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Thai politics - Top brass to step in


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If Yingluck is in trouble and looking for sympathy on goes the brace shoe

If all is okay back to her normal shoes and all is well

Its like guessing the weather, what Yingluck footwear she will wear the next time she appears in public

I guess she looks beter then yours?????

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

As usual the only person talking about a coup is this ( self censored ).

Change the d_amn record red sheeple, it's out of date by at least 3 months...

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

A suspension of the constitution means that civil rights and some very basic freedoms are suspended. For example, your right to post claptrap on Thai Visa, would be gone, whoosh.

There is no violent "red terrorist group" running rampant. There are however, insurrectionist groups who have been on the loose for quite some time, despite the army being in charge of all security in the areas where they operate. The borders of Thailand are regularly crossed by trafficers of yaba, heroin, timber, endangered animals and human flesh, despite the military being responsible for the security of Thailand's borders. One would think that the Thai military would focus on protecting Thailand's borders and interdicting southern insurgents as job 1.

NO claptrap whatsoever from Smedley, he is right on the money. Total claptrap from the Geriatric one and the Bopper

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It seems that you boneheads out there don't know to much about politics. This country is screwed and has been for decades and will be for decades to come. No matter who is up there, nothing is going to change, it is a corrupted country, the military, the police ect. So go on with your lives and have a nice day

I had to "like" this guy's post, best laugh I have had for ages ! clap2.gif

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"The Supreme Commander felt that if the political deadlock was allowed to continue further, more damage would be done to the country, according to the source, who said the number of tourist arrivals had greatly declined".

Appears their main concern is the lack of tourists to feed off.

It is a big part of the economy and should be something they are concerned with.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

A suspension of the constitution means that civil rights and some very basic freedoms are suspended. For example, your right to post claptrap on Thai Visa, would be gone, whoosh.

There is no violent "red terrorist group" running rampant. There are however, insurrectionist groups who have been on the loose for quite some time, despite the army being in charge of all security in the areas where they operate. The borders of Thailand are regularly crossed by trafficers of yaba, heroin, timber, endangered animals and human flesh, despite the military being responsible for the security of Thailand's borders. One would think that the Thai military would focus on protecting Thailand's borders and interdicting southern insurgents as job 1.

NO claptrap whatsoever from Smedley, he is right on the money. Total claptrap from the Geriatric one and the Bopper

GK's claptrap is harmless, he's not out to prove anything, just giving us a bit of opposition to argue with.

FB on the other hand is an exposed fraud who tries to come across as a knowledgeable expert in Thai politics and a staunch red flag waver when in fact he is just another nasty internet troll who has mastered the art of getting up peoples' noses. Plus he copies and pastes most of his long winded comments from sites like "Political Prisoners in Thailand" and claims it as his own.

No credibility whatsoever.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

You just cannot get your head out of the RED CHANNEL can you Mr. Fryslan?

Quite simple: The constituencies have been build up so, by the present Phue Thai (formally PPP -they got thrown out for electoral fraud- then TRT -which got thrown out for electoral fraud and vote-buying-) that they cannot lose, or hardly. The difference in popular vote last time when all parties joined was only 13%, this should have been a difference of 23 seats. In fact it turned out to be a difference of 126 seats, due to the illegal proces of dividing up the constituencies to work in their favour.

This is why Suthep wants to change the WAY they vote and the seats handed out per constituency, so it is more fair. I am not a Suthep fan, but this bit of the story he's got right: we need to change some laws and the process of voting. If a party is declared defunct (as was done by the courts in the case of the PPP and the TRT) then they should not be able to just start under another name. There cannot be free and fair elections in this way, so this needs to be changed first.

Do you know ANY country (except Banana republics) where you just change the name of a party in order to join the elections again after proven fraud? Get Real!

The solution is not simple. It's not just elections. Electoral rules need to be adjusted, for fairness. For this there would need to be a truly impartial person. (Let both sides make a large list of acceptable people and see if there is at least ONE person on both lists). Let that person reform and reshape as to both sides will, so both can agree. If not a panel made up of various people (not the war mongers or the red brigades, nor the silly wheel chair people behind Suthep) should make tough decisions. Then we can finally get on with a free and fair election, hopefully without too much vote buying or using Government funds as bait. That would be such a relief.

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More than Bt400 billion in state funding has been lost in the scheme, which buys rice from farmers at well over the market price.

​I'm just wondering how much her brother received.

Not sure how much he really received but he admitted to at least $1 billion USD.

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It seems that you boneheads out there don't know to much about politics. This country is screwed and has been for decades and will be for decades to come. No matter who is up there, nothing is going to change, it is a corrupted country, the military, the police ect. So go on with your lives and have a nice day

Wise words. There is nothing to add.

Keep going lads: Yingluck, very bad, kamnan Tep, terrorist, all fascists, rice pledge scheme, vows the final push, and please do not forget Mark from Eton and do not forget your swearing either!

I had to "like" this guy's post, best laugh I have had for ages ! clap2.gif

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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the who;e harvest of unrest and demonstrations are due to one peson and its family.The Shinwatra clan.

If there is a breakdown in civil order and violence hits the streets we are all well aware the police farce force are about as useful as chocolate fireguards.

So it seems as if perhaps the military have the safety of the people and the nation as their paramount duty.

So what do you critics of the military want?

Wholesale bloodshed and carnage upon the streets or a somewhat more peaceful scenario?

Of course sadly there are likely to be causalities and fatalities as there is in any mass civil disorder scenario anywhere in this world.Look at the situations in Northern Ireland The U.S and Europe in general.

As I have already stated, 'the blame for this current situation can only be laid at one door. That door being the door of the Shinwatra dynasty's house

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

and your solution is what Einstien ? - get all opposing people on the streets and have a mass shoot out - it would be a red bloodbath - you are a real brain box

Here's what needs to happen and it's very simple

Government step down

Jail the Thieves and those that have abused Thailand and stolen almost 1 trillion baht

Suspend the Constitution

Reform the Constitution - Political Landscape - the law - the police with input from across all walks of life in Thailand

Hold a Referendum with all the people to approve the reforms

Hold an Election


Sounds a lot better than gun attacks - bombs - grenades - murder of innocent people - murder of children and letting a violent red terrorist group run rampant across the country

Now Boppe that in your pipe and smoke it

"Suspend the Constitution,"

You're just full of these kind of ideas, eh. They however are not new ideas. Suthep and his allies show you have learned nothing.

“Sections 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124, and 153 of the Constitution of the German Reich are suspended until further notice. Thus, restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press, on the right of assembly and the right of association, and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications, and warrants for house-searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”


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Boppe, you write so much rubish, anything to fill a page, not to mention doing a little Trolling at the same time, having wasted my time reading your drivel i feel cheated ( note to myself ) to block or pass your posts in future.................................coffee1.gif

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More than Bt400 billion in state funding has been lost in the scheme, which buys rice from farmers at well over the market price.

​I'm just wondering how much her brother received.

Not sure how much he really received but he admitted to at least $1 billion USD.

IIRC that was money being released last October, originally frozen by the courts years ago, rather than anything directly linked to the rice-scheme or other modern-day government-policies ?


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It was Thasin's scam, perpetuated by his clone sister and his sycophants, its was managed and policed by them. They even performed a stage show to guarantee the lack of corruption, headed by the darling of Issan.

attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg

The reality is Yingluck needs these to keep above the Kwai Faeces

attachicon.gifyingluck boots.jpg

It's only corruption if you are PTP & someone else is doing it. To them it's "entitlement."

Anyone elsenotice the incorrect headline..... Translation problem????? The charge is negligence. Condoning has a slightly different meaning. Negligence means you may or may not have known but you would have known if you were doing your job. Condoning means you knew and let it happen (which might even be the case) But so far as i understand this headline uses the wrong word.

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Boppe, you write so much rubish, anything to fill a page, not to mention doing a little Trolling at the same time, having wasted my time reading your drivel i feel cheated ( note to myself ) to block or pass your posts in future.................................coffee1.gif

You are not the only one.

Hopefully this "online Steve Urkel" will be banished (again) soon, closely followed by his lovechild fabio. clap2.gif

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More than Bt400 billion in state funding has been lost in the scheme, which buys rice from farmers at well over the market price.

​I'm just wondering how much her brother received.

Not sure how much he really received but he admitted to at least $1 billion USD.

Was that the money deemed by the courts to have been illegally taken and which they found had to be returned, or are you talking about something else which was not his, over and above the courts decision.

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"In a rare move, top military leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss a possible solution for the country at a time of political deadlock and likely confrontation between pro- and anti-government groups this Saturday"

"Top brass to step in"....Coup-monger wishful thinking.

A "rare move"?.....Coup-mongers and their supportive media trying to foment a sense of crisis where there is none. I'm sure these guys meet all the time, and to make another one appear to be something momentous obviously plays to the agenda of those needing urgency. Otherwise they just sit in Lumpini and no-one cares.

Military guys are going to solve a political deadlock?....Really?....Does knowing something about shooting a gun give one political insight?...And what is this about 'deadlock'?.....Coup-mongers not achieving their coup so far does not a deadlock make...the electoral majority is still in place and watching what the minority will try to do, in forcing their way into governance via non-electoral means. They are watching the attempts to nullify their voting choices by those trying to make a coup not appear to be one, by using Independent organizations and judicial elements. To call it a deadlock is an 'illusion of grandeur' by the minority electorate. The next election and having a governing majority in parliament, will quickly dispel any lingering notions of a political deadlock.

And no, the 'wished for' confrontation between pro-democracy and anti-democrats pretending to be 'anti-Govt.' wont happen. Yes, there will be a humongous UDD/Red Shirt rally this Saturday, as a warning shot across the bow of those contemplating a coup, but not in a location where the hoped for confrontation can occur. So the "Brass" and dissapointed Lumpini Park denizens can relax.

BTW, IMHO the only reform discussions occuring in Lumpini Park should focus on one issue, and one alone....How can we adapt ourselves to win an election in the foreseeable future....That is really the only thing the ought to think about. Only when they win an election, can they hope to advance their objectives.

I beg your pardon. But you make me laugh.

People here in Thailand are attempting to force change for the good of the nation and you have criticized it at every opportunity.

Can I ask.... What the hell does it have to do with you? Do you actually have something to gain from the status quo of graft, corruption and all the abuses of a broken and twisted form of so called democracy?

If the answer is no, then what gives you the right to come on here every thread and bang out your demands of what should and shouldn't be happening??

Why not go out into the streets and tell all the Thais instead? See how your interference will be received.

When things are happening here in Thailand. that are obviously better for the nation than the current situation of theft, unbalanced judiciary for rich and poor, corruption, state backed terrorism, massive corruption, puppeteering from a convicted criminal of the fate of the nation and many many more crimes that make us outsiders feel revolted over... Then it is an acceptable thing to comment positively in support of the latest attempts to change for the better, even if it doesn't work out.

However, as an outsider, to sit on the sidelines and support the corrupt system and criticize every move made against it..... Then you don't have that right.

You are here as a guest, and have no business meddling in its affairs that don't concern you.

I suggest that if you wnt to live in a country where corruption is rampant, and any attempt to oppose it, is met with extreme violence and prejudice... then I suggest you try one of the West African states such as Liberia.... You ought to be much more comfortable there.

STOP trying to tell everyone what is good for Thailand just because you chose to marry into a red shirt family, and that goes for the rest of you red farang.

Your criticisms make no sense at all to an educated western audience on this forum.

Thats YOUR opinion.....this western educated falang happens to agree with him and there are many others....and before you say village, farmer, backward, terrorist, bar girl.,red family all the other derogatory terms used by Suthepistas...how about Bangkok based businessman with thai/english kids at international school in Bangkok who prefer Yingluck to the yellows any day!

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