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Chiang Mai: Woman caught with 4kg of crystal meth


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As I have never seen a sniffer dog or ever been asked to show the contents of my luggage at Thai customs in over 20 trips in and out of the country I am presuming arrests must be tip offs.If so it surely wouldn't be to hard to track down the informants, then again my knowledge of the drug industry apart from Chang beer is pretty limited.

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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

I'm sure she values her life and her freedom. The fact that she was prepared to risk both for so little (to us) money indicates a degree of desperation more deserving of sympathy than sanctimony.

Many of us have money troubles and decisions have to be made. Thankfully, most of us go about it without dealing in stuff that ruins lives. Are you saying it's OK for someone with financial problems to do a hit on someone. ?

Drugs can kill the same as a bullet.

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Consider this ...

If I hold a gun to your head and say 'Take these drugs or I will kill you, then I am guilty of a serious offence.

Locking up people who move drugs from point A to point B ??

If you are going to do that, and you believe in 'Justice' - then lock up all the people who make, transport and sell alcohol. More lives ruined, more deaths and serious injury than all the drugs have done.

Oh - I forgot - alcohol is a drug too !!!

Why pick on one and not the other !!!

Because alcohol is legal ??? Then make the rest legal too !!!

Anything less and don't talk about justice, it is just the same old same old ...

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I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

You have no idea what this person has been through in her life, you’re heartless. People don’t always think things through property, everyone make mistakes sometimes. Maybe your merciless cold-blooded attitude would change if someone close to you had to suffer the consequences of a major mistake.

Your stupid, so anyone who has a hard life is OK to do drugs or anything else to bring in big bucks ? GAWD 'ELP US............

Met a bloke like you on jury service... Complete nutter............sad.png

I see that it’s difficult for you to comprehend there are situations in people’s lives that drive them to make the wrong decisions, that requires intellect, compassion, empathy. My God the woman’s life is ruined is there any compassion in you? You’re an opinionated slacker with a keyboard in your bedroom making judgments with that dim bulb pimple between your ears, how did you ever even learn to write? God help us all from people like YOU……

Okay, please explain where do you draw the line between applying a particular penalty that is prescribed under any given law versus applying what you describe as “intellect, compassion, empathy “? Who makes this decision in other words?

Should applying “intellect, compassion, empathy “ indiscriminately from case to case never mind what the law says also apply to murder or rape? And if you try to say being a drug mule is not a serious to society as murder or rape please justify your argument.

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All thai people know drugs are treated very seriously in Thailand. It's drummed into them from very early age and they are aware of the stiff penalties involved. This lady may have made a mistake accepting the risks but at least she knew what they were. How much sympathy should she get?

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