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Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim guilty of sodomy, gets five years jail


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Get it right, this is not a thread for bashing religion. He was convicted under the penal code, it has nothing to do with religion.

Hooray for religious faith! Believing things and acting barbarically toward other human beings without any good reason is awesome!

Whether you agree with their laws or not is another thing entirely.

I'll drink to that...bottoms up ! oops

. . however this is the fringe of the sharia law push, financed by Saudi oil wealth.

its a political act, with far reaching implications

Not as simple as it looks

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Section 377 of the penal code in 42 former British colonies criminalizes anal sex between men and other homosexual acts.

The provision was introduced by British colonial authorities in the British Raj as section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, and was used as the model for sodomy laws in many other British colonies, in many cases with the same section number.

The prohibition of homosexual acts is provided for in section 377 of the penal codes of India, Malaysia, Singapore (see Section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore), Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Maldives and Jamaica. It is the model for similar laws that remain in force in Bhutan, Brunei, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Tuvalu, Samoa, Malawi, Mauritius, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Ghana, The Gambia, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It was the model for since-repealed laws in Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, and New Zealand.

Sharia... my butt! whistling.gif

You may get a dispensation to do so, provided you intend to shove explosives up there afterwards. I guess Ibrahim didn't consider this line of defense.

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Wow How did they get cameras into the building and room to see what was going on. Good thing they did not find him guilty on hear say.

Actually such a sorry state of affairs. There are more important things the courts can deal with such as better control of which passengers are boarding

planes with false IDs

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im hoping his 5 years is increased to 20 + a whipping .........


same reason women get stoned to death for adultery or jailed for kissing in public ,or anyone in thailand gets a death penallty for minor drug offences that

are just not serious in the west

its the law of the land and offends against their religious beliefs as well

hes a MP ,he cant claim to be above the law and ignorance of the law is never a defence no matter where you are

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im hoping his 5 years is increased to 20 + a whipping .........


same reason women get stoned to death for adultery or jailed for kissing in public ,or anyone in thailand gets a death penallty for minor drug offences that

are just not serious in the west

its the law of the land and offends against their religious beliefs as well

hes a MP ,he cant claim to be above the law and ignorance of the law is never a defence no matter where you are

Interesting POV.

I would rather all such barbaric laws to not be applied to ANYBODY, from peasant to PM, but whatever, thanks for explaining yourself.

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. . however this is the fringe of the sharia law push, financed by Saudi oil wealth.

its a political act, with far reaching implications

Not as simple as it looks

here's the proof that Saudi oil wealth is involved:

The provision was introduced by British colonial authorities in the British Raj as section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, and was used as the model for sodomy laws in many other British colonies, in many cases with the same section number.


Right. Who installed the Saudis. . etc

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Section 377 of the penal code in 42 former British colonies criminalizes anal sex between men and other homosexual acts.

The provision was introduced by British colonial authorities in the British Raj as section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, and was used as the model for sodomy laws in many other British colonies, in many cases with the same section number.

The prohibition of homosexual acts is provided for in section 377 of the penal codes of India, Malaysia, Singapore (see Section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore), Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Maldives and Jamaica. It is the model for similar laws that remain in force in Bhutan, Brunei, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Tuvalu, Samoa, Malawi, Mauritius, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Ghana, The Gambia, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It was the model for since-repealed laws in Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, and New Zealand.

Sharia... my butt! whistling.gif

31 August 1963. Malaysia becomes independent. The Bhumiputra have had 50 years to change the law if they felt it was wrong. The penal code was updated multiple times since 1963. It is a cop out to blame the former British colonial government. The law was a reflection of the era when it was put into place in the 1800's. Time moves on and we no longer consider lobotomies or electric shock as a bonafide treatment for mental illness. We also don't offer radium as a cure all and we no longer put people with physical deformities on display in "freak shows". We also do not physically assault kids for masturbating. Malaysians are 100% responsible for the current law.

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im hoping his 5 years is increased to 20 + a whipping .........


same reason women get stoned to death for adultery or jailed for kissing in public ,or anyone in thailand gets a death penallty for minor drug offences that

are just not serious in the west

its the law of the land and offends against their religious beliefs as well

hes a MP ,he cant claim to be above the law and ignorance of the law is never a defence no matter where you are

meaning that you are naive enough to think he is really guilty right?

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im hoping his 5 years is increased to 20 + a whipping .........


same reason women get stoned to death for adultery or jailed for kissing in public ,or anyone in thailand gets a death penallty for minor drug offences that

are just not serious in the west

its the law of the land and offends against their religious beliefs as well

hes a MP ,he cant claim to be above the law and ignorance of the law is never a defence no matter where you are

mate, your kidding aren't you?... the guy has been arrested for being gay, not much he can do about it

what would you do if Elton John became president of the world and made heterosexual sex illegal?

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It says the offence is punishable by up to 20 yrs imprisonment and whipping.

Is he to be whipped as well or not?

Hopefully ...........coffee1.gif

You need that fantasy for masturbation i presume,why else would you write something like that.

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im hoping his 5 years is increased to 20 + a whipping .........


same reason women get stoned to death for adultery or jailed for kissing in public ,or anyone in thailand gets a death penallty for minor drug offences that

are just not serious in the west

its the law of the land and offends against their religious beliefs as well

hes a MP ,he cant claim to be above the law and ignorance of the law is never a defence no matter where you are

mate, your kidding aren't you?... the guy has been arrested for being gay, not much he can do about it

what would you do if Elton John became president of the world and made heterosexual sex illegal?

Look for a good looking ladyboy

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I don't think he is guilty.

But people get convicted of things they didn't do all the time.

But the idea that a leader of a country should be subject to the same (brutal) punishment as everyone else if convicted has some merit.

After all they are the leaders of these systems, the class that writes and enforces those laws.

If the laws are bad, the punishments barbaric, the laws should be changed.

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a guy running for president or prime minister who cant even follow the laws himself is a bit of a disaster waiting to happen

if he abuses the law when he has a small amount of power the answer should not be to give him total power

i think he probably did do it but nobody cared when he was "just an mp "

now hes going for top dog they have decided to cash in his chips

if he cant obey the laws ,what chance has the common man got ?

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a guy running for president or prime minister who cant even follow the laws himself is a bit of a disaster waiting to happen

if he abuses the law when he has a small amount of power the answer should not be to give him total power

i think he probably did do it but nobody cared when he was "just an mp "

now hes going for top dog they have decided to cash in his chips

if he cant obey the laws ,what chance has the common man got ?

i agree it's generally not good to let criminals run countries but just wonder what you think of Nelson Mandela...

Maybe if Anwar had taken power in Malaysia he could have updated some of their laws to the 21st century

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I can say from personal experience that some of these powerful Malaysian politicians like them some "sodomy" (saying no more), just like some politicians everywhere. In this case, there are layered issues. It's a way to crush any potential opposition. Whether he is "guilty" or not isn't the point, crushing the opposition is the point. Of course it shouldn't be a legal issue in the first place anywhere, but it is.

Does anyone know the specific Malaysian legal code defining what "sodomy" actually is there?

No bum sex allowed

You have read the code? If not, I reckon your post is just noise.

Male to female, or male to male only?

Definition of sodomy also often includes oral sex (hetero or homo).

Penal Code Law 377B.

Any man found guilty of sodomy shall be sentenced to imprisonment with a term of not more than 20 years.

Sodomy shall be defined as involvement, as either a giver or consenting receiver, of sexual penetration of the anus, any other consensual physical contact with another man of a sexual or loving nature, expressions of lustful feelings towards other men, or excessive interest in either fashion or interior design.

So the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras would not have gone down well over there.whistling.gif

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Section 377 of the penal code in 42 former British colonies criminalizes anal sex between men and other homosexual acts.

The provision was introduced by British colonial authorities in the British Raj as section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, and was used as the model for sodomy laws in many other British colonies, in many cases with the same section number.

The prohibition of homosexual acts is provided for in section 377 of the penal codes of India, Malaysia, Singapore (see Section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore), Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Maldives and Jamaica. It is the model for similar laws that remain in force in Bhutan, Brunei, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Tuvalu, Samoa, Malawi, Mauritius, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Ghana, The Gambia, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It was the model for since-repealed laws in Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, and New Zealand.

Sharia... my butt! whistling.gif

31 August 1963. Malaysia becomes independent. The Bhumiputra have had 50 years to change the law if they felt it was wrong. The penal code was updated multiple times since 1963. It is a cop out to blame the former British colonial government. The law was a reflection of the era when it was put into place in the 1800's. Time moves on and we no longer consider lobotomies or electric shock as a bonafide treatment for mental illness. We also don't offer radium as a cure all and we no longer put people with physical deformities on display in "freak shows". We also do not physically assault kids for masturbating. Malaysians are 100% responsible for the current law.

The Koran condemns homosexuality and homosexual acts as unlawful and sins; but so does the Bible; both the Old Testament, e.g. Leviticus 20:13

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

and the New Testament, e.g. Romans 1:27

"And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved."

There are many fundamental Christian groups in Europe and America who would welcome such a law in their countries.

82 countries where homosexuality is illegal

In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Conservative state legislators refuse to repeal the laws and, in some cases, police still enforce them......

Edited by 7by7
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well written post 7by7 quoting the Bible, i can never get my head around, the English religious hierarchy, recognising same sex marriages and homo sexuality, as you said it goes against the teachings of the Bible, not that i am a religious person. but "hey ho", all the more for me i say, lol !!

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I should point out that I am not religious and am a firm believer that what consenting adults get up to in private is their own affair (apart from obvious things like torture or one killing the other).

I quoted the Bible to show the ignorant that there is not just an Islamic prohibition against homosexuality, but a Christian and Jewish one as well.

Some states, regardless of the 'national' religion, use this as a justification for making homosexuality illegal; the majority, don't.

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