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"However, pensioners from the UK who live abroad for more than half the year will be denied free treatment.

No matter how much they have paid in tax and National Insurance over the years, such expatriates will now have to pay for NHS care back in Britain."

This is the rule that has been in Australia for some time---we have a health card there, & its now suspended if you spend a certain amount of time outside the country.......... less then the UK proposal, I think 13 weeks (3 months) to regain the health card, you have to return make a Stat Dec that you are now residing there, & yes they want to look at things like utility bills , Rent agreements etc.

And it doesn't matter if you are paying Income tax---as I am, your still excluded.

And meanwhile, the very people who make these rules, the politicians, merrily award themselves more and more out of the national purse. Thieving bastards indeed .

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So if you show your passport and answer all the "quiz" questions correctly then you should be fine.

Depends whether they look at your passport to check for the amount of time spent out of the country.

At least they appear to be allowing heart attacks etc now - previously all treatment was believed to be chargeable.

Emergency care has always been free.


As i understand it, Australia and Gt Britian have medical recriprocal arrangement, so either nationality can get free treatment. I have never had to pay whilst in England from Australia. Is this about to change ?

No mate,, it isn't.

The article is about a decade old and wasn't even relevant when it was printed.

Good fodder for the feeble minded who read that stuff and take it seriously, not for the rest of us.

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Just like other countries you leave your home country for more than 6 months you get nothing England is just moving with the times at last.

Time for you all here to get your heath Insurance before you fall though the cracks

I paid into mine for almost 40 years - it was called the NHS.

Nobody told me as I made each of those 475 payments that I would ineligible for treatment if I chose to live in Thailand.

This is old news its been in force for years...........who would want to use the NHS anyway? The horror stories of maltreatment have gone around the world, i would rather trust and pay for treatment in Thailand, its not so expensive,i, my wife and my son have all been in a private hospital for treatment involving operations,its affordable and the treatment is good. NHS, was once good but like everything else in the UK its gone downhill.

My feelings too. Who wants to be put on an NHS waiting list? My sister was diagnosed with mouth cancer and had to wait about 6 months for an operation which they kept postponing because of more urgent cases. The final treatment was good and successful, it's just the problem of accessing it. In Thailand you can have most operations withing days or weeks.


"However, pensioners from the UK who live abroad for more than half the year will be denied free treatment.

No matter how much they have paid in tax and National Insurance over the years, such expatriates will now have to pay for NHS care back in Britain."

This is the rule that has been in Australia for some time---we have a health card there, & its now suspended if you spend a certain amount of time outside the country.......... less then the UK proposal, I think 13 weeks (3 months) to regain the health card, you have to return make a Stat Dec that you are now residing there, & yes they want to look at things like utility bills , Rent agreements etc.

And it doesn't matter if you are paying Income tax---as I am, your still excluded.

The health care card isn't Medicare, which is the Australian version of the NHS. Health care cards provide even cheaper and subsidised access to medicines and other services for pensioners and low income earners.

Medicare in OZ remains available to people who have been away less than 5 years.

As with all things medical care wise, the system is based on one of need and not ability to pay. If you want the American system, you can go there.


From the Daily Mail article "Health Minister John Hutton ". John Hutton was the Health Minister from 1999 to 2005. The article is at least 9 years old.

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_for_Health the post of Minister of Health no longer exists. It is now the Secretary of State for Health and held by The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP since 4 September 2012.

You can see a statement made by him on another matter at https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/jeremy-hunt-message-to-nhs-staff-on-supporting-compassionate-care

The wiki page has no reference to John Hutton as Minister or Secretary in any form since 1848

I wonder on the authenticity of the OP but maybe it is just typos.

Edit: 1848 not 1948


Just like other countries you leave your home country for more than 6 months you get nothing England is just moving with the times at last.

Time for you all here to get your heath Insurance before you fall though the cracks

I paid into mine for almost 40 years - it was called the NHS.

Nobody told me as I made each of those 475 payments that I would ineligible for treatment if I chose to live in Thailand.

Unfortunately the government will be punishing people like you, people seen by them as an easy touch. This all as a result of their implemented policies, that have allowed p1ss takers and immigrants to drain the the pot dry.

Yup, sounds about right, always go for the easy option.


So if you show your passport and answer all the "quiz" questions correctly then you should be fine.

Depends whether they look at your passport to check for the amount of time spent out of the country.

At least they appear to be allowing heart attacks etc now - previously all treatment was believed to be chargeable.

I may be wrong, but as I understand it, the health authorities do not have the power to ask to see your passport.


Just lie is the answer, keep an address of a family member you can use, say you don't have a GP yet due to a move. I did exactly this with my wife last year and they never really asked anything of her. Where she was living and that was it. She is a Thai so not entitled to free treatment. I'm sure it will be easier for UK nationals to BS their way through.


Just like other countries you leave your home country for more than 6 months you get nothing England is just moving with the times at last.

Time for you all here to get your heath Insurance before you fall though the cracks

What about those who are to old to get health insurance, also those who have not received their annual pension increases from the thieving UK government?

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Just like other countries you leave your home country for more than 6 months you get nothing England is just moving with the times at last.

Time for you all here to get your heath Insurance before you fall though the cracks

I paid into mine for almost 40 years - it was called the NHS.

Nobody told me as I made each of those 475 payments that I would ineligible for treatment if I chose to live in Thailand.

Unfortunately the government will be punishing people like you, people seen by them as an easy touch. This all as a result of their implemented policies, that have allowed p1ss takers and immigrants to drain the the pot dry.

Yup, sounds about right, always go for the easy option.

Out of sight, out of mind. Let all over 60s Brits return en-mass hitting them for benefits etc. and see how they react.


If you arrive back in the UK and state that you intend to remain for the rest of your life (whether that's true or not) you are entitled to free NHS treatment.

Most of the time I wouldn't think you'd need to say anything. I just turn up at my Dr's every year or three, ask for some cough medicine, decline my free examination for prostate and occult blood (which I've had) and trot away merrily. The trouble is they keep sending me leaflets telling me I can get this exam and that test done free, just call the surgery if I want an appointment. really nice people (apart from the miserable receptionist) though she's never denied me anything. The surgery practice nurses are great!

If you haven't got a Dr' just register and give a friends address if you don't have one.

You may need to show up personally with ID to be accepted and registered at a new NHS surgery.


As a UK resident pensioner with limited declared assets (up to £16,000), the entitlements and benefits are worth looking at. You can also stay outside the UK for up to 13 weeks at a time to keep them.


It's rather funny that I get treatment in UK. And I'm from Sweden. But UK people don't get it if staying abroad.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If someone in Thailand becomes ill and needs treatment, all they have to do is land in the UK and say they are here to spend the rest of their retirement. If the treatment is successful, all they do is return to Thailand again, anyone can change their mind. Before anyone answers and says that it cheating, it is not, it is the UK government that is doing the cheating.

What about those who have paid into the system all their working life, and could be refused treatment? What about the OAPs who have their annual pension increases stolen from them.

So who are the real cheats?

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It's rather funny that I get treatment in UK. And I'm from Sweden. But UK people don't get it if staying abroad.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sweden has the same rules. If you have no address left you´ll get kicked out of the wellfare system. and that¨s maybe not so funny....


Passports do get lost you know and should yours accidentally get lost just report it to the police, though you'll need to get a replacement. Make sure you have visa copies of your lost passport tucked away safely at home in case you are returning to Thailand at some point, not for prying eyes.

In spite of their apparent incompetence, the UKBA does in fact electronically track UK passports holders as they leave and re-enter the UK. At some point they will surely be passing all this information on to other agencies like HMRC and any of the pensions/social security/national insurance/health agencies that dont already share data with HMRC.

Of course anyone with a non-UK passport to leave and re-enter on wont be having much trouble with that (though they may have trouble trying to prove to HMRC that they are non-resident for their tax return and NI contributions).

Good, let them go ahead and I'm still not bothered!

I'm not going into details here, but these proposals don't scare me one iota.......sorry.

What are they going to do, deport me? laugh.png

The UKBA know when you are leaving the country, but not where you are going, same when you return.


So if you show your passport and answer all the "quiz" questions correctly then you should be fine.

Depends whether they look at your passport to check for the amount of time spent out of the country.

At least they appear to be allowing heart attacks etc now - previously all treatment was believed to be chargeable.

I may be wrong, but as I understand it, the health authorities do not have the power to ask to see your passport.

I think you are right - but they may ask for it as one of the ID requirements.

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If you arrive back in the UK and state that you intend to remain for the rest of your life (whether that's true or not) you are entitled to free NHS treatment.

Most of the time I wouldn't think you'd need to say anything. I just turn up at my Dr's every year or three, ask for some cough medicine, decline my free examination for prostate and occult blood (which I've had) and trot away merrily. The trouble is they keep sending me leaflets telling me I can get this exam and that test done free, just call the surgery if I want an appointment. really nice people (apart from the miserable receptionist) though she's never denied me anything. The surgery practice nurses are great!

If you haven't got a Dr' just register and give a friends address if you don't have one.

You may need to show up personally with ID to be accepted and registered at a new NHS surgery.

So, I'll show up personally, quote my NI number so they can get my records from the old surgery and go on my merry way. If they want to see a UK driving licence they're welcome, but they won't.


So if you show your passport and answer all the "quiz" questions correctly then you should be fine.

Depends whether they look at your passport to check for the amount of time spent out of the country.

At least they appear to be allowing heart attacks etc now - previously all treatment was believed to be chargeable.

I may be wrong, but as I understand it, the health authorities do not have the power to ask to see your passport.

I think you are right - but they may ask for it as one of the ID requirements.

Yes Jip99, ask is the word.


I'm REALLY beginning to wonder if any of these people who think they're going to get the 3rd degree when they're sick, have ever set foot in the UK?

Or they're so into into 'rules' that they can't possibly bear the thought of there being ways around them.


From the Daily Mail article "Health Minister John Hutton ". John Hutton was the Health Minister from 1999 to 2005. The article is at least 9 years old.

Yes sustento the current Health Minister is The Rt Hon . Jeremy Hunt MP :


Yes the remarks about Health tourism were made by John Hutton during his time as Health Minister .

The problem of course as always is the way the Daily Mail continues to dramatize their reporting and use older reference as support . How accurate is this so called NEWS?? .. there appears to be no mention on the BBC for example ?

The Rt Honourable???????????????????


Just like other countries you leave your home country for more than 6 months you get nothing England is just moving with the times at last.

Time for you all here to get your heath Insurance before you fall though the cracks

I paid into mine for almost 40 years - it was called the NHS.

Nobody told me as I made each of those 475 payments that I would ineligible for treatment if I chose to live in Thailand.

Typical UK! If you live in the UK but haven't worked or paid any taxes that's ok you can get free treatment, but if your British, have worked all your life, paid your taxes but choose to spend your pension in a warmer climate you can not get any free NHS treatment!!!

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What's to stop you just lying, and saying you haven't been away? When I moved around the UK and registered at new doctors, they don't do any kind of background check. Maybe ask for your previous address, but fine, just use a family address.

The NHS and borders agency are far too incompetent to ever have a working system that checks for passport activity.


It's rather funny that I get treatment in UK. And I'm from Sweden. But UK people don't get it if staying abroad.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sweden has the same rules. If you have no address left you´ll get kicked out of the wellfare system. and that¨s maybe not so funny....

In UK if you have no address left, there are places that will give you one.....Shelter, Age UK, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT! etc. You will not be left destitute as long as these organisations are still around and batting for you including CAB. Go to the Dr. and tell him if you can't be treated you're going to end it all. Put it in an email to him, you'll get looked after.

I guess I'm focusing more on those growing older.

  • Like 1

Just like other countries you leave your home country for more than 6 months you get nothing England is just moving with the times at last.

Time for you all here to get your heath Insurance before you fall though the cracks

I paid into mine for almost 40 years - it was called the NHS.

Nobody told me as I made each of those 475 payments that I would ineligible for treatment if I chose to live in Thailand.

Exactly. Also, what happened to the announcement not long ago which stated that if you'd contributed 10 years National Insurance payments, you'd be fine?


Just like other countries you leave your home country for more than 6 months you get nothing England is just moving with the times at last.

Time for you all here to get your heath Insurance before you fall though the cracks

I paid into mine for almost 40 years - it was called the NHS.

Nobody told me as I made each of those 475 payments that I would ineligible for treatment if I chose to live in Thailand.

Exactly. Also, what happened to the announcement not long ago which stated that if you'd contributed 10 years National Insurance payments, you'd be fine?

Quite - and it was actually 7 years - still in discussion with some Government committee or another...it drags on and on...


It's rather funny that I get treatment in UK. And I'm from Sweden. But UK people don't get it if staying abroad.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sweden has the same rules. If you have no address left you´ll get kicked out of the wellfare system. and that¨s maybe not so funny....

In UK if you have no address left, there are places that will give you one.....Shelter, Age UK, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT! etc. You will not be left destitute as long as these organisations are still around and batting for you including CAB. Go to the Dr. and tell him if you can't be treated you're going to end it all. Put it in an email to him, you'll get looked after.

I guess I'm focusing more on those growing older.

I like your posting style - you are a great advert for 'practical' in the fight against theoretical.

I believe that you are right, Britain - unlike, say, Thailand - will ensure that you are taken care of if you are in dire straights.

As one who is growing older I would only want to back if I had a real health emergency. Otherwise I will take my chances in Thailand and would expect to die here.

Terminally ill is an interesting one....... whilst I may think I want to stay here, it may be better to take advantage of the NHS (that I have paid into for 40 years) thus ensuring that any inheritance is not dwindled by Thai hospital bills.

Just thinking aloud.

  • Like 1

What's to stop you just lying, and saying you haven't been away? When I moved around the UK and registered at new doctors, they don't do any kind of background check. Maybe ask for your previous address, but fine, just use a family address. The NHS and borders agency are far too incompetent to ever have a working system that checks for passport activity.

WRONG - last Summer i was booked for a scan at Papworth heart hospital - the form sent to fill in - First question: 'Do you have a UK passport ?' - BRING IT WITH YOU...Second question : 'Have you been outside the UK for 3,6 or 9 months in the past 12 months ?'...get the picture ?

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