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motorbike taxi drivers mafia in pattaya .help with this


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Am 6 ft 4, 18 stone and got a black belt in death, am that hard even me nightmares are scared of me, am up for gettin a little firm together and waiten down a dark dusty soi, when one of them drops one of the boys off there we jump out and kick seven shades of kee out of him, see how they like it. Anybody fancy it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hopefully, you are TRYING to be a comedian.

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Although it was biodegradable rubbish, it was rubbish all the same. You would never have had the confrontation had you not thrown rubbish on the street. You would never have had the confrontation if you had accepted the first guy's criticism and picked up the rubbish you had thrown.

I would have stood over and criticised a foreign litterer in my country. How dare they come to my country, disrespect our customs, and then throw rubbish on the street to boot?!

I think the OP needs to show a bit more respect to the host.

Aint that the pot calling the kettle black, THAIS have NO RESPECT where litterin is concerned so why would anyone else when you follow THEIR LEAD this was biodegradable and nothing wrong with throwing stuff like that since it will naturally be consumed by the enviroment where as a cigarette butt will still be there 50 years later

total hypocrisy and I too would of not picked it up.

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Finally some good news about the Thais starting to take care of their environment.

The next step is for them to also consider as litter all the cigarette butts, coffee cups and paper debris dropped on the ground anywhere...

A piece of cucumber on the ground.....it is litter.

Now why is it that you would think that contributing to a cleaner environment in Thailand does not apply to you????

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A bit of empathy may help in this situation. I think we can all admit Pattaya doesn't exactly hold a stellar reputation for up-standing, respectful farangs.

And if you're a motorcycle taxi, you're out on the streets all day, every day witnessing farangs who are guests in your native homeland, basically pissing all over your country, throwing shit around, making loud mouthed fools of themselves, treating women with disrespect, etc. After a while I imagine it would get quite frustrating. Then you witness some idioting throwing stuff on the ground, which the motorcycle taxi probably seen as a sign of disrespect, and yeah...

Or instead of just being respectful, you could always go for the macho man / alpha male route, and see how that works out. It's your life and physical well being, so up to you. :)

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Littering is always wrong, no matter what it is but having said that....the taxi driver was obviously looking for a fight, he could have asked you to not throw litter on the Soi in a civil manner if he choose to and was really concerned about littering. By the way, my wife tells me that it's not just foreigners that are ganged up on ten to one....they do that with their fellow Thais as well..................including ladies...the ladies would do the same to a Thai lady on her own.

I asked the obvious question..........why is it that way in Thailand, why do they not just let the two people go at it one on one. I got the usual answer........."Mi Lou"

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While I think the OP did the wrong thing just throwing some rubbish down on the ground I can agree with him in a few respects.

The guys are hypocrites, because Thai people throw rubbish down without any regard, I can guess there would be a good collection of cigarette butts and bottles round wherever they were hanging about.

Also they can behave like a collection of bully boys and bring a good chunk of xenophobia to their ways.

I have also had an interaction with a gang of them as they had set up on a high pavement and I tried to stay on there and walk around them.

They thought I should step down into the gutter to walk around them!

They were looking for a fight, although they perhaps they thought I was!

Lessons learned, throw rubbish into bins and bags and stay clear of these guys.

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Am 6 ft 4, 18 stone and got a black belt in death, am that hard even me nightmares are scared of me, am up for gettin a little firm together and waiten down a dark dusty soi, when one of them drops one of the boys off there we jump out and kick seven shades of kee out of him, see how they like it. Anybody fancy it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Come on --there must be some more fantasists, that can join in the dream...........My hands are registered as deadly weapons, (well the left one is anyway) but if I don't get there in time---just start without me.

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I remember a homeless guy doing this in London near a kensington tube station,. He picked up the litter ran after the tourist put it in the tourists hand and said, this is London mate, you can't do that here we use bins, this is London, we don't do that. He harassed the tourist till someone came along and asked him to leave the tourist alone.

I was kind of ammused to see it, first of all I thought it was going to be some ignorant racist rant but no,m so homeless bloke had a bit of pride in his bit of Kensington.and wanted no litter

so yeah too right, biodegradable or not it goes in the bin save your then and us rants

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It's not about littering. It's about boredom and yes I think that was racial hostility from them to you. How dare you defile this pristine city in their county with organic matter to feed insects and perhaps even a soi dog? For this element, fights are ENTERTAINMENT. You're lucky you got out of that without injury. You would be totally crazy to attempt any kind of followup. For those who doubt the racial angle. Think about it. Do you seriously think this gang of transport thugs would have risen over a Thai person throwing a bit of cuke?

Finally a sane response instead of these Thai/Falang converts who think everything Thai's do smells like a rose.

Many Thai's hate falang with a passion and they look for situations like this to give them an excuse to beat the living crap out of you. Thai's like this have a lot of pent up anger for falang and something like throwing a cucumber on the ground is all the excuse they need to lay into you. It's one of the many reasons I'm leaving this not so wonderful country. Even highly educated and supposedly civilized Thais can be extremely vitriolic about their hatred for falang. I've lived here 5 years and that's enough.

On the other hand, not all Thais are like this. Nothing is absolute. There are many, many Thais who would help a falang and are very, very nice to falang, but in the big cities like Pattaya you have a very high concentration of falang hating Thais.

Finally OP, no matter how big you are or how ready you are to take care of yourself, you would be incredibly stupid to try and do anything about it except walk away as you did. Many Thai's have little regard for life and know there is little chance they would be prosecuted very strongly for killing you. Thais have a mob mentality and it's easy to do bad things if you are part of a mob. This is not the West, it's the wild West.

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...just look at the side of any road...especially empty lots....and see how absurd his actions were...

...it has nothing to do with ecology or Buddhism....

...racism more likely.....doubtful he would try to pull that on a Thai....

...(but not worth it to pursue it....)....it is hopeless....and you are hopelessly outnumbered....

.I will never forget the story an American teacher told me: He had a fight with a Thai...which he won... A few days later...the loser of the fight brought around 10 guys with him...they literally smashed his door down.....and sent him to the hospital..

(As I was told by several Thais...'Thais will always stick together against foreigners"....and...'They can find you very easily by just asking around'....

....You are a visible minority....oftentimes hated...resented....despised...) ...so...pointless to pursue it

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Nobody is suggesting littering is admirable behavior. I don't do it just because it's bad behavior but sometimes I have to schlep a long time before coming across a trash can. Also I would just EAT cukes (but not hot dogs). But you're kidding yourself if you think this was about tossing some cuke.

Gotta agree with you this time JT. This looks to me like an entertainment fight to me as

well, a chance to hand some shit to a farang. If a Thai had stepped out of a Mercedes

Benz, and threw a cucumber out of the hot dog he was eating, the taxi boys would

have meekly watched and done nothing. If the OP is still really upset, the solution

is simple. Just get 10 of your friends to even the odds, and head back there for

some fun.....

I have traveled to every part of Thailand, and it seems that Thais love to litter.

The taxi mafia getting upset over a piece of cucumber is absurd.

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you're not gonna do anything about it mate,

but you're better off to vent about it here than go back and get murdered.

IF you were actually gonna do something you'd get an auto shotgun or an AK and go back and kill them all(PLEASE NOTE,I AM NOT ADVOCATING THIS!!!),

cause one left alive means you left dead,

just relax,go get laid,THEN get drunk...NOT the other way round,

I've done some stupid shit in Thailand but <deleted> with young men whose AVERAGE LIFE as Motocike taxi's is measured in months,who ALL carry Vietnam era .45's(and I've SEEN what a .45 round can do man,imagine 70 of them?)

a good friend of many people on here was murdered with a <deleted> Samurai Sword recently over a dispute with a Taxi driver over 50 baht,

don't be a headline.

take care.,


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It's obviously about territory. Perhaps the Thais don't want a a passing stranger dropping bits of food into their territory as it might bring in rats.

Or maybe it's about respect of territory.

Good luck in the event of total war, you'll need it --as will we all.

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There is no way in hell or earth this was about him littering! No way...

Anyone who has lived here for some time knows.

I have seen many Thais littering including my wife and her family..

Now not so much because I explained to them..

Have you ever been on the train in the restaurant?

Those guys throw trash right out the window

Have you walked around at the end of the day and seen the plastic bags lying around?

Why you think they have street sweepers walking around everyday…

If this post is true it was about some jerk wanting to be tough..

Littering is a normal thing for many people here..

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simon43, on 09 Mar 2014 - 04:50, said:simon43, on 09 Mar 2014 - 04:50, said:

Are you sure it wasn't gherkin?? Usuaully it is gherkin that is thrown away, because no-one on this earth likes gherkin, and it is is only served with your takeaway so as to enable witty conversation with the locals as you eject it...

In case you don't know gherkin is pickled cucumber, so cucumber is correct. As for "no-one" liking gherkin, wrong, speak for yourself, I love it, especially as a cheese and gherkin sandwich.

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wamberal, on 09 Mar 2014 - 11:57, said:wamberal, on 09 Mar 2014 - 11:57, said:

Reminds me a bit of a court case in Hong Kong when I was living there. An expat threw an apple core away in a National Park. He was charged by a ranger. His defense was similar to that of the OP - "it is biodegradable, so it is not litter"). Actually, vegetable matter is biodegradable, so I think in that case he was harshly made a principle of by the court.

However, vegetable matter thrown on a pavement is garbage. The OP was in the wrong. If he had thrown it in a garden bed, maybe okay, but not onto a hard surface. That is just laziness, IMHO.

You are very right, vegetable matter is biodegradable, however, the seeds tend to sprout, allowing non-native vegetation to grow, often to the detriment to native vegetation.

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edwardandtubs, on 10 Mar 2014 - 02:21, said:edwardandtubs, on 10 Mar 2014 - 02:21, said:
Soutpeel, on 09 Mar 2014 - 09:46, said:Soutpeel, on 09 Mar 2014 - 09:46, said:
kranuan, on 09 Mar 2014 - 08:05, said:kranuan, on 09 Mar 2014 - 08:05, said:
Soutpeel, on 09 Mar 2014 - 00:31, said:Soutpeel, on 09 Mar 2014 - 00:31, said:

Oh dear a Thai talking to westerner like this how dare they, the should be kowtowing down at your feet saying "yes boss" you littered dear boy and were called on it

As regards "I am a big guy and can handle myself" grow up you silly man, you will not be so big if you have 10 of them coming at you to beat the sh*t out of you

All over a piece of cucumber.... Grow up, how petty

yes an a sad pathetic excuse like you spewing abuse from the safety of your cosy little condo would just lie down and take, i know that. but this was nothing more than pure hatred for a foreigner alone against a lot of them. there are ways of speaking to people ,simple as that, any man who can handle himself knows about this i suspect not too many of you understand this.

just makes you hate thai people all the more after greed bah.gifbah.gif

Actually I have quite a big house, not a little condo, I am not a retiree, I work in Thailand and have done so for many years and I am very capable of looking after myself and with all the above being said my opinion remains the same........

Grow up you silly little person

Boo hoo the little funny brown man spoke to me rudely and didn't respect I am a superior white westerner, go tell your mommy

You're the one who has twisted the story with the "funny little brown man" angle. The fact is that many people in Thailand, especially Thais, dump stuff on the streets and no one says a word. Street cleaners come to pick it up but the streets are generally not particularly clean. Do you really believe this moto gang were on a campaign of street beautification rather than just opportunistically asserting their dominance over a "farang"?

You always post in threads like this and regardless of the facts of the story you always have the same angle - it's all the fault of the racist white person. Why not take your own advice and "grow up you silly little person".

Have to agree, don't get me wrong, littering is littering, if I have rubbish I take it with me, the hot dog would have come in a bag, use it, but what irks me is that if a Thai had dropped the gherkin nothing would have been said or done, the OP was "targeted" well before the offence, he just gave the tuk tuk driver a reason.

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It's not about littering. It's about boredom and yes I think that was racial hostility from them to you. How dare you defile this pristine city in their county with organic matter to feed insects and perhaps even a soi dog? For this element, fights are ENTERTAINMENT. You're lucky you got out of that without injury. You would be totally crazy to attempt any kind of followup. For those who doubt the racial angle. Think about it. Do you seriously think this gang of transport thugs would have risen over a Thai person throwing a bit of cuke?

I think this sums it up pretty well and gives good advice. Boredom, xenophobia, few working brain cells, yaba or alcohol high...etc. in any combination seems to define your garden variety motocy taxi driver here. And they definitely have a pack-mentality. Avoid confrontation with groups of them at all cost. Don't forget that the average penalty against Thais for murdering farang is about a 500 baht fine, so these guys don't care. As for treating a Thai person the same way in this case, I agree that the chance is zero. A Thai could have dumped an entire garbage bag of old food scraps on the road, and the taxi boys would have yawned and looked the other way.

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So your a big guy and can handle yourself, that is until they all pull a knife on you, stupid farang, go back home.

Always a pleasure to see the intelligentsia weighing in on these matters..... :-)

Are you aware that if the TAT , tasked with getting tourists here and spending money,

sees your post encouraging farangs to go home, they will then have you black listed ?

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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lanng khao, on 09 Mar 2014 - 01:09, said:

Am 6 ft 4, 18 stone and got a black belt in death, am that hard even me nightmares are scared of me, am up for gettin a little firm together and waiten down a dark dusty soi, when one of them drops one of the boys off there we jump out and kick seven shades of kee out of him, see how they like it. Anybody fancy it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Surprising how fast a .38 or 9mm adjusts attitudes like yours. Still, enjoy your dreams.

Edit: You don't have to be 6'4" to pull the trigger..................wink.png

You do know he was taking the piss out the OP

Yeah, I did...............biggrin.png Not just keeping the post count up, it is part of a silent protest that there isn't a good sarcasm smiley.

There are times when I get soooo confused.....................sad.png

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Nobody is suggesting littering is admirable behavior. I don't do it just because it's bad behavior but sometimes I have to schlep a long time before coming across a trash can. Also I would just EAT cukes (but not hot dogs). But you're kidding yourself if you think this was about tossing some cuke.

It's true about lack of garbage bins here. I noticed it from the first time I came to Thailand. I have to admit, although I would never throw garbage in the street, there have been many times when after finishing a carton of milk or can of juice, I do place it somewhere like the side of the pavement. Why is there a serious lack of litter bins in Thailand? Is it to keep people in a job cleaning the streets?

Would people really be expected to carry a empty carton or can with them for the rest of the day?

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Although it was biodegradable rubbish, it was rubbish all the same. You would never have had the confrontation had you not thrown rubbish on the street. You would never have had the confrontation if you had accepted the first guy's criticism and picked up the rubbish you had thrown.

I would have stood over and criticised a foreign litterer in my country. How dare they come to my country, disrespect our customs, and then throw rubbish on the street to boot?!

I think the OP needs to show a bit more respect to the host.

This post has nothing to do with littering this is more to do with the sense of superiority some farangs think they have over the natives, how dare they tell a farang off.... Don't they know their place ?

But if the OP wants a hospital visit all because of a piece of cucumber, go for it, just another stupid farang with an attitude me thinks

You sound like a complete idiot the way you are spouting off, if someone gets in my face in a disrespectful way no matter where they are from they will get the same response its got nothing to do with if its a thai or not. The guy was minding his own business and was approached by an aggressive person maybe you are a pussy but not everyone will bow down a little man who thinks he can bully someone just cos he has 10 of his mates nearby.

Cowards they are that is all,

Oh dear another key board hard man... The only people who start bleating on about using violence when they think they have been disrespected are con's / ex-con's and people from the ghetto's or other lower class people

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