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Violent attacks hit multiple sites in Bangkok


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i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

Think of Bangkok as one big Disneyland, but with both a red Mickey Mouse and a yellow Donald Duck and a heck of a lot of Goofys and packs of dwarves running around. Minnie Mouse is PM.

Dog meat not an issue, it's for export only. Try the rat meat.

However cartoonish it appears to some folks...

Those guns, bullets and grenades are real.

Stay out of the way......stay away from where they assemble....go around.

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i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

Think of Bangkok as one big Disneyland, but with both a red Mickey Mouse and a yellow Donald Duck and a heck of a lot of Goofys and packs of dwarves running around. Minnie Mouse is PM.

Dog meat not an issue, it's for export only. Try the rat meat.

Dog meat is more common in Laos and Vietnam. Even in Laos, it's the Vietnamese running such shops with signs like "thit cho". Apparently north-eastern Thailand near the Lao border also features some dog meat in their diets but I haven't seen any such shops. Perhaps because I'm too used to seeing the aforementioned Vietnamese signs, which you don't see in Thailand.

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i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

When you are in Bangkok, buy a English language newspaper daily for information on protest parade routes. Avoid them and avoid Lumpini Park where the anti-government stage is set up. Nobody is selling dog masquerading as pork, chicken, or beef. Enjoy your holiday. Be polite and you will be treated politely.

p.s. Stay away from the sex shows at Patpong don't buy anything from anyone who approaches you. Be aware that tuktuks charge as much as an air-conditioned taxi. No tuktuk will really take you anywhere except a tailor or jewelry shop for less than Baht 50.

Do see the Grand Palace; the ticket there will also buy entrance to Vimanmek Mansion, get a massage at the massage school at Wat Po and see the largest reclining Buddha former king's residence and largest teak house in the world. Do take a River Express boat on the Chao Phraya River, shop for silk on Pahurat Road, herbs on Chakarawad Road. Golden Mount and Giant Swing are worth a visit as is Queen Sirikit Red Cross Snake Farm. Go shopping at MBK and across the street is Jim Thompson House. Check out Pantip Plaza electronics mall and next door Platinum fashion mall. If you have time, go to Asia's second largest wave pool in Min Buri at Si Am Water Park. Take a taxi to Damnoen Saduak Floating Market and on the same day go to the Rose Gardern on the way to Nakhon Pathom. Nakhon Pathom is the childhood home of Ho Chi Minh and has the largest Chedi in Thailand. Rose Garden has cultural shows representing all parts of Thailand. There is a tiger show next door. You can hire a taxi all day for less than 1,500 Baht plus gas. Samut Prakarn (south side of Bangkok) has Erawan Museum on Sukhumvit Road. A little further down Sukhumvit there's a great seafood restaurant on the end of a long pier into the Gulf of Thailand where you can see a good sunset. It is on Navy property but open to the public. Samut Prakarn has a theme park with 1,3 and 1/4 size replicas of all Thailand landmarks. Take the ferry across the river from the Grand Palace and visit the Temple of Dawn. Get a tailor made suit of dress. On weekends, Chatuchak Open Market is good if you can stand the heat and crowds and easy to get to at the north end of the BTS Sukhumvit Line. You Tube has video of all these things. Happy Trails.

I've been here a long time myself. Great quick tips! Mind if I use your content when friends ask?

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i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

best stay near khaosan road where more police then people safety in numbers and eating best place to eat is across from sleep withinn next road to khaosan and next to villa cha cha best food in thailand street food that is

and also great place to be bars music and not lot harassment

Edited by mickyboy
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why bring the many colored shirts into the argument when theres plenty of peed off business people facing ruin all over town ,they really have an axe to grind on sutheps neck . all the bar areas are struggling to get some punters thru the door and the BGs have buggered off home

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

All this violence is playing into Sutheps master plan perfectly. Its what he has wanted all along. Blood, violence, chaos. Basically enough chaos and blood to give the military an excuse for a coup... and then he gets back in power. What a slimy individual. Police need to cut the head of the snake, there is already an arrest warrant out for this alledged murderer, they need to act on it

You are very confused, Sir. It is precisely the contrary of what you have said. It is the Thaksin's Red Shirt army who is provoking violence because they need a coup to cover all their corruption, disrespect of law, and abuse of authority with a curtain of smoke, and then use it as an excuse to regain power with blood and terror followed by populist elections, like they did in 2010.

MGP, Take off the blinders my friend and you will see what this suthep is really all about rolleyes.gif Kaos and anarchy in the streets is exactly what suthep has tried to accomplish, it is the only way that he and his ilk could ever hope to regain power, they certainly do not have a chance in an election that is why they tried to disrupt the recent electoral processthumbsup.gif The sad fact is that suthep has likely turned more people against him as he has ruined the tourist high season and done serious damage to foreign investor confidence in Thailand, and the economic downturn has just begun. Ironically sutheps actions have likely paved the way for the return of thaksin as a conquering hero, which may or may not be a good thing?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

Think of Bangkok as one big Disneyland, but with both a red Mickey Mouse and a yellow Donald Duck and a heck of a lot of Goofys and packs of dwarves running around. Minnie Mouse is PM.

Dog meat not an issue, it's for export only. Try the rat meat.

Dog meat is more common in Laos and Vietnam. Even in Laos, it's the Vietnamese running such shops with signs like "thit cho". Apparently north-eastern Thailand near the Lao border also features some dog meat in their diets but I haven't seen any such shops. Perhaps because I'm too used to seeing the aforementioned Vietnamese signs, which you don't see in Thailand.

Dog meat use to be very common in Korea, but that was many years ago perhaps now that they have a prosperous economy they upgraded their tastes ?

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All this violence is playing into Sutheps master plan perfectly. Its what he has wanted all along. Blood, violence, chaos. Basically enough chaos and blood to give the military an excuse for a coup... and then he gets back in power. What a slimy individual. Police need to cut the head of the snake, there is already an arrest warrant out for this alledged murderer, they need to act on it

Please remind us when this arrest warrant for murder was issued.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

Bangkok is not becoming more dangerous for tourists - staying away from the protest areas is very easy and typically protesters from either side of the conflict do no target tourists. Violent attacks usually happen during the very late night. Also, the best thing to do - especially as first timer - is to arrange for an airport pickup by your hotel. A pre-arranged limo service may cost you THB 1000 (normal metered taxi may be 250 if you know how to find them at Suvarnabhumi), but it's worth it! These guys/girls know their way around and it includes fees for the tollways. There's a map on Google, that is very well updated with areas to avoid ( http://goo.gl/maps/iINvC ). The maker of this map also (re-)tweets a lot in English. Get on Twitter and follow @RichardBarrow for daily news-bits and tourist tips.

As far as the dog meat, that will probably end up somewhere processed. Many street vendors occupy the same spot for years and have the best quality ingredients - others don't. Get the BBQ'ed stuff and don't say "5 please", but point out exactly which skewers you want.

And, with all due respect, don't focus entirely on Thai Visa. It's a great (if not the best) news source - but the comments are as with any news forum in any country not a representation of the atmosphere in the street, they're by people with sometimes strong views and opinions. Also, Thai Visa is a service - not a newspaper. Articles posted in the news forums are from various sources that usually support one or the other side.

Heyyyy, my first post!

Edited by Morlum
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i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

Think of Bangkok as one big Disneyland, but with both a red Mickey Mouse and a yellow Donald Duck and a heck of a lot of Goofys and packs of dwarves running around. Minnie Mouse is PM.

Dog meat not an issue, it's for export only. Try the rat meat.

Rat meat is only available in the deep south of Thailand and will be on a skewer. Not bad as they feed on leftover rice after harvest.

South? I've eaten rat in the North, but I've never seen it in the South, unless you're referring to the Muslim provinces, which I've never visited.

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i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

Think of Bangkok as one big Disneyland, but with both a red Mickey Mouse and a yellow Donald Duck and a heck of a lot of Goofys and packs of dwarves running around. Minnie Mouse is PM.

Dog meat not an issue, it's for export only. Try the rat meat.

Rat meat is only available in the deep south of Thailand and will be on a skewer. Not bad as they feed on leftover rice after harvest.

South? I've eaten rat in the North, but I've never seen it in the South, unless you're referring to the Muslim provinces, which I've never visited.

It is available, in season, from Chumphon on south. A dozen hoops are connected by long slats to form a long (4 or 5m.) tube. That is rolled over the drained and harvested paddy fields to flush out the rats where they are killed with long sticks. After they are dressed, they are grilled on bamboo skewers (4 to 6 depending on size) and served with a dipping sauce. Here are some videos currently available on the web. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5mkYcQmVSA



Edited by rametindallas
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Welcome to a repeat of the period after Rachada was closed down, but before the election was put in gear.

Chaos favors the amoral who will do what ever it takes, to subjugate those who can't stomach violence.

Edited by animatic
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