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PCAD activist wanted for 'attempted murder' of redshirt


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I see the thing with a little of reasoning...

The guy has been obviously attacked and severely beaten. The fact he was tied to hands and feet means they needed to kill him.

That's enough for condemn the whole episode.

Maybe there's more to this story, but what is clear that there was an attempted murder, and someone here is justifying it. Or just prettify the attacker action, implying the guy is lying.

It's quite miserable.

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I am all for the protesters and what they want, not suthep and definitely not the yellows. As I have stated before, this is just a tad of a stretch to believe in the way he has claimed but whoever did it deserves the full force of the law. Originally it was just 3 guards but now it includes several others, seems that he just keeps adding to what he started and as yet no evidence to back it apart from his say so. Seems more of something money lenders/druggies do to a non payer, will be interesting to see what happens in the end when the truth eventually comes out.

Just his word that it actually happened??? Let's not take into account the extensive injuries or that he was pulled from the water bound hand and foot and he actually saw his attackers. All circumstantial evidence I guess and it is just his word against Sutheps mob.

I guess a more plausible story would be that this lone man attacked a mob of Suthep supporters who feared for their lives and they acted in self defence.

I guess a more plausible story would be that this lone man attacked a mob of Suthep supporters who feared for their lives and they acted in self defence.

You are right, it is a much more plausible story if in fact he did get a beating at the hands of the guards for being caught casing the site for a future terrorist attack and he got caught.

No river bathing or hand tying or 6 days detainment.... That is all the fairyland stuff that all you lot have fallen for hook, line and sinker.

Your cause must be slipping away fast if you have to jump all over this stupid story.

This has been set up by buffalo, for buffalo.

Fortunately I am not a buffalo.

What is my cause??

O.K I give up, the peaceful yellow shirts had nothing to do with this, they were all at the movies together. This guy is nothing but a lying piece of <deleted> who did this to himself.

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I am all for the protesters and what they want, not suthep and definitely not the yellows. As I have stated before, this is just a tad of a stretch to believe in the way he has claimed but whoever did it deserves the full force of the law. Originally it was just 3 guards but now it includes several others, seems that he just keeps adding to what he started and as yet no evidence to back it apart from his say so. Seems more of something money lenders/druggies do to a non payer, will be interesting to see what happens in the end when the truth eventually comes out.

Just his word that it actually happened??? Let's not take into account the extensive injuries or that he was pulled from the water bound hand and foot and he actually saw his attackers. All circumstantial evidence I guess and it is just his word against Sutheps mob.

I guess a more plausible story would be that this lone man attacked a mob of Suthep supporters who feared for their lives and they acted in self defence.

suggest you learn to read a full post and not just some of it. This sort of thing is more inline with what criminals(money lenders, drug dealers, corrupt police) do rather than security guards but as this doesnt fit your leanings you ignore it totally.

I read the story but didn't see anything about drug dealings etc. Anyway I guess some on here have better knowledge and 1st hand account of the incident than the victim does. Generally I would tend to take his version of the events before someone who wasn't even there but you can't argue with the eye witnesses on T.V. Not refering to yourself.

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I guess spying is still a dangerous business. I believe they over re-acted to his presence. It is very stupid to card an ID Card that is a dead give away.

Please understand I do not agree with this treatment, but would like to know the whole story.


PS, I wish Madame would just resign, I hate corruption and those who live off it. It makes everybody pay more for products and services to support it.

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All the yellow shirts supporters will be out in defence of the warm loving peaceful man and claim it can't possibly be true. It is a set up to discredit the warmth, compassion and peace Suthep and his thugs have been displaying. This redshirt tied himself up, gave himself a beating and then threw himself into the river to drown.

Both sides are as bad as each other, they are all Thais and the product of the same environment.

Tell you what, I'm no yellow shirt supporter but I do not believe everything I see or read in the news, this guy who we will call "Bob" for now has made accusations against certain people, without evidence it is simply a story, the bit I find interesting is how he survived long enough to be fished out of the river, try this as an experiment Chooka - get someone to tie your hands and feet then throw you into a river and see what happens, we will be waiting for your answer

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I am all for the protesters and what they want, not suthep and definitely not the yellows. As I have stated before, this is just a tad of a stretch to believe in the way he has claimed but whoever did it deserves the full force of the law. Originally it was just 3 guards but now it includes several others, seems that he just keeps adding to what he started and as yet no evidence to back it apart from his say so. Seems more of something money lenders/druggies do to a non payer, will be interesting to see what happens in the end when the truth eventually comes out.

Just his word that it actually happened??? Let's not take into account the extensive injuries or that he was pulled from the water bound hand and foot and he actually saw his attackers. All circumstantial evidence I guess and it is just his word against Sutheps mob.

I guess a more plausible story would be that this lone man attacked a mob of Suthep supporters who feared for their lives and they acted in self defence.

I guess a more plausible story would be that this lone man attacked a mob of Suthep supporters who feared for their lives and they acted in self defence.

You are right, it is a much more plausible story if in fact he did get a beating at the hands of the guards for being caught casing the site for a future terrorist attack and he got caught.

No river bathing or hand tying or 6 days detainment.... That is all the fairyland stuff that all you lot have fallen for hook, line and sinker.

Your cause must be slipping away fast if you have to jump all over this stupid story.

This has been set up by buffalo, for buffalo.

Fortunately I am not a buffalo.

What is my cause??

O.K I give up, the peaceful yellow shirts had nothing to do with this, they were all at the movies together. This guy is nothing but a lying piece of <deleted> who did this to himself.

There you go.....

typical reply from someone who has no substance to back himself up and has to reply with silly sarcasm.

There are hundreds of beatings handed out in BKK on a daily basis.

It isn't hard for the police to find a case of a particularly bad beating, and then use this guy as their 'victim' for their fake story.

Or are you now going to try to convince everyone that the police are not capable of such a dishonest act?

That would be the funniest of the lot.

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Theyre all animals and deserve the shittest mess they got their country into.......oh yes Thai love Thai and keep those nasty evil foreigners out eh. Vote for either side is a vote for "no change"

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AV was unelected? Funny. From what I recall the vote was 235-198 in his favor on 15-12-2008.

Conveniently forgotten by Boppe Amsterdam and his band of merry posters.

I think it's all the same person since that "coupist" phrase gets thrown around all the time.

what?.... you mean...... this could be ...... Jackrich/pipkins/commie joe?

It could be, actually... And what was your previous username?

"John 8:7:

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
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I still don't understand how his PDRC necklace stayed in such a pristine condition after the beating and dunking in the river, and why the hospital wouldn't have cut it off when they cut the rest of his clothes off. Also, why would the PDRC have even put it on him?

I hope the people that did this are caught and dealt with, and I wouldn't put it past the PDRC to have done it, but the whole story of an ex red shirt guard "relaxing" in Lumpini park where a major "yellow" shirt protest had been going on for weeks just doesn't sound right.

Sent from my phone ...

Surely he wasn't relaxing, he was spying. But even so, is spying on an opposition demonstration justification for torture and murder?

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While it's true we really don't know the full story about this guy, what I find amusing is how the Suthep-ocrats are so quick to defend their precious, peaceful demonstrators, their polite and non violent guards, and of course the Dear Leader himself.

This guy is the "victim" of a money or drug deal gone bad....

It's a UDD/Red Shirt set up....

He was paid to do this....

Someone else did it.....

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you can come up with due to your refusal and denial to believe he just MIGHT be telling the truth.

And you call the Reds "stupid buffalo" who believe everything their leaders tell them. cheesy.gif

It really is quite entertaining!


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Peace loving murderous thugs. Same grouping that seems to have repeatedly unexplained caches of lethal weapons.

And before the Pattaya Suthep Fan Club chips in - this report has appeared across a range of media.

What goes around comes around ... you're delusional if you think red shirts are peaceful.

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All the yellow shirts supporters will be out in defence of the warm loving peaceful man and claim it can't possibly be true. It is a set up to discredit the warmth, compassion and peace Suthep and his thugs have been displaying. This redshirt tied himself up, gave himself a beating and then threw himself into the river to drown.

Both sides are as bad as each other, they are all Thais and the product of the same environment.

I've said it before, if what this fella said it's true, this act cannot be tolerated and those responsible should be fully prosecuted by the law.


I think what he is saying is probably true, you don't end up like this shopping for a pair of shoes. His attackers didn't expect him to survive and now he has identified one of his attackers.

What you think is true or not doesn't mean a thing. Who are you again?

It's what can be proven in court that counts.

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Until I see this PAD-Dem guy and his accomplices, under whatever diversionary group name they choose, in shackles behind bars, everything is just so much hot air.

And spare me this non-enforcement notion of "Acknowledging charges" when they catch up to this guy.

For UDD/RS's under AV's unelected tenure as PM, it was jail in shackles. For all PAD-Dem's, including the airporters, it has been "Acknowledging charges" ad-infinitum and then nothing.

Double standards all over the place.

Yes, double standards all the time. Look at the police: when children are killed they pretend to know nothing about who did it but when a peace loving red shirt hardliner is beaten up they know immediately who did it....

The fact that the police is so keen on this case is the prove that it was not Suthep behind it. In any case Suthep has never preached people taking up arms and fight. The red shirts though do that all the time. You forgot the 600,000 people army? What about them saying they are going to divide the country? No need to have a PhD to know who is the violent group. So what about arresting somebody who is proclaiming to seperate the country which is a very serious offence. Where is the police in that case? WHERE?

You sound like an apologist for the cruel and evil people behind this disgusting crime. Torturing a man for days and then drowning him is the crulest form of premeditated murder, and much more so than firing random shots without aiming at any specific person or body part. Your heroes are inhuman and evil, but you are probably fine with that.

Well, sure. But there are one or two hopelessly obscure red-shirts talking up an idea that will never be taken seriously by more than a handful of nutters. And they put up a couple of banners! Banners people!

I think we can all agree that the country's police resources are better spent pursuing these banner-hanging threats to civilization than worrying about a little torture and attempted murder. Anyway, dude probably tortured himself just to make the protestors look bad - necklace proves it.

Edited by cocopops
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While it's true we really don't know the full story about this guy, what I find amusing is how the Suthep-ocrats are so quick to defend their precious, peaceful demonstrators, their polite and non violent guards, and of course the Dear Leader himself.

This guy is the "victim" of a money or drug deal gone bad....

It's a UDD/Red Shirt set up....

He was paid to do this....

Someone else did it.....

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you can come up with due to your refusal and denial to believe he just MIGHT be telling the truth.

And you call the Reds "stupid buffalo" who believe everything their leaders tell them. cheesy.gif

He might be telling the truth - a very big might.

As far as denial and wild accusations go, the red shirt & PTP supporters have outdone themselves with their nauseating crap about self-inflicted wounds of the protestors. Some just parroting what the 'independent' police imply. Always forgetting that red shirts being shot at (Kwanchai of Udon) is far more important to the BIB than protestors being killed.

If - and that's a very big if - there is truth in the story then I will be happy to see those responsible locked up for a long time. However, once again we have the pliable police apparently just accepting his story without any questions asked. Indeed we have a very 'clever' senior BIB saying this:

Pol.Col. Kiattisak Srathong-On, a commander of police in Chachoengsao province, said the officers are working to identify Mr. Issara's accomplices by CCTV footage and other evidences to prosecute the suspects.

It is highly unlikely that any of the alleged incident was captured on CCTV - so all they're looking for is manufactured 'evidence' to identify accomplices.

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All the yellow shirts supporters will be out in defence of the warm loving peaceful man and claim it can't possibly be true. It is a set up to discredit the warmth, compassion and peace Suthep and his thugs have been displaying. This redshirt tied himself up, gave himself a beating and then threw himself into the river to drown.

Both sides are as bad as each other, they are all Thais and the product of the same environment.

I've said it before, if what this fella said it's true, this act cannot be tolerated and those responsible should be fully prosecuted by the law.


I think what he is saying is probably true, you don't end up like this shopping for a pair of shoes. His attackers didn't expect him to survive and now he has identified one of his attackers.

Let's see what the CCTV evidence brings. And if they can be identified, that they really get arrested !

Unfortunately the fact that the assualted man 'recognises' the PDRC leader doesn't really mean much. I mean lots of posters here would be able to identify Suthep I would assume.

It's only when we get CCTV footage which shows the man being 'handled' we would have a clear indication of guards involvement.

As it is I fear that the evidence is rather poor.

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While it's true we really don't know the full story about this guy, what I find amusing is how the Suthep-ocrats are so quick to defend their precious, peaceful demonstrators, their polite and non violent guards, and of course the Dear Leader himself.

This guy is the "victim" of a money or drug deal gone bad....

It's a UDD/Red Shirt set up....

He was paid to do this....

Someone else did it.....

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you can come up with due to your refusal and denial to believe he just MIGHT be telling the truth.

And you call the Reds "stupid buffalo" who believe everything their leaders tell them. cheesy.gif

He might be telling the truth - a very big might.

As far as denial and wild accusations go, the red shirt & PTP supporters have outdone themselves with their nauseating crap about self-inflicted wounds of the protestors. Some just parroting what the 'independent' police imply. Always forgetting that red shirts being shot at (Kwanchai of Udon) is far more important to the BIB than protestors being killed.

If - and that's a very big if - there is truth in the story then I will be happy to see those responsible locked up for a long time. However, once again we have the pliable police apparently just accepting his story without any questions asked. Indeed we have a very 'clever' senior BIB saying this:

Pol.Col. Kiattisak Srathong-On, a commander of police in Chachoengsao province, said the officers are working to identify Mr. Issara's accomplices by CCTV footage and other evidences to prosecute the suspects.

It is highly unlikely that any of the alleged incident was captured on CCTV - so all they're looking for is manufactured 'evidence' to identify accomplices.

I have no clue to the validity of this story. Maybe it's true. Maybe it is some kind of set up. Who knows? Until more facts come out, no one. My comment was in reference to the Suthep-ocrats who immediately (with nothing to substantiate THEIR claims) told the whole world (or at least TV members) in a loud and "positive" voice, how impossible it would be for this man to be telling the truth about the oh-so-peaceful and polite PCAD guards could NEVER do anything like this, so it MUST be a lie or a set up. They jumped as fast as UDD/Red Shirt defenders to in regards to THEIR defensive comments. Two sides of the same coin in my book.

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I still don't understand how his PDRC necklace stayed in such a pristine condition after the beating and dunking in the river, and why the hospital wouldn't have cut it off when they cut the rest of his clothes off. Also, why would the PDRC have even put it on him?

I hope the people that did this are caught and dealt with, and I wouldn't put it past the PDRC to have done it, but the whole story of an ex red shirt guard "relaxing" in Lumpini park where a major "yellow" shirt protest had been going on for weeks just doesn't sound right.

Sent from my phone ...

As reported by the police two days ago on a source we are not allowed to quote from, dead victims have been found, decorated with flags, logo cloth or whistles used by the PDRC protesters,

The body of Boontiang Karntu was found with a Thai ribbon on his right wrist and it a PDRC tee shirt, his mother said he did not belong to the PDRC but was a UDD guard.

Seems like this is not an isolated incident, so much for this peace loving protest, those that did these cowardly deeds need to be held accountable, murder is not an acceptable activity by PDRC supporters!


Sounds like you are spreading rumors there kk?? Against TV rules that is you know

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While it's true we really don't know the full story about this guy, what I find amusing is how the Suthep-ocrats are so quick to defend their precious, peaceful demonstrators, their polite and non violent guards, and of course the Dear Leader himself.

This guy is the "victim" of a money or drug deal gone bad....

It's a UDD/Red Shirt set up....

He was paid to do this....

Someone else did it.....

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you can come up with due to your refusal and denial to believe he just MIGHT be telling the truth.

And you call the Reds "stupid buffalo" who believe everything their leaders tell them. cheesy.gif

He might be telling the truth - a very big might.

As far as denial and wild accusations go, the red shirt & PTP supporters have outdone themselves with their nauseating crap about self-inflicted wounds of the protestors. Some just parroting what the 'independent' police imply. Always forgetting that red shirts being shot at (Kwanchai of Udon) is far more important to the BIB than protestors being killed.

If - and that's a very big if - there is truth in the story then I will be happy to see those responsible locked up for a long time. However, once again we have the pliable police apparently just accepting his story without any questions asked. Indeed we have a very 'clever' senior BIB saying this:

Pol.Col. Kiattisak Srathong-On, a commander of police in Chachoengsao province, said the officers are working to identify Mr. Issara's accomplices by CCTV footage and other evidences to prosecute the suspects.

It is highly unlikely that any of the alleged incident was captured on CCTV - so all they're looking for is manufactured 'evidence' to identify accomplices.

I have no clue to the validity of this story. Maybe it's true. Maybe it is some kind of set up. Who knows? Until more facts come out, no one. My comment was in reference to the Suthep-ocrats who immediately (with nothing to substantiate THEIR claims) told the whole world (or at least TV members) in a loud and "positive" voice, how impossible it would be for this man to be telling the truth about the oh-so-peaceful and polite PCAD guards could NEVER do anything like this, so it MUST be a lie or a set up. They jumped as fast as UDD/Red Shirt defenders to in regards to THEIR defensive comments. Two sides of the same coin in my book.

I have read all the posts on this thread and other threads about this story and haven't seen anyone claim that the PCAD guards are so polite that they would never do anything like this.

You have just invented a straw man that you can shoot down - not the first time for red acolytes. The vast majority of doubters of the veracity of this story have purely focused on the wildness of it and the holes in it too. I wouldn't put it past any guards - red or PCAD - to commit violence.

As I said in my post above, I also have grave doubts about the BIB involvement, which has consistently been to blame the protestors and pour far more resources into the few attacks on red shirts rather than go after bombers, grenade throwers/launchers and shooters AT the protestors and their residences.

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Did anyone else read on FB ( I think it was FB) the account by the farang lady who went to exercise in Lumpini Park and about her being ordered by men she suggested were PCAD guards , to leave the area?

She spotted that they had a 'prisoner' that they were beating , and they became angry when she demanded they desist.

She pulled out her phone to record what they were doing , they said again they were Police and she was defiant and said they werent.

She left as they approached her.

That story was posted maybe 2 weeks back... Ive no idea how to find it.

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A person like Issara Somchai is high up the food chain. He's an ex minister and a high ranking member of the Dems. I'm not saying he's clean but people at that level are insulated and would never personally take part in something like this. People like him would order someone killed but would make sure he's miles away when the murder takes place. I personally find the story a little amazing. Why would someone as high up as Issara get his hands dirty and personally take part in the torture and murder of a low level red shirt?

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My neighbor knows I am American and came up to the other day and said "Even America is starting to support the Yellow Shirts"

Says who I replied??? I told him "America has a WHOLE boat load of other things to worry about than what sort of relatively minor political scuffle is happening in Thailand"...i.e. The Russian Bear and the probable annexing of Crimea...

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As reported by the police two days ago on a source we are not allowed to quote from, dead victims have been found, decorated with flags, logo cloth or whistles used by the PDRC protesters,

The body of Boontiang Karntu was found with a Thai ribbon on his right wrist and it a PDRC tee shirt, his mother said he did not belong to the PDRC but was a UDD guard.

Seems like this is not an isolated incident, so much for this peace loving protest, those that did these cowardly deeds need to be held accountable, murder is not an acceptable activity by PDRC supporters!


Sounds like you are spreading rumors there kk?? Against TV rules that is you know

".........murder is not an acceptable activity by PDRC supporters!" .... Murder is not an acceptable activity by anybody!

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I still don't understand how his PDRC necklace stayed in such a pristine condition after the beating and dunking in the river, and why the hospital wouldn't have cut it off when they cut the rest of his clothes off. Also, why would the PDRC have even put it on him?

I hope the people that did this are caught and dealt with, and I wouldn't put it past the PDRC to have done it, but the whole story of an ex red shirt guard "relaxing" in Lumpini park where a major "yellow" shirt protest had been going on for weeks just doesn't sound right.

Sent from my phone ...

As reported by the police two days ago on a source we are not allowed to quote from, dead victims have been found, decorated with flags, logo cloth or whistles used by the PDRC protesters,

The body of Boontiang Karntu was found with a Thai ribbon on his right wrist and it a PDRC tee shirt, his mother said he did not belong to the PDRC but was a UDD guard.

Seems like this is not an isolated incident, so much for this peace loving protest, those that did these cowardly deeds need to be held accountable, murder is not an acceptable activity by PDRC supporters!


I certainly agree that whoever was responsible should be held to account. It's obvious something happened to him but just because he identified someone by name who he probably knew about anyway isn't proof but let's hope they find them whoever they are.

There have been several instances of violence apparently by PDRC supporters but that doesn't mean the protests in general wern't peaceful. In 2010 there was definitely violence by the redshirts a lot of it encouraged or even asked for by the leaders but that doesn't mean that all the red shirts were violent.

I think the situation is a bit too complicated for you.

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