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Thai Transport department to enforce slope test for public transport buses


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Phew..thats a relief!

We can rest in our reclining overnight seats now in the sure knowledge that along with Fire and Emergency rules and regs for nightclubs, this matter will be rigorously & ruthlessly enforced and wrong doers will be, wait for it!............. "prosecuted further according to the Thai law"

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How many slopes are there for a public transport bus? How fast can these things go in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I want the tests done on the long haul buses. how about breathe tests of driver before he starts the engine. probably worse yet is drivers way too tired. that has to be a strickly enforced program.

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He warned that if buses failed the slope test are caught being used, owners will face up to five years of jail term and fine of 40,000 baht.

Should be X times for each person that is killed or wounded in the bus !!!

these are million baht buses, the fines should be the same.

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The latent racism appalls me! In truth and certainly in Phuket if we could personality profile public vehicle drivers and stop giving licences to would be fighter pilots and racing drivers!

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I watched this test on tv last night.. laughed my @$$ off... a still... non running bus...no inertia allotted for..pot holes etc .speed of vehicle... lol..sobriety of the driver.. amount of Kriting Dang.... pretty much a fail fail..but I guess they have to appear to be addressing the issue

if i remember correctly this is a standard rollover test as would be conducted in oz, nothing to do with speed or potholes etc

I would hope that this test in OZ is also followed by the standard skid pan and rough road tests that London Bus carry out.

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If the bus does not pass the tests for registration it is obviously not in a safe condition and hence should not be given any extra time.

I hope those who complain about Top Gear read this headline smile.png

Why would anyone complain? JC used the word in it's form as a term of racist abuse in a failed attempt at humour [deliberately, it wasn't just an unfortunate coincidence], whereas this article uses it in it's form as a word to indicate an incline.

Wasn't a failed attempt at humour. Made me laugh but then I'm not sensitive and totally PC. Some people need to lighten up.

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I watched this test on tv last night.. laughed my @$$ off... a still... non running bus...no inertia allotted for..pot holes etc .speed of vehicle... lol..sobriety of the driver.. amount of Kriting Dang.... pretty much a fail fail..but I guess they have to appear to be addressing the issue

if i remember correctly this is a standard rollover test as would be conducted in oz, nothing to do with speed or potholes etc

I would hope that this test in OZ is also followed by the standard skid pan and rough road tests that London Bus carry out.

If the brakes are iffy stay in first gear. If the bus is top heavy no fast cornering. if one driver, after 4 hours stop at a resort for the evening.

if the bus is full of passengers NO aisle seats to be added. Driver mobile phone to be in OFF mode during the trip. ZERO the overnight journeys.

Speed governor fitted to ALL tour/mini buses. All windscreen vision to be uncluttered.

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I watched this test on tv last night.. laughed my @$$ off... a still... non running bus...no inertia allotted for..pot holes etc .speed of vehicle... lol..sobriety of the driver.. amount of Kriting Dang.... pretty much a fail fail..but I guess they have to appear to be addressing the issue

if i remember correctly this is a standard rollover test as would be conducted in oz, nothing to do with speed or potholes etc

I would hope that this test in OZ is also followed by the standard skid pan and rough road tests that London Bus carry out.

If the brakes are iffy stay in first gear. If the bus is top heavy no fast cornering. if one driver, after 4 hours stop at a resort for the evening.

if the bus is full of passengers NO aisle seats to be added. Driver mobile phone to be in OFF mode during the trip. ZERO the overnight journeys.

Speed governor fitted to ALL tour/mini buses. All windscreen vision to be uncluttered.

Complete road worthy checks every x number of kilometers, service manuals to be adhered to and stamped.

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If the bus does not pass the tests for registration it is obviously not in a safe condition and hence should not be given any extra time.

I hope those who complain about Top Gear read this headline smile.png

Why would anyone complain? JC used the word in it's form as a term of racist abuse in a failed attempt at humour [deliberately, it wasn't just an unfortunate coincidence], whereas this article uses it in it's form as a word to indicate an incline.

Wasn't a failed attempt at humour. Made me laugh but then I'm not sensitive and totally PC. Some people need to lighten up.

utterly failed, but then again i have no time for racism.

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I think someone is taking the "P" here as as far as I'm aware,what they are talking about is a TILT or rollover test.

It is to test the vehicles CoG not its ability to handle a gradient.

As far as the road is concerned the problem would be "camber".

Edited by wilcopops
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If the bus does not pass the tests for registration it is obviously not in a safe condition and hence should not be given any extra time.

I hope those who complain about Top Gear read this headline smile.png

Why would anyone complain? JC used the word in it's form as a term of racist abuse in a failed attempt at humour [deliberately, it wasn't just an unfortunate coincidence], whereas this article uses it in it's form as a word to indicate an incline.

Wasn't a failed attempt at humour. Made me laugh but then I'm not sensitive and totally PC. Some people need to lighten up.

Gave me a giggle.

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Any buses which canot pass the stability test will be sold into private transport syndicate's hands, for use in Phuket, the graveyard for Thai buses (with the steepest road hill in Thailand aswell). Why kill Thais when the same death stats can be charged to Chinese or Russian accounts?

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If my addition is correct, 10 months to "work it out" are allowed for the unsafe bus to continue on it's tipsy way. Lots of time to negotiate those payoff curves. What bothers me somewhat is they think this sort of window dressing foolishness will somehow satisfy those among us with half a brain into believing authorities are serious about safety. And of course ignoring the major factor, the driver....

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