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Thai politics - Top brass to step in


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is that a ninja holding yingluks arm?

There is no one holding the PM's arm. The internationally respected Prime Minister is steadying herself on the arm of an aide as she exits a van.

" The internationally respected Prime Minister.... "

Did you post this because today is April 1st?

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Military commanders will gather tomorrow to discuss political crisis amid fear of confrontation this weekend

Will yingluck be there in the capacity of caretaker Defence Minister or will she not be there where by mirroring her attendance at the rice committee meetings as the rice committee chairman.

For a woman that is the boss of the defense forces, the boss of the rice committee and the boss of the government she has not really attended defense meetings, she has attended 0% rice committee meetings and 50% parliamentary sittings.

Others in a similar position respect there responsibilities more than yingluck does and rest assured they attend important events that involve them.

An example of another in a similar position is below and it must be noted that the cookie monster has an attendance record of 100% on Sesame Street when responsibilities have drawn a requirement to attend. I actually have more respect for the cookie monster because he has never lied to me either!

Yingluck - She even gives puppets a bad name.

"For a woman that is the boss of the defense forces, the boss of the rice committee and the boss of the government she has not really attended defense meetings, she has attended 0% rice committee meetings and 50% parliamentary sittings."

That's absolutely shopping!

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is that a ninja holding yingluks arm?

There is no one holding the PM's arm. The internationally respected Prime Minister is steadying herself on the arm of an aide as she exits a van.

" The internationally respected Prime Minister.... "

Did you post this because today is April 1st?

Get real "everyday" is April fools day heretongue.png

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

I am really confused.. Who is the Einstein now ? It's good news that they are talking and we wait for the outcome.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

Excellent assessment.......

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"The Supreme Commander felt that if the political deadlock was allowed to continue further, more damage would be done to the country, according to the source, who said the number of tourist arrivals had greatly declined".

Appears their main concern is the lack of tourists to feed off.

Yea, Pattaya is very empty. The Russians have gone home and april the high season is over anyway. They also have political problems at home and their currency lost a lot of power. The farangs are not here either. Very bad for business

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

Or skip steps one through five and HOLD AN ELECTION.

How is it constitutional to suspend the constitution? What is the authority and by whom is that done? Oh, I forgot. It would be the PDRC's unelected People's Committee run by Suthep that would take over the government, suspend the constitution, stack the interim parliament with PDRC ministers, pass Suthep's reforms, ban the PTP from politics, jail all PTP leaders through kangeroo courts, establish voter qualifications (must either be high income, college degree, or business owner), hold referendums, and then hold elections.

Are you sure you didn't forget anything?

What crap.

Somewhere in all of this is the right of mass of citizens to protest, to verbalize / show their power, to object to a government which is a scam and is bankrupting the country, and claiming to be the protectors of democracy (regularly spewing numerous lies and untruths and operating under the name of the UDD which has no election (democratic) process to elect leaders - the leaders are in fact the most powerful, the people who are the strongest to intimidate their 'members'), a dictator system and nothing more, they have no structured rhetoric about democracy, they just intimidate people and stop free speech.

Reform before elections the only way to get badly needed serious change!

Edited by scorecard
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is that a ninja holding yingluks arm?

There is no one holding the PM's arm. The internationally respected Prime Minister is steadying herself on the arm of an aide as she exits a van.

GK I thought you might like to know that Big C is running a Songkran promotion. Three boxes of super soft facial tissue for only 112 Baht. Guaranteed not to irritate the chin when wiping drool. wai.gif

Edited by Pimay1
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Even though I fully agree with your last paragraph I have one question.

Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?

You mean as much political insight like someone has simply by being a relative of a former PM?

Yingluck has a cabinet and advisor's. Regardless of what you think of them, they have political knowledge. I dare say that Yingluck has picked up political knowledge in the last couple of years despite the misogynist sadsacks on here describing her as a stupid woman only good for shopping and crying.

Prayuth is a dinosaur with a gun, surrounded by more dinosaurs with guns, and not all of those support him.

The jobs are not interchangeable.

I know who I'd rather have as PM.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

I beg your pardon. But you make me laugh.

People here in Thailand are attempting to force change for the good of the nation and you have criticized it at every opportunity.

Can I ask.... What the hell does it have to do with you? Do you actually have something to gain from the status quo of graft, corruption and all the abuses of a broken and twisted form of so called democracy?

If the answer is no, then what gives you the right to come on here every thread and bang out your demands of what should and shouldn't be happening??

Why not go out into the streets and tell all the Thais instead? See how your interference will be received.

When things are happening here in Thailand. that are obviously better for the nation than the current situation of theft, unbalanced judiciary for rich and poor, corruption, state backed terrorism, massive corruption, puppeteering from a convicted criminal of the fate of the nation and many many more crimes that make us outsiders feel revolted over... Then it is an acceptable thing to comment positively in support of the latest attempts to change for the better, even if it doesn't work out.

However, as an outsider, to sit on the sidelines and support the corrupt system and criticize every move made against it..... Then you don't have that right.

You are here as a guest, and have no business meddling in its affairs that don't concern you.

I suggest that if you wnt to live in a country where corruption is rampant, and any attempt to oppose it, is met with extreme violence and prejudice... then I suggest you try one of the West African states such as Liberia.... You ought to be much more comfortable there.

STOP trying to tell everyone what is good for Thailand just because you chose to marry into a red shirt family, and that goes for the rest of you red farang.

Your criticisms make no sense at all to an educated western audience on this forum.

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Looks like she had to finally bite the bullet and show up.

Not doing so would have meant some sort of arrest warrant or contempt of NACC action.

She gets there and tries to install more stalling, but it seems that didn't fly.

Her problem is she may have not attended enough meetings and they purposely tried

to shield her from the facts and actions of her brothers minion, leaving her under-informed,

but holding the bag.

I do like the "international respected" blurb above.

Which means her brother and one other person in another country respect her,

nothing more to be 'international'. Sad, all the fan-boy twaddle we must endure here.

Sad, all the fan-boy twaddle we must endure here

You're not exactly helping

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More than Bt400 billion in state funding has been lost in the scheme, which buys rice from farmers at well over the market price.

​I'm just wondering how much her brother received.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

On the other hand it's nice to see that at least one group of players in this game of thrones are prepared to discuss the chaos the politicians have created.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

Yes....Shouldn't be that hard. Just make empty promises, lie, cheat and steal. Who really cares about the country once in office they can fill their pockets just like this government.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

No Smedly, Boppe is not promoting a bloodbath, he is promoting democracy and the way it would possibly work, If mr Suthep would prepare the dems to win an election.

If you realy think Thailand would be better with a non elected group to take the power, backed up by corrupt and greedy Suthep, than I think you are the real brain box.

I think your quote fits very well to you as a person "Do not argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

Or skip steps one through five and HOLD AN ELECTION.

How is it constitutional to suspend the constitution? What is the authority and by whom is that done? Oh, I forgot. It would be the PDRC's unelected People's Committee run by Suthep that would take over the government, suspend the constitution, stack the interim parliament with PDRC ministers, pass Suthep's reforms, ban the PTP from politics, jail all PTP leaders through kangeroo courts, establish voter qualifications (must either be high income, college degree, or business owner), hold referendums, and then hold elections.

Yes, this is exactly what Suthep has in mind ! But still a few blind people don't see it .

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Poor journalism and editorial oversight or just a scam to deflect that they had little of any substance to report regarding Yingluck's appearance on graft charges.

These two subjects should have been under separate reports.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

Or skip steps one through five and HOLD AN ELECTION.

How is it constitutional to suspend the constitution? What is the authority and by whom is that done? Oh, I forgot. It would be the PDRC's unelected People's Committee run by Suthep that would take over the government, suspend the constitution, stack the interim parliament with PDRC ministers, pass Suthep's reforms, ban the PTP from politics, jail all PTP leaders through kangeroo courts, establish voter qualifications (must either be high income, college degree, or business owner), hold referendums, and then hold elections.

Typical Thailand thoughts

One person tries to build a better Thailand

another will come along and rip it down

what chance do the Thais have when educated Farlang can not get it together

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

Or skip steps one through five and HOLD AN ELECTION.

How is it constitutional to suspend the constitution? What is the authority and by whom is that done? Oh, I forgot. It would be the PDRC's unelected People's Committee run by Suthep that would take over the government, suspend the constitution, stack the interim parliament with PDRC ministers, pass Suthep's reforms, ban the PTP from politics, jail all PTP leaders through kangeroo courts, establish voter qualifications (must either be high income, college degree, or business owner), hold referendums, and then hold elections.

Typical Thailand thoughts

One person tries to build a better Thailand

another will come along and rip it down

what chance do the Thais have when educated Farlang can not get it together

because he believes bombs and killing innocent people are a way to advance his and his ilk's agenda - similar in thought to setting bombs off in a capital city then going to an holiday island where kids are having fun and shooting as many as he can

There are some real dangerous crackpots out there

In Thailand it's mainly greed and money - the crackpots join in because they can

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Looks like she had to finally bite the bullet and show up.

Not doing so would have meant some sort of arrest warrant or contempt of NACC action.

She gets there and tries to install more stalling, but it seems that didn't fly.

Her problem is she may have not attended enough meetings and they purposely tried

to shield her from the facts and actions of her brothers minion, leaving her under-informed,

but holding the bag.

I do like the "international respected" blurb above.

Which means her brother and one other person in another country respect her,

nothing more to be 'international'. Sad, all the fan-boy twaddle we must endure here.

Sad, all the fan-boy twaddle we must endure here

You're not exactly helping

There is a distinct difference between 'not being a fan of' and 'being a self-blinding fan for'.

One just repeats blather for their idolised and idealised icon,

the other wants anything BUT that icon as long as it is an improvement for all.''

So that IS helping all, and not one specific individual or group.

Edited by animatic
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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

I beg your pardon. But you make me laugh.

People here in Thailand are attempting to force change for the good of the nation and you have criticized it at every opportunity.

Can I ask.... What the hell does it have to do with you? Do you actually have something to gain from the status quo of graft, corruption and all the abuses of a broken and twisted form of so called democracy?

If the answer is no, then what gives you the right to come on here every thread and bang out your demands of what should and shouldn't be happening??

Why not go out into the streets and tell all the Thais instead? See how your interference will be received.

When things are happening here in Thailand. that are obviously better for the nation than the current situation of theft, unbalanced judiciary for rich and poor, corruption, state backed terrorism, massive corruption, puppeteering from a convicted criminal of the fate of the nation and many many more crimes that make us outsiders feel revolted over... Then it is an acceptable thing to comment positively in support of the latest attempts to change for the better, even if it doesn't work out.

However, as an outsider, to sit on the sidelines and support the corrupt system and criticize every move made against it..... Then you don't have that right.

You are here as a guest, and have no business meddling in its affairs that don't concern you.

I suggest that if you wnt to live in a country where corruption is rampant, and any attempt to oppose it, is met with extreme violence and prejudice... then I suggest you try one of the West African states such as Liberia.... You ought to be much more comfortable there.

STOP trying to tell everyone what is good for Thailand just because you chose to marry into a red shirt family, and that goes for the rest of you red farang.

Your criticisms make no sense at all to an educated western audience on this forum.

what ARE you talking about?

all the things you mention are being DEFENDED by the PDRC who want to keep the system corrupt for the rich elite

This poster speaks for the millions of ordinary Thais (you know the ones? the ones who VOTE) the ones who have not elected the Dems in 20 years???

you, sir, are the one who speaks for a minority of Thais (30,000?) who seek to keep this wonderful country in the FEUDAL past

I think most of us who are against the PDRC are NOT 'reds under the bed' we simply see Suthep as the gangster he is. Protecting the Amaart and sniggering at the poor and uneducated

reform? YES democracy? YES not a feudal elite few families exploiting the masses

Edited by binjalin
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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

No Smedly, Boppe is not promoting a bloodbath, he is promoting democracy and the way it would possibly work, If mr Suthep would prepare the dems to win an election.

If you realy think Thailand would be better with a non elected group to take the power, backed up by corrupt and greedy Suthep, than I think you are the real brain box.

I think your quote fits very well to you as a person "Do not argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

democracy at the cost of thousand to perish or suffer under its ruling

PTP use the false democracy to destroy true democracy

If people who are elected get there by lieing and corrupt ways, then sadly yes we are better of with an unelected democracy

You make statements about Suthep that would see you in jail if you where not hiding behing a keyboard

so we already see you are a criminal in waiting

even in Thailand you need legal proof before you defame someone

You and many other just get on TVF to pull down those who are trying to make a better Thailand

You and many other feel the power of superiority over those true Thais is the streets trying to make a better Thailand

But you do not thing and say nothing that is of any help to creat, you just happy to destroy and pull down what you do not agree with

In my mind there are many on TVF who are no better than the corrupt people who call then selves the government

Only to be heros in your own lunch times, is what you put into making Thailand a better place

it seems you treat Thailand the same way you treat the ladies here

Only for your benifit and pleasure

you have your opinion and I have mine

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