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would you recommend relocating to Thailand to friends back home?


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No not really. They would miss the high quality lifestyle as we have in Europe. No money can buy that in Thailand. After all you want a safe place for your kids/family which Thailand is sure not. Also the bad manners of every Thai would annoy them to much and of course the language barrier. If you don't speak thai then sure that is a problem.

There are much better places with same climate as Thailand. Much safer, much better food, much more things to do, much easyier to get a job or buy land. As a westerner in Thailand you will always be a stranger.

You can go to the places where all foreigners clan together, become an acoholic and drink all day but that's not what i prefer.

The bad manners of every Thai ???????? I think you are way off beam here, all the wives of my Farang friends, all the wives of the TV members I have met. That's just for a start. None of them have been bad mannered, and all of them good people.

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No, I would not recommend Thailand to anyone I know or other wise as a place to move to and live full time.

I might recommend coming here for a month stay as a way to experience something different.

IMHO, I still believe the US has some good people, hot women, much more beautiful scenery, good places for outdoor fun, good food, great beer, can buy just about anything you want and if not, can have it made, a 95% better emergency/help system for the most part.

Thailand is developing 3rd world in most parts. It has good things about it, but not enough to move here and live full time. I think it's cutting myself short of having good things in life and enjoying the retirement life that I worked for.

I know it works for some and I applaud those of you that like it so much to stay.

Short stay only.

No pissing, just a HORAAH & APPLAUDS! Coming back in a month & soooo much miss good, real bread, turkey sandwiches or anything other than ham or pork (yes, same thing), food...food...food that you can enjoy without the 50/50 chance of food poisoning. No more allergies being absent such a polluted country...beautiful truly lush scenery & YES anything food-wise, the world can offer at your local Costco. Fantastic wines for a fifth of the cost of the garbage sold in Thailand.

Sorry, only 3-4 weeks, but you post makes for a million!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Depends how old they are,

If too old to adapt and to old to change after a lifetime of living in a nanny state, then , NO, only come here for holidays.

If younger, or a person that has moved around to different places and can adapt to different conditions without always comparing it with and expecting it to be like back home, then Yes, why not.

I have been here since 1990 and everything about the infrastructure is better now than then, but, in 1990 the volume of traffic was nothing like it is now, so I have grown with the traffic boom, I drive regular 600 Km trips up country and back, and I am never worried, not saying I don't ever have some scary moments, but I have got used to the way of driving, when I first came here it was strange and well scary, now I'm used to it and would probably get screamed at by drivers in the UK for my driving if I ever went back there, as my driving has probably changed from what it once was.

Things here are strange at times, and for an older person who has no experience of different cultures and social conditions, they may struggle to adapt.

My advice would be, have a year over here go back home for a few months if you can last that long, then repeat for a couple of years, see how you feel about the place then, but even then it's not like being here full time.

For me, I have no choice, I have nothing or nobody back home, so I have to make the best of it, if I had the choice of going back, would I go if I could, NO WAY.

That's why I can never understand the whiners here who do nothing but put Thai people and Thailand down, they have the choice to go back to where everything is better yet still choose to torture themselves here.

Excellent post- but would be interested to know what you consider old? ?

I think you are right- to just arrive here from some God forsaken town in the UK with no experience of other cultures may be problematic .

Have retired here with my partner- and to be honest live a much better life than in London which has become an overcrowded city. Yes I miss the culture - but how many times can you go to a museum or show? The politics and political correctness at home drives you crazy.

London is stunningly expensive, you are taxed, watched by CCTV at every minute- owning a car is just impossible- we have two new cars here. My condo if transposed to London would cost at least a £ million.

I too cannot understand the whiners- why not go back to the cold grey skies, do the crossword and go to your local Saga meetings for retired gentlefolk. Thailand can be used as a hub to explore the region.

So would absolutely say yes- ( but you HAVE to have money and good income streams)

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No, I wouldn't recommend it.

"Farangs" are always outsiders here

no matter how fluent, friendly, civilized, virtuous....

It is a very distrustful society that is

fixated on appearance and superficiality.


what's wrong with being an outsider? and why would anybody mind if the Thai society is distrustful and fixated on whatever? Farang inferiority complexes because no more "colonial master" and no more "worthy oriental gentlemen"?

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My answer is NO !

Living in Thailand is not for everyone , not everything is rosy in Thailand and for those of us who have chosen to move here , we face a challenge , we have to be very adventurous and adaptable . Choosing to live in Thailand is something a person needs to do by themselves without a friend's influence .

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No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.

That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

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Yes for sure. At least for 'full package' expats it is already in high demand as a location to bring a family.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There must be a pretty exclusive, niche marketing going on for Thailand to suddenly become such a 'high demand', hot destination for retirees (I mean married couple farang ones) and young professionals with or without young families. Thailand's own advertising is all about 'amazing' and 'unique' and totally one-time tourist hooking. So where does a retired couple in their 50's suddenly come up with the idea to relocate to such-and-such gated community in Thailand, buy a house (despite the laws re- land ownership) and suddenly turn up, lock, stock and barrel in LOS? There must be some media, publications or websites that must be touting these places. Maybe they do marketing at venues frequented by older people like UK Bingo halls, VFW bashes and the like?

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PETER B17 GOOD POST how old you are to live in thailand anybody under 60 and built like ''Conan the Barbarian'' should be safe - yet the older gents of western heritage living there 66 to 86 try count em all!!!! --they are the ones the Thais do sweat on oh yes fair game to Thai --- old man losing his marbles a tad age 73 / 80 he is - just about rooted - Thais close in like German u - boats - and scam the old feller to death ( like a wolf pack )--older you are = bigger target you are - i think under 60 your still in with half a chance !

I will say though - i don't think the education of the Thais to mister westerner -- is born to them over 25 years!!! i think about 25 months in the land of smiles -- has a smart man - Phd educated to Thai ways !

Trouble is even if your educated to their ways!!!!! you soon see that most of their ways are designed to get all from you---- thats possible to get !!!!

Scams!!! half of them are childish most see through them--- it's just that your outnumbered 150 to 1 on any given day because all the buggers are all smiles to you!!!, yet behind the guise they rubbing their hands at the thought of your bux !!!--- here comes a new motorbike whispers one !!!! - put 10 in a group & tell them all your broke !!! - see how many offer to buy you a beer - you'd turn around, 5 minutes later - and the whole 10 would have vanished like a fart in the breeze--- soon as they twigged you had no $$ left !

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We didn't all marry prostitutes and / or peasants. Without me, my partner would do just fine.

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No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.

That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

The why that the largest foreign community here are English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.

That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

The why that the largest foreign community here are English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I'm sorry, I am not sure what you are saying, if it is what I think it is I agree with you.

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No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.
That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

The why that the largest foreign community here are English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I'm sorry, I am not sure what you are saying, if it is what I think it is I agree with you.

Yes it is.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.

That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

The why that the largest foreign community here are English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Norwegians, Danes and Germans pay even higher taxes than Brits. don't now though whether Monsieur Hollande's top tax of 75% cleared legislation in France.

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Have been happily married to my Thai wife for more than 10 years, and we have lived in North America, Africa and Asia due to my work. Thailand was great to come back to when I was working in war zones in Africa and Asia, and I would recommend LOS to anyone on the mend or wanting a break with creature comforts galore. I have had no problems dealing with Thai people and my wife's family has been great - in both cases., thanks to my wife. However, now my work in Africa is over, and we are moving back to Nprth America, where we have most of our friends. My wife does not want to stay here, and now that I know how this country works, neither do I. Nevrr had illusions about LOS, since I knew it was a corupt kleptocracy long before I ever came here two decades ago. However, I love Thai people, Thai food, Thai horticulture, and I love Buddhism. so being here has been a very pleasant experience. But I cannot say I have ever heen in love with Thai geography or culture - when I compare this country to my favorite country - Brazil - there is no comparison. Brazil is more difticult for the foreigner at first, but complete assimilation is very possible, and is even encouraged - as it is in Costa Rica, Belize, Ecuador or Chile - alll of which I would recommend ahead of Thailand. Bad things can happen anywhere , but the Thaitanic ship pf state is currently in an ice field, and is an sccident waiting to happen, regrettably !

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Come to Thailand to be a second class citizen,,,never

Many people i know here of working age have become

poorer by the day with no governmnt or superanuation

to fall back on and also no medical,,,

We never used condoms when we were young, as we

get older and wiser we double up (for insurance) so why

shouldn't we use the same principals to rule our life, it's

too hard here and dangerous without secure long term

financial back up.

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No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.
That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

The why that the largest foreign community here are English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Norwegians, Danes and Germans pay even higher taxes than Brits. don't now though whether Monsieur Hollande's top tax of 75% cleared legislation in France.

Don't know what you're saying, but in case and point, the English (British) are very good with pronunciation & grammar, most precise in fact. I find regardless whether in business, corporate partnerships, teaching or just retirement, they are the majority. In case of expats, I've only come across one, an American conspiracy retiree whom divorced himself from the USA awhile back.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.
That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

The why that the largest foreign community here are English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Norwegians, Danes and Germans pay even higher taxes than Brits. don't now though whether Monsieur Hollande's top tax of 75% cleared legislation in France.

Don't know what you're saying, but in case and point, the English (British) are very good with pronunciation & grammar, most precise in fact. I find regardless whether in business, corporate partnerships, teaching or just retirement, they are the majority. In case of expats, I've only come across one, an American conspiracy retiree whom divorced himself from the USA awhile back.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

please enlighten me what British pronunciation and grammar has to do with income tax.


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I've been visit Thailand on and off for twenty odd years and now live here full-time.

I would recommend living here to very few friends back home as I don't think the bulk of them would be able to adjust. Most have expectations that everything revolve around them and that things need to be as they are at home.

I don't think that many of my friends back home could part with their new car, motorcycle, swimming pool and the accompanying debt ladened existence. Those same things can be had here, albeit at a higher cost, but they aren't necessary (at least for me) for happiness.

I left all my emotional baggage back home when I retired which has made the transition much easier. Not being addicted to sex, drugs, alcohol and a western, home-style life has made my life less complicated and rather enjoyable.

That being said, i feel that most of my friends and acquaintances would run back home after a few months when they discover that living here is a series of compromises and that they are a very small, foreign fish in a very large pond.

Edited by Benmart
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I think that depends on what type of person it is. I have some friends that would do well here and others that would just not be able to handle the many temptations. So "Yes" and "No"... depending on the personality.

This is exactly what I would have written. Some friends would love it, some would run. You would have to be selective in who you would encourage. I do know many that I have met in life, whom I no longer am in contact with unfortunately, that would come here and never leave.

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[q uote name=Naam" post="7616653" timestamp="1395923601]

No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.
That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

The why that the largest foreign community here are English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Norwegians, Danes and Germans pay even higher taxes than Brits. don't now though whether Monsieur Hollande's top tax of 75% cleared legislation in France.

Don't know what you're saying, but in case and point, the English (British) are very good with pronunciation & grammar, most precise in fact. I find regardless whether in business, corporate partnerships, teaching or just retirement, they are the majority. In case of expats, I've only come across one, an American conspiracy retiree whom divorced himself from the USA awhile back.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

please enlighten me what British pronunciation and grammar has to do with income tax.


OP isn't about income tax, but my comment regarding of the proportion of one people vs the other was due to taxes.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Never happen. You alien, your problem, we have your cash, get on with it, we no care...............coffee1.gif

The term "never" is hard to support in this context. Things do change, either due to internal or external forces.

Having another's cash is hardly a quarantee of prolonged and sustainable revenue. Not caring can prove to be short sighted and ineffective in improving one's plight in life.

I'm here to live in peace and to be a good person to those I meet. Hate and bigotry has no place in my heart my friend.

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No, as my home country offers them a more secure life than Thailand would.
That's all right if you don't mind lots of wind and rain, paying lots and lots of taxes, and living a week to week existence, unless of course, you are very rich. I am only referring to the UK here.

those who'd pay fancy taxes in their home country do appreciate Thailands huge advantage in this respect. and it's highly likely that those who never mention that advantage never earned enough to take the tax savings into consideration.

The why that the largest foreign community here are English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Norwegians, Danes and Germans pay even higher taxes than Brits. don't now though whether Monsieur Hollande's top tax of 75% cleared legislation in France.

Don't know what you're saying, but in case and point, the English (British) are very good with pronunciation & grammar, most precise in fact. I find regardless whether in business, corporate partnerships, teaching or just retirement, they are the majority. In case of expats, I've only come across one, an American conspiracy retiree whom divorced himself from the USA awhile back.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

please enlighten me what British pronunciation and grammar has to do with income tax.



Now just checking as my Thai Visa Connect App seems to be failing in the most basic of functionality.

Just a test.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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