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Every now and then a TV member posts to advise that an embassy refused to issue a visa or put a red stamp in their passport advising no further tourist visas will be issued. Indeed the pinned thread "Latest reports of getting a visa in the region" has a number of examples.

Although such reports are commonplace, I have never seen a follow up post from any of these members to let us know how they got on.

So if you were refused a visa, or had your passport red stamped, please take a moment to post here to let us know what you did to rectify the situation.

I would love to hear your story from beyond the grave...




Ok, I'll bite...

I received the dreaded red stamp on my Tourist Visa from Vientiane in early 2006. Fortunately, I quickly found employment after that and returned to Vientiane a month or so later armed with all the documents required to get a Non Immigrant/Working Visa. It was quite satisfying...

Yeah, it wasn't really worth typing that, was it? saai.gifsaai.gif


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Ok, I'll bite...

I received the dreaded red stamp on my Tourist Visa from Vientiane in early 2006. Fortunately, I quickly found employment after that and returned to Vientiane a month or so later armed with all the documents required to get a Non Immigrant/Working Visa. It was quite satisfying...

Yeah, it wasn't really worth typing that, was it? saai.gif alt=saai.gif> saai.gif alt=saai.gif>

No, I was worth the type.

At least people know, it's not the end of their stay in Thailand.

So the information should be helpful to those in the same situation.



The red stamps are real. There have been many reports of them. Perhaps the people that got them have not read this topic.

Most were able to get one from another one from another embassy or consulate because the stamp is specific for just one place.


The red stamps are real. There have been many reports of them. Perhaps the people that got them have not read this topic.

Most were able to get one from another one from another embassy or consulate because the stamp is specific for just one place.

Yes. I have read these many reports...and selected my visa run destinations accordingly. But if the red stamp is so commonplace, why is there only one poster to tell us his story. Seems a bit odd.

I thought this thread had a good deal of worth. That is, there are lots of threads telling where to go to avoid getting a stamp, but there was no thread on TV offering advice or information on what to do if you happened to get one in your passport.

So please, if any one has any personal experience of life after a visa refusal, or a red stamp, please post here to let us know how you got on.




The red stamps are real. There have been many reports of them. Perhaps the people that got them have not read this topic.

Most were able to get one from another one from another embassy or consulate because the stamp is specific for just one place.

Yes. I have read these many reports...and selected my visa run destinations accordingly. But if the red stamp is so commonplace, why is there only one poster to tell us his story. Seems a bit odd.

I thought this thread had a good deal of worth. That is, there are lots of threads telling where to go to avoid getting a stamp, but there was no thread on TV offering advice or information on what to do if you happened to get one in your passport.

So please, if any one has any personal experience of life after a visa refusal, or a red stamp, please post here to let us know how you got on.



Perhaps there are no replies from people who received red stamps because none of them have ever returned and, therefore, don't bother reading the TV forum?


The red stamps are real. There have been many reports of them. Perhaps the people that got them have not read this topic.

Most were able to get one from another one from another embassy or consulate because the stamp is specific for just one place.

Having been a recipient of one such stamp years ago, I do recall the wording is "MAY not" in regard to getting another tourist visa.

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