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Is it illegal for students to use a helmet when on a bike?


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I read the reply by Gazzpa as an example of elements of child safety that could & should be adopted here. If you think it is just fine for these CHILDREN, yes, 9&10 olds and in some cases younger. to not be legally protected from their natural juvenile lack-of-danger perception then you are a sick puppy. What's next? Give babies knives & razors to play with in the cot? OK! Silly extreme example but I am making a point. Children need protection from predators & their own lack of judgement. It is the way it is, YES, BUT IT SHOULD BE A DIFFERENT, SAFER AND BETTER COUNTRY FOR CHILDREN. I think Thai democracy & Thai governance let the Thai people down badly in so many ways. We do not want to go to the stupid extreme found in many instance in the west, but kids need better protection by law here.

Should, could, makes no difference what you or i think.

It is what it is and police or parents are in no hurry to implement anything.

Does not mean i support it nor does it mean i do not. It just means this is how it is.

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Its the usual - cops don't give a fig unless there is money in it for them. In a country where face is so much, it would be easy to punish teenager and kids for such - community service - bright orange jump suits picking up litter every weekend for an few months under supervision - just like they do in countries where they do give a dam_n. In fact its not hard to give the police incentive either if they did care about the horrendous death rate on Thai road amongst the young, set up juvenile courts, on prosecution - impound bike - auction it off, money given as reward to cop, jump suit for kid - repeat offender, double charge - bike taken without permission, move to proper court wrt theft.

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pattjock, on 11 Mar 2014 - 06:35, said:
balo, on 11 Mar 2014 - 01:10, said:
pattjock, on 10 Mar 2014 - 21:33, said:

Everyone turn left while it is red even if this is only alowed in very few crossings where there is a specific sign saying you can do this.


I think you got this wrong. That specific sign means you are not allowed to turn left until there is a green light.

So in most crossings without that sign you can turn left.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I know I'm right.

In Thailand you are only allowed to turn left on red light when there is a blue rectangular sign with a white left pointing arrow. This used to be easy until a few years ago when a number of confusing signs appeared saying TURN LEFT WAITING LIGHT.

Now you have crossings with these new signs sayng to wait, the old, still official signs saying that you can turn and crossings with no sign.

The law still stand, No blue sign with white arrow means no left turn on red light.

You are correct, balo is very wrong.

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I agree with some posts that some police prioritize activities that will maximise the fines they can collect. I wich that they were paid much better and that they had a bonus system based on how much they lower the accident rate in their area and not based on how many offenders they catch.

Some people say get used to it and it's not my problem if other people dont use a helmet. As the traffic code stipulates that you should drive at an appropriate speed and keep a safe distance to be able to avoid any problems you will find that in most accidents both parties are found guilty, at different degrees. If you hit someone not using a helmet, your fault or not, it could cost you a lot, both in money and mental anguish. If the other part were using a helmet he could probably be fixed up with iodine and bandaid.

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Very obnoxious post. You obviously are using this to write a bit of Thai bashing and to solicit comments about slack cops, dumb Thais and of course are hoping to see replys about corrupt police accepting graft when they stop someone. Pitiful.

So the Thai apologist is saying its Thai bashing now. Last week you was trying to defend thai driving, and defending a bus driver with no licence that killed 15, then fled the scene. Pathetic. Please, if you must defend / apologise for Thais, look for another thread.

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Imagine this, walking through a city park at sunset, talking and laughing with my gal as joggers quietly pass by. As I veer to the left to view some flowers, a child of 12 (no helmet) speeds up his scooter to 60kph, barely missing me, and coming inches away from hitting a tree. No warning. Everyone in the park just smiles and shrugs.

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Dear Op,


You have much to learn and one of the first things, is that many Thais are convinced they are bullet-proof and that their heads are Sacred Objects full of all wisdom and to top it off, Indestructible!

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Imagine this, walking through a city park at sunset, talking and laughing with my gal as joggers quietly pass by. As I veer to the left to view some flowers, a child of 12 (no helmet) speeds up his scooter to 60kph, barely missing me, and coming inches away from hitting a tree. No warning. Everyone in the park just smiles and shrugs.

Picture this; i approach a well known street food vendor that knows me well, except this day her big umbrella has 3 bare unattached spokes and is unusually low. This is where customers typically approach to order food. The bare spoke stabs my eyebrow nearly/ luckily missing the eye. What is their reaction to this?

Big smiles and facial expressions of happiness. Not one of used the "sorry" word. They are indoctrinated to think everything is related to a smile.

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Students and school kids have no money in their pockets so the police have no interest in enforcing the laws. Police in our town wave children with no helmets, underage, without licenses in and out of school. No tickets are ever issued, or even tea money paid.

Meanwhile the same police force set up road blocks to extort money out of adults not wearing helmets less than a mile away.

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Just impound the bike, then the family will find the money! After one month, then auction off the bike, if fine is not paid. Of course maybe if a car crusher was brought to the school, it might impress some of the kids, or their parents.

They should just seize the bike & end of story as that's the fine.

Let the little darlings walk home & I have a good feeling that the problem will soon be solved

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Firstly, I assume that the initial poster's question of "Is it illegal for them [students] to use a helmet????" is sarcasm rather than just a stupid question.

Next. Regarding the many posts indicating that police do not enforce helmet law when it comes to students. I disagree. Writing from personal experience in 4 provinces and many districts and sub-districts...Police are arbitrary at best in their enforcement of the helmet law. It depends on where, when, and the specific police jurisdiction. I routinely see the police set-up "stop and checks" in the afternoon at times proximate to when schools in the area generally end their days. Many students are always caught in this dragnet. Often, it is mostly students who are caught. I see no bias in favor of students at all. For that matter, no bias in favor of me, as well. :-(

Edited by abq2020
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Yes, it was sarcasm designed to catch attention to a very important subject. I hate to see people hurt, especially kids. It's hard to get grownups to change their ways but kids could be influenced by parents, teachers and the police if they put some kind of effort into this.

The police do have a lot of check points the problem is that in between these check points you see officers driving around with and without helmets, surrounded by other drivers without helmets and I have never seen any of these officers stopping anyone. The police should enforce the laws at all times not just at special occasions when they have a check point.

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Yes, it was sarcasm designed to catch attention to a very important subject. I hate to see people hurt, especially kids. It's hard to get grownups to change their ways but kids could be influenced by parents, teachers and the police if they put some kind of effort into this.

The police do have a lot of check points the problem is that in between these check points you see officers driving around with and without helmets, surrounded by other drivers without helmets and I have never seen any of these officers stopping anyone. The police should enforce the laws at all times not just at special occasions when they have a check point.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that the check points are only for revenue raising, sweet FA to do with increasing public safety.

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Police do not bother with them, why? because they would need to detain them, have bike towed to police station, call parents and final result is nothing, they will keep on doing it(that is if you take financials out of it)

If you add financials into it, police would waste half a day if not more and possibly get 500 baht fine out of parents.

And why would the final result be nothing ?

When I get a fine from a policeman, I will have to pay, and I've never seen him spending more than 15 minutes on it, let stand half a day. Why would that be different with a student.

The only thing this is about is face.

My sons uncle almost died 10 years ago because he fell of a motorbike and wasn't wearing a helmet. For 2 months he was a zombie and didn't speak a word. Luckily he recovered. as he was only 9 years old at the time of the accident.

These days that boys mother, my sons grandmother, is taking my son to the school by motorbike, and she doesn't give a <deleted> if he wear a helmet or not. I bought him a decent helmet and check frequently if he wear it.

When I discover that he didn't wear it one day, as was the case a few weeks ago, I shout the grandmother a skin full that the whole village can hear it.

I don't care that she loses face and hates me for it. It is to me beyond comprehension that her son almost died for not wearing a helmet, and still doesn't realize the importance of it.

Your sons uncle almost died because of falling off a motorbike, not because of wearing or not wearing a helmet. Is it not best to find the cause of "falling off" a bike and curing that?

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Police do not bother with them, why? because they would need to detain them, have bike towed to police station, call parents and final result is nothing, they will keep on doing it(that is if you take financials out of it)

If you add financials into it, police would waste half a day if not more and possibly get 500 baht fine out of parents.

And why would the final result be nothing ?

When I get a fine from a policeman, I will have to pay, and I've never seen him spending more than 15 minutes on it, let stand half a day. Why would that be different with a student.

The only thing this is about is face.

My sons uncle almost died 10 years ago because he fell of a motorbike and wasn't wearing a helmet. For 2 months he was a zombie and didn't speak a word. Luckily he recovered. as he was only 9 years old at the time of the accident.

These days that boys mother, my sons grandmother, is taking my son to the school by motorbike, and she doesn't give a <deleted> if he wear a helmet or not. I bought him a decent helmet and check frequently if he wear it.

When I discover that he didn't wear it one day, as was the case a few weeks ago, I shout the grandmother a skin full that the whole village can hear it.

I don't care that she loses face and hates me for it. It is to me beyond comprehension that her son almost died for not wearing a helmet, and still doesn't realize the importance of it.

Your sons uncle almost died because of falling off a motorbike, not because of wearing or not wearing a helmet. Is it not best to find the cause of "falling off" a bike and curing that?

My son's uncle fell of the back of his brother's moped, because he unexpected attempted to pull a wheelie. He almost died because he hit the concrete with his unprotected head.

Is that good enough for you ?

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Police do not bother with them, why? because they would need to detain them, have bike towed to police station, call parents and final result is nothing, they will keep on doing it(that is if you take financials out of it)

If you add financials into it, police would waste half a day if not more and possibly get 500 baht fine out of parents.

And why would the final result be nothing ?

When I get a fine from a policeman, I will have to pay, and I've never seen him spending more than 15 minutes on it, let stand half a day. Why would that be different with a student.

The only thing this is about is face.

My sons uncle almost died 10 years ago because he fell of a motorbike and wasn't wearing a helmet. For 2 months he was a zombie and didn't speak a word. Luckily he recovered. as he was only 9 years old at the time of the accident.

These days that boys mother, my sons grandmother, is taking my son to the school by motorbike, and she doesn't give a <deleted> if he wear a helmet or not. I bought him a decent helmet and check frequently if he wear it.

When I discover that he didn't wear it one day, as was the case a few weeks ago, I shout the grandmother a skin full that the whole village can hear it.

I don't care that she loses face and hates me for it. It is to me beyond comprehension that her son almost died for not wearing a helmet, and still doesn't realize the importance of it.

Your sons uncle almost died because of falling off a motorbike, not because of wearing or not wearing a helmet. Is it not best to find the cause of "falling off" a bike and curing that?

My son's uncle fell of the back of his brother's moped, because he unexpected attempted to pull a wheelie. He almost died because he hit the concrete with his unprotected head.

Is that good enough for you ?

Sorry to hear that, and i hope he makes a full recovery.

But had he been riding in a sensible way, no need for a helmet.

I don't understand the mindset of people who keep on and on about helmets, while not addressing the causes of them. Prevent the cause, don't force me and people like me to wear a helmet because of other peoples failing.

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Sorry to hear that, and i hope he makes a full recovery.

But had he been riding in a sensible way, no need for a helmet.

I don't understand the mindset of people who keep on and on about helmets, while not addressing the causes of them. Prevent the cause, don't force me and people like me to wear a helmet because of other peoples failing.

The event happened 10 years ago, as mentioned in my first post.

So you will be able to address the cause for needing a helmet.

How you gonna prevent from one of the other thousands of road users making an accident with you ?

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Not just kids who don't wear helmets - Adults as well. My 5 year old daughter wanted to go with an adult she knows to a local shop about a five minute ride away recently. As I saw her get on the bike I shouted "Crash Helmet". The adult's response "okay no Police". Well that's okay then don't worry about the safety aspect. I made her wear it. They have no idea or common sense but most suffer from T.A.F.S.

Edited by Rimmer
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Riding a motor bike or scooter, a helmet is essential! This I think we can all agree on. It will save you from serious head injuries and give you a fighting chance at the very least.

However, have you seen what are called helmets here? They are made of cheapish plastic with nothing more than Styrofoam inserts. The strap is never tightened, if even done up at all. Any impact will not deform the inserts and the plastic shell will simply crack and transfer that force straight through to your brain. The fact is that these 'helmets' will do nothing more than give the police something to put your brains back into after the crash. But then again even these poor excuses for helmets are better than nothing at all.

But not to make sure that the students wear the things is both stupid and irresponsible of all the authorities involved. The hospital that I work in mandates that everyone wear one and will ticket you (through the hospital administration) for not wearing one. But to see the 100% signs regarding helmet wearing all over the place and no one living up to its demand goes beyond understanding. Between the 'helmet check points' and my ER where I see at least 4+ cases a week of' no helmet head injuries' (all are serious cases and we lose at least one to either death or to a coma). Something has to be done!

So get your kids, your friends, or your family down to any hospital' ER and show them a head injury from a motorbike/scooter crash and maybe... just maybe... it will educate them and get them to wear one. If you cannot do that, then go on line and find an x-ray image and followup pictures of the patient. Just do something!

Wear the dam thing... but make sure it is a proper one and not one of those colored plastic bowls that will do nothing more than give you the ability to serve soup in!

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Sorry to hear that, and i hope he makes a full recovery.

But had he been riding in a sensible way, no need for a helmet.

I don't understand the mindset of people who keep on and on about helmets, while not addressing the causes of them. Prevent the cause, don't force me and people like me to wear a helmet because of other peoples failing.

The event happened 10 years ago, as mentioned in my first post.

So you will be able to address the cause for needing a helmet.

How you gonna prevent from one of the other thousands of road users making an accident with you ?

It is the governments job to educate and enforce better driving, i fail to see the logic in making it law to wear a helmet, while allowing the carnage to continue day in, day out.

STOP THE CAUSE is the way forward.

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Not just kids who don't wear helmets - Adults as well. My 5 year old daughter wanted to go with an adult she knows to a local shop about a five minute ride away recently. As I saw her get on the bike I shouted "Crash Helmet". The adult's response "okay no Police". Well that's okay then don't worry about the safety aspect. I made her wear it. They have no idea or common sense but most suffer from T.A.F.S.

Exact same response I get from the boys grandmother.

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Not just kids who don't wear helmets - Adults as well. My 5 year old daughter wanted to go with an adult she knows to a local shop about a five minute ride away recently. As I saw her get on the bike I shouted "Crash Helmet". The adult's response "okay no Police". Well that's okay then don't worry about the safety aspect. I made her wear it. They have no idea or common sense but most suffer from T.A.F.S.

Exact same response I get from the boys grandmother.

With you 100%. I don't think Theater And Film Studies should be an excuse for not wearing a helmet either.

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However, have you seen what are called helmets here? They are made of cheapish plastic with nothing more than Styrofoam inserts. The strap is never tightened, if even done up at all. Any impact will not deform the inserts and the plastic shell will simply crack and transfer that force straight through to your brain. The fact is that these 'helmets' will do nothing more than give the police something to put your brains back into after the crash. But then again even these poor excuses for helmets are better than nothing at all.

Wear the dam thing... but make sure it is a proper one and not one of those colored plastic bowls that will do nothing more than give you the ability to serve soup in!

You are correct about the poor quality of some helmets and the lack of using the strap.

The thing is that the law clearly states that everyone on a motorbike must use a helmet, the helmet must be certified and the helmet must be securely fixed to the head with a strap. If all this is not followed you are not leagally using a helmet.

A helmet must have a TIS sticker with the number 369-2539 to be certified for motor vehicle use. If you helmet do not have this sticker it's not a helmet and will only protect you from the sun.

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Police do not bother with them, why? because they would need to detain them, have bike towed to police station, call parents and final result is nothing, they will keep on doing it(that is if you take financials out of it)

If you add financials into it, police would waste half a day if not more and possibly get 500 baht fine out of parents.

And why would the final result be nothing ?

When I get a fine from a policeman, I will have to pay, and I've never seen him spending more than 15 minutes on it, let stand half a day. Why would that be different with a student.

The only thing this is about is face.

My sons uncle almost died 10 years ago because he fell of a motorbike and wasn't wearing a helmet. For 2 months he was a zombie and didn't speak a word. Luckily he recovered. as he was only 9 years old at the time of the accident.

These days that boys mother, my sons grandmother, is taking my son to the school by motorbike, and she doesn't give a <deleted> if he wear a helmet or not. I bought him a decent helmet and check frequently if he wear it.

When I discover that he didn't wear it one day, as was the case a few weeks ago, I shout the grandmother a skin full that the whole village can hear it.

I don't care that she loses face and hates me for it. It is to me beyond comprehension that her son almost died for not wearing a helmet, and still doesn't realize the importance of it.

You can't fix stupid!

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