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Storage container back home. Shipping to thailand from oz


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I have a storage container in oz and paying $200 a month for the privilege- its a 4.5 x 3.0 but probably only two thirds full of my furniture / life possessions. Some antiques / quality furniture, some white goods, boxes of books etc, useful stuff for a house that I would like to have access to now.

This money is clearing burning a hole in my pocket at $2400 a year ($4800 thus far). I don't want to make the school boy error of paying it for 10 years and then giving it away for nothing. Currently the insured value is 25k.

The dilemma I face is..... do I fly home spend a month of my time and money to try to arrange a garage sale- possible get rid of 1/2 of it and then ship the other half over here OR give a shipping company a key and send it all over here. A garage sale will be more or less giving it away for nothing and its also a bit of a hassle for me as the storage container company said that I cant do one on site (nanny state at its best).

I read a comment on this forum a year ago from a guy from oz who shipped a container load of his stuff over here and it cost him $6k or something like that. Now I cant find that thread.

If you are from oz and recently shipped stuff to thailand can you share the information with me- which company you used etc. Did it arrive in one piece. Was anything stolen?

The last time I went home for a month I think it cost me around $10k (after flights, car hire, accommodation, food, etc- includes everything). Its duly noted I don’t particularly want to go back there to be honest…

I've read about farang who sell or give away absolutely everything back home and start again over here. I cant do that as 1/2 of the stuff in that container represents memories for me and I value some of it for sentimental reasons.

Any opinions are appreciated. Maybe you have been in my situation in the past. What did you do?

Many thanks

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Big hassle either way, ongoing if you bring it all over, best off simplifying, shed all that STUFF just weighs you down.

Don't have a friend with a country block, buy a used shipping container?

Otherwise pay someone to cherry-pick the truly important items and ship just those.

All the "just stuff" they can keep or give to the vinnies.

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