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Suthep: too early to lobby for a neutral premier


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Nobody will like his choice so he won't reveal it.

Ditto the real reforms he wants.

Not one single TV poster would support this crap in their home countries - not a single one of you.

If my government was being run, remotely, by a convicted fugative whos sister was 'running' the country, with obvious under-hand and possibly illegal methods, bankrupting the country with failed populist policies and allowing a seperatist movement to declare an armed civil movement against the courts of the land if they removed the failed PM then i would be stood alongside this guy shouting for reforms at the top of my lungs.

So, as with most of your posts, the one quoted above is full of smelly, slimey brown stuff.

Even in such a scenario, if "reforms" meant an unelected People's Council that would rape the country worse than anything Pheu Thai have done, then I would oppose it.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and Suthep and his cronies will have pretty close to absolute power if they are allowed to run the country without having to answer to an electorate (only their buddies in the courts and so-called "independent agencies").

And please don't try and tell me that the unelected body Suthep installs will be anything like neutral. People on his own side aren't even bothering to maintain that fiction anymore.

I will support the lesser of two evils.

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Nobody will like his choice so he won't reveal it.

Ditto the real reforms he wants.

Not one single TV poster would support this crap in their home countries - not a single one of you.

If my government was being run, remotely, by a convicted fugative whos sister was 'running' the country, with obvious under-hand and possibly illegal methods, bankrupting the country with failed populist policies and allowing a seperatist movement to declare an armed civil movement against the courts of the land if they removed the failed PM then i would be stood alongside this guy shouting for reforms at the top of my lungs.

So, as with most of your posts, the one quoted above is full of smelly, slimey brown stuff.

Hear hear. HonestQuietBob is anything but honest. Or quiet.

How many people in farang countries would support the massive corruption and abuse of power of the Thaksin regime and having their country run via Skype by a convicted criminal on the run?

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Perhaps he's keeping PDRC "intellectual" former Senator, former Thammasat Law Lecturer and member of the committee to investigate Thaksin after the coup, the non partisan, Kaewsan Atibhodi, under wraps as he doesn't want to unveil his secret nomination for interim PM too soon. This is a speech of his from the stage last night

Firstly, whenever the Redshirts, whether as a force within their party, an armed group, or a mass [rally], dare come and put a knife at the neck of the NACC, the Court or Bangkokians, and say ‘Don’t move while we continue to rape you!’, whenever it comes to that point, there’s no need for any election. Declare martial law and quash/suppress them. Quash/suppress them! Enough, enough. Enough of this repeated [aggression?].

[They] reject the power of the Court, reject the law, insult and abuse, make corruption, issue laws for themselves. Again and again. In other countries, they would have all been shot f**king dead. That leaves just us, standing right here. Whenever it comes to that point, they say they’ll come on April 5, I say there’s no other way out. If the cancer is this aggressive, it calls for surgery. Declare martial law. Take care of them.


Bet that had the grannies blowing their whistles, and shaking their clappers till their colostomy bags burst.

So, under the conditions Suthep listed you'd simple let the red-shirts run amok again? Lay down and enjoy it?

Still what you might want to remember is that Suthep said it to be too early to talk about a possible neutral PM. When he changes his mind and starts talking about it in the live discussion on television with Ms. Yingluck you may call him on it rolleyes.gif

"So, under the conditions Suthep listed you'd simple let the red-shirts run amok again? Lay down and enjoy it?"

Wrong thread rubl? Whats all that about?


Oh boy, do you ever really read what you quote in your replies?

The part of Suthep saying something which you'd thought grannies would like?

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Suthep has clearly embraced Abhisit's proposal for a live TV debate with Yingluck. The country wants to see it. In fact, they're thirsting for it. Even the Thai TV dramas would lose their ratings in the event of that. Everybody wants to see it - everybody, of course, except Pheu Thai, who know Yingluck would be a positive, national embarrassment. Pheu Thai will undoubtedly shoot it down, or suggest Suthep debate Ko Tee, but the Thai people would absolutely love to see it. A snap poll should be taken on this suggestion alone. I can't imagine a Thai person anywhere who wouldn't want to see it. Abhisit's suggestion also for a referendum to give public ascent for moving forward on reform discussions could be the very breakthrough we've been looking for. PDRC want reform, and Pheu Thai " claims " that it wants reform. Put it to a public test. A referendum is the middle way, and the clear solution to bridge the two sides. Pheu Thai will shoot that down too, of course. Why ? They really don't want reform - unsurprisingly. And the last time they promised it in 2011 was followed by you know what.

This is politics, its not about who comes best across on a national tv debate. Look at Tony Blair, he was a near unparalleled debater and look where he took the country. Would George Bush have stood across the tv studio and debated with the head of the tea party?

Just because someone might come across well on a televised debate does not mean they would make a good leader of the country, there is far more to it to that.

I would agree on a referendum on reform though, but i imagine this idea would be shot down sharpish by the PDRC as well.

Yingluck is obviously not a great orator, but many a PM or President are not, nor is she a successful PM, but many are not. It does not mean you completely overthrow the system in place. I agree radical changes need to be made, i agree radical reform is needed, i dont agree with handing the duty of reform to an old codger of Democratic persuasion who has no inkling of modern day reality, or giving the choice of that person to a well known corrupt person with affiliations to another corrupt party.

Surely Suthep, with transparency, cronyism and corruption being his key words would practice what he preaches and name the persons he thinks neutral. If you were to have a referendum, surely you would need the choices anyway?

You guys are getting confused. Probably lost in translation.

What the PDRC wants is for the "Negotiation to be on live TV". Suthep is not going to "debate" Yingluck as what most Westerners think about debate as in the British Parliament. It is negotiation above board were the public will see what is being put forward. No hidden agendas on the part of PDRC. They do not want to be accused later on by the people of having secret deals with this corrupt govt of Yingluck - selling the country for a few bars of silver. No what they have insisted all along is "negotiations on live TV and NOT a Debate".

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