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Missing MH 370: Stolen Austrian passport used by Iranian teenage migrant


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4 Days and no sign of the wreckage? What if there is no wreckage? With all of those Islands in the S. Pacific used during WW II with airfields and some of those airfields being long, perhaps long enough to land a 777 and also take off on one if the runway were brought up to date with repairs, what if people of bad intents hijacked the plane, flew below the radar to one of these Islands and "disposed" of the passengers?

Then they repaint the plane and fit it with a nuke and ship in the remaining amount of Jet Fuel for it to reach it's destination - the West Coast of the US.

It would be hard to pull off as they would likely have to fly below the radar the entire trip to avoid detection to avoid being shot down by US military.

Just a theory that hasn't been floated in the media yet as no wreckage has been found in a vast but relatively small search area.

No distress call, no nothing from the cockpit and an explosion would likely have been seen, even by satellite and would have left parts of the fuselage and wings scattered all over a wide area of the far South Gulf of Thailand between Viet Nam and Kota Bharu.

Just throwing it out there. Perhaps it went down in the thick swamps and jungles of Viet Nam at night and no one saw it.

If so, it might be under several feet of mud, swamp and saw-grass like the ValuJet that went down in the Everglades in 1996?, but that doesn't explain the lack of radio communications unless we had a "Payne Stewart" type of event which is unlikely since the 777 has so many back-up redundancies that it would have made it unlikely.

Then there is another theory. Aliens. j/k

My guess is the CIA conspiracy theory, always work when something unexplainable occurs coffee1.gif

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I don't buy this comment, all Khomeini followers are possible terrorists, especially one with a stolen and fake passport.

Sorry, I missed where he professed to be a Khomeini supporter, link please

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Latest news is that the 777 made a 90+ degree turn West and turned around, flew over the Southern part of Thailand and was last "seen" by radar over the the Malacca Straight.

Did one pilot take a Men's room break and the other pilot locked him out of the cockpit and turned off the Transponder, which is possible to do to check for functionality while in flight?

But what happened to the 777 after it was last seen over the Malacca Straight?

Was the intent to fly the 777 into one of the twin towers in KL, even though the plane was several hundred miles off course?

Perhaps the cockpit was retaken with the aid of passengers and during the struggle to take control of the plane it crashed or was intentionally crashed once it became evident that the door to the cockpit would be breached and the plane retaken?

But why no cell phone calls? Maybe no cell service in that area, or the perpetrator brought along an inexpensive cell phone jammer, although IDK how well those work and what their range is.

But the most logical explanation would be a catastrophic electrical failure and the plane attempted to return "home" flying by visuals and they had little to no electrics and ordered the passengers to not use their cell phones as not to disrupt the last remaining, working electrical systems.

Although I wonder if the redundancies on the 777 would include basic Analog instruments?

Edited by PHP87
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Interesting that Malaysia is defending the two imposters traveling under false passports. If the two imposters were North Koreans seeking to immigrate to Europe then I would find the story believable.

However, it’s a bit like how Australians think when they see two-aboriginal people driving a Mercedes; automatically they think ‘’Thieves”. They same thing goes for when the only two Iranians traveling together on an Aircraft are discovered to have fake passports belonging to other nationalities, and it just so happens the Aircraft has gone missing too; automatically you think ” Terrorists”.

Would you care to offer something to support your comments on how Australians think when they see two Aboriginals driving a Mercedes please? For the record, I am not Australian. Many thanks. Delh

It’s known as human behavioral profiling. Walk into a exclusive boutique store with a fake watch on your arm and a copy brand hand bag and see what type of customer service assistance you receive.

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Although I wonder if the redundancies on the 777 would include basic Analog instruments?

Yes, of course and the airspeed indicators are still operated by simple pitot tubes.

If you have visibility, you can fly to your spot with pilotage and dead reckoning and land perfectly. You will have air speed for pitch, visual for wings level, altitude indicator (although your won't have radio to reset it to changing barometric pressure but you'll be close.) It's just a big airplane and functions like a small airplane which might have no electronics.

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The Last Day of Malaysia Airline Passengers With Stolen Passports
March 11, 2014
A man claiming to be the friend of two Iranians who used fake passports to board the missing Malaysia Airlines flight told ABC News that the men stayed at his home the night before the flight vanished.
Mohammad Mallaeibasir, 18, told ABC News that he is a student living in Malaysia who went to high school with one of the men who is believed to have used a fake passport to board the missing flight. He said the other man was a friend of the friend's, and the pair stayed at Mallaeibasir's the night before the flight took off.
Mallaeibasir identified the men as Pouria Nour Mohammadi, 19, and Reza Devalar, 29, are both from Iran. He said he went to high school with Pouria, but had not seen him for a couple of years.
-- abc News 2014-03-11
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Maybe my theory of the plane being diverted to be used by terrorists (Post #38) isn't so far-fetched after all:

"U.S. counterterrorism officials are pursuing the possibility that a pilot or someone else on board the plane may have diverted it toward an undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection, according to one person tracking the probe.

The investigation remains fluid, and it isn't clear whether investigators have evidence indicating possible terrorism or espionage. So far, U.S. national security officials have said that nothing specifically points toward terrorism, though they haven't ruled it out.

But the huge uncertainty about where the plane was headed, and why it apparently continued flying so long without working transponders, has raised theories among investigators that the aircraft may have been commandeered for a reason that appears unclear to U.S. authorities. Some of those theories have been laid out to national security officials and senior personnel from various U.S. agencies, according to one person familiar with the matter.

At one briefing, according to this person, officials were told investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted "with the intention of using it later for another purpose."


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Now that the Malaysian PM has spoken for the first time, this casts a dark shadow upon the legitimacy of the two Iranian fake passport holders motive which the PM now claims 'anything is possible'.

The key person in all of this is the so called 3rd Iranian party known as “Ali” who allegedly booked the tickets for the two imposters and is believed to have mysteriously fled Thailand.

Edited by MK1
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