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Army chief warns redshirt hardcore leaders of tough retaliation if force is used


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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is tas informed so I can be a list alking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lelse ?a

s everyone astly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

Nope I don't know, how about posting a list so I can be as informed as everyone else ?

Your last sentence should read that "it is only clear to those with bias"

Bias in favor of PT,the reds and Thaksin that is.

Particularly Thaksin the only one who really wants to be the fascist dictator with a power hungry desperation that shows in his past and present actions.

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The police should take the lead here, not the Army, the Army continues to align itself with the PAD/PDRC which creates even more division.

Half the reason the Army is stepping up is because of the division caused by the Police being in the pockets of PT/Thaksin and their complete and utter inability to do anything.

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

"We all know who finances the PDRC . . ."

I don't, please enlighten me with some names and facts that can be verified . . .

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Now if only they would have used tough retaliation against the Southerners........ how many years has the South been in turmoil, wanting to breakaway from Thailand - wonder why they only start talking tough when it comes from Northerners.....?

Years ago when Thaksin was first in charge he decided to get tough with southern insurgents which at the time was a much smaller problem. The result was the problem became 10 times bigger and far worse than what it was. So getting tough with the southerns as you suggest has already been tried. It's got Thailand to the situation we have today.

Thaksin gave the south it's martyrs ... something it didn't have, until ... then, all hell broke loose.

Edited by Dap
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No surprise here.... just a friendly warning. Jatuporn was chosen to replace Thida who was considered too soft and he has already been issuing threats.

The army's leaning towards the Democrats balances the police's bias towards the Thaksinistas. At least that keeps a balance that prevents the two side from destroying the country completely.

Not a real balance. The police can not stage a coup, or at least, can not go directly up against the army.

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

"We all know who finances the PDRC . . ."

I don't, please enlighten me with some names and facts that can be verified . . .

That is not a secret. The wonderful and lovely Thai citizens are the ones financing the anti-corruption protests thumbsup.gif






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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

The one vote policy is the UDD's one claim to a justification to exist. Everything else is blind subservience to rapacious thieves who do not value them(the UDD or redshirts) personally in any way except as willing (and expendable) cannon fodder. All in the cause, to be used without concern or compassion in the bid by a fugitive criminal so he return here to continue his interrupted personal pillaging of the country.

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......"who threatened to use force against anti-government protesters, harass independent organizations, inciting violence, and mobilizing armed fighters to fight the Army."

- What about the criminals who organize protests to "shut down" Bangkok - preach hatred for month now on stage, intimidate and prevent elections, block and invade government offices, use war weapons, beat, kidnap and kill people? Does the army chief have a problem with his eye sight?

Oh yes the army protects them because they are sent by his ex-bosses - the army chief has neither integrity nor honor - he is simply the poodle of a bunch of old man pulling his leash behind the scenes!

Does the "honorable" army chief think now he belongs to the 'elite" in this country because in good tradition he bought his way up to the top just like every other army chief before him?

The arrogant army chief thinks the red shirts are just peasants with no rights in this country - since they are of a lower "Cast" - and I hope the lower cast foot soldiers show him the finger next time some army officer orders them to carry out illegal orders against the constitution and then pardon themselves!

He can then go and command his "army" of 3000 generals to go and stage a coup for him!

The Thai army chief talking about "honor" ? The boss of one of the most corrupt organization in the country accountable to no one talks about honor??

And "retaliation" - spoken like a real mafiosi - the army can't even handle a few nutcases - sick killers - who terrorize the south since years!

How does he think they could handle another insurgency in the country? What does the army boss suggest - a mafia style "retaliation" war in downtown Bangkok?

It is time that the army chief realizes that poor Thais are Thais too and they will have their voices heard from now on there is no turning back - with stupid rhetoric the army chief makes the situation just worse.

I understand that he has gone through intense brainwashing in his younger years - but hopefully he is still able to make his own decisions - so far he is only doing what he is being told. Not surprising actually - the Germans have a word for people like him "Zivilversager" - people who hide behind their uniform and just do as they are told - because they could never succeed in civilian life having to make tough decisions - but most of all being held accountable for the decisions they make! In the Thai armed forces you are promoted if you screw up - never held accountable !

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No surprise here.... just a friendly warning. Jatuporn was chosen to replace Thida who was considered too soft and he has already been issuing threats.

The army's leaning towards the Democrats balances the police's bias towards the Thaksinistas. At least that keeps a balance that prevents the two side from destroying the country completely.

Not a real balance. The police can not stage a coup, or at least, can not go directly up against the army.

I know who I'd rather have on my side and it aint PC plod!!

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......"who threatened to use force against anti-government protesters, harass independent organizations, inciting violence, and mobilizing armed fighters to fight the Army."

- What about the criminals who organize protests to "shut down" Bangkok - preach hatred for month now on stage, intimidate and prevent elections, block and invade government offices, use war weapons, beat, kidnap and kill people? Does the army chief have a problem with his eye sight?

Oh yes the army protects them because they are sent by his ex-bosses - the army chief has neither integrity nor honor - he is simply the poodle of a bunch of old man pulling his leash behind the scenes!

Does the "honorable" army chief think now he belongs to the 'elite" in this country because in good tradition he bought his way up to the top just like every other army chief before him?

The arrogant army chief thinks the red shirts are just peasants with no rights in this country - since they are of a lower "Cast" - and I hope the lower cast foot soldiers show him the finger next time some army officer orders them to carry out illegal orders against the constitution and then pardon themselves!

He can then go and command his "army" of 3000 generals to go and stage a coup for him!

The Thai army chief talking about "honor" ? The boss of one of the most corrupt organization in the country accountable to no one talks about honor??

And "retaliation" - spoken like a real mafiosi - the army can't even handle a few nutcases - sick killers - who terrorize the south since years!

How does he think they could handle another insurgency in the country? What does the army boss suggest - a mafia style "retaliation" war in downtown Bangkok?

It is time that the army chief realizes that poor Thais are Thais too and they will have their voices heard from now on there is no turning back - with stupid rhetoric the army chief makes the situation just worse.

I understand that he has gone through intense brainwashing in his younger years - but hopefully he is still able to make his own decisions - so far he is only doing what he is being told. Not surprising actually - the Germans have a word for people like him "Zivilversager" - people who hide behind their uniform and just do as they are told - because they could never succeed in civilian life having to make tough decisions - but most of all being held accountable for the decisions they make! In the Thai armed forces you are promoted if you screw up - never held accountable !

Steady on old chap, you'll blow a fuse if you keep that up!!

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......"who threatened to use force against anti-government protesters, harass independent organizations, inciting violence, and mobilizing armed fighters to fight the Army."

- What about the criminals who organize protests to "shut down" Bangkok - preach hatred for month now on stage, intimidate and prevent elections, block and invade government offices, use war weapons, beat, kidnap and kill people? Does the army chief have a problem with his eye sight?

Oh yes the army protects them because they are sent by his ex-bosses - the army chief has neither integrity nor honor - he is simply the poodle of a bunch of old man pulling his leash behind the scenes!

Does the "honorable" army chief think now he belongs to the 'elite" in this country because in good tradition he bought his way up to the top just like every other army chief before him?

The arrogant army chief thinks the red shirts are just peasants with no rights in this country - since they are of a lower "Cast" - and I hope the lower cast foot soldiers show him the finger next time some army officer orders them to carry out illegal orders against the constitution and then pardon themselves!

He can then go and command his "army" of 3000 generals to go and stage a coup for him!

The Thai army chief talking about "honor" ? The boss of one of the most corrupt organization in the country accountable to no one talks about honor??

And "retaliation" - spoken like a real mafiosi - the army can't even handle a few nutcases - sick killers - who terrorize the south since years!

How does he think they could handle another insurgency in the country? What does the army boss suggest - a mafia style "retaliation" war in downtown Bangkok?

It is time that the army chief realizes that poor Thais are Thais too and they will have their voices heard from now on there is no turning back - with stupid rhetoric the army chief makes the situation just worse.

I understand that he has gone through intense brainwashing in his younger years - but hopefully he is still able to make his own decisions - so far he is only doing what he is being told. Not surprising actually - the Germans have a word for people like him "Zivilversager" - people who hide behind their uniform and just do as they are told - because they could never succeed in civilian life having to make tough decisions - but most of all being held accountable for the decisions they make! In the Thai armed forces you are promoted if you screw up - never held accountable !

...never held accountable !

Unfortunately that applies across so much of Thai society. Hill Tribes are held accountable. Chin-Haw Yunnanese are held accountable. I doubt it will change anytime soon.

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

Sorry but we do not all know who backs Suthep or their combined wealth. You of course are referring to the mysterious amarat. In your warped thinking you probably think they run the world. Always get a kick out of you conspiracy dreamers. In a way you are a good opening act for Jutaporn.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

We do know that he is backed by honest grass roots people.wai.gif

Where as Yingluck is backed by her criminal brother and as Prime Minister has managed to increase her family fortune 450% at his direction. the way I see it issad.png the way you and your cohorts see it issmile.png Your posts reek of it.wai.gif

It has probably taken a decrease now that he owns a lot of land he was going to sell the government for a unneeded high speed train. No matter he still counts his money in the billions and I mean American money or British pounds if you prefer.

Come on Kieran 2698. Who di you think finances Suthep's efforts. i keep hearing you guys "We all know who...." Well I do NOT know. Please tell us. Names please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, NOT vague conspiracy theory stuff that sounds like something out of Harry Potter or the Tolkien books. Names!!! Who exactly is it that "we all know" is bankrolling Suthep & the PDRC.

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So Suthep is an honourable man? And he does not spew hatred and violence? And he is not rude? My that General has some one - sided opinions. But we knew that already. PDRC do nothing wrong, UDD do everything wrong.

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Come on Kieran 2698. Who di you think finances Suthep's efforts. i keep hearing you guys "We all know who...." Well I do NOT know. Please tell us. Names please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, NOT vague conspiracy theory stuff that sounds like something out of Harry Potter or the Tolkien books. Names!!! Who exactly is it that "we all know" is bankrolling Suthep & the PDRC.

I think these guys are alluding towards 'someone' who cannot be discussed on this forum. I'd check the third pinned thread in the news forum for more clues as to who they are suggesting...

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You are rite. How ever as long as you have a Government that is ruled by one man only you have what is known as a dictatorship and it is good the Army is not under his thumb. Bad enough the police are.

"One moron to rule them all"...this statement is good for any color

So many different colors here. Many of them are multicolored such as the anti government protestors. They have no candidate for the job. On the other hand even though they are not in the race the Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country and they do not have a leader with the power to ignore the public and quash any one he disagrees with or sick a gang of red shirted thugs on to them.

Here in Thailand strange as it is to say we only have one party with a leader who has that kind of power and he is a fleeing convicted criminal which doesn't say much about the quality of people who support him.

It is actions such as his that prompt people to say Thais only care about money.

Most of those are Thai bashers and unable to see what the regular Thai citizens are like. Or lock them selves up in surroundings which do not include Thais just Ex Pats.

"Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?

As far as I'm aware these guys have been in the game the longest and therefore bare most the the responsibility for the complete mess the political system is in.

They actually built the system.

The lack of transparency, the corruption, the politicisation of the courts etc etc....

To repeat, the clowns in this party built the system that Thaksin then inherited.

Thaksin may have nicked a dollar or two - but he did so only by copying the example set by the old boys of the Democrat party.

Whatever remaining credibility they had Suthep has well and truly pissed away down the drain.

I say, thank god they're finished and will never be in a position to run the country again.

Sounds like a one party state to me.

I think you'll find Thaksin stole more than a dollar or two an probably still is.

What makes you think think they'll never be in a position to run the country again.

The last time they ran it Thailand was the number 1 rice exporter in the world and it had a rice income scheme that could be afforded. When they left Thailand was still the number 1 rice exporter in the world and it had a rice income scheme that could be afforded.

Have you noticed how whenever a court or independent body rules against the PTP there's always the accusation of bias but never any suggestion it should be changed. Possibly not enough family members to fill all the judges positions yet.

we all know the Dems weren't perfect and still aren't but I think you're being a bit one sided.

This is the time to change that system. Will the PTP be part of that.

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"Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?

As far as I'm aware these guys have been in the game the longest and therefore bare most the the responsibility for the complete mess the political system is in.

They actually built the system.

The lack of transparency, the corruption, the politicisation of the courts etc etc....

To repeat, the clowns in this party built the system that Thaksin then inherited.

Thaksin may have nicked a dollar or two - but he did so only by copying the example set by the old boys of the Democrat party.

Whatever remaining credibility they had Suthep has well and truly pissed away down the drain.

I say, thank god they're finished and will never be in a position to run the country again.

You should read up on how long the Democrats have been in power since 1932.

Hint: Thaksin's proxy parties have nearly been in power longer.

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There's a lot of personal enmity between Prayuth and Jutaporn.

Let's hope they can stick to the childish name calling and taunting and no innocents end up dead.

The army have never been so much on the back foot in Thailand as it is nowadays.

It looks like a real changing of the guard is occurring in this nation.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way - about time Thailand caught up with the rest of the modern world.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way

I wouldn't be so sure. The last government made sure the army weren't investigated for the deaths in 2010 despite promising justice for those killed. Looks to me more like the army is controlling the government at the moment. The fact that the UDD don't seem to be bothered either despite their demands for justice makes it look like they're scared of the army as well. Or maybe just focused on revenge on Abhisit and Suthep instead of real justice.

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Now if only they would have used tough retaliation against the Southerners........ how many years has the South been in turmoil, wanting to breakaway from Thailand - wonder why they only start talking tough when it comes from Northerners.....?

are the southerners attacking bangkok? unebelievable some of these responses.

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Prayuth speaks the truth. He is right about Jatuporn. He is right about the UDD. Ko Tee has called for secession, for an armed revolt, for plundering the banks, for going after the independent agencies. With a platform like that, how can Prayuth possibly not react ? Suthep is right to say that the PDRC would retreat if the UDD initiated such madness. The UDD want a fight, while the PDRC are prepared to discuss issues. Guns and bombs will never be a match for whistles. And for those that think that Thaksin's police would do anything - anything - just open your eyes and see what they're doing now - or more to the point, not doing. Not only have they shown their true colours time and time again in standing back while grenade attacks were perpetrated on innocent Thai citizens, but they have shown themselves incapable of even collecting traffic tickets. And to Chalerm's police do we entrust the protection of the constitution ? If Suthep had stood up and called for secession, if he had called for the raiding and plundering of the banks, if he called for going after the independent agencies, Prayuth would have had every right to go after him. But it just so happens, that only one party has advocated these utterly inexcusable acts. Only one. And it is straining credibility to suggest that Prayuth's comments are anything but appropriate and timely. He will protect the constitution and the courts. That is his duty. And it's time that Citizen Yingluck did her duty and stood before a microphone and told Ko Tee and Jatuporn in no uncertain terms that these calls are a threat to the rule of law. But for those who still incredulously defend those who call for secession, call for the plundering of national banks, and going after the judicial system - then there's really no hope for you.

Nobody would be calling for revolution if the enemies of democracy would respect the vote and work within the framework of the law. Don't blame the people for becoming frustrated with the perpetual cycle of vote, coup, vote, coup.
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Sounds like a one party state to me.

I think you'll find Thaksin stole more than a dollar or two an probably still is.

What makes you think think they'll never be in a position to run the country again.

The last time they ran it Thailand was the number 1 rice exporter in the world and it had a rice income scheme that could be afforded. When they left Thailand was still the number 1 rice exporter in the world and it had a rice income scheme that could be afforded.

Have you noticed how whenever a court or independent body rules against the PTP there's always the accusation of bias but never any suggestion it should be changed. Possibly not enough family members to fill all the judges positions yet.

we all know the Dems weren't perfect and still aren't but I think you're being a bit one sided.

This is the time to change that system. Will the PTP be part of that.

Will the PTP be part of it?

Not if Suthep gets his way they won't. He wants nothing to do with them - it's his way or the highway.

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The arrogant army chief thinks the red shirts are just peasants with no rights in this country - since they are of a lower "Cast"


It is time that the army chief realizes that poor Thais are Thais too and they will have their voices heard

Might have missed it, but didn't see him express anything of the sort.

He was talking either about red-shirt leaders recent threats of aggression, and on a more personal level, regarding Jatuporn.

Nothing about caste etc. that I noticed.

Also....there are poor Thais all over the country, and not all are red-shirt supporters. Then again, not all red-shirts are poor.

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There's a lot of personal enmity between Prayuth and Jutaporn.

Let's hope they can stick to the childish name calling and taunting and no innocents end up dead.

The army have never been so much on the back foot in Thailand as it is nowadays.

It looks like a real changing of the guard is occurring in this nation.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way - about time Thailand caught up with the rest of the modern world.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way

I wouldn't be so sure. The last government made sure the army weren't investigated for the deaths in 2010 despite promising justice for those killed. Looks to me more like the army is controlling the government at the moment. The fact that the UDD don't seem to be bothered either despite their demands for justice makes it look like they're scared of the army as well. Or maybe just focused on revenge on Abhisit and Suthep instead of real justice.

Don't be fooled my good friend, the wheels of justice are slowing turning in the direction of all that is true and good.

There used to be coups at the drop of a hat over here, now the military a stuck sitting around in their floral bedecked bunkers with their fingers up their own asses.

How the big boys would love to fire up the tanks and hit the streets one more time but, unfortunately, no can do anymore.

As soon as the results of the next election are declared all the boys in green will be no more than Yingluck's bitches.

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There's a lot of personal enmity between Prayuth and Jutaporn.

Let's hope they can stick to the childish name calling and taunting and no innocents end up dead.

The army have never been so much on the back foot in Thailand as it is nowadays.

It looks like a real changing of the guard is occurring in this nation.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way - about time Thailand caught up with the rest of the modern world.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way

I wouldn't be so sure. The last government made sure the army weren't investigated for the deaths in 2010 despite promising justice for those killed. Looks to me more like the army is controlling the government at the moment. The fact that the UDD don't seem to be bothered either despite their demands for justice makes it look like they're scared of the army as well. Or maybe just focused on revenge on Abhisit and Suthep instead of real justice.

Don't be fooled my good friend, the wheels of justice are slowing turning in the direction of all that is true and good.

There used to be coups at the drop of a hat over here, now the military a stuck sitting around in their floral bedecked bunkers with their fingers up their own asses.

How the big boys would love to fire up the tanks and hit the streets one more time but, unfortunately, no can do anymore.

As soon as the results of the next election are declared all the boys in green will be no more than Yingluck's bitches.

So assuming the PTP win the next election you're telling me that the army will be investigated for the deaths in 2010. Well I'll look forward to that anyway.

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Prayuth speaks the truth. He is right about Jatuporn. He is right about the UDD. Ko Tee has called for secession, for an armed revolt, for plundering the banks, for going after the independent agencies. With a platform like that, how can Prayuth possibly not react ? Suthep is right to say that the PDRC would retreat if the UDD initiated such madness. The UDD want a fight, while the PDRC are prepared to discuss issues. Guns and bombs will never be a match for whistles. And for those that think that Thaksin's police would do anything - anything - just open your eyes and see what they're doing now - or more to the point, not doing. Not only have they shown their true colours time and time again in standing back while grenade attacks were perpetrated on innocent Thai citizens, but they have shown themselves incapable of even collecting traffic tickets. And to Chalerm's police do we entrust the protection of the constitution ? If Suthep had stood up and called for secession, if he had called for the raiding and plundering of the banks, if he called for going after the independent agencies, Prayuth would have had every right to go after him. But it just so happens, that only one party has advocated these utterly inexcusable acts. Only one. And it is straining credibility to suggest that Prayuth's comments are anything but appropriate and timely. He will protect the constitution and the courts. That is his duty. And it's time that Citizen Yingluck did her duty and stood before a microphone and told Ko Tee and Jatuporn in no uncertain terms that these calls are a threat to the rule of law. But for those who still incredulously defend those who call for secession, call for the plundering of national banks, and going after the judicial system - then there's really no hope for you.

Nobody would be calling for revolution if the enemies of democracy would respect the vote and work within the framework of the law. Don't blame the people for becoming frustrated with the perpetual cycle of vote, coup, vote, coup.

So if the NACC investigation finds that YL broke the law will the reds accept it? No, they will not accept it. That's what they are saying. They won the vote, they can do what they want. Democracy is not just rule by the majority.

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2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011,2012, 2013, 2014

Not all of these years were full years (i.e. less than 12 months) in power and all the years after 2005 power was somewhat disputed (as in all of 2014).

So lets call it about 8 full years of Thaksin and co. sitting in the big chair.

Absolute Monarchy ended in 1932.

So the clowns had nearly 70 years to build the half assed system and then they had almost 50% of the following years up to the present day to further warp and twist the system into the complete clusterf**k it is now.

They've had control of all the permanent institutions since day one.

And the Democrat side of the show has presided over all of the changes mades to the 1997 constitution.

Thaksin hasn't been responsible for not one single section of the constitution - and the constitution is the rule book.

So, interesting - not really.

It is quite obvious which bunch of clowns built this train wreck of a system.

So, Thaksin's proxy parties have been in power less than a year less than the Democrats. They've both been ousted in a coup, too.

I don't understand where you get that the Democrats have had control of all the permanent institutions, given they've only been in power 9 years.

Also, Thaksin was Deputy PM while the 1997 constitution was being written. That would put him in a good position to be responsible for 90% of the current constitution.

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This whole army vs red shirt thing is a complete red herring which is damaging Suthep's support because it is diverting attention from the issues he is putting forward and people are focusing on this non-story rather than focusing on anything that might endear him to them.

Why is it a red herring? The majority of red shirts have absolutely no interest in cessation as this was just whipped up in the same manner as any off the cuff, spur of the moment, over-the-top threat the type of which we've seen endless examples of on both red and yellow stages, and is now blown out of proportion by the hysterical media outlets. It will never amount to anything other than an empty slanging match and in the meantime, Suthep is less in the headlines, support wanes, the SOE is lifted and.....no army-redshirt showdown.

An example of anti-gov media outlets letting their headlines cloud the strategy of the very people they support. Oh well.

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

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We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

"potentially" - everyone is potentially anything and everything - that is no argument - the moon was potentially cheese until we went there! Anything that is not positively proved or provable is "potentially" true - as well as "potentially" a lie!

"We all know", "Clearly", "Plainly", "Obviously" - the usual Red typing pool statement - when indeed it is nothing of the sort. What is Clear/plain/obvious is who controls the Reds and why - now that is something we DO know - and as someone who held on to power, and continues to do so from afar, a real more "potential" dictator! It is easy to call Suthep a fascist when taking his message out of context and ignoring all but a small part of it - a TEMPORARY appointed committee to remove corruption and making Thailand into a real democracy for the first time ever - which is "clearly" obfuscation and a straw-man/Aunt Sally argument.

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There's a lot of personal enmity between Prayuth and Jutaporn.

Let's hope they can stick to the childish name calling and taunting and no innocents end up dead.

The army have never been so much on the back foot in Thailand as it is nowadays.

It looks like a real changing of the guard is occurring in this nation.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way - about time Thailand caught up with the rest of the modern world.

You're right, the military is changing, albeit slowly, and young officers are starting to be promoted to senior rank through ability rather than just through enjoying patronage.
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