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Thai politics - Top brass to step in


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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

the electoral majority is still in place

And that is the problem the popular majority are still on the outside looking in. What makes you think that because the army knows how to shoot a gun they don't know how to make sure that the violence is held down.

Like saying Fryslan boppe doesn't know any thing about politics (which he doesn't) because he knows how to hide behind a key board and pump out drivel.

It was interesting that they were not concerned with keeping the peace before the massive anti government protest this past weekend but are concerned with it before the red shirt upcoming one.

As it turns out based on the performance of the anti government protestors up to now there was no need for concern. Now the red shirts have a long history of violence including burning down city halls as well as privately owned buildings killing innocent people invading hospitals. It is only rightly so that they should be concerned about the chance of violence happening with them.

I wonder if they have the guts to push for a separate country this time. They are not exactly mentally alert thumbsup.gif and are liable to do it. I think the military will be ready to act on it this time. They used their free get out of jail pass already. No more free rides for them.thumbsup.gif

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What have changed? The Senate election have happened. Not gone well for the anti-governemet people. PT/Government connected Senators getting enough seats to most likely block any impeachment votes against Yingluck. The group of 40 senators have said there is few of the elected Senators to do deals with (bangkokpundit).

So now we will see a few weeks of plan B and plan C. Suthep is aready on the streets and will continue to have his final rallies with 100 million supporters. There will be renewed focus on using the courts to get rid of Yingluck directly. And there is the always present danger of a old fashioned military coup, and that will increase if Sutheps stringholders get desperate enough.

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What should have happened long time ago.


Enough is enough. This BS slogans about Corruption must be put aside.

The country cannot function without Government.

And the Corruption issue must be resolved through democratic process unlike stupid Suthep slogans.

Reds, Yellows and all other colors must get some education on Democracy - First and Above All - Law and Order.

What are you nuts?

What kind of idiotic statement is that just partial drivel.

The natural next line would be corruption can be cleaned up by the corrupt.

Belgium did fine with out a leader.

The bureaucracy will continue to hold the country together. When it gets bad enough the people will be even more willing to out with the corrupt and in with honesty. So far it has not got that bad but is defiantly heading that way.

You are like so many other predictable red shirts. You think Suthep started the problem you neglect that it was groups of grass roots people who started the objecting and saying we have had enough. Remember that these people come from a minimum of 52% of the voting population that did not want Thaksin in. I say minimum because I am sure there were some who thought they were going to get Yingluck. Out of the 48% that voted PTP it would be interesting to hear how many thought they were going to get Yingluck and how many thought they were going to get Thaksin. If the yellow shirts had voted they would have got Abhist.

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The latest in Fashion Wear

If Yingluck is in trouble and looking for sympathy on goes the brace shoe

If all is okay back to her normal shoes and all is well

Its like guessing the weather, what Yingluck footwear she will wear the next time she appears in public

Not to mention the little pity-me facial expression she puts on.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

Fryslan.... everyone in this country wants a fair election to happen.... but unluckily, without reforms this will Never happen in Thailand.. as for your "humoungous" Red Shirt rally this weekend, my sister in law has just told me this week her husband wil be paid 3000bahts to drive his truck full of red shirts to the said rally.. (from Surin) The passangers in his truck will get 1000bahts each on the first day and a further 500bahts per day while in Bangkok. That is The Real Red Shirt Democracy you always talk about... Where they live, no democrats or any party not affiliated with Thaksin can run for election... violence rules the day.. Seems you know nothing of real life values and just spout the same old Red Shirt drivel about .. have another election.... and watch thousands of peoples being herded into the poll booths being told who to vote for , and paid of course... This country needs reform so badly and sadly it will never happen....TiT...whistling.gif

absolute drivel and far, far from the truth

both side give out 'expenses' but no one knows how people vote - even the Dems admit this is not a major issue in determining the election

plz don't keep droning on about the same yellow propaganda and in case you have not noticed violence rules the day down South too, reds have not blocked elections your fascists have

time for a change - we all agree this country needs reform - and your yellows had 3 years to do it - and did nothing

anyway... democracy is the only solution (if the judiciary would get out of the way)

The only thing that made since in your post was it is Absolute Drivel and Far, Far From The Truth cheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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It is good that Yingluck showed up yesterday. It really was the very least she could do. The NACC is now considering her request, and the constitutional process continues, as it should.

Just need Suthep to man up now and surrender himself but I guess he has smaller balls than Yingluk.

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@ Frysland boppe.

It's getting more to TVF writer's attention that your political views about Thailand have been corrupted from the roots.

My question as coming from Holland, that country who runs yours are you angry about not getting your independency from the Netherlands???

You still have the right to speak your own language in school, on tv, etc.

Looks like you fled your country and fighting your "FREEDOM FIGHT" now in Thailand, but for the wrong reasons.

You are supporting a corrupt system, which need to be reformed, not only from the side of the red side, but also on the blue side.

(the yellow side to which you so dearly writes about is only partly involved in the blue side, and I know, I was one of their hardcore soldiers, not the protesters, but from the armed forces).

The only thing which could stop the political turmoil is to reform all the politics in Thailand, ban all who are involved in party-politics at this moment for life, send many of them to prison and seize their assets. (These assets could provide enough funds to support the needed for many years to come)

and start fresh, with young people, who want to built the country up, no cronies from people who were in power before, but the new and educated generation, and I bet with you, also the Isaan region has educated people from the young generation, which minded aren't yet corrupted by the RED or BLUE ideology.

So please stop with trying to mislead the readers with untrue and corrupted views here on ThaiVisa, and start to promote democracy and fresh views.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

A suspension of the constitution means that civil rights and some very basic freedoms are suspended. For example, your right to post claptrap on Thai Visa, would be gone, whoosh.

There is no violent "red terrorist group" running rampant. There are however, insurrectionist groups who have been on the loose for quite some time, despite the army being in charge of all security in the areas where they operate. The borders of Thailand are regularly crossed by trafficers of yaba, heroin, timber, endangered animals and human flesh, despite the military being responsible for the security of Thailand's borders. One would think that the Thai military would focus on protecting Thailand's borders and interdicting southern insurgents as job 1.

A suspension of the constitution means that civil rights and some very basic freedoms are suspended.

agreed. but unless you have your head farther in the sand than I think you do you would have to admit that things would not get much worse. It would be only a temporary thing and the end result would be a stronger more just Thailand.

Have you a problem with that?

As to the rest of your miserable attempt to redirect reality of the situation. The army is being held back in those duties by having to contain you red shirts. Did it ever occur to you nitwits that you were a big part of the problem.

I take it you are proposing all of Thailand bow down to you red shirts and pay homage.

Not going to happen. Keep on dreaming.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Even though I fully agree with your last paragraph I have one question.

Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?

You mean as much political insight like someone has simply by being a relative of a former PM?

Yingluck has a cabinet and advisor's. Regardless of what you think of them, they have political knowledge. I dare say that Yingluck has picked up political knowledge in the last couple of years despite the misogynist sadsacks on here describing her as a stupid woman only good for shopping and crying.

Prayuth is a dinosaur with a gun, surrounded by more dinosaurs with guns, and not all of those support him.

The jobs are not interchangeable.

I know who I'd rather have as PM.

Her gang have political knowledge - sure very knowledgeable about how to get rich quick with no output and whilst displaying no morals.

So if she's now knowledgeable then how come she's not at the forefront and leading?

I know who I don't support as pm - a fake.

By the way fab4, perhaps you might share why the poor, unpaid and desperate farmers have stop protesting for their money which is in many cases already 6 months overdue and won't be paid for at least another six months.

One day they are out there protesting en masse and very angry with the government which claimed to be their savior, next day all totally silent.

What happened?

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

You are the only one that talks about coups over and over. It won't happen. Your have to come up with something new to motivate the gullible. Your posts are soooo 2010. Today we let the courts clean up the country. Works much better. Have a look at Yingluck's face (if she is not in hiding somewhere in the North) if you don't believe it is working .

The red days or over. Intimidation doesn't work anymore. Threats don't scare people anymore. Even continuous bombings and killings don't scare people anymore. Rule of law and reform is the future. I know it doesn't suit your agenda but it's going to happen. We all know it. Just accept it. You know it will happen too and that's why you mention the word coup 6 times in 1 post. Pure desperation.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

A suspension of the constitution means that civil rights and some very basic freedoms are suspended. For example, your right to post claptrap on Thai Visa, would be gone, whoosh.

There is no violent "red terrorist group" running rampant. There are however, insurrectionist groups who have been on the loose for quite some time, despite the army being in charge of all security in the areas where they operate. The borders of Thailand are regularly crossed by trafficers of yaba, heroin, timber, endangered animals and human flesh, despite the military being responsible for the security of Thailand's borders. One would think that the Thai military would focus on protecting Thailand's borders and interdicting southern insurgents as job 1.

Agree with you, but then again they controlled the area surrounding Central world when it was burned down (as per foreign journalist and eye witnesses). They can't or don't want to solve the southern crises and for that you need to look at +- 1300 generals (US +- 140), armed forces of 440 000 (UK +- 90 000) and what they would do if there is peace. For Thailand to move forward the power of the army needs to be brought under civilian control, you cannot have 3 groups trying to govern the country at a time (the government, the traditional elites and the army/navy/air force). To be a democracy Thailand needs one government with full control, but with checks and balances inplace (this excludes coup's and Suthep style protests).

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What should have happened long time ago.


Enough is enough. This BS slogans about Corruption must be put aside.

The country cannot function without Government.

And the Corruption issue must be resolved through democratic process unlike stupid Suthep slogans.

Reds, Yellows and all other colors must get some education on Democracy - First and Above All - Law and Order.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Spot on!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Even though I fully agree with your last paragraph I have one question.

Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?

You mean as much political insight like someone has simply by being a relative of a former PM?

Yingluck has a cabinet and advisor's. Regardless of what you think of them, they have political knowledge. I dare say that Yingluck has picked up political knowledge in the last couple of years despite the misogynist sadsacks on here describing her as a stupid woman only good for shopping and crying.

Prayuth is a dinosaur with a gun, surrounded by more dinosaurs with guns, and not all of those support him.

The jobs are not interchangeable.

I know who I'd rather have as PM.

Her gang have political knowledge - sure very knowledgeable about how to get rich quick with no output and whilst displaying no morals.

So if she's now knowledgeable then how come she's not at the forefront and leading?

I know who I don't support as pm - a fake.

By the way fab4, perhaps you might share why the poor, unpaid and desperate farmers have stop protesting for their money which is in many cases already 6 months overdue and won't be paid for at least another six months.

One day they are out there protesting en masse and very angry with the government which claimed to be their savior, next day all totally silent.

What happened?

Even the caretaker PM's brother reckons her advisors are crap and he's the mastermind behind the rice scheme, the biggest foul up in Thai politics for years.

Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in her 'gang', does it? sad.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yingluck has a cabinet and advisor's. Regardless of what you think of them, they have political knowledge. I dare say that Yingluck has picked up political knowledge in the last couple of years despite the misogynist sadsacks on here describing her as a stupid woman only good for shopping and crying.

Prayuth is a dinosaur with a gun, surrounded by more dinosaurs with guns, and not all of those support him.

The jobs are not interchangeable.

I know who I'd rather have as PM.

Her gang have political knowledge - sure very knowledgeable about how to get rich quick with no output and whilst displaying no morals.

So if she's now knowledgeable then how come she's not at the forefront and leading?

I know who I don't support as pm - a fake.

By the way fab4, perhaps you might share why the poor, unpaid and desperate farmers have stop protesting for their money which is in many cases already 6 months overdue and won't be paid for at least another six months.

One day they are out there protesting en masse and very angry with the government which claimed to be their savior, next day all totally silent.

What happened?

By the way fab4, perhaps you might share why the poor, unpaid and desperate farmers have stop protesting for their money which is in many cases already 6 months overdue and won't be paid for at least another six months.

One day they are out there protesting en masse and very angry with the government which claimed to be their savior, next day all totally silent.

Not that this thread has anything to do with the Rice Subsidy Scheme, but I would imagine that they saw through suthep's manipulation and realised that the president of the "Northern Farmers" and dear old buddha issara didn't have their best interests at heart.

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is that a ninja holding yingluks arm?

There is no one holding the PM's arm. The internationally respected Prime Minister is steadying herself on the arm of an aide as she exits a van.

But it's a ninja aide, isn't it? An internationally respected ninja aide, I might add.

An internationally respected acting ninja aide, I might add.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

You forgot one crucial reform that would solve at least two thirds of the problems with corruption and abuse of power at Thailand's government:

To ban from politics any person that has made a career at the Police. thumbsup.gif

Can that including army too?

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is that a ninja holding yingluks arm?

There is no one holding the PM's arm. The internationally respected Prime Minister is steadying herself on the arm of an aide as she exits a van.

Internationally respected - is that your idea of an April fool's joke? Good one.clap2.gifcheesy.gif

What next, start the Nobel Prize rumors again - for peace or economics, so hard to chose.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

Guys with ex bar girls and big-time complexes: on the next Thai Visa.

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It is good that Yingluck showed up yesterday. It really was the very least she could do. The NACC is now considering her request, and the constitutional process continues, as it should.

Just need Suthep to man up now and surrender himself but I guess he has smaller balls than Yingluk.

Her brother must have none at all then!

Remember the speeches "I'll be there as soon as shots are fired, standing beside you". Oh sorry got to go luxury shopping in Paris with my boy.

Only 15 serious charges to face (currently) plus the chance the UN ICJ may start to look at his involvement in massacres and extra judicial killings.

Will he surrender himself, will he hell. His he prepared to see Thailand screwed and thousands die so he can avoid justice - you bet.

In a league of his own.

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Baht400Billion. My God, the military should take over with the first job of finding out where this money has gone and arrest all involved confiscation of all they own, investigate what their family have and where it come from, if involved arrest them and confiscate all they have. Long jail terms but the death penalty for the main culprits.

This is probably why the government wanted the new law to come in so none of them could be arrested for corruption. Not for her brother.

All her government would get a cut in.

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You people calling for elections to sort this problem out obviously have a seriously poor understand of the actual problem or are simply paid red supporters on here because you think or Thaksin thinks opinions on this forum are worth attention

But either way you people know for a fact that elections in this country are bought and paid for with Thaksins money through vote buying - intimidation - thugs - election promises that are simply outrageous, that is what the good people of Thailand want to see ending, if you don't understand what goes on here then you really are a card short of a full deck

Someone tell me what is wrong with suspending the constitution - the country will tick along as normal while this takes place

and going through a process of reforms that will include all of the Thai people to once and for all put an end to this blatant Theft - corruption - vote buying - lying - lack of transparency and just out and out extreme abuse of power

- Then let the people vote in a referendum

- Then hold elections

It needs to happen one way or the other - the only people against it are those that are earning huge amounts of money or those that are so stupid they just can't see it for what it is or are easily lead by the Thaskin/red propaganda machine

and of course those that stole nearly 1 trillion baht of the Thai peoples money must be brought before the courts and be judged for their crimes and hopefully locked away for a very long time

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

I beg your pardon. But you make me laugh.

People here in Thailand are attempting to force change for the good of the nation and you have criticized it at every opportunity.

Can I ask.... What the hell does it have to do with you? Do you actually have something to gain from the status quo of graft, corruption and all the abuses of a broken and twisted form of so called democracy?

If the answer is no, then what gives you the right to come on here every thread and bang out your demands of what should and shouldn't be happening??

Why not go out into the streets and tell all the Thais instead? See how your interference will be received.

When things are happening here in Thailand. that are obviously better for the nation than the current situation of theft, unbalanced judiciary for rich and poor, corruption, state backed terrorism, massive corruption, puppeteering from a convicted criminal of the fate of the nation and many many more crimes that make us outsiders feel revolted over... Then it is an acceptable thing to comment positively in support of the latest attempts to change for the better, even if it doesn't work out.

However, as an outsider, to sit on the sidelines and support the corrupt system and criticize every move made against it..... Then you don't have that right.

You are here as a guest, and have no business meddling in its affairs that don't concern you.

I suggest that if you wnt to live in a country where corruption is rampant, and any attempt to oppose it, is met with extreme violence and prejudice... then I suggest you try one of the West African states such as Liberia.... You ought to be much more comfortable there.

STOP trying to tell everyone what is good for Thailand just because you chose to marry into a red shirt family, and that goes for the rest of you red farang.

Your criticisms make no sense at all to an educated western audience on this forum.

what ARE you talking about?

all the things you mention are being DEFENDED by the PDRC who want to keep the system corrupt for the rich elite

This poster speaks for the millions of ordinary Thais (you know the ones? the ones who VOTE) the ones who have not elected the Dems in 20 years???

you, sir, are the one who speaks for a minority of Thais (30,000?) who seek to keep this wonderful country in the FEUDAL past

I think most of us who are against the PDRC are NOT 'reds under the bed' we simply see Suthep as the gangster he is. Protecting the Amaart and sniggering at the poor and uneducated

reform? YES democracy? YES not a feudal elite few families exploiting the masses

TVF has to put up with you baised opinions

But I have lived in Thailand to long, and can spot a set up a mile away

so please excuse me if I disagree with all the BS that comes forth when you write

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"The Supreme Commander felt that if the political deadlock was allowed to continue further, more damage would be done to the country, according to the source, who said the number of tourist arrivals had greatly declined".

Appears their main concern is the lack of tourists to feed off.

I could do without the stinky, drunken, loud mouth tourist also but I fear the louts will be here for song kran.

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Ok now she has gone and answered some questions, so before the actual coup really happens WHEN IS SUTHEP GOINT TO ANSWER THE FOR HIS CRIMES WHICH ARE A LOT WORSE THEN HERS. He is wanted for mureder of 90 + people now. FAIT IS FAIR.

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I am not thai at heart, unfortunately I am only thai by penis!

quote name="Thai at Heart" post="7636117" timestamp="1396331751"]

"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

You forgot one crucial reform that would solve at least two thirds of the problems with corruption and abuse of power at Thailand's government:

To ban from politics any person that has made a career at the Police. thumbsup.gif

Can that including army too?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It was Thasin's scam, perpetuated by his clone sister and his sycophants, its was managed and policed by them. They even performed a stage show to guarantee the lack of corruption, headed by the darling of Issan.

attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg

The reality is Yingluck needs these to keep above the Kwai Faeces

attachicon.gifyingluck boots.jpg

Oh really? I dont see him standing any where near there.

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