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Police rescue 31 girls in 'sting' operation

Lite Beer

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If every pimp, john and hooker was arrested in Thailand, there would be 25 million people in jail.

Most Thai men are either johns or pimps. It is almost a right of passage for young Thai men to have sex with hookers.

Brothels and massage parlors are the size of five star hotels and are on every street corner. 1/10 women who walk in the shopping malls have had sex for money at one point in their lives.

Thailand is the sex capital of the world for good reason - young, poor good looking girls and horny unethical men.

Expatriates love to criticize prostitution and lash out against young girls having sex for money - yet they are the most frequent customers at massage parlors and short time hotels.

What a bunch of BS and hypocrisy.

95% of ALL customers of Thai prostitutes are Thai men!

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All the female smiles in Cowboi, most of them are on strangling contracts and no way they can walk off.

What a load of BS.rolleyes.gif I am suspicious of the rest of your post too, although such places do exist.

Ask around and keep your ears open. When it comes to forced prostitution and human trafficking, Cowboi, Nana and Patpong are the places to find such victims. Why on earth would a girl work over 5 years in the same dull place with seasons of non-customers & non-come? Try Twins Bar / Siamese Twin. Try Afterschool etc. etc.

They are stuck. Completely sold and stuck.

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One main point needs making. many folk are making a decent point about the amount prostitution makes from the external market (tourism) though I'd wager that the income from the internal market would rival that sum.

this topic has nothing to do with pattaya which is JUST disneyland for oversized farang adults. just go to to any LOWKLEY rural shithole (nearby a major road through thailand) and u'll see all this kinda shit. drugs, guns, whores, cops, etc. theWILD WEST. price: up to u. condom: up to u. age: up to u.

thing is most farang don't get there since they think there is no action there.................. if only they'd knew! pattaya and phuket are a joke compared to the real deal here. big bottle of LEO in these places: 100THB. no farang-thai chit-chat such as tingtong, bababobo, pomlakhum... the only talk u'll get here is about the BAHT. tossers..........................................................

Excellent post. Reminds me chillingly of a trip with a Thai colleague not long after I'd first come here where we'd headed up to Buriram to visit some clients. On the way back we decided to break the trip en route. Being from that area he was keen to look up some pals so we broke the trip in Prakornchai we passed a fairly pleasant evening at a large open air restaurant with a nice gaggle of beer promo girls, my colleague's pals decided to move on for more nefarious entertainment.

The place they took to me and their following behaviour, coming at a time of my life here when the rose tinted glasses were already starting to slip, helped remove them firmly.

It was basically a grimy hotel set at the rear of a cluster of ramshackle roadside karaoke bars/restaurants where we were constantly encouraged to take the motley crew of lasses working the bars to.one of the grotty rooms by the staff and assorted hangers on...not a one of them looked particularly thrilled to be there. When the others went off to do their thing, I remained outside enviously watching the Bangkok bound traffic, wishing I was a part of it and not in this vile place. I asked one of the girls if she wanted to sit with me for a while but she looked horrified at the thought.

In fact every time I was chatting to the girls - even just ordering a beer, one of the aged mamasans would be over like a shot making sure nothing untoward was being talked about. One thing which soon became apparent to me was that these girls were a million miles from their Pattaya/BKK based counterparts. Not for them, the chance of a night in nice air-conditioned Bangkok hotel, following a night of drinks and food with a client who is at least going to treat them a little more than a lump of meat... The looks in the eyes of those girls still haunts me to this day....

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If every pimp, john and hooker was arrested in Thailand, there would be 25 million people in jail.

Most Thai men are either johns or pimps. It is almost a right of passage for young Thai men to have sex with hookers.

Brothels and massage parlors are the size of five star hotels and are on every street corner. 1/10 women who walk in the shopping malls have had sex for money at one point in their lives.

Thailand is the sex capital of the world for good reason - young, poor good looking girls and horny unethical men.

Expatriates love to criticize prostitution and lash out against young girls having sex for money - yet they are the most frequent customers at massage parlors and short time hotels.

What a bunch of BS and hypocrisy.

95% of ALL customers of Thai prostitutes are Thai men!

Of course, anybody who actually lives in Thailand knows that. Not even sure why farangs get

dragged into these discussions about the sex trade in Thailand. Except it makes a nice cover

story for Thailand when pressed to the wall. " Yes these evil farangs come and take advantage

of our lovely Thai girls, and it is so hard to stop them ."

The story did not say it, but I think most of these girls are from

Laos. Khmer girls are too dark skinned to be appealing to Thai men. I was at the border in Vientiane a couple of years ago. I got a ride in a van with a Thai woman, who explained to me she was on

a recruiting mission to get some Laos girls to come down and " work" in her karaoke bar on the

outskirts of Bangkok. So clearly this has been going on for a while.....

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All the time that the sex industry remains technically illegal this kind of thing will continue. The more illegal you make something, the more attractive it becomes to criminals because they can raise prices because of the risks. There will be always be a demand for sexual services from people for one reason or another cannot find what they need in their day to day life. There also will always people, of both sexes, who are willing to provide sexual services, either because it is a short term way to make money or because they enjoy it enough to want to make a career from it.

The problem is that we have years of prejudice towards sex and treat the sexual organs as if they something different to any other part of the body. We also think that every sex worker is forced into their situation and that every punter treats them badly - this is far from the truth. Now situations like this where girls have their passports taken away and they are stranded and frightened in a foreign country, must be dealt with and harshly. How much easier would this become if sex work was legalised and respected as a profession?

The other thing about it being illegal is that it makes it a ready target for corrupt police colleting their tea money.

It would be a start if people stopped thinking that the sex industry is the "dark side" of Thailand (or any country) properly run and regulated it could be as good a part of Thailand as any other business. We just need to weed out the criminals.

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All the female smiles in Cowboi, most of them are on strangling contracts and no way they can walk off.

What a load of BS.rolleyes.gif I am suspicious of the rest of your post too, although such places do exist.

Ask around and keep your ears open. When it comes to forced prostitution and human trafficking, Cowboi, Nana and Patpong are the places to find such victims. Why on earth would a girl work over 5 years in the same dull place with seasons of non-customers & non-come? Try Twins Bar / Siamese Twin. Try Afterschool etc. etc.

They are stuck. Completely sold and stuck.

Because they make good money, or rather one in five/ten probably reaches 40 having 'got lucky''. I seldom see the same girls in the same bars week in week out.....either they find a mug or just move on to pastures new. I've never seen the slightest sign of bonded labour in either place.

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this brings to light a part of thailand that is totally negitive. The flesh trade. 'Men" who pay for sex are directly perputating and promoting human misery. Those young ladies who sell themselves do so because the failed totally corrupt and tyrancial nation they live in has failed them.

And so has the west by not doing more to stop this disgusting state of affairs.

These poor young ladies have to do disgusting acts that often seriously damages their physical and mental health simply because us 'men' place more imporatnce on our sexual needs than the welfare of others.

How would they feel if their mother/sister/daughter had to do this.

This is 2014- the oppression of the female is a great evil that retards all human progress and is this is one of the worst manifistations of it.

Please, consider these poor young ladies, born into povety, often sold off, a short life expectancy because pushed into taking drugs,many physical and mental problems, often controlled by the very people charged with protecting them.

How can contributing to this be good?

Your diatribe appears to come out of someone who never went outside of a christian environment...

«Not the way it is here....

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If every pimp, john and hooker was arrested in Thailand, there would be 25 million people in jail.

Most Thai men are either johns or pimps. It is almost a right of passage for young Thai men to have sex with hookers.

Brothels and massage parlors are the size of five star hotels and are on every street corner. 1/10 women who walk in the shopping malls have had sex for money at one point in their lives.

Thailand is the sex capital of the world for good reason - young, poor good looking girls and horny unethical men.

Expatriates love to criticize prostitution and lash out against young girls having sex for money - yet they are the most frequent customers at massage parlors and short time hotels.

What a bunch of BS and hypocrisy.

95% of ALL customers of Thai prostitutes are Thai men!

Of course, anybody who actually lives in Thailand knows that. Not even sure why farangs get

dragged into these discussions about the sex trade in Thailand. Except it makes a nice cover

story for Thailand when pressed to the wall. " Yes these evil farangs come and take advantage

of our lovely Thai girls, and it is so hard to stop them ."

The story did not say it, but I think most of these girls are from

Laos. Khmer girls are too dark skinned to be appealing to Thai men. I was at the border in Vientiane a couple of years ago. I got a ride in a van with a Thai woman, who explained to me she was on

a recruiting mission to get some Laos girls to come down and " work" in her karaoke bar on the

outskirts of Bangkok. So clearly this has been going on for a while.....

This has being going on for time immeromorial,if you want proof ask any ex-serviceman who was here from ww2 onwards.I have an 11 year old daughter and I and her mum are very well aware of the risks she faces.Fortunately we are financially secure,so we do not have to prostitute our daughter ( I never would allow it ).Please posters be aware you should consider posters age and experience.

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My son, you have much to learn. Where are the massage parlors in Soi Cowboy exactly?

Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

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These busts are just publicity stunts. There are thousands of brothels all over Thailand not just Bangkok and nearby provinces.

The biggest brothel in Thailand and probably all of Asia is just down the road at a place called... Pattaya.

There are as many as 30,000 prostitutes operating there depending on the time of year, most from the poorest provinces of NE Thailand.

Thai gov will never shut down Pattaya. Too many powerful players involved.

The most profitable and successful agricultural product of Thailand are woman.

It's in none of the ruling class interest to shut this business down, it brings in at least 1 billion US$ in cash every month and that is a calculation based on low estimates.

For most girls in prostitution there not a lot of trafficking required, they are sold or send by family or go on their own out of financial pressure or other reasons.

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There was a topic covering the same thing in the same town a few months ago. It transpires that the are 256 karaoke bars in Chachoengsao. Only for Thai men. I'd guess that many of the girls in Thai run karaoke bars are forced into prostitution but I don't really know. Do the police chiefs get first dip on the virgins? Who knows.

Suffice to say that if there are this many karaoke bars in this one horse town can you image how many karaoke bars, exclusively for Thai men, there are in the whole of Thailand. Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? Maybe more? But us foreigners will never know or taste their fruits.

I'd suggest it would make Pattaya look like small change. And I'd also suggest most of the working girls are in places like Pattaya of their own free will. Maybe not what they really want in life, and for most it would be tough going, but not the worst place to be.

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All the female smiles in Cowboi, most of them are on strangling contracts and no way they can walk off.

What a load of BS.rolleyes.gif I am suspicious of the rest of your post too, although such places do exist.

Ask around and keep your ears open. When it comes to forced prostitution and human trafficking, Cowboi, Nana and Patpong are the places to find such victims. Why on earth would a girl work over 5 years in the same dull place with seasons of non-customers & non-come? Try Twins Bar / Siamese Twin. Try Afterschool etc. etc.

They are stuck. Completely sold and stuck.

That is complete nonsense.

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All blabla and "knowledge" about prostitution is irrelevant here. If the story is true then this is human trafficking, the fact that 30 girls are foreign shows a good deal of it: foreigners have passports, that can be taken and prevent the girls to leave/flee. It is also not prostitution as it is against their will, it is sexual abuse or even rape. So please be content that at least one brothel (aka karaoke joint) is "stinged" and the 31 girls can go home. If their families have received lots of money there is a possibility that the pimp(s) come back and the same story starts again. That's why those pimps have to be thrown in jail for a long time, they ruin young lives!

This bar is a typical example of the dark side of Thailand, the brothels for Thais. No farang gets in, only Thais. The girls are often underage, and it is known that most underage abuse is done by Thai men, not farang, as so many times is rumoured. Forced sex is rape, that is a crime, unfortunately many law enforcers are part of it or paid for keeping their eyes closed. It will never disappear I'm afraid, a sad part of Thailand.

u're VERY naive joel............ money talks: farang, thai, khaek, negro, ............ all invited. the only things is: did u GET/UNDERSTAND the invitation... just go and check it out. and don't talk sh**t on TV, home of and wanna-be's.

Your comment, "all are invited". If you have information on this, please notify your embassy quickly, and let us all on TV know so there is follow up. You will be surprised, but many Thai's are not aware of this.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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If every pimp, john and hooker was arrested in Thailand, there would be 25 million people in jail.

Most Thai men are either johns or pimps. It is almost a right of passage for young Thai men to have sex with hookers.

Brothels and massage parlors are the size of five star hotels and are on every street corner. 1/10 women who walk in the shopping malls have had sex for money at one point in their lives.

Thailand is the sex capital of the world for good reason - young, poor good looking girls and horny unethical men.

Expatriates love to criticize prostitution and lash out against young girls having sex for money - yet they are the most frequent customers at massage parlors and short time hotels.

What a bunch of BS and hypocrisy.

95% of ALL customers of Thai prostitutes are Thai men!

Of course, anybody who actually lives in Thailand knows that. Not even sure why farangs get

dragged into these discussions about the sex trade in Thailand. Except it makes a nice cover

story for Thailand when pressed to the wall. " Yes these evil farangs come and take advantage

of our lovely Thai girls, and it is so hard to stop them ."

The story did not say it, but I think most of these girls are from

Laos. Khmer girls are too dark skinned to be appealing to Thai men. I was at the border in Vientiane a couple of years ago. I got a ride in a van with a Thai woman, who explained to me she was on

a recruiting mission to get some Laos girls to come down and " work" in her karaoke bar on the

outskirts of Bangkok. So clearly this has been going on for a while.....

Simple answer.

Because so many of the shoddy 'documentaries' shown on TV in the West like to use the 'Western males exploiting sex slaves' angle as it makes them look like crusaders and the only ethnic group left free to open random abuse, spurious accusations in the media is the Western male...

Hence the fact that you will seldom/never see a docu about Thailand's sex trade, even from supposedly reliable teams like Ch4 (UK) Dispatches (theirs was titled something nonsensical like:The Truth behind Thailand's Tourist trade")

showing Nana/Patpong/Pattaya then poor trafficked women chained to beds in seedy knocking shops.

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All the female smiles in Cowboi, most of them are on strangling contracts and no way they can walk off.

What a load of BS.rolleyes.gif I am suspicious of the rest of your post too, although such places do exist.

Ask around and keep your ears open. When it comes to forced prostitution and human trafficking, Cowboi, Nana and Patpong are the places to find such victims.

I already have. I have been talking to the girls in those places for many years. Those are NOT the places to find such victims. Run down brothels with mostly Thai customers are a different story, but they have improved a lot, on that count, compared to the old days.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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All blabla and "knowledge" about prostitution is irrelevant here. If the story is true then this is human trafficking, the fact that 30 girls are foreign shows a good deal of it: foreigners have passports, that can be taken and prevent the girls to leave/flee. It is also not prostitution as it is against their will, it is sexual abuse or even rape. So please be content that at least one brothel (aka karaoke joint) is "stinged" and the 31 girls can go home. If their families have received lots of money there is a possibility that the pimp(s) come back and the same story starts again. That's why those pimps have to be thrown in jail for a long time, they ruin young lives!

This bar is a typical example of the dark side of Thailand, the brothels for Thais. No farang gets in, only Thais. The girls are often underage, and it is known that most underage abuse is done by Thai men, not farang, as so many times is rumoured. Forced sex is rape, that is a crime, unfortunately many law enforcers are part of it or paid for keeping their eyes closed. It will never disappear I'm afraid, a sad part of Thailand.

u're VERY naive joel............ money talks: farang, thai, khaek, negro, ............ all invited. the only things is: did u GET/UNDERSTAND the invitation... just go and check it out. and don't talk sh**t on TV, home of <deleted> and wanna-be's.

Sticky lies your name? Hahaa what a coincidence!

I'm not naive, I live IN Thailand, WITH Thais. I have heard more than you will ever get to know. I know exactly how the brothels for Thais work and how they can continue for many years. One thing is their golden rule: NO farang!

I don't know, however, about human trafficking, if I would I would immediately report it, as it is a crime against humanity.

So you're not invited Sticky lies, and, who would believe a liar?

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Scum of the earth. I hope the girls are not ostracized after going back home.

You are joking

This is Thailand

The loan is made at home

and when they can not pay back the debt, their daughters become the payment till the loan is repaid

No, you are joking.

Yes, this is Thailand.

Don't know much about your loan.(s)

and when you should pay your dept their daughters seem to be your goal, until they're able to run away from you.

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Sticky lies your name? Hahaa what a coincidence!

I'm not naive, I live IN Thailand, WITH Thais. I have heard more than you will ever get to know. I know exactly how the brothels for Thais work and how they can continue for many years. One thing is their golden rule: NO farang!

I don't know, however, about human trafficking, if I would I would immediately report it, as it is a crime against humanity.

So you're not invited Sticky lies, and, who would believe a liar?

sticky lies is a parody to STICKY RICE....

happy harry's with sanuk in their name have no idea what's really going on here, sorry.... now pls get back to your Village life in Isaan, Photography, Sudoku, Snakes, lizards and Farming. surely the real deal here in LOS............................ enjoy bro. guitar.gif

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"Lured" into prostitution? So these girls don't have the option to leave if they so desire? Are they being forced to dance at gunpoint or something?

a few shots aimed at the feet might improve the dancing i saw the other night in LK metro. im sure some of them were actually sleeping while standing up......

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I cannot take onboard all the comments on this topic,but just to add my tuppence worth about morals etc.My wife has a step sister married to a Swedish biochemist professor working in Singapore,they have 2 kids.From first hand knowledge I know she was having carnal knowledge with at least 3 Thai men,1 in her condo in Bangkok,1 no hoper from the village and 1 guy who she met in my house who was hanging wallpaper.She never visits and she is afraid to let me talk to her husband,need I say more.

So, the carnal knowledge took place whilst he was hanging the paper or after he'd finished hanging the paper?

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Of course this is happening if they don't pay at all, or don't pay enough to the suitable table .....

The very smart TH Police may do this action around 5000 places right now, but they are pay enough with high respect ....

I wub.png TH.

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If every pimp, john and hooker was arrested in Thailand, there would be 25 million people in jail.

Most Thai men are either johns or pimps. It is almost a right of passage for young Thai men to have sex with hookers.

Brothels and massage parlors are the size of five star hotels and are on every street corner. 1/10 women who walk in the shopping malls have had sex for money at one point in their lives.

Thailand is the sex capital of the world for good reason - young, poor good looking girls and horny unethical men.

Expatriates love to criticize prostitution and lash out against young girls having sex for money - yet they are the most frequent customers at massage parlors and short time hotels.

What a bunch of BS and hypocrisy.

If every pimp, john and hooker was arrested in Thailand, there would be 25 million people in jail.

Considering the population of Thailand being about 67 million people, complete rubbish.

Most Thai men are either johns or pimps. It is almost a right of passage for young Thai men to have sex with hookers.

You’re either not knowledgeable enough, or not well educated.

Brothels and massage parlors are the size of five star hotels and are on every street corner. 1/10 women who walk in the shopping malls have had sex for money at one point in their lives.

Haven’t seen too many big brothels, or massage parlors in Isaan. How can you come up with such a statistic? How many American/European woman marry a wealthy guy?

Thailand is the sex capital of the world for good reason - young, poor good looking girls and horny unethical men.

And the Philippines don’t exist. Prostitution is the oldest occupation on this planet.

Expatriates love to criticize prostitution and lash out against young girls having sex for money - yet they are the most frequent customers at massage parlors and short time hotels.

Many of them even marry them and provide a home for their parents, boyfriends and more.

What a bunch of BS and hypocrisy.

Agree with your last sentence.-wai2.gif

While I agree that the post may be exaggerated, the basic gist of what the poster is saying is true. Thailand is known world wide as a place for sex tourists. Whether it is soi Cowboy, Patpong, Pattaya, or Patong, the places are lined with places which sell sex. I am not going to be a saint here and say I have never been to these places but they do exist and in a larger scale than almost anywhere else on the planet and while some may justify their existence by stating that prostitution is the oldest profession, or that it is the same in the Philippines, or that it provides income from otherwise unemployed persons, Thailand has taken the whole activity to a new level. It is so rife with corrupt police and politicians, drugs, etc. that it has become an institution which is corrupting Thai society/culture at its core because it is so out of control. That fact combined with the complete corruption of politics, government, and business, in my mind makes Thailand a failed state. Almost everything in Thailand involves a payoff. Try getting a decent job without a payoff or connection. While I am no prude with regard to the prostitution it has gotten so completely out of control as to be in your face everywhere in the major population centers and it's running with the cooperation of corrupt police and/or politicians and/or military. The point is it exists is a scale like nowhere else and everyone on the planet knows it. It is what it is so let's not try to sugar coat it.

Edited by Trouble
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Most Thai wives are okay with her husband having happy times, as long as he is not seen doing it

Agreed--happy as long as not see and husband comes home--until they get cervical cancer because ever single sex worker is universally infected with dozens of strains of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and several of these strains are the predominant cause of female cervical cancer.

Condoms do help in lessening the transmission of HPV but since most viral outbreaks are not visible and since infection can occur on areas that a condom does not cover they do not prevent transmission of HPV (or herpes (HSV).

But then, how many even know of the cause and effect?

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Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

I think you missed something. They did not arrest these guys for prostitution, but for human trafficking which means these girls were being held against their will. 99% of the ex-pat bar girls are not being held against their will. They are working for an establishment and can quit when they want. Two totally different things. Girls working here in Thailand in Cowboy, Nana, Pattaya etc have a choice if they want to go with a guy or not, they are not forced.

Now I'm not saying I codon this, but at least the girls have a choice. When they are being held by guys like this scum that was just arrested they have no choice.

Trying to stop proposition will never happen, even if you closed down all the bars it will still happen. It has been going on for 1000's of years. It's going on all over the world. Much like the war on drugs trying to stop prostitution is a losing battle. If you enforce the laws and closed all the Go-go bars down it will only open up things for scum likes these guys. The ex-pat bars are out in the open, the brothels for Thai men are in the back sois out of sight, this is were the problems are where girls are being held against their will.

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All blabla and "knowledge" about prostitution is irrelevant here. If the story is true then this is human trafficking, the fact that 30 girls are foreign shows a good deal of it: foreigners have passports, that can be taken and prevent the girls to leave/flee. It is also not prostitution as it is against their will, it is sexual abuse or even rape. So please be content that at least one brothel (aka karaoke joint) is "stinged" and the 31 girls can go home. If their families have received lots of money there is a possibility that the pimp(s) come back and the same story starts again. That's why those pimps have to be thrown in jail for a long time, they ruin young lives!

This bar is a typical example of the dark side of Thailand, the brothels for Thais. No farang gets in, only Thais. The girls are often underage, and it is known that most underage abuse is done by Thai men, not farang, as so many times is rumoured. Forced sex is rape, that is a crime, unfortunately many law enforcers are part of it or paid for keeping their eyes closed. It will never disappear I'm afraid, a sad part of Thailand.

u're VERY naive joel............ money talks: farang, thai, khaek, negro, ............ all invited. the only things is: did u GET/UNDERSTAND the invitation... just go and check it out. and don't talk sh**t on TV, home of <deleted> and wanna-be's.

Sticky lies your name? Hahaa what a coincidence!

I'm not naive, I live IN Thailand, WITH Thais. I have heard more than you will ever get to know. I know exactly how the brothels for Thais work and how they can continue for many years. One thing is their golden rule: NO farang!

I don't know, however, about human trafficking, if I would I would immediately report it, as it is a crime against humanity.

So you're not invited Sticky lies, and, who would believe a liar?

Seems you dont know much. Been living and working in Thailand almost 20 years. Been to plenty of Thai places you mention. My Thai workers would take me to These places. As long as you have money they dont care if you are Thai, Ex-pat or a Martian. You forgot the golden rule in Thailand, Money rules!

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