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Two special warfare soldiers arrested by Bangkok metropolitan police


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*** is a special warfare soldier ... ? cheesy.gif

What's so bloody funny about your comment ? Maybe they are soldiers who are, to quote the report "...attached to Lopburi-based Special Warfare Battalion."

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And who said the PDRC guards were non-violent and peaceful ?

Yes - tell us who or is this a straw man?

Most posts I've seen have said that the protestors are peaceful and the guards are there to try to protect them in the absence of police.

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WOW. Soldiers with weapons and ammunition after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons. Who would have thought. Maybe the next news story will be nurses caught with blankets, hospital food and IV drips in the back of their pick up.

What a load of crap you post at times, are they all going to carry 10 weapons each then??

Mental block against reloading? rolleyes.gifpost-39302-0-35702800-1394447606_thumb.j

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Both are good soldiers loyal to the crown and the people of Thailand. If they had a large quantity of ammunition on them they obviously needed it. They will only speak to the staff judge advocates because the military will "understand". The police are obviously being difficult, carrying war weapons into an already tense area,what could possibly go wrong?

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WOW. Soldiers with weapons and ammunition after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons. Who would have thought. Maybe the next news story will be nurses caught with blankets, hospital food and IV drips in the back of their pick up.

What a load of crap you post at times, are they all going to carry 10 weapons each then??

Don't ask me. Ask Jarupong. He is the one that said "that load of crap"

At the "war drum" rally on Sunday, Jarupong Ruengsuwan, the Pue Thai Party Leader, said that violence threatened to escalate. "Let me leave a warning to all people and to those who want to harm the country and the People of Thailand that Thais own 10 million guns in this country," he said.


more Jamie misinformation - typical

where did he say 100,000 have 10m weapons? he said 'Thais own 10 million guns'

I know you love twisting and perverting truth and that your young mind is... very young. But you have to get a grip on maturity at some stage and leave behind your adoration for the right wing

EDIT Jamie misinformation:

post # 1:

after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons.

followed by a TEN fold increase in Post #2:

What's your view on 100 000 disenfranchised youth with access to 10 million weapons

when the truth is the story had NO RELATION to the 100,000 but to Thais owing guns in general

what next Jamie???

100,000 have 100,000,000 million weapons??? you are becoming unbalanced and your coffee beans contain what? hallucinogenics???

Edited by binjalin
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Judge Advocates are just military lawyers, a spokesperson for the Army has already stated they were not on official duty and that the weapons were not standard issue RTA weapons.. no matter what colour your tinted glasses may be, it's suspicious to say the very least.

I wouldn't get too hung up on their Special Warfare title either, the guys in SEAL team 6 are classed as Special Warfare Operators

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*** is a special warfare soldier ... ? cheesy.gif

It was allegedly troops from the 3rd Special Warfare Regiment, based in Lopburi, who fired down from the Skytrain tracks into Wat Pathum Wanaram, so the term does have a certain resonance in the context of yellow/red conflicts. The theory advanced by some is that the regiments deployed in Bangkok in 2010 were carefully chosen according to where their perceived loyalties lay. I wonder if these two are from the 3rd Regiment. That would seem to contradict the later story that they were from the 2nd Infantry Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment (also involved in action in 2010, but not at the temple).

Edited by metisdead
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What I don't get is this

<<Police initially charged the two soldiers of having in possession arms and ammunition which could not be licensed by gun registrar, and carrying them in public places, and violation of the emergency law.>>

You mean that soldiers can't carry guns, and army guns are illegal as they are not on the gun register????????????

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WOW. Soldiers with weapons and ammunition after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons. Who would have thought. Maybe the next news story will be nurses caught with blankets, hospital food and IV drips in the back of their pick up.

What a load of crap you post at times, are they all going to carry 10 weapons each then??

Don't ask me. Ask Jarupong. He is the one that said "that load of crap"

At the "war drum" rally on Sunday, Jarupong Ruengsuwan, the Pue Thai Party Leader, said that violence threatened to escalate. "Let me leave a warning to all people and to those who want to harm the country and the People of Thailand that Thais own 10 million guns in this country," he said.


more Jamie misinformation - typical

where did he say 100,000 have 10m weapons? he said 'Thais own 10 million guns'

I know you love twisting and perverting truth and that your young mind is... very young. But you have to get a grip on maturity at some stage and leave behind your adoration for the right wing

EDIT Jamie misinformation:

post # 10:

after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons.

followed by a TEN fold increase in Post #22:

What's your view on 100 000 disenfranchised youth with access to 10 million weapons

when the truth is the story had NO RELATION to the 100,000 but to Thais owing guns in general

what next Jamie???

100,000 have 100,000,000 million weapons??? you are becoming unbalanced and your coffee beans contain what? hallucinogenics???

Actually it is you who is twisting what he said.

Post 1: 100,000 with a million weapons.

Post 2: Jarupong said that Thais have 10 million guns.

You have added 1+1 and got 3.

Try and be honest when commenting on posts.

Edited by khunken
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*** is a special warfare soldier ... ? cheesy.gif

Following the American Army model, Special Warfare encompasses psychological operations and unconventional warfare in inter-agency deployment that can involve CIA, Army Special Forces, green berets and airborne rangers. The Navy equivalent includes the Navy Seals that took out Bin Laden.

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Military arrested carrying cache of weapons in close proximity to protesters ( with or without VIP passes issued by suthep).This is becoming commonplace these days. Details of top secret drugs mission to follow in due course? While few would have any doubt as to their real purpose, the total incomptence of those issuing the orders is disconcerting

Your repititous mandane comments are becoming a total bore. Do us all a favour, lift your game or opt out.

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Actually it is you who is twisting what he said.

Post 1: 100,000 with a million weapons.

Post 2: Jarupong said that Thais have 10 million guns.

You have added 1+1 and got 3.

Try and be honest when commenting on posts.

utter BS

you need some glasses? read the posts - he says 100,000 have ONE MILLION WEAPONS and was laughed at by several posters then mentions a CNN article claiming 'Thais have 10m weapons' where's the connection?

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WOW. Soldiers with weapons and ammunition after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons. Who would have thought. Maybe the next news story will be nurses caught with blankets, hospital food and IV drips in the back of their pick up.

are they all going to carry 10 weapons each then??

a 1:1 ratio can be found in earlier PTP/Red Shirt pronouncements:

At the "war drum" rally on Sunday, Jarupong Ruengsuwan, the Pue Thai Party Leader, said that violence threatened to escalate. "Let me leave a warning to all people and to those who want to harm the country and the People of Thailand that Thais own 10 million guns in this country," he said.


Red Shirt leader Kwanchai urged Thaksin to return through the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge in Nong Khai following the Songkran celebrations in Vientiane in April. He said he would mobilise some 10 million Isaan people to welcome and protect Thaksin.


a 1:1 ratio is more likely, but to state that there's 100,000 mobilising and they're going to have 1,000,000 guns is not a 1:1 ratio.

There have been calls for mobilising, by the extremist red shirt, as to whether that call will be answered is enntirely different, it's sabre rattling and jingoism at its best, and propaganda designed to create knee jerk reactions..and it's working!!

I don't agree with what they're doing, and I condmen it, whole heartedly, but I'm neither red nor yellow and I look at things that are going on from a different angle. I see this as a "Well if the PDRC can have armed guards and be above the law, then so can we" and I'm sorry to say they have a point.

Have they threatened to turn Bangkok into another 2010? Again, I doubt that it will happen.. I hope it never happens again.

As for these pair, and Jamies comments, well, my view is that why would the Army based in Bangkok worry too much when there's Army units based all over Issan and the North East that are more than capable of quelling any such rebellion wink.png

Because the army knows damn well that some of it's northern or north/eastern divisions may have divided loyalties if push came to shove. In the event of real crisis expect to see some camps have all leave cancelled and the soldiers not to leave barracks under any circumstances. that will keep most of the guns in hands they can trust.

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Actually it is you who is twisting what he said.

Post 1: 100,000 with a million weapons.

Post 2: Jarupong said that Thais have 10 million guns.

You have added 1+1 and got 3.

Try and be honest when commenting on posts.

utter BS

you need some glasses? read the posts - he says 100,000 have ONE MILLION WEAPONS and was laughed at by several posters then mentions a CNN article claiming 'Thais have 10m weapons' where's the connection?

The BS is yours.

He made two posts & you twisted them into one. The connection was made by you - deliberate distortion.

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Seems like more PDRC guards have been caught, moonlighting special warfare soldiers carrying out missions for PDRC, against the peace-loving people of Thailand!


You're probably correct, in much the same way that you'll find a mix of "off duty" Police and Services personnel mixed in amongst the pro-Govt supporters.

Kiloman - But can you please explain where you got this information from that these soldiers where PDRC guards? There is nothing in the OP which suggests these two soldiers are affiliated to either the pro or anti government groups.

Your statement seems to be based on wild speculation rather than fact.

I think that pretty much ALL of these postings are speculation and rumors and have not much basis in facts at all and personally wish that people who chose to post during this crisis adhere to the request of ThaiVisa and NOT spread non-factual rumors, speculation, hyperbole, defamatory remarks directed to other posters, blatantly attaching others for their opinions, and judgments, even though you might not agree with that person. No reason to do any of these things and common sense decency should rule your choice to post on ThaiVisa. We and our families and friends all need to be safe during this time of civil strife and not see what can be called as pure nonsense. Thanks.

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There is a huge difference in stating that Thais have 1 million weapons( that's a broad statement and has a degree of accuracy )compared to 100,000 redshirt Militia/Rebels/Mental cases/ propagandist have a Million weapons..

Better grind them beans a little bit finer and drink them, not snort them ;)

Its kind of like saying in Thailand there's 1 million men with schlongs over 4" and Fat Haggis has a 10" one, only one of these statements are more likely to be accurate and true!!! ;)

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*** is a special warfare soldier ... ? cheesy.gif

Basically what we used to call a Green Beret. Now in the U.S. they come under what's called Joint Special Operations Command. They come from all the services, because they've seen the handwriting on the wall ever since Rumsfeld botched the invasion of Iraq. The reason he botched it was because he drank Reagan's Star Wars kool-aid. He thought that the more accurate "smart bombs" and highly-trained small groups basically going illegal things would replace conventional forces.It didn't work in Iraq and it doesn't work in Afghanistan, but it's the current used car the flim-flam artists at the top of the military (in the U.S.) use to keep the money coming in.

Here in Thailand I think they're supposed to basically act as stealthy scouts along the border and, in the event of hostilities, operate behind enemy lines to disrupt communications and sabotage supply lines. Thailand doesn't have any equivalent of the U.S.'s Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits using the military to do things which police notmally do, like arresting people or catching drug sellers. It looks like what they really are is small groups of highly-trained, highly-loyal troops used to perform missions which the command wants to keep secret. Of course I don't really know. Think about Red Barrels.

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There is a huge difference in stating that Thais have 1 million weapons( that's a broad statement and has a degree of accuracy )compared to 100,000 redshirt Militia/Rebels/Mental cases/ propagandist have a Million weapons..

Better grind them beans a little bit finer and drink them, not snort them wink.png

Its kind of like saying in Thailand there's 1 million men with schlongs over 4" and Fat Haggis has a 10" one, only one of these statements are more likely to be accurate and true!!! wink.png

**** me!! You can't argue with that logic. And on that note I bid farewell to this OP. clap2.gif

They should call you "long" haggis by the sounds of it!!!

Edited by metisdead
Profanity edited out of post.
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*** is a special warfare soldier ... ? cheesy.gif

it's a soldier who fights wars that are special!! come on mate, use your imagination!!

As for the ammo, there's over 500 rounds in that box. Moonlighting? more like flogging ammo to the PDRC wink.png

of which you cant prove a thing..your retired now calm down...still bitter about not getting that coveted vc..w00t.gif

That's indeed correct, I can't prove a thing, but I can speculate a very plausabe reason for having such large amounts of ammunition.

Retired? ..nope, still carry a sidearm and responsible for weapons and Ammo storage on a daily basis, medals? nah we don't need no stinking medals wink.png

Okay, IF there were on some kind of "official capacity" they'd have comms gear with them too, there's no mention of any, how would they maintain a SITREP with their Ops room? Mobile Phones don't cut it, they're allegedly Special Warfare, so they'd have primary comms and back up comms.

They'd also have a Chain of Command, a two minute phone call to their Operations room would have verified if they were on duty or not.

The pistol is interesting to me as .45 isn't really a standard calbre, there are only 2 units I recall that prefered that size of round, and both were US Spec Ops types most Thai Units favour the 9mm round due to the capacity of the magazines. The .45 pistol only holds from memory 7 rounds, where as the 9mm Glocks and SiG's hold between 12-15.

Whilst Kiko got a smackdown for "speculating/rumour" unfortunately as the picture unfolded more in the case where the Thai Navy SEAL's were concerend , they were indeed linked to the PDRC..

I'll keep an open mind Winston wink.png

Techo stuff. Most .45 pistols are 7+1 but many 13 plus round .45ACP's are available but are not usually in Military service except the H&K Mk23 SOCOM. It is 12 rnds +1. The Glock 17, 9mm is in service with police & military in the 100's of 1000's all over the globe. It is the original Glock pistol and was called Glock 17 because it holds 17 + 1 rounds. Many other 9mm service pistols hold in excess of 15 rnds. The H&K SOCOM is a special forces item with all sorts of cute accessories available.

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Actually it is you who is twisting what he said.

Post 1: 100,000 with a million weapons.

Post 2: Jarupong said that Thais have 10 million guns.

You have added 1+1 and got 3.

Try and be honest when commenting on posts.

utter BS

you need some glasses? read the posts - he says 100,000 have ONE MILLION WEAPONS and was laughed at by several posters then mentions a CNN article claiming 'Thais have 10m weapons' where's the connection?

The BS is yours.

He made two posts & you twisted them into one. The connection was made by you - deliberate distortion.

he said:

WOW. Soldiers with weapons and ammunition after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons

where did that come from?

then he linked the 10 million weapons from a CNN article - utter, utter propaganda then you seek to obfuscate further

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And who said the PDRC guards were non-violent and peaceful ?

Khun Suthep's boy scouts probably believe in the Boy scout motto. "Be Prepared." They do not scream from the stage "We have one million/ten million guns/armed supporters" like Thaksin's hired guns do.

Yes it would be illegal, but another motto worth remembering is "It is preferable to be judged by 12 than carried by 6."

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WOW. Soldiers with weapons and ammunition after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons. Who would have thought. Maybe the next news story will be nurses caught with blankets, hospital food and IV drips in the back of their pick up.

What a load of crap you post at times, are they all going to carry 10 weapons each then??

Don't ask me. Ask Jarupong. He is the one that said "that load of crap"

At the "war drum" rally on Sunday, Jarupong Ruengsuwan, the Pue Thai Party Leader, said that violence threatened to escalate. "Let me leave a warning to all people and to those who want to harm the country and the People of Thailand that Thais own 10 million guns in this country," he said.


Hmmm, so much for the U.S. only having so many firearms.

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*** is a special warfare soldier ... ? cheesy.gif

What's so bloody funny about your comment ? Maybe they are soldiers who are, to quote the report "...attached to Lopburi-based Special Warfare Battalion."

A special warfare soldier is a soldier who only fights when the war is very very special, otherwise he stays at home.

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WOW. Soldiers with weapons and ammunition after receiving news that 100 000 armed militia are forming up north with a million weapons. Who would have thought. Maybe the next news story will be nurses caught with blankets, hospital food and IV drips in the back of their pick up.

What a load of crap you post at times, are they all going to carry 10 weapons each then??

Seriously Bomber, I would have thought a more logical and intelligent last two posts from yourself. If they were indeed on active service within Bangkok, where is the military vehicle and the platoon of soldiers attached with these two scallywags? Some common sense explains IMO an awful lot on this piece of work. Well done to His Majesty's Police Force on this case. They have potentially saved some lives...

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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