ha to you too.

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This is what 6 grandma's in wheelchairs and 100 homeless people look like according to UDD supporters.

And they want us to believe the rice scheme has no corruption!!

This is clearly at least 0.000001% of eligible voters.

An unstoppable popular movement if ever there was one.

Dems have got the next election in the bag just on this photo alone.

(unless of course they go for a trifecta of boycotts)

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Now if only Yingluck would listen to the people.sad.png

She is. It's called an election. The will of the people will be expressed at the ballot box.

An election is not an example of her "listening to the people", but of the people listening to her election campaign. Listening to the people would have been dropping the amnesty bill early on and avoiding all this crap - it was that she (and be 'she' I mean the Government) refused to listen that caused the spark that Suthep was able tom jump on once the momentum was there.

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Looks like Suthep and his "men" have sold out on their principle. It's clearly a sell out and rationalization. A typical Thai sell out. They have achieved nothing.

If they have achieved nothing why are the red shirts talking about a separate nation?

Why are they talking about raising an army of 600,000?

Sounds more to me like they have put the fear of Got into Thaksin and he is a Buddhist.

You are grasping at straws informed by your political predjudices. Il Duce has been told to stop his street protests by his puppet masters. They do not care about the small business owner. They are playing in a very high stakes winner takes all game. Suthep is not a player in that game, he is just a pawn and his side show has become couter-productive.

If you had been paying attention to what the UDD leadership is saying, you will have heard that cessation is not their aim. True, some local redshirt groups in the former Lanna Kingdom have expressed the desire for that region to become an independent domocratic republic, but that is nothing more than a dream. There is no popular support for it. The vast majority of people who oppose Suthep's, ever changing, demands have no desire to break up the country. Nor do they want it to become a republic.

As I said, there is a high stakes winner takes all game being played out in which politicians of all parties are being used as pawns. The threat of raising an army nearly twice the size of the Royal Thai Army is a bluff in that game and a warning to the military to stay out of it.

edited to correct typo

Other than pretty much copying Kikoman on the first page of this thread, what evidence is there that Suthep is "a puppet" and being controlled by/following the order of, the so called hidden Elite? How ever much I dislike Suthep's actions, it seems to me the only answer the Reds have is to turn around every accusation made against them and aim it at Suthep (YL controlled from big brother ---> Suthep is controlled by Yellow Elites...etc).

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this is the lie.

we move to lumpini park because is more safe for the people !!

we have the more people every day now and have to protect for the safety !!

Can I come and camp outside your house please. Can I pee in the gutter outside your house. Can I invite my friends over each night and stay up late and make a lot of no use. Can I also get some stall holders to come over and leave trash all over the road outside your house. Could I invite some octogenarians over to sing karaoke during the day time. And finally, can I invite over some people dressed in black who look like they just escaped from prison yo act as security guards and demand to inspect people's bags as they go yo and from their homes? No? I thought so. Good riddance to the mob. Good luck at the ballot box.

...but we are being told these sites are often unmanned - and at best have half a dozen people meandering about - and they have portaloos provided by the evil ant-government Bangkok authorities.

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northernjohn, on 02 Mar 2014 - 07:08, said:
noitom, on 02 Mar 2014 - 06:53, said:

Looks like Suthep and his "men" have sold out on their principle. It's clearly a sell out and rationalization. A typical Thai sell out. They have achieved nothing.

If they have achieved nothing why are the red shirts talking about a separate nation?

Why are they talking about raising an army of 600,000?

Sounds more to me like they have put the fear of Got into Thaksin and he is a Buddhist.

So that was sutheps aim: get the redshirts (well, a few of them at least) passing comments for newspaper consumption about a separate nation and raising an army of 600,000.

Well blow me, there was I thinking suthep was rallying to eradicate corruption and..........(sorry I forgot what else). What an over achiever he is. coffee1.gif

Usual attempt to twist makes you look daft (also as usual) - obviously not an aim, but a result - a result that shows desperation. It shows that Suthep's actions, as vile as they were, is achieving its real goal, the removal of the Shins, the Reds are on the ropes - or at least a section of them feel that way, to the extent that they are pushing for a civil war (why else raise a 600k strong army and call for cessation?)

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Why else raise an Army of 600,000 ?? How about to stir the shyt and provoke the PDRC into doing something like say....shut down most of the protest areas? I'm not saying that's why they've shut down, but why not make a stupid bullshyt claim,seem to happen all the time .. It's posturing, the only losers are so far the farmers, who haven't received their rice money, at the end of the day, someone is going to have to try and sell that rice..maybe losers all round?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


this is the lie.

we move to lumpini park because is more safe for the people !!

we have the more people every day now and have to protect for the safety !!

I had thought for a moment there that the PDRC were starting to use a bit of sense to free the burden on the businesses they have stopped trading during the protest.

Short lived, as all it took was a comment from a supposed supporter of the PDRC to broadcast that they are in fact telling lies.

Sometimes glad that I am just a stupid falang.....................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>


Wow! So this "ponchi" person is a PDRC supporter that knows what's going on inside the PDRC. I didn't know that. Do you think that Suthep knows about him too? Will he be angry with him for revealing facts from the inner circle? Are you a PDRC insider too, or an infiltrator or what? How do you know this?

Not sure who you are addressing here gabruce;

The comments from ponchi were reference to the OP, to me it appears that he/she is disclaiming the facts shown in the OP

My comments are on ponchi's post. As for me being an infiltrator, sorry, no. I believe I mentioned my status as being a stupid falang, that just about covers it...............wink.png

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"and the PDRC's big supporters were cutting funding."

Next to last line in the long story full of rationalizations, as only the Nation can spin. This is the only fact that matters. No more money for this foolishness. Go home.

Foot in mouth. There is not much difference in what the Nation says & what the Post says so all you're doing is shooting the messenger which many here like to do when they don't like what's reported.

Telling Thais to 'go home' is not very sensible either as their response to Farangs is sometimes along the same lines.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

this is the lie.

we move to lumpini park because is more safe for the people !!

we have the more people every day now and have to protect for the safety !!

People can also disperse back to their homes and have even greater safety if that is PDRC's concern.

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Now if only Yingluck would listen to the people.sad.png

The government are not followers of the ammart like Suthep is, Suthep is clearly following orders that told him back off.

Just at the same time the army started to act to calm down the situation in the country, the split in the ranks of the military is a red flag that the power that be in the military have allowed the situation to deteriorate to the point of no return to normalcy in the country, The talks of separation in the country, the training of an defence force in the north, all red flags!

Suthep has no chance of forcing PM Yingluck to resign, much less of having an appointed peoples counsel (that only a minority supports), his following has dropped dramatically.

All signs point to Suthep has ceased to be a factor in change, but was serving and forcing the calls for division of and in Thailand!

He ceased to be seen as part of a solution and was causing a great part of the problem!

Only my personal opinion!


Opinions are nice. But ones based on reality are even nicer.

Through this whole thing people have been accusing Suthep of wanting to run the country. Each and every one of them had done a typical red shirt thing. They had listened to red shirt radios read red shirt papers and drank in red shirt bars.

Is it any wonder they are clueless.

Given the condition of the country now.

Remember it had already increased in corruption and sank lower in the list of countries on corruption before Suthep came on the scene. They had already defaulted in money to the rice farmers. The

grass roots people who had sat silently through the red shirt attempted coup in 2010. Not said a word about the mess the PTP did in the handling of the 2011 flood watched promised pads not be delivered and heard reports on the one's that were as being useless. Watched 350 billion baht disappear in a water management scheme. Sat silently on the side lines as Yingluck jetted all over the world and allowed her brother a convicted in Thailand criminal to call in to the cabinet meetings.

All that before saying enough is enough.

Because they do not have the financial means to not work and just demonstrate month after month you think they are backing Yingluck now.

Shall we talk about the 2.2 trillion baht loan they wanted to make after they had made room in their budget by transferring the 1997 debts to the BOT. In effect they had more spendable money than the governments preceding them. They also claimed the cost of living going up was just an illusion. Yet they needed 2.2 trillion more. Or how about the amnesty bill they had one proposed by the families of some of the dead in the temple that was acceptable to the Democrats and most of the people in Thailand. But they turned it down because it did not white wash her brother. No other reason.

All this before Suthep arrived on the scene. You expect people to believe he is the heavy one in all this.

Given that kind of a government it only makes sense If and that is a big if you want to improve Thailand to have every one stand back and let knowledgeable non partisan people take over long enough to make sure there are laws with teeth in them to punish people who do those things and make the law clear. None of this but over here it says. Then hold an election.

Bear in mind I am more concerned with the welfare of the people than in the letter of the law if it is wrong they will change it. I don't know what kind of an education you had but the one I had taught me it is only illegal if the law is made making it illegal. Change the law so it is legal. The governments job is to take care of the people. When there is some thing wrong fix it.

My opinion based on facts not wishes or how good looking a women is or how much money I get. I say take money for falsifying things because we all know Thaksin has paid people on his staff to do that.sad.png

Read the first paragraph and stopped as I read the B P (ammart yellow newspaper), don't listen to radios at all and have not drank in a bar (any bar) for a decade.

It is not rocket science that Suthep's abrupt turn around was nothing more then being ordered to do so, the same time the army commander came out and backed the government talks under the framework of the constitution and trying to calm the nation down.

Suthep was just following his bosses orders!


Edited by kikoman
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Now if only Yingluck would listen to the people.sad.png

The government are not followers of the ammart like Suthep is, Suthep is clearly following orders that told him back off.

Just at the same time the army started to act to calm down the situation in the country, the split in the ranks of the military is a red flag that the power that be in the military have allowed the situation to deteriorate to the point of no return to normalcy in the country, The talks of separation in the country, the training of an defence force in the north, all red flags!

Suthep has no chance of forcing PM Yingluck to resign, much less of having an appointed peoples counsel (that only a minority supports), his following has dropped dramatically.

All signs point to Suthep has ceased to be a factor in change, but was serving and forcing the calls for division of and in Thailand!

He ceased to be seen as part of a solution and was causing a great part of the problem!

Only my personal opinion!


Opinions are nice. But ones based on reality are even nicer.

Through this whole thing people have been accusing Suthep of wanting to run the country. Each and every one of them had done a typical red shirt thing. They had listened to red shirt radios read red shirt papers and drank in red shirt bars.

Is it any wonder they are clueless.

Given the condition of the country now.

Remember it had already increased in corruption and sank lower in the list of countries on corruption before Suthep came on the scene. They had already defaulted in money to the rice farmers. The

grass roots people who had sat silently through the red shirt attempted coup in 2010. Not said a word about the mess the PTP did in the handling of the 2011 flood watched promised pads not be delivered and heard reports on the one's that were as being useless. Watched 350 billion baht disappear in a water management scheme. Sat silently on the side lines as Yingluck jetted all over the world and allowed her brother a convicted in Thailand criminal to call in to the cabinet meetings.

All that before saying enough is enough.

Because they do not have the financial means to not work and just demonstrate month after month you think they are backing Yingluck now.

Shall we talk about the 2.2 trillion baht loan they wanted to make after they had made room in their budget by transferring the 1997 debts to the BOT. In effect they had more spendable money than the governments preceding them. They also claimed the cost of living going up was just an illusion. Yet they needed 2.2 trillion more. Or how about the amnesty bill they had one proposed by the families of some of the dead in the temple that was acceptable to the Democrats and most of the people in Thailand. But they turned it down because it did not white wash her brother. No other reason.

All this before Suthep arrived on the scene. You expect people to believe he is the heavy one in all this.

Given that kind of a government it only makes sense If and that is a big if you want to improve Thailand to have every one stand back and let knowledgeable non partisan people take over long enough to make sure there are laws with teeth in them to punish people who do those things and make the law clear. None of this but over here it says. Then hold an election.

Bear in mind I am more concerned with the welfare of the people than in the letter of the law if it is wrong they will change it. I don't know what kind of an education you had but the one I had taught me it is only illegal if the law is made making it illegal. Change the law so it is legal. The governments job is to take care of the people. When there is some thing wrong fix it.

My opinion based on facts not wishes or how good looking a women is or how much money I get. I say take money for falsifying things because we all know Thaksin has paid people on his staff to do that.sad.png

Read the first paragraph and stopped as I read the B P (ammart yellow newspaper), don't listen to radios at all and have not drank in a bar (any bar) for a decade.

It is not rocket science that Suthep's abrupt turn around was nothing more then being ordered to do so, the same time the army commander came out and backed the government talks under the framework of the constitution and trying to calm the nation down.

Suthep was just following his bosses orders!


It always amazes me that when presented with a clear history and argument you and your brethren either completely ignore it or just say , "Only read the first line/paragraph/..." - which everyone knows is a lie in itself, but had no ammunition to throw back, because when laid out clearly like NorthenJohn has done, sans the bile and hyperbole usually added in, there is no where for you to go.

It's not rocket science - its not science at all - its not even fact - its just something you have been saying, and your mates have been repeating, with no evidence whatsoever - that does not make it a fact, it makes it hyperbole. If you can't answer NorthernJohn, then don't quote him, its just shows he has you beat when you reply with copout crap like this.

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Asoke is now open for traffic, and for the first time since Jan 13, the place is crawling with police. Thay had been totally absent since the road closed 6 weeks ago.

Ah yes. What's the betting that they will 'find' a large cache of weapons 'left behind' by the protestors.

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Unfortunately the world is watching, attention has been drawn to situation in Thailand

A minority group decided to overthrow an elected government rather than wait for the electorate to decide

The areas where this group was garnering support were becoming a little too obvious

Worse the protest is advocating an unelected assembly, a very devisive and transparent strategy

The protest failing fast to achieve the objective, the disruption, by intimidation, of the electoral process did not go down well

The courts set in motion the more subtle moves to remove the elected government

Protest is now percieved as devisive and pulling Thailand apart, actions further delaying payment to the rice farmers, openly goading the red shirts with 'popcorn' comments

Protest began to affect investments and investors, caused a minor run on a bank, business suffered, the value of the baht declined, oblivious to the fact that the protest could be affecting investments of the very people supporting, continued to try to punish business that carried no open political stance - here the line was crossed

Time to return strategy to the experts

Plug pulled

Hardly containing even a half-truth. Taking your points one by one:

Not much attention has been drawn to events here - the world is focused on Ukraine. The US & EU have absolutely no compunction about an elected government being overthrown if it becomes (perceived as?) non-democratic. Much the same happened in Egypt a while ago.

The PDRC did advocate a people's council but the elections to follow bit has been always deliberately ignored. It's only divisive to Thaksin's party and his hard core red shirts.

The popcorn reference was not clever but the violent sector of the red shirts don't need any goading. Some of them do need to see (be de-briefed?) that applauding the deaths of innocent non-protestors is hardly enhancing their cause.

The protests, while not (yet) achieving the goal of ridding Thailand of the Shin dynasty, has achieved a hell of a lot: amnesty comatose, parliament dissolition, highlighting the Shins corruption & above the law governance, as well as a few kicks to the shins (sic) of the clans companies.

They did manage to partially disrupt the election - but have the red shirts decided to call off their disruption of the EC (not a very clever move)?

The delay to payments for pledged rice is solely the PTP's fault and no BS from YL or anyone can change that fact. Also the run on the bank was purely Kittirat's stupidity - playing Beggar My Neighbour with the banks was also a bully-boy attempt.

The Baht became volatile, just as much based on FED activity as local events. It has now partially recovered. How much of that local volatility was due to the protests and how much due to caretaker government mismanagement is moot.

I'm glad that they have at least partially withdrawn from the streets but to imply it's all over is naive. There are no 'experts' in this game - just players.

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