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Army chief warns redshirt hardcore leaders of tough retaliation if force is used


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There's a lot of personal enmity between Prayuth and Jutaporn.

Let's hope they can stick to the childish name calling and taunting and no innocents end up dead.

The army have never been so much on the back foot in Thailand as it is nowadays.

It looks like a real changing of the guard is occurring in this nation.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way - about time Thailand caught up with the rest of the modern world.

Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way

I wouldn't be so sure. The last government made sure the army weren't investigated for the deaths in 2010 despite promising justice for those killed. Looks to me more like the army is controlling the government at the moment. The fact that the UDD don't seem to be bothered either despite their demands for justice makes it look like they're scared of the army as well. Or maybe just focused on revenge on Abhisit and Suthep instead of real justice.

Don't be fooled my good friend, the wheels of justice are slowing turning in the direction of all that is true and good.

There used to be coups at the drop of a hat over here, now the military a stuck sitting around in their floral bedecked bunkers with their fingers up their own asses.

How the big boys would love to fire up the tanks and hit the streets one more time but, unfortunately, no can do anymore.

As soon as the results of the next election are declared all the boys in green will be no more than Yingluck's bitches.

So assuming the PTP win the next election you're telling me that the army will be investigated for the deaths in 2010. Well I'll look forward to that anyway.

Mate, none of us even know what's going to happen tomorrow.

We all come here to speculate and offer opinions but ultimately we are all proven wrong by the left field crap that actually eventuates because this place is just whacked.

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Prayuth speaks the truth. He is right about Jatuporn. He is right about the UDD. Ko Tee has called for secession, for an armed revolt, for plundering the banks, for going after the independent agencies. With a platform like that, how can Prayuth possibly not react ? Suthep is right to say that the PDRC would retreat if the UDD initiated such madness. The UDD want a fight, while the PDRC are prepared to discuss issues. Guns and bombs will never be a match for whistles. And for those that think that Thaksin's police would do anything - anything - just open your eyes and see what they're doing now - or more to the point, not doing. Not only have they shown their true colours time and time again in standing back while grenade attacks were perpetrated on innocent Thai citizens, but they have shown themselves incapable of even collecting traffic tickets. And to Chalerm's police do we entrust the protection of the constitution ? If Suthep had stood up and called for secession, if he had called for the raiding and plundering of the banks, if he called for going after the independent agencies, Prayuth would have had every right to go after him. But it just so happens, that only one party has advocated these utterly inexcusable acts. Only one. And it is straining credibility to suggest that Prayuth's comments are anything but appropriate and timely. He will protect the constitution and the courts. That is his duty. And it's time that Citizen Yingluck did her duty and stood before a microphone and told Ko Tee and Jatuporn in no uncertain terms that these calls are a threat to the rule of law. But for those who still incredulously defend those who call for secession, call for the plundering of national banks, and going after the judicial system - then there's really no hope for you.

Nobody would be calling for revolution if the enemies of democracy would respect the vote and work within the framework of the law. Don't blame the people for becoming frustrated with the perpetual cycle of vote, coup, vote, coup.
Lets change that to vote, corruption, corruption, protest, coup, corruption, corruption and more corruption, protest, coup, vote, high level systematic corruption , suicidal farmers, protests......see the pattern? Edited by smileydude
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The army have shown remarkable restraint this time around. We can only hope that the red shirt rhetoric is just that.

Of course it is - they wouldn't dare take on the mighty army.

Why not?

The pyjama, tyre tubed shoe wearing Viet Minh took on the French Army in Indo China.. The French Army Lost

The pyjama, tyre tubed shoe wearing Vietcong took on the US Army in South Vietnam.. The American Army lost

The dish dash flip flop wearing Mujihadeen took on the Soviet Army in Afghanistan... The Russian Army Lost ( They never pacified the Mujihadeen)

The didh dash flip flop wearing Insurgents took on the entire Coalition in Iraq.... The Coalition Army withdrew ( They never ended the insurgency, it's still ongoing today, and Al Qiada still has control of Fallujah and Ramadi)

Never underestimate your enemy ;) Many General's with proven Battle and Combat experience lost their positions due to their inability to beat a simple enemy who had little to no technology at their finger tips ;)

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

"We all know who finances the PDRC . . ."

I don't, please enlighten me with some names and facts that can be verified . . .

I don't know either, seriously, and I don't ask for much. I don't even need verifiable facts like Tatsujin above, just a name or a few names, even if just rumours will do fine for me. However my guess is Kieran2698 has as little clue as I do, and will therefore not respond to my request smile.png

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Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way

I wouldn't be so sure. The last government made sure the army weren't investigated for the deaths in 2010 despite promising justice for those killed. Looks to me more like the army is controlling the government at the moment. The fact that the UDD don't seem to be bothered either despite their demands for justice makes it look like they're scared of the army as well. Or maybe just focused on revenge on Abhisit and Suthep instead of real justice.

Don't be fooled my good friend, the wheels of justice are slowing turning in the direction of all that is true and good.

There used to be coups at the drop of a hat over here, now the military a stuck sitting around in their floral bedecked bunkers with their fingers up their own asses.

How the big boys would love to fire up the tanks and hit the streets one more time but, unfortunately, no can do anymore.

As soon as the results of the next election are declared all the boys in green will be no more than Yingluck's bitches.

So assuming the PTP win the next election you're telling me that the army will be investigated for the deaths in 2010. Well I'll look forward to that anyway.

Mate, none of us even know what's going to happen tomorrow.

We all come here to speculate and offer opinions but ultimately we are all proven wrong by the left field crap that actually eventuates because this place is just whacked.

Very true but you seemed pretty sure of yourself.

As soon as the results of the next election are declared all the boys in green will be no more than Yingluck's bitches.

I don't know either but if I had to put all my money on anything it would be the army not getting investigated which would be a new definition of bitch for me.

You've not been watching one of those military themed femdom movies have you. smile.png

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It's all Jingoism and sabre rattling, sure not two weeks ago Putin said he was going to Invade Ukraine by 0530 one morning... did he ask Suthep for some guidelines on time frames by any chance?

This will be the same, both the Army and the UDD ramping up their hate speeches, goading one another to see who breaks first, and starts the finger pointing and blame. One things for sure though, I wouldn't be putting tanks on the streets, IF it did come down to fisticuffs, as there's way too many blind spots using Heavy Armour within built up areas, leave the tanks for the open, where they have Speed Mobility and Firepower.

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The army have shown remarkable restraint this time around. We can only hope that the red shirt rhetoric is just that.

Of course it is - they wouldn't dare take on the mighty army.

Why not?

The pyjama, tyre tubed shoe wearing Viet Minh took on the French Army in Indo China.. The French Army Lost

The pyjama, tyre tubed shoe wearing Vietcong took on the US Army in South Vietnam.. The American Army lost

The dish dash flip flop wearing Mujihadeen took on the Soviet Army in Afghanistan... The Russian Army Lost ( They never pacified the Mujihadeen)

The didh dash flip flop wearing Insurgents took on the entire Coalition in Iraq.... The Coalition Army withdrew ( They never ended the insurgency, it's still ongoing today, and Al Qiada still has control of Fallujah and Ramadi)

Never underestimate your enemy wink.png Many General's with proven Battle and Combat experience lost their positions due to their inability to beat a simple enemy who had little to no technology at their finger tips wink.png

All of these examples are locals (well, mostly, anyway) vs. an outsider army. Not the case here.

In addition, I think that this just goes a level or two beyond the scope of RTA ambition.

We're talking about the same people who wouldn't go near the shooting in Ramkhamhaeng University as it was "too dangerous", so...yeah...

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Indeed mate, as I said in several threads before, the RTA has to have the stomach for the fight, and that's going to be a major test of loyalties, as they're not going to be fighting foreign invaders, some might be fighting brothers and uncles and Fathers even..

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Mate, none of us even know what's going to happen tomorrow.

We all come here to speculate and offer opinions but ultimately we are all proven wrong by the left field crap that actually eventuates because this place is just whacked.

Very true but you seemed pretty sure of yourself.

As soon as the results of the next election are declared all the boys in green will be no more than Yingluck's bitches.

I don't know either but if I had to put all my money on anything it would be the army not getting investigated which would be a new definition of bitch for me.

You've not been watching one of those military themed femdom movies have you. smile.png

The general direction this country is heading in is a shaking off of it's past and maturing into a modern democracy with all the associated norms, including civilian control of the military.

It will, I assume, be a bumpy ride with many ups and downs - but the destination is clear.

Perhaps the old guard will collapse overnight, perhaps they'll fight on for a few more years - but it only ends one way, that much at least can be said with a degree of confidence.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You are rite. How ever as long as you have a Government that is ruled by one man only you have what is known as a dictatorship and it is good the Army is not under his thumb. Bad enough the police are.

"One moron to rule them all"...this statement is good for any color

So many different colors here. Many of them are multicolored such as the anti government protestors. They have no candidate for the job. On the other hand even though they are not in the race the Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country and they do not have a leader with the power to ignore the public and quash any one he disagrees with or sick a gang of red shirted thugs on to them.

Here in Thailand strange as it is to say we only have one party with a leader who has that kind of power and he is a fleeing convicted criminal which doesn't say much about the quality of people who support him.

It is actions such as his that prompt people to say Thais only care about money.

Most of those are Thai bashers and unable to see what the regular Thai citizens are like. Or lock them selves up in surroundings which do not include Thais just Ex Pats.

"Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?

As far as I'm aware these guys have been in the game the longest and therefore bare most the the responsibility for the complete mess the political system is in.

They actually built the system.

The lack of transparency, the corruption, the politicisation of the courts etc etc....

To repeat, the clowns in this party built the system that Thaksin then inherited.

Thaksin may have nicked a dollar or two - but he did so only by copying the example set by the old boys of the Democrat party.

Whatever remaining credibility they had Suthep has well and truly pissed away down the drain.

I say, thank god they're finished and will never be in a position to run the country again.

Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?


Have you any more silly questions?

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Meanwhile sutheps attempts at goading the army into clashes with the UDD continue. He's even broadcast his intent on stage

At the Lumphini protest stage Monday night, Suthep Thaugsuban also challenged Jatuporn and Kotee to come out in arms to battle anti-government protesters to protect the Yingluck government.

He said if they really come out with guns, he would not fight back but would lead all protesters back home and stay inside homes.

He said if the redshirts come out with guns, then they would see to it that soldiers would be ready to use force as they could no longer put up with them any longer for the abuses and rude scolds they hit on their army boss.

Someone arrest this war mongering dinosaur before he gets his wish, (and you can apply that description to two of the people mentioned here).


Have you any thing intelligent to say.wai.gif

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You certainly do like using the word FACIST don't you?

Can't remember but didn't Hitler have voting one man one vote.wai.gif

Seems to me that Jatuporn is using him as a guiding light.

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Mate, none of us even know what's going to happen tomorrow.

We all come here to speculate and offer opinions but ultimately we are all proven wrong by the left field crap that actually eventuates because this place is just whacked.

Very true but you seemed pretty sure of yourself.

As soon as the results of the next election are declared all the boys in green will be no more than Yingluck's bitches.

I don't know either but if I had to put all my money on anything it would be the army not getting investigated which would be a new definition of bitch for me.

You've not been watching one of those military themed femdom movies have you. smile.png

The general direction this country is heading in is a shaking off of it's past and maturing into a modern democracy with all the associated norms, including civilian control of the military.

It will, I assume, be a bumpy ride with many ups and downs - but the destination is clear.

Perhaps the old guard will collapse overnight, perhaps they'll fight on for a few more years - but it only ends one way, that much at least can be said with a degree of confidence.

Well by then you will be long gone, I'm sure.

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Jatuporn had quite a lengthy response to Prayuth's provocations, but I don't read any of it in the media...A lot about Prayuth's bleatings though...Unless I missed it.

Well post it then, lets hear the long response, from your hero. And if not in the media how did you hear it?

It was in a lengthy speech on AsiaUpdate earlier today, but I have no Thai speakers here at the moment, to translate it.

Would be interesting tho'......

One thing I would tell Prayuth if I was Jatuporn..."You got the guns, we got the people".......And not conveniently bunched up at R'song as in 2010, but all over the country, by the millions.

And believe me, Jatuporn could mobilize them, and quickly.

Can't quite get a handle on why all this over-the-top vitriol directed at Jatuporn, even personal, now that he is head of one of the largest voting blocks in the country......

The phrase comes up, "Me thinks they protest too much"....The PAD-Dem's are obviously spooked. I wonder what their main worry is.

>"Army chief warns redshirt hardcore leaders...."

I wonder who the PAD-Dem hardcore leaders are?

I notice in PAD-Dem pronouncements and media, all the leaders of the UDD/RS's are 'hard core'.....Thereby trying to attach a stigma of anarchism.....

Other than being disrespectful of a huge swath of the Thai electorate, it is grossly biased reporting.

Makes one thankful for Electoral Democracy---again.....such biased smoke has never affected the electorate, to my admiration. Electoral results both past and the current one, which scares the bejeebers out of the PAD-dem's, prove it.


How convenient you can't even speak the language but you can speak for millions of people and say they would be willing to go too war for Jatuporn.intheclub.gif dream on. You got nothing.

Be fair - Frysians can barely speak Dutch or German.

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Meanwhile sutheps attempts at goading the army into clashes with the UDD continue. He's even broadcast his intent on stage

At the Lumphini protest stage Monday night, Suthep Thaugsuban also challenged Jatuporn and Kotee to come out in arms to battle anti-government protesters to protect the Yingluck government.

He said if they really come out with guns, he would not fight back but would lead all protesters back home and stay inside homes.

He said if the redshirts come out with guns, then they would see to it that soldiers would be ready to use force as they could no longer put up with them any longer for the abuses and rude scolds they hit on their army boss.

Someone arrest this war mongering dinosaur before he gets his wish, (and you can apply that description to two of the people mentioned here).

Don't you know how to read? Suthep declared he would not fight back but go home. You call that war mongering? Seems Thai Rouge has adopted the "war is peace" mindset.

Suthep was just highlighting the red shirt/ptp rhetoric when they announced they had 10 million guns in their typical war-mongering bravado.

That Suthep's comments would somehow be spun 180 degrees and he is accused of war-mongering is hardly surprising given the source of the red shirt supporting distortion.

Also, as is repeatedly shown by the red shirters is that quotes are thrown out willy nilly without links to verify what they are claiming.


Edited by kuthow
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We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight.

Nope I don't know, how about posting a list so I can be as informed as everyone else ?


"We all know who finances the PDRC . . ."

I don't, please enlighten me with some names and facts that can be verified . . .

Come on Kieran 2698. Who do you think finances Suthep's efforts. i keep hearing you guys "We all know who...." Well I do NOT know. Please tell us. Names please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, NOT vague conspiracy theory stuff.


Still waiting.



Edited by kuthow
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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

Time to take your tablet if you believe that crap.

Telling someone to take a tablet is a troll post.

The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Saying to someone he's twisted is a troll post.

Calling someone a troll is a troll post.;)

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Meanwhile sutheps attempts at goading the army into clashes with the UDD continue. He's even broadcast his intent on stage

At the Lumphini protest stage Monday night, Suthep Thaugsuban also challenged Jatuporn and Kotee to come out in arms to battle anti-government protesters to protect the Yingluck government.

He said if they really come out with guns, he would not fight back but would lead all protesters back home and stay inside homes.

He said if the redshirts come out with guns, then they would see to it that soldiers would be ready to use force as they could no longer put up with them any longer for the abuses and rude scolds they hit on their army boss.

Someone arrest this war mongering dinosaur before he gets his wish, (and you can apply that description to two of the people mentioned here).

Don't you know how to read? Suthep declared he would not fight back but go home. You call that war mongering? Seems Thai Rouge has adopted the "war is peace" mindset.

Suthep was just highlighting the red shirt/ptp rhetoric when they announced they had 10 million guns in their typical war-mongering bravado.

That Suthep's comments would somehow be spun 180 degrees and he is accused of war-mongering is hardly surprising given the source of the red shirt supporting distortion.

Also, as is repeatedly shown by the red shirters is that quotes are thrown out willy nilly without links to verify what they are claiming.


If they were smart enough to have a link they would be to smart to be a red shirt.

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Telling someone to take a tablet is a troll post.

The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Saying to someone he's twisted is a troll post.

Calling someone a troll is a troll post.wink.png

Hit a nerve?

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Meanwhile sutheps attempts at goading the army into clashes with the UDD continue. He's even broadcast his intent on stage

At the Lumphini protest stage Monday night, Suthep Thaugsuban also challenged Jatuporn and Kotee to come out in arms to battle anti-government protesters to protect the Yingluck government.

He said if they really come out with guns, he would not fight back but would lead all protesters back home and stay inside homes.

He said if the redshirts come out with guns, then they would see to it that soldiers would be ready to use force as they could no longer put up with them any longer for the abuses and rude scolds they hit on their army boss.

Someone arrest this war mongering dinosaur before he gets his wish, (and you can apply that description to two of the people mentioned here).


Have you any thing intelligent to say.http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/st


Such as your "informative" post?

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"Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?

As far as I'm aware these guys have been in the game the longest and therefore bare most the the responsibility for the complete mess the political system is in.

They actually built the system.

The lack of transparency, the corruption, the politicisation of the courts etc etc....

To repeat, the clowns in this party built the system that Thaksin then inherited.

Thaksin may have nicked a dollar or two - but he did so only by copying the example set by the old boys of the Democrat party.

Whatever remaining credibility they had Suthep has well and truly pissed away down the drain.

I say, thank god they're finished and will never be in a position to run the country again.

Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?


Have you any more silly questions?

OK, sweet. I, or anybody else, could not possibly dispute such brilliance.

All you need to do now is relay your staggeringly genius rebuttal to about 15 or 16 million Thai voters, convince them of your unequalled wisdom, and then the Democrats get back on with the stellar job they were doing before Thaksin so rudely interrupted them (and made them look 3rd rate)

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To the UDD or red foreign supporters.

You know very well who Jatuporn is and what he represents.

Please, stop writing nonsense postings, supporting him, even if you like Yingluck and her brother.

This man will put Thailand into a bloodbath.

I understand Sutherp disturbed you from your cosy lives.

This man will oblige you to pack and go back to were you came from.

"This man will oblige you to pack and go back to were you came from."

And you think you will be able to stay safely in Khon Kaen when this civil war takes place? Maybe time to make plans to return to where YOU came from

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

The one vote policy is the UDD's one claim to a justification to exist. Everything else is blind subservience to rapacious thieves who do not value them(the UDD or redshirts) personally in any way except as willing (and expendable) cannon fodder. All in the cause, to be used without concern or compassion in the bid by a fugitive criminal so he return here to continue his interrupted personal pillaging of the country.

Also note that the paymasters don't want any Northern or Northeastern people to be leaders of their red shirt movement. They only accept Southerners who are hated by their own people and have no real personal following - just followers of the red flag and the money trail. Allowing Northerners and Northeasterners with popular followings to lead their own people would risk real labour and peasant movements getting started that don't care about the Chinese billionaire's money and will serve the interests of their people. The PT party itself is all ethnic Chinese, representing the people who exploit the hell out of the Northern and Northeastern people and are determined to continue doing so. The genuine farmer groups protesting against being swindled in the rice pledging scam are attacked by red shirts on the highway and intimidated by thugs who visit their homes and threaten to murder their families.

It's time for Northerners and Northeasterners to throw off the Chinese and Southern yolk and represent themselves.

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"Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?

As far as I'm aware these guys have been in the game the longest and therefore bare most the the responsibility for the complete mess the political system is in.

They actually built the system.

The lack of transparency, the corruption, the politicisation of the courts etc etc....

To repeat, the clowns in this party built the system that Thaksin then inherited.

Thaksin may have nicked a dollar or two - but he did so only by copying the example set by the old boys of the Democrat party.

Whatever remaining credibility they had Suthep has well and truly pissed away down the drain.

I say, thank god they're finished and will never be in a position to run the country again.

Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?


Have you any more silly questions?

OK, sweet. I, or anybody else, could not possibly dispute such brilliance.

All you need to do now is relay your staggeringly genius rebuttal to about 15 or 16 million Thai voters, convince them of your unequalled wisdom, and then the Democrats get back on with the stellar job they were doing before Thaksin so rudely interrupted them (and made them look 3rd rate)

On the last elections (2011) the popular vote difference between the two parties was more like 3 million. The Democrat party still won about 11.5 million votes. So they really don't need to "convert" all the Pheu Thai voters.

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"Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha strongly blasted at redshirt hardcore leaders..."

Bad move.

For the military to be attacking a core and major element of the electoral majority. This General and the military think nothing has changed...It can act with impunity over against political elements of all stripes............They can do that to be sure, but there will be consequences that there weren't previously.

And to call leaders of this major political movement "hardcore", thereby maligning a huge swath of the Thai electorate as being anarchistic, is double jeopardy.

The UDD/RS's are not beholden to the military, not intimidated by them, and will not stand idly by as it throws its' weight around. They will not be a "yes and amen" political entity, as so many are in Thailand.

Yesterday was a case in point......

An unreported - by media design - speech by the leader of this major political movement, made some charges against Prayuth and the military. Something to the effect of questioning why Prayuth has all these military bunkers in BKK, and paying over 700.00 baht each soldier for this duty, at around 100 soldiers per bunker............when n fact, they are manned by only around 10 soldiers.......And what is this thing about paying soldiers 250.00 Baht for southern duty, and 700.00 baht in BKK.

This according to what I am told.....One who is Thai-language proficient only needs to refer to Jatuporn's speech on AsiaUpdate to verify if this was said, and if so, investigate it for confirmation, or otherwise.....same holds for other charges made.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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"Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha strongly blasted at redshirt hardcore leaders..."

Bad move.

For the military to be attacking a core and major element of the electoral majority. This General and the military think nothing has changed...It can act with impunity over against political elements of all stripes............They can do that to be sure, but there will be consequences that there weren't previously.

And to call leaders of this major political movement "hardcore", thereby maligning a huge swath of the Thai electorate as being anarchistic, is double jeopardy.

The UDD/RS's are not beholden to the military, not intimidated by them, and will not stand idly by as it throws its' weight around. They will not be a "yes and amen" political entity, as so many are in Thailand.

Yesterday was a case in point......

An unreported - by media design - speech by the leader of this major political movement, made some charges against Prayuth and the military. Something to the effect of questioning why Prayuth has all these military bunkers in BKK, and paying over 700.00 baht each soldier for this duty, at around 100 soldiers per bunker............when n fact, they are manned by only around 10 soldiers.......And what is this thing about paying soldiers 250.00 Baht for southern duty, and 700.00 baht in BKK.

This according to what I am told.....One who is Thai-language proficient only needs to refer to Jatuporn's speech on AsiaUpdate to verify if this was said, and if so, investigate it for confirmation, or otherwise.....same holds for other charges made.

Maybe unreported because he has zero evidence.

Edited by whybother
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"Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha strongly blasted at redshirt hardcore leaders..."

Bad move.

For the military to be attacking a core and major element of the electoral majority. This General and the military think nothing has changed...It can act with impunity over against political elements of all stripes............They can do that to be sure, but there will be consequences that there weren't previously.

And to call leaders of this major political movement "hardcore", thereby maligning a huge swath of the Thai electorate as being anarchistic, is double jeopardy.

The UDD/RS's are not beholden to the military, not intimidated by them, and will not stand idly by as it throws its' weight around. They will not be a "yes and amen" political entity, as so many are in Thailand.

Yesterday was a case in point......

An unreported - by media design - speech by the leader of this major political movement, made some charges against Prayuth and the military. Something to the effect of questioning why Prayuth has all these military bunkers in BKK, and paying over 700.00 baht each soldier for this duty, at around 100 soldiers per bunker............when n fact, they are manned by only around 10 soldiers.......And what is this thing about paying soldiers 250.00 Baht for southern duty, and 700.00 baht in BKK.

This according to what I am told.....One who is Thai-language proficient only needs to refer to Jatuporn's speech on AsiaUpdate to verify if this was said, and if so, investigate it for confirmation, or otherwise.....same holds for other charges made.

Maybe unreported because he has zero evidence.

Could be.

For you to say that there it could be due to zero evidence, does not reflect a thorough investigative process....Just you questioning it....

There were other charges made as well.

I don't agree with you, about the reason why this speech was "unreported" having anything to do with evidence, or lack of same.. I think the reason has everything to do with pro-military, pro-Pad/Dem agenda's.

What about the other charges and comments made by the leader of this major political movement......Was there no evidence for them as well?.........It was a long speech, with a considerable amount dealing with the attack by Prayuth.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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"Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha strongly blasted at redshirt hardcore leaders..."

Bad move.

For the military to be attacking a core and major element of the electoral majority. This General and the military think nothing has changed...It can act with impunity over against political elements of all stripes............They can do that to be sure, but there will be consequences that there weren't previously.

And to call leaders of this major political movement "hardcore", thereby maligning a huge swath of the Thai electorate as being anarchistic, is double jeopardy.

The UDD/RS's are not beholden to the military, not intimidated by them, and will not stand idly by as it throws its' weight around. They will not be a "yes and amen" political entity, as so many are in Thailand.

Yesterday was a case in point......

An unreported - by media design - speech by the leader of this major political movement, made some charges against Prayuth and the military. Something to the effect of questioning why Prayuth has all these military bunkers in BKK, and paying over 700.00 baht each soldier for this duty, at around 100 soldiers per bunker............when n fact, they are manned by only around 10 soldiers.......And what is this thing about paying soldiers 250.00 Baht for southern duty, and 700.00 baht in BKK.

This according to what I am told.....One who is Thai-language proficient only needs to refer to Jatuporn's speech on AsiaUpdate to verify if this was said, and if so, investigate it for confirmation, or otherwise.....same holds for other charges made.

Maybe unreported because he has zero evidence.

Could be.

For you to say that there it could be due to zero evidence, does not reflect a thorough investigative process....Just you questioning it....

There were other charges made as well.

I don't agree with you, about the reason why this speech was "unreported" having anything to do with evidence, or lack of same.. I think the reason has everything to do with pro-military, pro-Pad/Dem agenda's.

What about the other charges and comments made by the leader of this major political movement......Was there no evidence for them as well?.........It was a long speech, with a considerable amount dealing with the attack by Prayuth.

Nothing stopping Khaosod to report it. Unless you wish to claim that they are pro-military or pro-Democrat.

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