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US talking to all sides in conflict: Kenney


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US talking to all sides in conflict: Kenney

The Nation

US Ambassador Kristie Kenney takes a selfie with NMG chairman Suthichai Yoon at her residence after an interview yesterday. Photo by Kawinpat Mongkolrunghirun

BANGKOK: -- THE UNITED STATES has talked with all sides in the Thai political conflict and believes that the crisis will be handled by the country and Thais themselves, US Ambassador Kristie Kenney said yesterday.

In an exclusive interview with Nation Multimedia Group chairman Suthichai Yoon, Kenney said her country had talked to all sides involved in the current conflict, including business and academic figures.

The interview was delayed as the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) protesters led by Suthep Thaugsuban were marching on the street in front of the embassy.

When asked how she viewed the PDRC protest, the US ambassador said it was a "peaceful protest", and the people have the right to express themselves.

The US ambassador said she was unaware of the protesters' criticism that she and the US government were biased in favour of the Thai government.

"It's been a time of huge emotion. People have had very strong views, so I think sometimes people have been frustrated. One side or the other thinks the United States has not stepped up to support their side. In fact, we don't take sides. But I think both sides hope [we take their side]."

Regarding some expressions of dissatisfaction that have been made against her, she said, "I am the ambassador. Sometimes when people are unhappy with the United States, they complained to me."

Kenney said she has been very careful while talking about the protest. "However, it [has been] a time of strong emotion. So many people have very strong views and feel very passionately about the country and what should come next, and how [Thailand] should be governed."

Kenney said the United States has issued several clear statements supporting the democratic process, freedom of expression and peaceful dialogue while calling on all sides to refrain from violence.

"We've expressed our support for freedom of expression and peaceful protest but I think for some people, that might not be enough. They may wish for more, depending on their view," she said.

She said she agreed with US Secretary of State John Kerry that democracy consists of many elements, including the rule of law, transparency, strong institutions and an independent judiciary, besides the election, which she sees as an important factor.

The US ambassador said she and her team constantly meet with many groups of people. "We've talked in Thailand to all sides," she said, refusing to say whether she had met protest leader Suthep.

Kenney has met caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva. She denied that the US had played any role in trying to broker talks between the conflicting parties.

"I've met so many people and most of the time that is not public. Not just protesters or the government - we talked to universities, civil society, business leaders, and workers."

Asked if the US was taking different stands toward protesters against elected governments in Thailand and Ukraine - where the US strongly supported protesters - the ambassador said: "First of all, I would never compare Ukraine and Thailand. Very different situation in Thailand, an independent nation, never colonised, unlike Ukraine, a newly independent nation really trying to figure out their role vis-a-vis Russia," she said.

"In Ukraine, we also expressed our concerns at the occupation of public properties and at violence. So there are similarities but these are very different countries, different situations," she said.

Asked whether she thinks Thailand is at the point where it needs an outsider to help solve the political problems, Kenney said she is optimistic about the situation in Thailand and she believes Thai people will be able to find a way for peaceful dialogue and solutions.

"This has to be solved by Thailand, by Thai people," she said.

"People of all sides of the political perspective here have brought issues to life. These are useful and a good way to use peaceful protest to raise important issues that matter to citizens," she said.

Kenney denied rumours earlier this year that she would be replaced. "My three-year [term] ended in January and I've been asked to stay longer by my government, probably until the end of the year," she said.

Asked why, she replied, "My government is happy with my work here, and I'm happy being here," she said. Asked if it was because the US government could not find any replacement, the ambassador said, "I'll leave that to my president."

-- The Nation 2014-03-26

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In interviews with Yinluck she is seen to be the biggest CRAWLER around, I have never heard her complain to the PM about the concern re transparency she speaks about, all the time it's been yes maam no maam 3 bags full. DOH

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It is more telling that the American Government from the President's Executive branch to all the 535 members of the US Congress have not done really anything in regard to the Thai political conflict. No fact finding visits, no proclamations of support for any Thai political party, no condemnations of any party actions; only call for calm, resolution, and peace. Even the 315 million American public at large seems to hardly even notice Thailand's poitical conflict. All sides of the conflict, including the whole of the governing system, are toxic to the sustainability of a democratic system supported by the rule of law. Following the "rearrangement" of the entire Thai governing system by the 2006 coup, Thailand has been going down a one-way street of political dysfunction that could well in a sovereign dead-in for its citizens. Only its citizens will decide the direction of the country.

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The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? blink.png

Apparently you didn't read the article or you are just taking pot shots at the (yanks). They stated clearly they were not trying to mediate any talks only wanting to encourage them to talk. Perhaps your Brit english can't fathom the context of this article?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That is called mediation. His understanding of English is fine.

Perhaps his comment hit a nerve?

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"Kenney denied rumours earlier this year that she would be replaced. "My three-year [term] ended in January and I've been asked to stay longer by my government, probably until the end of the year," she said."

Mmmm....maybe having trouble finding candidate applications.....???

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The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? blink.png

Didn't you read the article? She made it clear that they had no intention of acting as mediators in Thailand's affairs as the Thai people must sort it out internally!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.png

Apparently you didn't read the article or you are just taking pot shots at the (yanks). They stated clearly they were not trying to mediate any talks only wanting to encourage them to talk. Perhaps your Brit english can't fathom the context of this article?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That is called mediation. His understanding of English is fine.

Perhaps his comment hit a nerve?

actually his response would suggest that Democrats are Yanks and Republicans are not, so his use of English could use improving as I would think members of the UK refer to all Americans as Yanks.

Edited by kamahele
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The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? blink.png

Apparently you didn't read the article or you are just taking pot shots at the (yanks). They stated clearly they were not trying to mediate any talks only wanting to encourage them to talk. Perhaps your Brit english can't fathom the context of this article?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

hahaha.....best come back I read in a while.

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The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? blink.png

Apparently you didn't read the article or you are just taking pot shots at the (yanks). They stated clearly they were not trying to mediate any talks only wanting to encourage them to talk. Perhaps your Brit english can't fathom the context of this article?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I'm British and fathomed this, so can't be the language. I thought it an excellent article. Secretary Kerry is spot on - democracy is far more than elections. I think the US have been very careful to promote dialogue and talk to all sides. The US like all Western countries have been careful in their choice of words. They promote peace, dialogue, transparency, rule of law etc. But, they don't support either side as such.

Edited by Baerboxer
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The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? blink.png

Apparently you didn't read the article or you are just taking pot shots at the (yanks). They stated clearly they were not trying to mediate any talks only wanting to encourage them to talk. Perhaps your Brit english can't fathom the context of this article?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That is called mediation. His understanding of English is fine.

Perhaps his comment hit a nerve?

Wrong. Encouraging parties to talk is not mediation. His and your understanding of English may need some revision.

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What a load of unadulterated rubbish. The Americans in unison with the British are behind this and backing the overthrow of the democratically elected government to replace it with their own puppet. They have done this in many countries and still doing it today. The New World Order want to have a foothold in SE Asia before ASEAN commences, Thailand is their bunny and will be followed by Cambodia. Unfortunately the moronic Thaksin and his equally intelligently challenged sister and senior MPs of PTP are making it easy for a takeover. To all you plastics who have previously posted in support of the most stuffed up country in the universe, do some research on your beloved deranged American politicians and see what they are up to. So far all the events and happenings in Thailand has followed the NWO script perfectly. Think I am wrong, history has proved it in the past and history will again prove it in the future. So all you bar stool academics, take your red or your yellow monkeys of your back and get with the program, Thailand is heading for a holocaust.

Edited by antimedia
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.png

Apparently you didn't read the article or you are just taking pot shots at the (yanks). They stated clearly they were not trying to mediate any talks only wanting to encourage them to talk. Perhaps your Brit english can't fathom the context of this article?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That is called mediation. His understanding of English is fine.

Perhaps his comment hit a nerve?

actually his response would suggest that Democrats are Yanks and Republicans are not, so his use of English could use improving as I would think members of the UK refer to all Americans as Yanks.

Most people in the UK refer to Americans as Americans, although there is little interest in America anyway. Yank is usually used by the 'red top' newspapers as a reference to all Americans.
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US Ambassador Kristie Kenney takes a selfie with NMG chairman Suthichai Yoon ...

I wonder if she remembered to 'ab belle' in her selfie?? Narak ahh! (She's been in the LOS for toooooooooooo long)

THE UNITED STATES has talked with all sides in the Thai political conflict...

underlying reason is .....? whistling.gif

Edited by lostmebike
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The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? blink.png

Because they think they are the worlds ringmaster.

"They" being Americans, I respond. Noooo, any educated American knows that the answer in today's world is multilateral action, not unilateral action by the U.S. If other nations choose not to take action, then the U.S.A. should look only to its own interests. Quite right, we are no longer to be looked upon to provide world's police force. No reaction, for example, to Russia seizing the Crimea? OK, fine, let us see what results but do not call on us as an international partner if we had advised otherwise that some action should have taken place.

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In interviews with Yinluck she is seen to be the biggest CRAWLER around, I have never heard her complain to the PM about the concern re transparency she speaks about, all the time it's been yes maam no maam 3 bags full. DOH

You have never heard her complain? You mean the Ambassador of the United States has not made the point to confer with you personally?? Unbelievable.

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One can't help but notice the stark contrast between this interview and Surapong's press conferences. The U.S. regards the PDRC as a peaceful protest. Thaksin's cousin does not. The U.S. ambassador also says this :

" She said she agreed with US Secretary of State John Kerry that democracy consists of many elements, including the rule of law, transparency, strong institutions and an independent judiciary, besides the election, which she sees as an important factor. "

Indeed. The U.S. emphasizes that in addition to elections -

- the rule of law

- transparency

- strong institutions

- an independent judiciary

- are vital. And that is why Yingluck and Pheu Thai are in trouble. They want to get rid of the checks and balances that would impose transparency on them, and make them accountable. It's why people are on the streets. But more than anything, this indicates that the U.S hasn't bought into Surapong's narrative. They regard the PDRC as a peaceful protest, and the elements of democracy detailed here in this interview that are so vital and justify public discussion - that public dialogue - which the U.S. supports - is important.

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