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Hey Foreigner, are you talking to me?


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What I would have said to the farang? Depends on my mood, but probably nothing....because I just want to get out of there...

going into a discussion would just waste more time....and he was complaining about wasting time.

What I don't like is: on the rare occassion that I go to a McDonald's, you will always see people waiting in line a long time,

and when it is finally their turn.....only then do start thinking about what to order! That's wasting time, meanwhile the queue

gets longer. Then, when it is finally my turn, I will immediately tell my small order and have my cash ready in hand to pay.

Not that that gets me any appreciation from the cashier by the way.

There are may things that I see here that I don't like or disagree with or think could be done more efficiently, but if I would

confront someone about it every time...........I would not have much time to do anything else.

I could complain to the Big C cashier for waiing everybody before me but not me....but I'd rather just get my change and not say anything.....

that way the cashier gets a bit of what she gave....or in this case what she did not give.....a bit of common courtesy

(especially since I unloaded the basket for her and put it away myself, less work for her...or him).

Ok, my rant over.

I am with you all the way on this one. At the airport you wait in the huge queue for security and when you get to the front of the queue the guy in front has to take off his jacket, empty his pockets, take off his belt, take his laptop out of his bag. What the hell was he thinking about for the last 10 minutes? You get to immigration or even boarding and people queue for 10 minutes, get to the front then suddenly realise they need their passport or boarding card and then fumble about in every pocket trying to find them. Come on folks, get with it! Waken up and start thinking.

Rant over, enough said. smile.png

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No same thing but recently I was sitting in front of bar when stupid farang walked out screaming that all the girls in bars are trash etc. The slutt word was used. I stood up told him to <removed> off or I would deal with his manners. He prob thought because I was farang he would have me aggeeing with him. He had apparently got jealous of one of the girls seeing a customer. Dill.

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I was walking up Thai Phae Road in Chiang Mai a couple of days ago. In front of me were a couple of middle aged , very well colonial style dressed. We passed a little coffee shop or something and suddenly the woman stood still and shouted a whole lot of stuff at the lady sitting inside. I thought she knew the woman, but soon discovered that it was abuse because a motor bike was parked in front and her husband who doesn't see well might have walked into it. They were upper class Brits. I was embarrassed . Mind you, I get annoyed by the cars, bikes etc that are parked on the footpath and I have to walk in the street. But you know, I have to put up with the same thing here in Europe..........people!

Upper Class Brits.. have arrived, so ''TAT'' will be pleased, they are finally here..

''High End Tourists''

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Try shopping in WA on thursday night when they have late night shopping

you would be lucky to get thru the checkout in 10 minutes even in the 8 items or less checkouts

Its no different here than anywhere else,go shopping early when the shops are not busy

Sunday is the worse day to shop here and we never go on sunday

In Perth, supermarket chains are now open until 9 pm every week night, and they also open on Sundays. That was the best day to shop when I was last there.

what does that have to do with tesco? you are a few thousand miles off! I don't think that anyone in the line even cared about the hours in perth! stick to the topic! believe it or not, not everyone wants to go to perth to shop!

Steady on old chap! That's all there is to do in Perth. wink.png

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Firstly, the OP should have faked a mystified look, looked askance between the gobby farang and the locals, shrugged, smiled nervously and said, "Que?" in true Manuel (Fawlty Towers) style. Instant disassociation.

Secondly, the OP should have taken a nap instead of posting this.

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Firstly, the OP should have faked a mystified look, looked askance between the gobby farang and the locals, shrugged, smiled nervously and said, "Que?" in true Manuel (Fawlty Towers) style. Instant disassociation.

Secondly, the OP should have taken a nap instead of posting this.

I actually took a nap before I posted it. smile.png (see the timestamp).

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I suppose the OP never gets wound up by anything ever....barring the odd 'rude' foreigner

Heavy drinking gets me really riled up! tongue.png

Look, 5 years ago I was in my 5th year in Thailand and basically I was really getting pissed off about everything I saw - although not venting publically. I said to my wife; screw it I am out of here and we left.

5 years on, life is pretty tough back home and I reflect on the things that are hard, both at home and in Thailand. Had a major attitude change. I have come back. I am not oblivious to things that go on, especially in Phuket which takes it to the maximum, but I have come to accept that there is not a whole lot I can do about it. If it ever really gets to me I will leave again. I think in the long run that will be the rampant greed in Phuket that continues to destroy the natural beauty and ecological health of the island.

Some feel that the OP is a BS post, but this is one thing I can encourage amongst foreigners - just because I look like you does not mean you should get me involved in a public rant. Even if you are quite justified in having it.

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I suppose the OP never gets wound up by anything ever....barring the odd 'rude' foreigner

Heavy drinking gets me really riled up! tongue.png

Look, 5 years ago I was in my 5th year in Thailand and basically I was really getting pissed off about everything I saw - although not venting publically. I said to my wife; screw it I am out of here and we left.

5 years on, life is pretty tough back home and I reflect on the things that are hard, both at home and in Thailand. Had a major attitude change. I have come back. I am not oblivious to things that go on, especially in Phuket which takes it to the maximum, but I have come to accept that there is not a whole lot I can do about it. If it ever really gets to me I will leave again. I think in the long run that will be the rampant greed in Phuket that continues to destroy the natural beauty and ecological health of the island.

Some feel that the OP is a BS post, but this is one thing I can encourage amongst foreigners - just because I look like you does not mean you should get me involved in a public rant. Even if you are quite justified in having it.

So 5 years ago you ran away because you couldn't handle the reality in this country, and now come on holiday and rant about people who live here and see the reality for what it is.

Makes your thread even more ridiculous.

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Do you think I am going to agree with you?

No it is clear from your OP that you agree only with yourself

Do I look like someone who points at people and uses bad language (only when I am watching football or rugby )

You clearly pointed at people by starting this thread, and the <deleted> makes clear you indeed use bad language

Do you just want to vent in English and we understand you?

One would think that a country that calls itself the hub of everything would understand an international accepted communication language

The "hub of delusion" precludes that.

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I start to place my 3 items on the cashier belt at bic c when a well dressed local lady walks in front of me and places her items items ahead of mine.

a) pretend it did not happen and wait politely with a smile

B) smile at her and tell her how much you love thailand

c) be rude and let her know there is actually a queue and people before her

Q How many people sequentially walking into you does it take you get you concerned/frustrated/upset?

a) 1

B) 2-3

c) 3-5

d) it doesn't bother you

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I do agree the reaction by the westerner was inappropriate.

It's TESCO. Write to their corporate office if you have a problem.

One of my biggest complaints about almost all self service stores in the UK is that there are almost always unmanned tills while there are long queues at the others, I'm quite sure it's no worse in Thailand than it is in any other country in the world that uses self service stores. I can never understand why people are always in such a hurry all the time when there next stop is probably in a café or bar.

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I don't think I would like it too much either to have someone assume I was on their side, to just haul off and assume like the angry guy in the queue that I too was also fit to be tied because the silly cashiers at TESCO being paid funk all per hour and perhaps exhausted semi-malnorished and abused by their bosses are stuffing things up yet again, that management doesn't care etc.

Still, I think it's mean to just ignore people and their pain even if it is a bit ludicrous, but what do we know about others' experience and how they experience things? Besides, It can be good fun to engage such people, humorously if you can to get them laughing and break their fixation on whatever unrealistic expectation they are obsessing on and freaking out about.

Also, I think ex-pats too often assume that Thais are not annoyed as well by all the shennanigans at the check-out line party scene in TESCO, tho the Thais may not crap their pampers and start shouting and doing the apoplectic can can with their arms in the air about it, I'd bet they make their share of quiet snarky remarks and innuendos.

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I do agree the reaction by the westerner was inappropriate.

It's TESCO. Write to their corporate office if you have a problem.

One of my biggest complaints about almost all self service stores in the UK is that there are almost always unmanned tills while there are long queues at the others, I'm quite sure it's no worse in Thailand than it is in any other country in the world that uses self service stores. I can never understand why people are always in such a hurry all the time when there next stop is probably in a café or bar.

The thing is, there are hardly ever any qeues. Staff is cheap and it shows, they just hire.

But yes, sometimes something brakes down so has to be fixed, which apparently was the case here, and that can take a bit of time. Just relax and accept it.

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Its the Big White bawana syndrome, thinks he is superior to asian people and should get

preferential treatment

No shortage of them here, probably worked for the local council on the rubbish truck in his home country

when he could get a job

Had the same type of person walk up and talk to me at PAWS recently, rubbishing Thai women,told him

to piss off, keep his opinions to himself and return to his home country if not happy here, and all the staff

heard me and smiled

Absolute loosers no matter where they are

More polite than I could have said it. Thank you.

Seems to me, most of the guests in any part of Thailand, don't have any appreciation for the fact, too many of these beautiful Thai people are first generation at whatever they are doing. For the mega-wages they are being paid, still have the integrity of spirit to want to get it right. Though no disrespect intended, in NYC the rubbish collectors earn more than the school teachers.

Pity the fools . . . as you tell them to piss off.

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" gobsmacked " I am pretty sure that means pussified in the "American English" translation.... Can any one help??

p.s. why would you come and complain here??? You did not speak up for what you believe in, when it could have counted, so you expect us to give you a "pat on the back" now??????????

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I find mostly the opposite to be true...

Very cutesy cashiers who blush and smile, and talk to my gal about how lucky she is, and where they can find a farang.

Not many complainers in udon...thank god... Only a few at Soi Samphan (girlie bar street), but everyone else seems to enjoy.

I guess its the location.

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The story was chock-a-block full of strange slang...LOL

The reality - 'Grumpy' is both ccorrect and rude.

However, Thailand will remain a 3rd world country until retailers realize where the money comes from.

Although few foreigners here are 'wealthy, well educated, upper class', by Thai point of view, we are all very wealthy.

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You know, I'm not sure I see the difference between the OP and the guy he's complaining about. Some foreigner delivers a rant against an incompetent store staff, addressed to you rather than the object of his frustration. OP then delivers a rant against said foreigner, addressed to us via an anonymous keyboard rather than to said foreigner.

Thanks for the illuminating commentary, but both of you probably need a little timeout.

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"At this point I have been waiting for almost 10 minutes." and "How do you survive in Thailand with no patience?"

May I ask, how many minutes were you prepared to "wait" before your "patience" would have been tested?

I mean, what is accectable? When does poor customer service by TESCO become TIT (This Is Thailand) and when does TIT become unacceptable to you? After how many minutes?

I dunno. Another five minutes? Ten? Depends on how much I actually need the things I'm purchasing. If I can live forf another couple of days without them I'll probably give up after ten minutes or so and just leave. I don't know what the problem is, so why should I blame the cashier? I've had ATM's at the bank go down while I was in line and had to wait half an hour for a tachnician to come. It's always a toss-up -- if I go to another machine will that take longer than waiting for them to fix this one?

I agree, though, I wish these people who think Thais are so useless would go away. Why are they here? Are they being paid large salaries by the companies they work for?

Something I learned many years ago. Mood follows action follows mood. If I force my lips into a smile and hold it, I will feel better. I will feel happier. My mood will become more sunny and the world will become a better place. If I frown and complain, the situation becomes worse and the world is intolerable.

There are other times and opportunities.

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i always seem to end up in the longest slowest line in just about any supermarket anyway so i long ago stopped being bothered,this guy however sounds like he was wound a little to tight for thailand,even so i have seen much worse behavouir from the russians than this.

Whenever I think I have achieved the fastest queue and exit from Tesco it turns out the person in front of me is trying to buy phone credit with Rubels and I have about a 10 minute wait ahead of me. Happens so often I have stopped getting annoyed.

(Or a tourist trying to buy alcohol at 3pm and trying to get the cashier to explain why they can't have it with a 50ft queue behind them)

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