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Yingluck tells CNN "govt’s rice scheme launched for farmers' benefit"


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The farmers had a low income,, now they have zero income and are borrowing money to survive from less then desirable sources.

The damage to the rice export market has been catastrophic resulting in Thailand losing it's long held global number 1 export position.

The stockpile of rice has to be sold, this will impact future sales of current rice crops resulting in even less money for the farmers.

The farmers have not been paid for the rice they have submitted.

The Agriculture bank is at risk as it is owed huge sums of money from the rice pledging scheme. This will hit the whole of Thai society as the money will have to be found and that will end up being taxes as it is the primary source of income.

The PM is being investigated for corruption along with other key members of the party.

In short, someone has got rich, the money had to go somewhere but it is certainly not the farmers who have benefitted. It's a stupid thing for her to say. What she needs to be saying to CNN is what the plan is to get out of this terrible mess not simply saying we meant well.. It's like the issues don't even exist to her. Good news is that people are not that stupid and they can see how weak and ridiculous her answers really are.

I feel for the poor farmers of Thailand,, totally let down by the government they were (allegedly) paid to vote in.

We meant well

I am sure that was one of Hitler's last thoughts.

Meaning well means nothing when you destroy lives.

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"Poor" farmers become more rich = isaan families become more happy = buying isaan people votes

And who pay the bill ? All the population of the country by the loans the government should made to pay the over priced rice.

Is that correct scheme ? whistling.gif

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She didn't even bother with English :>

What a load of crap AGAIN.......

She's just like her gangster brother: not ashamedd to tell a LOT of LIES and BS !!!

And of course no English anymore as she didnt wanna make a fool of herself AGAIN... coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Have any of the negative respondents seen the interview?

No? I am not surprised.

Yes, so what's your point g'kid?

His point will be to say that she interviewed really well.

The fact that she has lied throughout it, I suppose is well done, it's a lot easier in her own native tounge I guess.

Thank you three times.

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She didn't even bother with English :>

in the interview she says she faced a flood crisis like has never happened before upon taking office....bullshit, it floods in thailand almost every other year....ive lived here for 20 years.,

If you listen to what she said, it related to the MAGNITUDE of the flooding. Some of the criticism here is beyond a joke. She is articulate, considered, sensible, accommodating. It's no wonder she will win the next election hands down

You are clearly going for broke. Just like Thaksin did when he put Yingluck forward.


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From day one when the government announced the Rice scheme I told my girlfriend that I thought it was a bad idea. Any government has no business in any type of business.

Why didn't the government do what man governments do and pay a direct subsidy to the farmers that makes sense.

From the get go this scheme made no sense and now the proof is in the pudding Way to go I love the egg on your facecheesy.gif

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She is a treasure and is somehow managing to hold the country together in the face of these rascals and scallywags. I thought she did very well. She is not a career politician and would probably much rather be doing something else. She is to be commended for her sacrifices on behalf of the people..

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Top prize for this months best joke to date, oohh and last months.

He wins it every month, he does have a great sense of humour for a bounder. rolleyes.gif

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So why have the farmers not been paid??whistling.gif

Did CNN ask her ???

BBC Hardtalk is the one that would stump her lock stock and barrel ---Steve S. or Janeab.

The government needs time to sort out all the payments--for gods sake it's only been 7 months give them a chancewhistling.gif

Stephen Sakur would leave her quivering with destroyed self esteem - he can reduce anyone to the size of an ant!!!!

Perhaps an interview with him is all it would take to remove this government as she would be so shell shocked that it would be impossible for her to go on.

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She is a treasure and is somehow managing to hold the country together in the face of these rascals and scallywags. I thought she did very well. She is not a career politician and would probably much rather be doing something else. She is to be commended for her sacrifices on behalf of the people..

What was the"sacrifice"...........shopping time !

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So why have the farmers not been paid??whistling.gif

Did CNN ask her ???

BBC Hardtalk is the one that would stump her lock stock and barrel ---Steve S. or Janeab.

The government needs time to sort out all the payments--for gods sake it's only been 7 months give them a chancewhistling.gif

Stephen Sakur would leave her quivering with destroyed self esteem - he can reduce anyone to the size of an ant!!!!

Perhaps an interview with him is all it would take to remove this government as she would be so shell shocked that it would be impossible for her to go on.

She would burst out in tears in an interview with Stephen Sakur, leaving the studio while screaming at him:

"I hate you three times!"

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So why have the farmers not been paid??whistling.gif

Did CNN ask her ???

BBC Hardtalk is the one that would stump her lock stock and barrel ---Steve S. or Janeab.

The government needs time to sort out all the payments--for gods sake it's only been 7 months give them a chancewhistling.gif

Stephen Sakur would leave her quivering with destroyed self esteem - he can reduce anyone to the size of an ant!!!!

Perhaps an interview with him is all it would take to remove this government as she would be so shell shocked that it would be impossible for her to go on.

She would probably leave the interview bursting in tears and screaming at him: "I hate you three times!"

She would rather be somewhere else after about 5 seconds (or the time it takes to ask the first question).

I have to admit that Stephen Sakur is a bit of a hero of mine as he is not afraid to ask awkward questions and I have never, in all of the years of watching the BBC world news see him lose a debate!!!

I wonder just how many people have signed up for an interview with him and regretted the fact after it is all over?

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She has the temerity to actually stand in front of the International media and spout such drivel which emphasizes the total lack of respect for the intellect of both this nation and her own people. CNN are also as guilty of airing this bullshit which flies in the face of what is open knowledge.

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She is a treasure and is somehow managing to hold the country together in the face of these rascals and scallywags. I thought she did very well. She is not a career politician and would probably much rather be doing something else. She is to be commended for her sacrifices on behalf of the people..

You're being satirical - right? Like Python or similar?

No one really would believe she is the caretaker PM/DM and makes decisions and policies...................................... would they?

What sacrifices - missed some free overseas trips and shopping on tax payers? Having to fly on military planes because her fleet of private jests never got ordered? Didn't get to be part of the 2.2 billion grab?

Treasure - aye lad, should be buried alright. (Career wise of course),

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So why have the farmers not been paid??whistling.gif

Did CNN ask her ???

BBC Hardtalk is the one that would stump her lock stock and barrel ---Steve S. or Janeab.

The government needs time to sort out all the payments--for gods sake it's only been 7 months give them a chancewhistling.gif

Veronica Pedrosa has already done a pretty good job on her at Al Jazeera.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Have any of the negative respondents seen the interview?

No? I am not surprised.

i watched mondays...and she spoke in Thai...........WHY?....i thought she had a masters in English...


She has a masters in public administration from Kentucky State U, a rather crap state college that needs to accept low quality foreign masters degree students to subsidise the in-state bachelors degree students that they are legally obliged to take in at rock bottom fees. Her brother also did his masters there. The public administration she learned there obviously didn't include good governance.

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Have any of the negative respondents seen the interview?

No? I am not surprised.

i watched mondays...and she spoke in Thai...........WHY?....i thought she had a masters in English...


She has a masters in public administration from Kentucky State U, a rather crap state college that needs to accept low quality foreign masters degree students to subsidise the in-state bachelors degree students that they are legally obliged to take in at rock bottom fees. Her brother also did his masters there. The public administration she learned there obviously didn't include good governance.

Most western universities that do trade in foreign students have two standards for issuing degrees - local standard (high) and foreign standard (crap). Not being facetious, that's the reality of it.

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It's pretty obvious that her minders didn't want a repeat of the embarrassment with Al Jazeera and only allowed her to read out prepared answers to questions sent in advance from the idiot board in Thai. I am surprised that Christine Ananpour feels the need to scrape the barrel to do such a low value added interview that revealed nothing other than PR bs prepared by a team. Perhaps her star is on the wane too.

An obvious lie or evasion was YL's answer to the question of whether the Amnest Bill is dead. The Amnesty Bill is not dead. It has only been suspended by the Senate. If PT can form a new government, they can pass it with a simple majority vote in the House without further reference to the Senate. This is exactly what they intend to do. They think they have already survived the worst the protestors can throw at them, so why not go for broke and finish the job they are there for?

Ananpour rather overstated the reality when she described YL as having gone straight from business to PM without having any prior experience in government. YL went from being a society lady with a sinecure job with no responsibilities at her brother's company. She never any job outside Thaksin's businesses.

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And the idea of a multi billion loan for some upcoming silly high speed rail, that is going to benefit the general public too, as the rice sham benefited the farmers?

What clear examples of a few liege lords hoarding wealth and using graft as power on the backs of those destitute.

Shame on you Poo, you're a disgrace.

And don't forget the cost of the 4 Aircraft she ordered,....mainly to benefit herself and her cronies

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