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Thai Tv silly noises


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Here we go....cue the stream of replies banging on about the mental age of Thais etc....

It's simple entertainment, much of which can find it's roots in Old English (Victorian) Music Hall or US Vaudeville and it has been now been shaped into a distinctly Thai 'medium' albeit a modern one. Trust me, if you've ever had to spend a period of exile away from Thailand, the sound of all them 'honks', "parps" and "boings", whisk you back here in seconds....

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Nothing to do with the mentality of Thai people.

It's the effort of the producers and screenwriters to make their play a bit interesting to the audience, as the quality and contents of what they produce is not of any acceptable standard.

Sometimes it works, sometimes gets annoying.

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Making those dumb noises is a profession in Thailand. Once i was in a big restaurant with live music and when the presentator was speaking that special DJ had to make those "funny" noises. He was a very good DJ though and made a few of them noises in every sentence....so much fun! The volume was very loud so we had a great dinner! NOT.

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Easier to cue up than a laugh track.

There are serious political, academic, arts, film, history discussions on several Thai TV channels.

If you want to appreciate them as a spectator you must learn to sapeak THAI.

If you wish to contribute to them you must learn to converse politely in Thai.

You getting this yet ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Few years back, I bought a cooking video. Professional quality, great recipes, nice set, attractive female chefs.

Okay, they were actually really hot, and it would have been a keeper video ….

But, when they tossed an ingredient into the pan, it went boing! or made a Yogi Bear noggin klonk sound. Never heard noodles klonk or boing in my own wok.

When a chef went for a pot, there was a Fred Flintstone feet scrambling sound. Try this, while visualizing a cute girl cooking you breakfast, she sounds like this when she goes to the fridge (press number one here:)


When they flipped an omelet, the whistle sound came.

Yep, something to do with mentality. I trashed the video, but do use the Thai omelette recipe often.


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Making those dumb noises is a profession in Thailand.

It's actually a profession everywhere: Foley Artists.

The funny sounds the OP is ranting on about probably originated in Vaudeville and Music Hall entertainment? There was a full band on hand, and they helped spice up the various acts.

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Mrs.Trans watches those Thai soaps that makes me think of hanging myself. Now is it me, or do you hear waterfalls when the dialog (shouting) goes quiet. ?

I knowwwwwww, perhaps I have lost it, but if you can hear it too I will delay the rope. sad.png

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Why does this thread make me think of the Batman series when i was young, bam, kapow...

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

strangely enough i watch the old batman its one of the few programs we get in English and my Mrs says its silly, stupid i don't get how she sees that as silly but not the Thai stuff :( but we just agree to disagree well i do she sulks.

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Come on! Who doesn't have a "cartoon saxophone" going off in their head when a foxy lass walks past... or the wife comes in to the room in her nightie clearly 'in the mood'? I know I do....

I know I make some silly noises when getting intimate. I'm such a romancer.

The GF seems to make them after the intimacy.

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Nothing to do with the mentality of Thai people.

It's the effort of the producers and screenwriters to make their play a bit interesting to the audience, as the quality and contents of what they produce is not of any acceptable standard.

Sometimes it works, sometimes gets annoying.

Does it not reflect on one's mentality though, if you need these cretinous accompanying sounds to elevate something to an artistically acceptable level ?
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was watching Tom and Jerry today with the little nephew and the same noises are used and can be enjoyable to watch as there is no language

So I treat Thai TV shows the same as Tom and Jerry,turn the volume down and look at all the hot girls and it starts to make sense

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Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol

Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Skeetjones
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Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol

Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

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...an old German gentelman have 6 or 7dogs in his house across the street sometimes they started an incredible concerto of barking, yelping, snarling, howling altogether, an absolute dog orchestra madness. The tenants before in my house were mad, the old man's wife told us, when personally I almost die laughing so much so I will record the band and use it for my phone ringtone.

...so sorry but those dumb booooings, honk and company make me laugh most of the time! (nobody's perfect)

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Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol
Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

What does the title say stupid? "THAI TV SILLY NOISES" someone is generalizing right there. Shut your butt cheeks and read.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol
Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

What does the title say stupid? "THAI TV SILLY NOISES" someone is generalizing right there. Shut your butt cheeks and read.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Firstly you dont know me so dont call me stupid, if you did no me you wouldnt call me stupid,secondly your saying because the word Thai is in the title i am refering to thier culture ? So in your logic if i said a thai person had a tv I would be reffering to there culture if you wish to debate the subject thats fine but refrain from insulting me.

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i'm missing my thai soap operas - I dont have that crappy cable tv for 100b a month with Bio Channel, Universal Channel and I dont want to buy a box for the dish on this rented house, so just downloads it is right now... maybe I should start downloading some for any company I get over here and then I can watch as well.

What is the 'best' thai soap opera called please.

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Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol
Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

What does the title say stupid? "THAI TV SILLY NOISES" someone is generalizing right there. Shut your butt cheeks and read.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Firstly you dont know me so dont call me stupid, if you did no me you wouldnt call me stupid,secondly your saying because the word Thai is in the title i am refering to thier culture ? So in your logic if i said a thai person had a tv I would be reffering to there culture if you wish to debate the subject thats fine but refrain from insulting me.

If we sat down and drank a beer together and you get out of line, guaranteed in real life I'm going to clown on you and your going to sit there and take it. So shad up with the don't insult me stuff and shut your vagina cheeks.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Today's Tv.com silly noise complaining about Thailand.

As I cant understand what they saying

then just turn off the sound. Substitute your own soundtrack by playing music or whatever.

Silly noise sorted.


Edited by JSixpack
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