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Senate panel to probe DSI chief Tarit's homestay in Khao Yai


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Even if the NACC is biased and only go after the red side and their" collaborators", it is still good as long as individuals guilty of corruption are crushed and destroyed. Whether he is guilty of corruption, cronyism or other abuse, I don't know but EVERY single mid to top level thai civil servant, army or police officer and politician should be investigated.

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Dont worry, Tarit will send over the new militant wing of the UDD round to the Senate, Jutaporns Doughnut Band of Brothers, they will shoot up the place, rob all the valuables, cement up the entrances and burn the place down... then Tarit will be free from this pesky problem of proving where all the money came from...

... move along all non-reds, nothing to see here.

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Dont worry, Tarit will send over the new militant wing of the UDD round to the Senate, Jutaporns Doughnut Band of Brothers, they will shoot up the place, rob all the valuables, cement up the entrances and burn the place down... then Tarit will be free from this pesky problem of proving where all the money came from...

... move along all non-reds, nothing to see here.

I would not think those on the Senate have much to worry about in their enclosed multi million dollar Khao Yai palatial palaces with state of the art security, guards, maids, butlers, drivers............. that is if they are not in one of their high end Bangkok Condominium's or their weekend retreat in Phuket/Hua Hin or even overseas in one of their Beverly Hills or Chelsea vacation homes.

Nothing iffy about the Senate at all.

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It really is taking the p**s when you build a massive bulding illegally in a country park. Not only is the money illicit, but the building is too. If you really cared about hiding it, wouldn't you put it somewhere a little more subtle? These people on all sides, really don't care a penny do they.

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I really hope they find evidence to nail this completely biased Pheu Thai attack dog. Sadly I don't think they will because there will be a myriad of cover ups and the trail will become so convoluted that no-one will be able to make head or tail of it.

However Tarit, please be so kind as to explain where all the money has been coming from? rolleyes.gif

I hope they find evidence as well if it's there but I wouldn't have said 10 million was that much unless he has a lot more.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I guess you have an extra 10milion baht just laying around that's 300,000dollars for a official who makes what 60,000baht a month official salary, just guessing on salary. But I guess you couldn't help your self and had to throw a bit of support toward the old dog.

I must stop writing such long posts. This is the second time in a week that I've had to explain one, the last one was 24 words this is 26.

OK here goes.

At the moment I don't have 10 million baht just lying around and his isn't lying around either. It's in property. I don't have quite that much property but if I hadn't paid for a house that isn't mine but my wife's I might just reach that.

I don't know what his salary is and apparently neither do you but you seem to have come up with one anyway. Maybe someone knows more about this.

Of course his salary might not be his only income. Maybe he has some sort of business that he earns from, something like a homestay or resort perhaps. Just guessing there based on the OP.

I don't know if you're aware of this but there's a financial arrangement called 'borrowing' or 'loan'. What happens is you have an idea that you think might earn you money and you 'borrow' the funds to do that and repay the 'loan' from your earnings. You'll find it very common practice if you bother looking.

I also pointed out that he might have much more. Maybe you could guess for us the amount.

As for But I guess you couldn't help your self and had to throw a bit of support toward the old dog. notice I also said I hope they find evidence as well if it's there

There's no way I would give support to Tarit as you would see if you were to read my comments about him.

Maybe I'm reading you post the wrong way in which case my apologies. If not then this is too long for you to understand anyway.

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I really hope they find evidence to nail this completely biased Pheu Thai attack dog. Sadly I don't think they will because there will be a myriad of cover ups and the trail will become so convoluted that no-one will be able to make head or tail of it.

However Tarit, please be so kind as to explain where all the money has been coming from? rolleyes.gif

I hope they find evidence as well if it's there but I wouldn't have said 10 million was that much unless he has a lot more.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The OP reads the value is more than 10 million. In the Post article it was described as a luxury villa built on 4 rai with seven structures.

Khao Yai is one of the most popular weekend get a ways for the rich and famous. Average land prices in certain areas are 7 to 12 million a rai. Per sq meter condo prices rival many places in Bangkok as well.




The issue seems to be with the legality of the building rather than the cost. I know it's a very nice area as I was there in February.

I'm sure the report is a bit vague but it says Mr Prasarn Marukapitak, deputy chair of the Senate committee, said Monday that initial investigation showed that DSI chier Tarit Pengdit owns a land plot in Ban Morkrahat, Tambon Nong Nam Daeng of Pak Chong district, Nakhon Ratchasima on which he built a house and an eight-unit homestay worth altogether more than ten million baht.

It's quite likely that the land isn't included despite what it says. He could have borrowed the money of course as it may well be a very lucrative business. He's probably got rice stored in it .

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Dont worry, Tarit will send over the new militant wing of the UDD round to the Senate, Jutaporns Doughnut Band of Brothers, they will shoot up the place, rob all the valuables, cement up the entrances and burn the place down... then Tarit will be free from this pesky problem of proving where all the money came from...

... move along all non-reds, nothing to see here.

I would not think those on the Senate have much to worry about in their enclosed multi million dollar Khao Yai palatial palaces with state of the art security, guards, maids, butlers, drivers............. that is if they are not in one of their high end Bangkok Condominium's or their weekend retreat in Phuket/Hua Hin or even overseas in one of their Beverly Hills or Chelsea vacation homes.

Nothing iffy about the Senate at all.

Tharit is small fry in the scheme of things. He's been useful to the fugitive by ignoring or dismissing cases against the Shin clan and its allies whilst vigorously pursuing, even creatively inventing, charges against any who date oppose or speak out against the clan,

To get away with this he needs to be squeaky clean. Looks like he ain't and has been caught out. Watch the Shins drop him like a stone as soon as he's no longer useful. He's made a lot of very powerful enemies and must be crapping himself at the thought of all that retribution coming.

This thread and case is about Tharit and his seemingly unusual wealth and disregard for the Khoa Yai encroachment laws, Accusing others of being dishonest is not a credible defense.

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