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Anti-drink networks urge Thai police to clamp down on drunk driving


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Anti-drink networks urge police to clamp down on drunk driving

BANGKOK, 28 March 2014 (NNT) - Anti-alcohol networks are urging highway police to toughen the ban on drunk-driving during the upcoming Songkran Festival.

Over 30 activists submitted a petition to the agency to call for a strict enforcement of the Alcohol Control Act in a bid to reduce mortality rates during the holiday.

According to the networks, during the “Seven Dangerous Days” period last year, 321 people were killed and over 3,000 injured on the road.

The leading cause of death has consistently been drunk-driving and more than 90 percent of those killed has blood alcohol content over the safety limit at the time of their death.

They further expressed their concern that teenagers can easily purchase alcoholic drinks on the side of highways and major roads during the long weekend.

-- NNT 2014-03-28 footer_n.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thai police doesn't have any tool to control drunk drivers.....

They can arrest them and suspend their driving licenses. Put them in jail - that will help.

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'Over 30 activists submitted a petition to the agency to call for a strict enforcement of the Alcohol Control Act in a bid to reduce mortality rates during the holiday.'

crikey, there are more than 30 people in thailand who care enough about drunk driving to do something about it. quite a result.

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The main factors will only enforcement officers, it's more on to educate family members by not letting the drunk drivers drove as police cannot control millions of cars and motorcycle but family members can supervise the situation of their love one.

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Law enforcement. What a concept. I consider the cops here to be revenue collection agents, and not law enforcement officials. I rarely seem them actually enforcing the law. Especially in the lawless zones of Samui, and Phuket. Would be nice if there was some law enforcement. We do not need the big brother enforcement found in the UK, and the US. But some kind of balance? Until the central government starts devoting billions of dollars annually to improving law enforcement, nothing will change. Increase the salaries, start providing multi million dollar forensic labs, start training detectives overseas (simply admit you do not have the "stuff" to train them yourselves), and make the police into real detectives, and policemen. Imagine such a concept?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thai police doesn't have any tool to control drunk drivers.....

They can arrest them and suspend their driving licenses. Put them in jail - that will help.

What driving license, was it last year they stoped 48000motorists and 34000 couldn't produce a license

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Firstly, I am an atheist but I find it very offensive when some alcohol induced slob calls Mormons (amongst others) "religious nutters". Obviously you know nothing whatsoever about their religious beliefs or you wouldn't make such stupid and outlandish remarks. Secondly, I concur with statements posted regarding the abysmal conduct of the police not only in Ubon but from what I have seen, most of Isaan as well.

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Snow balls chance in hell of the police doing jack. And if we are going to provide statistics, the simple fact is the so called 7 dangerous days are far less dangerous that an average day on the Thai roads as the national average is closer to 55 deaths per day, so 45 per day during the holiday seems pretty good to me.


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Firstly, I am an atheist but I find it very offensive when some alcohol induced slob calls Mormons (amongst others) "religious nutters". Obviously you know nothing whatsoever about their religious beliefs or you wouldn't make such stupid and outlandish remarks. Secondly, I concur with statements posted regarding the abysmal conduct of the police not only in Ubon but from what I have seen, most of Isaan as well.

Umm anyone claiming to have the "healing hand" like the Mormons do is a complete nutter so please crawl back into your shell.


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Snow balls chance in hell of the police doing jack. And if we are going to provide statistics, the simple fact is the so called 7 dangerous days are far less dangerous that an average day on the Thai roads as the national average is closer to 55 deaths per day, so 45 per day during the holiday seems pretty good to me.


I hate to say it but I will.. if you guys are so hell bent on having a police state why not return to your country of origin?



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Snow balls chance in hell of the police doing jack. And if we are going to provide statistics, the simple fact is the so called 7 dangerous days are far less dangerous that an average day on the Thai roads as the national average is closer to 55 deaths per day, so 45 per day during the holiday seems pretty good to me.


I hate to say it but I will.. if you guys are so hell bent on having a police state why not return to your country of origin?



Preventing needless deaths by enforcing drink driving laws equates to a police state? Don't think so. However

"The leading cause of death has consistently been drunk-driving and more than 90 percent of those killed has blood alcohol content over the safety limit at the time of their death."

I am seeing a potentially alternative solution to bringing down the number of deaths.

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kbelyeu. Regrettably, you have sunk to the level of personal abuse so now we all know your level of education and/or intelligence. Perhaps when you post comments, the like of which we have had to endure, you may like to precede them by doing a little research. The LDS faith (Mormans) and the Royal Thai Police are but two examples. Anyway Kurt cheesy.gif, you try to have a nice day.

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