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Looking for some advice to lose around 60lbs


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Hey all

In the last 6 years iv put on around about 60lbs-70lbs which takes me v close to the 300lbs mark which is not as bad as it sounds as im about 6ft 3 1/2-4 I would like to lose around 60lbs and looking for some dieting advice on foods to eat in Thailand.

The weird thing is that when i first came to thailand and lived in samui out on the lash every night didnt put any weight on then moved to bkk and got a job and now im 60 lbs heavier, could be the fact i gave up smoking around then or just eating and no exercise not exaclty sure but now im starting to feel the affects of it, so need to lose it.

I guess the no1 thing is im lacking motivation, iv been eating chicken, veg, small rice for dinner and going out on my bike for 30 mins for a month but dont seem to lose anything so thought maybe some TV memebrs who have sucesfully lost a good amount could tell me what foods worked for them and at what times.

Im also not sure if out on my bike 30 mins every day at about 5 and then coming home eating chicken, vegs bit is right, or should i be looking at a morning ride.

Any advice on foods, eating times, exercise intensity would be greatly appreciated.


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You will get lots of strong opinions here.

As you know giving weight control advice is a massive global business and if there was a real Holy Grail we'd know about it already.

There isn't.

Starving yourself too much and your body just adjusts and then you end up ever fatter, in a trap.

My first question would be, your general age and is this your FIRST time in life to be obese?

I think this is very important.

If you've lost significant weight before, you know how to lose weight, but you would have failed how most weight losers fail, putting it back on and more.

You can learn from that for where you are at now.

If this is your first experience of obesity, the positive of that is just perhaps your body hadn't been obese long enough for it to be almost permanently set as your normal.

Im coming up to 40 which is why im trying to get in 'shape' never been overweight before apart from now so never needed to diet either, infact iv not even eaten any more food than i did before either i guess i just eat the same but as im getting older cannot get rid of it now, i like the western food so used to eat about 8-9pm and i guess over time thats what put it on.

I dont even drink in the week not even 1 beer but then weekends like a few.

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Stop eating.............Simple................I eat once a day now and reduced my girth. It is the only way, reduce Calorie input. YOU, have to do Toooooooooooo much work to burn off the weight.

Not sure that is going to work, eat once a day, do that your not going to have any energy to do any exercise and will probably faint, even with my bare minimum knowledge id say 3 small meals would be better than eating once a day

I agree. I think transam advice is very radical and I totally disagree with it. For most normal humans, that will put them into a point where they really do feel starved and are much more likely to make poor food choices later and go on binges. You DO need to calorie restrict. You don't want to ever become TOO hungry. There is a balance. My view is to forget about RAPID weight loss as well. My view is start to design a food choices profile that you can sustain for life, even after weight loss. 60 pounds, I think you are looking at a process to take some years, which means you do not want to feel like you are "on a diet" for that long and I am here to tell you that you do not have to feel like you are on a diet. That psychology of being on a diet is a proven tactic of failure.

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I weighed the same (165 #) since I was in high school back in the '50's up until the time I moved to Thailand moons ago. I fitted right in with the beer drinking biker crowd I ran with here, ate gobs of curry and rice and barrels of beer, gained forty pounds over about a ten year period. I quit All the booze, curry's and rice and nothing more (no diet). Six months later I was back down to my military weight of 170#. That was one year ago and I am still good.

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You will get lots of strong opinions here.

As you know giving weight control advice is a massive global business and if there was a real Holy Grail we'd know about it already.

There isn't.

Starving yourself too much and your body just adjusts and then you end up ever fatter, in a trap.

My first question would be, your general age and is this your FIRST time in life to be obese?

I think this is very important.

If you've lost significant weight before, you know how to lose weight, but you would have failed how most weight losers fail, putting it back on and more.

You can learn from that for where you are at now.

If this is your first experience of obesity, the positive of that is just perhaps your body hadn't been obese long enough for it to be almost permanently set as your normal.

Im coming up to 40 which is why im trying to get in 'shape' never been overweight before apart from now so never needed to diet either, infact iv not even eaten any more food than i did before either i guess i just eat the same but as im getting older cannot get rid of it now, i like the western food so used to eat about 8-9pm and i guess over time thats what put it on.

I dont even drink in the week not even 1 beer but then weekends like a few.

I think this is probably good news. A common aging pattern. You have gained a lot but you are not a person who has been obese for life from childhood (going up and down repeatedly). So I really think your long term odds are better if you make major lifetime changes NOW. That said, I must say, some realism may be in order. You're getting to early middle aged, you're not likely to have the body you had as a teen ... EVER. Some "thickening" with age is normal.

To me western/eastern isn't the point, it's about specific foods. If by western you mean fish and chips, yes that's a horror show.

There are many ways to approach this. First I would say focus on the food first, as changes in food intake are known by scientists to be the much more significant factor in weight control than exercise (which is needed but less bang for the buck).

Second, I would post here and honest, TYPICAL, daily food intake description. As specific as you can.

I think with that some of us will be able to easily spot the problem areas in your current eating pattern and possibly be able to make specific suggestions for changes/substitutions.

Obviously, garbage in garbage out, if your list isn't really reflective of what you really eat, we couldn't know.

Also note, there are some existing threads on this forum with some tips and tricks that might help you. In reality, there are going to need to be a bunch of SMALL long term changes you will want to make, that have the potential of in sum changing your health around weight control issues:


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H2o H2o H2o H2o

And when you are done drink water with lemon

Also try a colon detox

Good luck

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Water with lemon sounds good.

Green tea is great!

Colon detox is considered really fringe and generally not recommended by mainstream medical people. I agree with them!

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Stop eating.............Simple................I eat once a day now and reduced my girth. It is the only way, reduce Calorie input. YOU, have to do Toooooooooooo much work to burn off the weight.

Not sure that is going to work, eat once a day, do that your not going to have any energy to do any exercise and will probably faint, even with my bare minimum knowledge id say 3 small meals would be better than eating once a day

I do weights. Nooooooooooo problem. Age makes a difference for sure, but older guys do not need the influx of stuff.

I have done it for years, the pop bellies tell me NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I say, I have NOOOOOOOOOO pop belly, I will do my thing and feel better than I ever have in the last 20 years. Up to you, as they say.........smile.png

I get up, have a cup of tea, then exercise for 2 hours every morning.

No lack of energy. Then I can eat what I like the rest of the day.

Works for me!

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I just calculated your BMI and it is about 37 which is well into moderate obesity levels. So based on BMI you are not just overweight, you are obese. Just keeping it real. BMI of course is just a rough measure but more meaningful for people with non gym toned bodies. What is your waist size?

Also even while you are obese there are things you can do to improve your health right now around eating health promoting foods and of course exercise that make you a healthier person even while still obese.

I hear you want to lose 60 pounds but also be clear that losing 10 percent from 300 which is 30 pounds (and keeping it off) won't meet your cosmetic goals but will mean a much better health profile.

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Cheers all for the advice, i would definately say I eat not good food but i have been trying to eat chicken veggies but like i said i kind of lost motivation but want to get back to it.

Befofre i was eating a fruit shake for breakfast which consisted of

apples , oranges, coconut, melon, bannana, water about 4 servings

dinner was salad, egg, chicken or tuna with some mayo to relieve the boredom


stir fried chicken - vegetables bit or rice fired egg

Mabe a small bag of crisps

Weekend pork chops, mash gravy etc few beers all weekend

maybe 12 big changs

That honest

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Cheers all for the advice, i would definately say I eat not good food but i have been trying to eat chicken veggies but like i said i kind of lost motivation but want to get back to it.

Befofre i was eating a fruit shake for breakfast which consisted of

apples , oranges, coconut, melon, bannana, water about 4 servings

dinner was salad, egg, chicken or tuna with some mayo to relieve the boredom


stir fried chicken - vegetables bit or rice fired egg

Mabe a small bag of crisps

Weekend pork chops, mash gravy etc few beers all weekend

maybe 12 big changs

That honest

Well, I guess I can take a rough stab at this.

Maybe others can as well.

I think almost all of us agree on at least RESTRICTING carb intact, how much, is just a matter of degree.

I think increasing VEGETABLE intake is very important. Fresh fruits are good as well, but more limited due to sugar.

Fruit breakfast ... sounds OK ... no more than one banana a day and better a small one ... not sure what you mean by coconut (water, milk, grated, oil)? Too much of the wrong kind of coconut could be an issue. BTW, many people giving weight loss advice would say don't eat any bananas. I don't agree because bananas even though high sugar provide fantastic NUTRITION.

Dinner salad. Sorry, you need to for the most part forget about mayo. Low fat mayo tastes disgusting also. Easy substute -- extra virgin OLIVE OIL, you can make a delicious vinaigrette with mustard, garlic, and chilies or whatever you like.

Stir fried chicken? Cooked yourself or restaurant? Deep fried chicken or slice? Many cheap Thai restaurants use processed chicken slices. You want to avoid all PROCESSED foods. Lots of Thai street food uses processed foods such as in fish balls (filled with SUGAR). If cooking yourself you can choose better oil and limit the amount. At a restaurant likely using a lot of palm oil, not good.

Crisps?!? No. Sorry. You should ELIMINATE those totally from your food intake for life. What substitutes for crisps? I'm not sure. Maybe someone has an idea.

Pork chops? OK in moderation, grilled? Deep fried? Mash has lots of butter and salt. Not good. You can get potatoes other ways ... boiled ... yes boring, sorry, but you can at least season them.

In general for a health promoting diet, for proteins you want to limit RED meat. Think more about meat like skinless chicken breasts, fish, seafood, etc.

You can eat eggs. Just don't fry them in a ton of fat.

While we're on fat, the current thinking is sugar is a bigger danger than fat. You don't have to cut out all or most fat. You do need to be smarter about the kinds of fats you use and also of course within reasonable portions.

Beer? That's a big problem.

Mostly people looking for weight loss cut out alcohol entirely. Empty calories. Personally, I believe very moderate alcohol is health promoting. So I drink ONE drink a day, mean ONE light beer or one standard shot of booze such as vodka or good tequila. Yes I have been losing weight doing this ... but very SLOWLY.

Binging on weekend beer. Sorry. No. You can't do that and meet your health goals.

Notice my philosophy is to look at LIFETIME changes ... not temporary "on a diet" changes. I very much believe in this. I know some of these will be hard. For you, it sounds like the BEER and the CRISPS will be a challenge.

Also, you might want to look at my thread on GARCINIA CAMBOGIA. It works really really well for some people, not all people ... and the cost is very low in Thailand. But if it works, it is not a magic pill giving license to pig out, basically it HELPS make it much easier to keep with health promoting food choices (and smaller portions). Do you have CRAVINGS for crisps? If so, this might be a way to basically kill those cravings and it just might shock you that you will then be craving BROCCOLI!


Edited by Jingthing
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Cheers all for the advice, i would definately say I eat not good food but i have been trying to eat chicken veggies but like i said i kind of lost motivation but want to get back to it.

Befofre i was eating a fruit shake for breakfast which consisted of

apples , oranges, coconut, melon, bannana, water about 4 servings

dinner was salad, egg, chicken or tuna with some mayo to relieve the boredom


stir fried chicken - vegetables bit or rice fired egg

Mabe a small bag of crisps

Weekend pork chops, mash gravy etc few beers all weekend

maybe 12 big changs

That honest

Well, I guess I can take a rough stab at this.

Maybe others can as well.

I think almost all of us agree on at least RESTRICTING carb intact, how much, is just a matter of degree.

I think increasing VEGETABLE intake is very important. Fresh fruits are good as well, but more limited due to sugar.

Fruit breakfast ... sounds OK ... no more than one banana a day and better a small one ... not sure what you mean by coconut (water, milk, grated, oil)? Too much of the wrong kind of coconut could be an issue. BTW, many people giving weight loss advice would say don't eat any bananas. I don't agree because bananas even though high sugar provide fantastic NUTRITION.

Dinner salad. Sorry, you need to for the most part forget about mayo. Low fat mayo tastes disgusting also. Easy substute -- extra virgin OLIVE OIL, you can make a delicious vinaigrette with mustard, garlic, and chilies or whatever you like.

Stir fried chicken? Cooked yourself or restaurant? Deep fried chicken or slice? Many cheap Thai restaurants use processed chicken slices. You want to avoid all PROCESSED foods. Lots of Thai street food uses processed foods such as in fish balls (filled with SUGAR). If cooking yourself you can choose better oil and limit the amount. At a restaurant likely using a lot of palm oil, not good.

Crisps?!? No. Sorry. You should ELIMINATE those totally from your food intake for life. What substitutes for crisps? I'm not sure. Maybe someone has an idea.

Pork chops? OK in moderation, grilled? Deep fried? Mash has lots of butter and salt. Not good. You can get potatoes other ways ... boiled ... yes boring, sorry, but you can at least season them.

In general for a health promoting diet, for proteins you want to limit RED meat. Think more about meat like skinless chicken breasts, fish, seafood, etc.

You can eat eggs. Just don't fry them in a ton of fat.

While we're on fat, the current thinking is sugar is a bigger danger than fat. You don't have to cut out all or most fat. You do need to be smarter about the kinds of fats you use and also of course within reasonable portions.

Beer? That's a big problem.

Mostly people looking for weight loss cut out alcohol entirely. Empty calories. Personally, I believe very moderate alcohol is health promoting. So I drink ONE drink a day, mean ONE light beer or one standard shot of booze such as vodka or good tequila. Yes I have been losing weight doing this ... but very SLOWLY.

Binging on weekend beer. Sorry. No. You can't do that and meet your health goals.

Notice my philosophy is to look at LIFETIME changes ... not temporary "on a diet" changes. I very much believe in this. I know some of these will be hard. For you, it sounds like the BEER and the CRISPS will be a challenge.

Also, you might want to look at my thread on GARCINIA CAMBOGIA. It works really really well for some people, not all people ... and the cost is very low in Thailand. But if it works, it is not a magic pill giving license to pig out, basically it HELPS make it much easier to keep with health promoting food choices (and smaller portions). Do you have CRAVINGS for crisps? If so, this might be a way to basically kill those cravings and it just might shock you that you will then be craving BROCCOLI!


I am agreeing everything, just I want to add a few things in color

Well, I guess I can take a rough stab at this.

Maybe others can as well.

I think almost all of us agree on at least RESTRICTING carb intact, how much, is just a matter of degree.

I think increasing VEGETABLE intake is very important. Fresh fruits are good as well, but more limited due to sugar.

if you reduce food and even more if you go on low carbs, you are at risk to get congested...there is nothing inside you to move on, so vegetables are extreme important.

Fruit breakfast ... sounds OK ... no more than one banana a day and better a small one ... not sure what you mean by coconut (water, milk, grated, oil)? Too much of the wrong kind of coconut could be an issue. BTW, many people giving weight loss advice would say don't eat any bananas. I don't agree because bananas even though high sugar provide fantastic NUTRITION.

Dinner salad. Sorry, you need to for the most part forget about mayo. Low fat mayo tastes disgusting also. Easy substute -- extra virgin OLIVE OIL, you can make a delicious vinaigrette with mustard, garlic, and chilies or whatever you like.

Some also like yoghurt on the salad...for me it sounds a bit strange but maybe an option. Some have problems when eating salad before going sleeping. You may keep a few hours between eating and sleeping.

Stir fried chicken? Cooked yourself or restaurant? Deep fried chicken or slice? Many cheap Thai restaurants use processed chicken slices. You want to avoid all PROCESSED foods. Lots of Thai street food uses processed foods such as in fish balls (filled with SUGAR). If cooking yourself you can choose better oil and limit the amount. At a restaurant likely using a lot of palm oil, not good.

fried chicken soaked in palm oil is pretty bad.....chicken without oil in the teflon pan is good....best would be natural chicken but I never found it.

Crisps?!? No. Sorry. You should ELIMINATE those totally from your food intake for life. What substitutes for crisps? I'm not sure. Maybe someone has an idea.

No idea....I liked to eat these German salted cucumber for fun....a lot salt but no (never checked, just a guess) calorie. But hardly a replacement

Pork chops? OK in moderation, grilled? Deep fried? Mash has lots of butter and salt. Not good. You can get potatoes other ways ... boiled ... yes boring, sorry, but you can at least season them.

If on "no" low carb, you can eat grilled pork chops as much as you want. Deep fried or with butter should be still avoided. But than potatoes is something you shouldn't even think for.

In general for a health promoting diet, for proteins you want to limit RED meat. Think more about meat like skinless chicken breasts, fish, seafood, etc.

If you want to exercise and build some muscle at the same time, best would be lean steak, chicken of course just in Thailand it is hard to get good quality.fish can be very fat. but often the fat is a good fat.

You can eat eggs. Just don't fry them in a ton of fat.

the normal boiled hard egg is great replacement for many stupid food when you get an urge to eat. Some eggs taste very bad in Thailand, Feed with too much fish, but there are 2 organic brands which are good.

While we're on fat, the current thinking is sugar is a bigger danger than fat. You don't have to cut out all or most fat. You do need to be smarter about the kinds of fats you use and also of course within reasonable portions.

yes absolute no sugar....

Beer? That's a big problem.

in Germany there was some discussion about diets which replace the dinner with vodka. While I didn't make up my mind I can say: it would be very hard.

Mostly people looking for weight loss cut out alcohol entirely. Empty calories.

Yes Yes and Yes

Personally, I believe very moderate alcohol is health promoting. So I drink ONE drink a day, mean ONE light beer or one standard shot of booze such as vodka or good tequila. Yes I have been losing weight doing this ... but very SLOWLY.

Alternative maybe to have 1 day per week where you drink but keep the rest of the time dry.

Binging on weekend beer. Sorry. No. You can't do that and meet your health goals.

Notice my philosophy is to look at LIFETIME changes ... not temporary "on a diet" changes. I very much believe in this. I know some of these will be hard. For you, it sounds like the BEER and the CRISPS will be a challenge.

yes, it is easy to diet away some weight, but usually after loosing 20 kg people gain 30 kg......If you don't think you can continue for ever don't even start.

Also, you might want to look at my thread on GARCINIA CAMBOGIA. It works really really well for some people, not all people ... and the cost is very low in Thailand. But if it works, it is not a magic pill giving license to pig out, basically it HELPS make it much easier to keep with health promoting food choices (and smaller portions). Do you have CRAVINGS for crisps? If so, this might be a way to basically kill those cravings and it just might shock you that you will then be craving BROCCOLI!

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Cheers for the advice guys, most of my food is home cooked by the mrs never really eat out becasue a, im not a fan of thai food and b the mrs cooking is great and she know how i like it.

Guess im gonna have to cut all teh crap put completley and instead of making it a 5 day a week thing boost it up to 7 including no alchohol for a while see how i can get on, i recond if i can just see the first 15lbs gone then that will motivate me more to keep on the straight and narrow.

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Cheers for the advice guys, most of my food is home cooked by the mrs never really eat out becasue a, im not a fan of thai food and b the mrs cooking is great and she know how i like it.

Guess im gonna have to cut all teh crap put completley and instead of making it a 5 day a week thing boost it up to 7 including no alchohol for a while see how i can get on, i recond if i can just see the first 15lbs gone then that will motivate me more to keep on the straight and narrow.

Make photo of your belly before....so you can check later if something has changed :-)

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I want to add what I eat for breakfast which is working great for me.

Most days anyway.

Some days I eat eggs or sardines with a side vegetable salad.

One chopped banana.

Portion of (previously frozen) black currants OR sliced papaya OR sliced green mango

7 whole almonds

3 tablespoons of non-sugared muesli (dried fruit removed, as it's sugared)

3 somewhat overflowing teaspoons of non-sugar cereal such as small wheat biscuits or puffed wheat

1 tablespoon FLAXSEED, ground daily

about 1/4 of a large tub on non-fat live bacteria plain yogurt

Pour over a bunch of very cold WATER making a kind of yogurt milk


Add a very small portion of COCONUT oil and stir

Very delicious.

I have been losing weight with this.

On the yogurt plus almonds (or eggs or sardines) there have been some convincing studies that it is beneficial to weight control to eat both an ample breakfast daily and also that the breakfast contains PROTEIN.

Edited by Jingthing
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Finally got on the shared computor....


Please listen to these guys as they helped me so much and continue to do so..Without their advise I dont know if I would have done as good as I have

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I want to add what I eat for breakfast which is working great for me.

Most days anyway.

Some days I eat eggs or sardines with a side vegetable salad.

One chopped banana.

Portion of (previously frozen) black currents OR sliced papaya OR sliced green mango

7 whole almonds

3 tablespoons of non-sugared muesli (dried fruit removed, as it's sugared)

3 somewhat overflowing teaspoons of non-sugar cereal such as small wheat biscuits or puffed wheat

1 tablespoon FLAXSEED, ground daily

about 1/4 of a large tub on non-fat live bacteria plain yogurt

Pour over a bunch of very cold WATER making a kind of yogurt milk


Add a very small portion of COCONUT oil and stir

Very delicious.

I have been losing weight with this.

On the yogurt (or eggs or sardines) there have been some convincing studies that it is beneficial to weight control to eat both an ample breakfast daily and also that the breakfast contains PROTEIN.

Sounds healthy, what about weetabix with small amount of milk is that any good?

Tha breakfast sounds cracking but i think that is defiatly a lifestyle breakfast, what i mean by that is that id need to work up to that kind of discipline

Whats about dinner and tea :)

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I forget what's in wheetabix.

There are cereals for sale here with no sugar.

No sugar is best.

Low sugar is sometimes a lie so safer with no sugar.

I am not a fan of milk for adults.

With yogurt you get live bacteria which is good for the gut.

Yolida brand in Thailand, no sugar, live bacteria, not expensive.

You could also do oatmeal which is no sugar, and very popular.

I used to but just found it too boring and also hot breakfast food in the tropics, not so nice for me.

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I did a test to see if only increasing my water intake would make me lose weight. I lost 10 pounds in two months by drinking 2 liters of cold water per day. prior to that i was only drinking half a liter of actual water per day at the most.

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I did a test to see if only increasing my water intake would make me lose weight. I lost 10 pounds in two months by drinking 2 liters of cold water per day. prior to that i was only drinking half a liter of actual water per day at the most.

Did you eat less by drinking all that water


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I did a test to see if only increasing my water intake would make me lose weight. I lost 10 pounds in two months by drinking 2 liters of cold water per day. prior to that i was only drinking half a liter of actual water per day at the most.

Did you eat less by drinking all that water


No. I ate about the same amount and the same time of day on purpose to do the test. i spread the water drinking throughout the day instead of doing it when i was hungry.

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