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Three shot dead, one victim beheaded in Thai south


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I don't understand when people say island is a peace loving religion but it also seems to always be the epicentre of violence and hate. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Thailand, Nigeria, CAR, Everywhere where there are major issues in the world Islam is at the centre of it.

I think part of the problem is decent Muslims burying their heads and letting it happen. It will come back to bite them in the arse one day wait and see.

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Here's a thought.. The Malay Muslims want a level of autonomy. Well if they popped over the border to the Muslim country of Malaysia where they hail from, then they'd have it wouldn't they? Then they could be happy in an Islamic country with people of their own and stop the slaughter. Everybody happy (except the relatives of the 6000 plus that have already been murdered in the name of Malay Islamic autonomy I guess)

So the fact that the majority ethic/religious group have been living in this territory for centuries before the Thais annexed it last century means nothing to you? They have a different religion and way of life so they should leave their homes or give up everything they and the ancestors believed in long before the Thai state conquered them?

You are weak, we are strong, you are filth, we are pure, is that the way it is.

Bravo on such reasoning. I have no time for the scum who carried out this atrocity but your solution is representative of the attitude of the authorities in this part of Thailand, an attitude that has led to the bloody civil war now on going down there.

Which is the very same sentiment that the some of the more ardent yellow fellows here on TVF seem to describe the Reds from Issan. wink.png

What you fail to understand Bluespunk, is that according to Islam, if you're not a believer, you're an Infidel, and either need to convert to Islam, or be slaughtered. I have worked with Shia, and Sunni Muslims for the past 10 years, and it's the most hypocritical Religion out there, everything gets twisted to their advantage, Sharia Law IS coming to the UK, you do understand what that Law is all about?

I tolerate the faith, as a non believer no religion has ever served a purpose to me, but each to their own, I show respect and expect it back, but don't try and preach to me, don't try and make others change, Islam is not a religion of peace, 10 years watching the Sunni's and Salafist/Wahabbi's blow themselves up has made me deeply cynical of Islam, and its teachings.

The Integration of Islam into the UK has been roll reversed, instead of these immigrants accepting the British way of life, now the British people have to accept the Islamic way, you can't call it Christmas anymore, you can no longer fly your country's flag for fear of upsetting the "incomers" , all Religious Holidays are now just called "breaks" The school curriculum is now going to include Islamic studies, out goes the carnage of World War 1, but in comes a subject that includes telling the children about the prophet Mohammed, who was married to a "child bride" and the same religion allows this to happen today, all over the Middle East and other Islamic countries, where adult males are married to "kids" ..

You're well within your rights to defend your beliefs about Islam, but you have to accept other peoples opinions as well, and if there view of Islam isn't as rosy as yours then accept it, don't come over all high and mighty mate, maybe people have seen the more uglier side of Islam than yourself.. I know I have, and as I said I tolerate Islam, and that's about it.

Sir, you have just hit the nail squarely on the head, your facts are correct. Cities no longer put up xmas decorations as it upsets the sensitivities of the local "minorities" ( minorities, now that is a joke!!), I can no longer walk down the street of my youth because I am christiaW and women get harassed if they do not cover up, but unfortunately WE are classed as racist or xenophobic. As I posted earlier, England and the rest of the world will wake up one morning in a Sharia world....God help us!!...rant over, thank youcoffee1.gif

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"Many local Malay-Muslim accuse Thai authorities of widespread human rights abuses and a lack of respect for their religion, culture and language."

good justification to behead innocent people

I don´t understand why some people still justifing these neanderthals crazy.gif

they will kill you too if they have to

No one is defending the actions of the cowardly scum who murdered these people. However it is wrong to condem every member of a faith because of the terrorist actions of a minority who misuse their religion to justify their dispicable crimes.

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I don't understand when people say island is a peace loving religion but it also seems to always be the epicentre of violence and hate. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Thailand, Nigeria, CAR, Everywhere where there are major issues in the world Islam is at the centre of it.

I think part of the problem is decent Muslims burying their heads and letting it happen. It will come back to bite them in the arse one day wait and see.

Many leading Muslim scholars and leaders have condemned the actions of the terrorist minorities who are responsible for violence.

As have Christian leaders in the CAR, Buddhist scholars in Burma and Sri Lanka and other religious leaders when the actions of their so called followers murders loot and rape in the name of faith.

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The southern never ending war continue with atrocity. What this terrorist want to prove by killing innocent people ? Nothing just saw us they are barbarians isolate in their own stupid rhetoric.

The Southern insurgency is not only Thai problem. Sunni Muslims radicals are forcefully trying to ethnically cleanse a specific area of the country which they believe is theirs. Wherever there is a radical Sunni Muslims movement, there is some sort of a low scale civil war. Their modus operandi is always the same. Apart from killing infidels and government officials they will also 'happily' kill their own who dared to cooperate with authorities. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the beheaded person was one of their own. They treat even harsher Sunnis who cooperate with the authorities. Their main target is to prove that coexistence between different cultures and religions is impossible.

Mackie, your last sentence is bang on. These people will never integrate into another culture, their religion does not allow it, every aspect of their life is controlled by the religion, plus, they have to dominate, Sharia law must prevail, and anyone who does not agree or bend to their ways is, shall we say, removed from the picture.
Exactly. There are problems in the UK with Sharia patrols in East London, preventing and intimidating the public into not holding hands or drinking/selling alcohol. Also the 'grooming' disgrace of northern UK towns where gangs of mostly Muslim men rape, often underage, white girls. These incidents are ignored by the mainstream Muslim community when local officials try to ask them to act.

And add FGM, forced-marriages, Halal butchery and honor killings and it's obvious to all except the most left-wing whites on a guilt-trip that British culture is under attack.

We're even eating what they tell us to.


It's now left to secular countries like France to fight back. After banning the wearing of the veil in public, school menus are being targeted. Great stuff!



Let's hope the UKIP can do something similar. But the shrill cries of 'Racist!' Will obviously be heard from the left.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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Poor insurgents they don't even know what they fight for. My sincerest condescending laugh goes to those who finance that war down south.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The southern never ending war continue with atrocity. What this terrorist want to prove by killing innocent people ? Nothing just saw us they are barbarians isolate in their own stupid rhetoric.

The Southern insurgency is not only Thai problem. Sunni Muslims radicals are forcefully trying to ethnically cleanse a specific area of the country which they believe is theirs. Wherever there is a radical Sunni Muslims movement, there is some sort of a low scale civil war. Their modus operandi is always the same. Apart from killing infidels and government officials they will also 'happily' kill their own who dared to cooperate with authorities. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the beheaded person was one of their own. They treat even harsher Sunnis who cooperate with the authorities. Their main target is to prove that coexistence between different cultures and religions is impossible.

Mackie, your last sentence is bang on. These people will never integrate into another culture, their religion does not allow it, every aspect of their life is controlled by the religion, plus, they have to dominate, Sharia law must prevail, and anyone who does not agree or bend to their ways is, shall we say, removed from the picture.
Exactly. There are problems in the UK with Sharia patrols in East London, preventing and intimidating the public into not holding hands or drinking/selling alcohol. Also the 'grooming' disgrace of northern UK towns where gangs of mostly Muslim men rape, often underage, white girls. These incidents are ignored by the mainstream Muslim community when local officials try to ask them to act.

And add FGM, forced-marriages, Halal butchery and honor killings and it's obvious to all except the most left-wing whites on a guilt-trip that British culture is under attack.

We're even eating what they tell us to.


It's now left to secular countries like France to fight back. After banning the wearing of the veil in public, school menus are being targeted. Great stuff!



Let's hope the UKIP can do something similar. But the shrill cries of 'Racist!' Will obviously be heard from the left.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

Are you saying UKIP isn't a racist organisation?

Nothing they say or do would suggest otherwise. Their policies are a mish mash of intolerance, prejudice, fantasy facts, half truths playing on fear and ignorance, lies and outright hatred.

Seems racist to me.

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They sound just like your average Thai Political party too then eh?

UKIP are gaining more support every day, from all walks of life, don't like their Policies? simple enough..... don't vote for them.

It's about time someone in the UK grew a set and spoke out about the UK being a soft touch, I'd like to see a Brit get all the handouts the immigrants get in the countries they came from, especially those in the Middle East, and lets just cut to the chase here, it's the audacity of coming to the UK from the Middle East and Islamic countries, and then biting off the hand that feeds you, and then criticising everything and everyone that doesn't accept your beliefs, and demands for change, because the countries you fled from are all just wonderful places to live that you decide to bail the scene!! yeah.. soft Britain Indeed... rolleyes.gif

I have the same feelings towards the Brits who move to another country as well, and start demanding that "you should all talk English", want Institutional British Food, want to see "Full English breakfasts" in every Pub.. If you don't want to integrate and accept the culture of your new home, what was the point in leaving the old one?

We're getting off topic here anyway.

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I have no illusions about any faith. They all have their bigots as do the atheists. Islam is no better or worse than any other. Because of a minority terrorist element it has been thrust upon the world stage as the new bogey man. This has led to a lot of hysteria and misplaced hatred. Look around the world,

Sorry but what utter liberal, middle-class-white-on-a -guilt-trip, politically-correct,apologist BS!

It's not Buddhists blowing up London buses and tube trains.

It's not Hindus trying to behead British soldiers on the streets of London.

It's not Christians using commercial airliners as weapons.

It's not Sihks blowing up packed nightclubs in Bali.

It's not Jews committing FGM, forced marriages, vigilante patrols, grooming and honor killings in the UK.

It's not Taoists (as the number of Muslim atrocities are quite high, I'm starting to run out of religions!) blowing up packed rush-hour commuter trains in Madrid.

It's not Mormons (I'm on cults now!) screaming obscenities at British troops parading through Wooten Basett.

You sir,and your apologist crap can sod right off!!

But the shrill cries of 'Racist!' Will obviously be heard from the left.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

5, 4, 3, 2,,,

Are you saying UKIP isn't a racist organisation?

Nothing they say or do would suggest otherwise. Their policies are a mish mash of intolerance, prejudice, fantasy facts, half truths playing on fear and ignorance, lies and outright hatred.

Seems racist to me.

It was just a matter of time.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

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Bluespunk said of UKIP

"Nothing they say or do would suggest otherwise. Their policies are a mish mash of intolerance, prejudice, fantasy facts, half truths playing on fear and ignorance, lies and outright hatred."

Seems racist to me.

to me also and it sounds just like the muslim faith and those who practice it.

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I have no illusions about any faith. They all have their bigots as do the atheists. Islam is no better or worse than any other. Because of a minority terrorist element it has been thrust upon the world stage as the new bogey man. This has led to a lot of hysteria and misplaced hatred. Look around the world,

Sorry but what utter liberal, middle-class-white-on-a -guilt-trip, politically-correct,apologist BS!

It's not Buddhists blowing up London buses and tube trains.

It's not Hindus trying to behead British soldiers on the streets of London.

It's not Christians using commercial airliners as weapons.

It's not Sihks blowing up packed nightclubs in Bali.

It's not Jews committing FGM, forced marriages, vigilante patrols, grooming and honor killings in the UK.

It's not Taoists (as the number of Muslim atrocities are quite high, I'm starting to run out of religions!) blowing up packed rush-hour commuter trains in Madrid.

It's not Mormons (I'm on cults now!) screaming obscenities at British troops parading through Wooten Basett.

You sir,and your apologist crap can sod right off!!

But the shrill cries of 'Racist!' Will obviously be heard from the left.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

5, 4, 3, 2,,,

Are you saying UKIP isn't a racist organisation?

Nothing they say or do would suggest otherwise. Their policies are a mish mash of intolerance, prejudice, fantasy facts, half truths playing on fear and ignorance, lies and outright hatred.

Seems racist to me.

It was just a matter of time.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

Read the news once in a while.

Sri Lanka: Buddhist groups attacking and killing Tamil groups, Christians, Hindus and Muslims.

Burma: massacres being carried out with complete immunity by Buddhists on Muslim groups.

Central Adrican Republic: Christians declare that will drive muslims out of the country. Doing so by carrying out massacres, and in one well publised incident cannabilism.

India: take your pick of inter communal religious violence carried out over recent past.

Many more examples world over. Wake up.

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Bluespunk said of UKIP

"Nothing they say or do would suggest otherwise. Their policies are a mish mash of intolerance, prejudice, fantasy facts, half truths playing on fear and ignorance, lies and outright hatred."

Seems racist to me.

to me also and it sounds just like the muslim faith and those who practice it.

In some splinter groups, maybe. As a whole, no.

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Bluespunk, Though I respect your opinions, and your right to air those opinions, which we take for granted in a civilised country, when you wake up one morning and your wife or daughter can no longer drive, go to the shops on her own, have a vote, go abroad without permission, drink a glass of wine, will be one of four wives, and you can not have a beer, watch a movie, listen to music unless it is the Koran, sit in a restaurant without it being segregated for families and singles, never eat pork or any derivitive of its products, nor can you have a dog as a pet, then please do not come and ask....oh dear what happened? As Fat Haggis said, we are getting off topic, but although I no longer live in England because I do not wish to be a second class citizen in my own country, if I did live there then UKIP would get my vote any time.

Oh, and finally, forums like this would also be illegal, so you would not even have the opportunity to voice your opinion....rant over, have a happy and safe songkran.

I agree there are Muslim groups who would like the world as you feel it is becoming and they tend to be the most vocal/violent but like all extremist groups they are the minority. Many more do not want this future any more than you or I do.

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Bluespunk, Though I respect your opinions, and your right to air those opinions, which we take for granted in a civilised country, when you wake up one morning and your wife or daughter can no longer drive, go to the shops on her own, have a vote, go abroad without permission, drink a glass of wine, will be one of four wives, and you can not have a beer, watch a movie, listen to music unless it is the Koran, sit in a restaurant without it being segregated for families and singles, never eat pork or any derivitive of its products, nor can you have a dog as a pet, then please do not come and ask....oh dear what happened? As Fat Haggis said, we are getting off topic, but although I no longer live in England because I do not wish to be a second class citizen in my own country, if I did live there then UKIP would get my vote any time.

Oh, and finally, forums like this would also be illegal, so you would not even have the opportunity to voice your opinion....rant over, have a happy and safe songkran.

I agree there are Muslim groups who would like the world as you feel it is becoming and they tend to be the most vocal/violent but like all extremist groups they are the minority. Many more do not want this future any more than you or I do.

I was not talking about extremist groups, I work in Saudi where Wahhabi Islam is prevalent. The average person i work with or encounter outside are not extremist, nor do they defend terrorism, yet on the day after 9-11 they came into work cheering, clapping and carrying cakes!. We had to bite our tongues. Sir, we could go on forever, and I sincerely hope that one day we have a chance to communicate on a personal level, for I feel we could have a long and enjoyable philosophical discussion, much like the old Greek or Roman senate, ( no, I am not that old.....Quite), But it is a pleasure to debate with you. Regards.wai.gif

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Having worked in Iraq for the past 10 years, I have to agree that it comes down to particular parts of Islam, the Shia are from experience the more moderate, then your Sunni's, then Salafist/Wahabbi's.. I have know some very good Shia who lost their lives working in my industry, there's good and bad in all walks of life, and Bluespunk has reiterated this a few times now, but he should still know that as a Non Muslim (assumption) he's still considered an infidel, and that his presence is merely that of tolerance, and perhaps necessity, and they would still look down on him.

I have been inside the biggest Mosque in the South of Iraq when it was packed, and I have to be perfectly honest, when you hear 2-3000 Shia thump their chest in prayers it's a goose bump motion, and I never felt intimidated in the slightest, I was there as close protection for a client who was visiting an influential family and they treated us with respect, it was one of these life experiences, it was a bit different when we got outside, there was a lot less friendlier atmosphere.

Holy Ground I guess. ;)

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Read the news once in a while.

Sri Lanka: Buddhist groups attacking and killing Tamil groups, Christians, Hindus and Muslims.

Burma: massacres being carried out with complete immunity by Buddhists on Muslim groups.

Central Adrican Republic: Christians declare that will drive muslims out of the country. Doing so by carrying out massacres, and in one well publised incident cannabilism.

India: take your pick of inter communal religious violence carried out over recent past.

Many more examples world over. Wake up.

Try to understand basic reading comprehension once on a while?

I'm fully aware of the incidents you listed but they are completely beside the point.

I was referring to incidents committed specifically against western targets.

Almost always innocent civilians.

If you want to list atrocities committed by followers of religions other than islam against soft western targets, feel free.

I await your reply!

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

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Read the news once in a while.

Sri Lanka: Buddhist groups attacking and killing Tamil groups, Christians, Hindus and Muslims.

Burma: massacres being carried out with complete immunity by Buddhists on Muslim groups.

Central Adrican Republic: Christians declare that will drive muslims out of the country. Doing so by carrying out massacres, and in one well publised incident cannabilism.

India: take your pick of inter communal religious violence carried out over recent past.

Many more examples world over. Wake up.

Try to understand basic reading comprehension once on a while?

I'm fully aware of the incidents you listed but they are completely beside the point.

I was referring to incidents committed specifically against western targets.

Almost always innocent civilians.

If you want to list atrocities committed by followers of religions other than islam against soft western targets, feel free.

I await your reply!

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

So in your world view only attacks against western targets matter? Atrocities committed against non western targets are ok then? Innocent civilians only count if they're western? Wow, that's a new one. Certainly one that is beyond my comprehension. Is that UKIP's foreign policy?

Edited by Bluespunk
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Read the news once in a while.

Sri Lanka: Buddhist groups attacking and killing Tamil groups, Christians, Hindus and Muslims.

Burma: massacres being carried out with complete immunity by Buddhists on Muslim groups.

Central Adrican Republic: Christians declare that will drive muslims out of the country. Doing so by carrying out massacres, and in one well publised incident cannabilism.

India: take your pick of inter communal religious violence carried out over recent past.

Many more examples world over. Wake up.

Try to understand basic reading comprehension once on a while?

I'm fully aware of the incidents you listed but they are completely beside the point.

I was referring to incidents committed specifically against western targets.

Almost always innocent civilians.

If you want to list atrocities committed by followers of religions other than islam against soft western targets, feel free.

I await your reply!

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

So in your world view only attacks against western targets matter? Atrocities committed against non western targets are ok then? Innocent civilians only count if they're western? Wow, that's a new one. Certainly one that is beyond my comprehension. Is that UKIP's foreign policy?

Where did I say any of that in my posts?

Oh, that's right! I didn't!

So because 'I was referring to attacks on western targets' means, in your eyes, I think 'attacks against non-western targets are ok'.

Amazing and sad at the same time.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

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Read the news once in a while.

Sri Lanka: Buddhist groups attacking and killing Tamil groups, Christians, Hindus and Muslims.

Burma: massacres being carried out with complete immunity by Buddhists on Muslim groups.

Central Adrican Republic: Christians declare that will drive muslims out of the country. Doing so by carrying out massacres, and in one well publised incident cannabilism.

India: take your pick of inter communal religious violence carried out over recent past.

Many more examples world over. Wake up.

Try to understand basic reading comprehension once on a while?

I'm fully aware of the incidents you listed but they are completely beside the point.

I was referring to incidents committed specifically against western targets.

Almost always innocent civilians.

If you want to list atrocities committed by followers of religions other than islam against soft western targets, feel free.

I await your reply!

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

So in your world view only attacks against western targets matter? Atrocities committed against non western targets are ok then? Innocent civilians only count if they're western? Wow, that's a new one. Certainly one that is beyond my comprehension. Is that UKIP's foreign policy?

Where did I say any of that in my posts?

Oh, that's right! I didn't!

So because 'I was referring to attacks on western targets' means, in your eyes, I think 'attacks against non-western targets are ok'.

Amazing and sad at the same time.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

All of your previous post refers only to western targets.

You also say that attacks on Islamic communities by other religions are besides the point. Yet my point was that ALL religions carry out atrocities on other faiths not just muslim extremists. You on the other hand seem to be saying that we should only be concerned about muslim attacks on the west. It is religious intolerance that we should condemn not just one faith.

To blame all muslims for the crimes of a few only creates hate. Hate ultimately harms us all.

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"Many local Malay-Muslim accuse Thai authorities of widespread human rights abuses and a lack of respect for their religion, culture and language."

good justification to behead innocent people

I don´t understand why some people still justifing these neanderthals crazy.gif

they will kill you too if they have to

No one is defending the actions of the cowardly scum who murdered these people. However it is wrong to condem every member of a faith because of the terrorist actions of a minority who misuse their religion to justify their dispicable crimes.

it can be wrong but they did not do anything to make us think the contrary, it´s very easy to put all them in the same scumbag when you see how they treat their women and how they deny other religions or societies

not always who pull the trigger it´s the most culpable, sometimes the imam of a small village can make more damage than ten suicide terrorists

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Bluespunk said of UKIP
"Nothing they say or do would suggest otherwise. Their policies are a mish mash of intolerance, prejudice, fantasy facts, half truths playing on fear and ignorance, lies and outright hatred."

Seems racist to me.
to me also and it sounds just like the muslim faith and those who practice it.

In some splinter groups, maybe. As a whole, no.

Well what you say is partially true. As a Whole no they don't do those things. But as a whole they support the people who do those things.

Maybe I am not up to speed like some people having never lived there but I know about Thailand and in ten years they have been the cause of close to 6,000 murders. I do not for one instant believe that if the whole did not support them they would be there any more.

I believe if the whole was to turn on them we would have the name of every one of the terrorists and where they are at in a day.

We won't even get into other countries Kuwait I believe owes the west a great deal of gratitude and as a result will be a little more humane towards the infidels.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Bluespunk said of UKIP

"Nothing they say or do would suggest otherwise. Their policies are a mish mash of intolerance, prejudice, fantasy facts, half truths playing on fear and ignorance, lies and outright hatred."

Seems racist to me.

to me also and it sounds just like the muslim faith and those who practice it.

In some splinter groups, maybe. As a whole, no.

Well what you say is partially true. As a Whole no they don't do those things. But as a whole they support the people who do those things.

Maybe I am not up to speed like some people having never lived there but I know about Thailand and in ten years they have been the cause of close to 6,000 murders. I do not for one instant believe that if the whole did not support them they would be there any more.

I believe if the whole was to turn on them we would have the name of every one of the terrorists and where they are at in a day.

We won't even get into other countries Kuwait I believe owes the west a great deal of gratitude and as a result will be a little more humane towards the infidels.

From your post "they have been the cause of close to 6,000 murders" I assume by 'they' you are referring to the Muslim community in the deep South.

Around 2k+ killed have been Buddhist & approx Approx 1k were members of the security forces and government employed civilians such as teachers, so that leaves approx 1k civilians murdered. Muslim deaths are around 3k+, out of which it is claimed roughly 500 killed were members of the insurgency, that leaves nearly 3k civilians killed. There does not appear to be a breakdown for the motivation behind civilian murders from either side of the conflict whether it be bombings, shootings, gang related, informers, personal disputes, extrajudicial killings and so on.

To repeat, within this topic constant reference to M.E. style of Islamic extremism, that I do not believe is truly relevant to the current situation in the deep South. Although the esculation of violence was from 2004 onwards, from my knowledge there has been no attacks on Westeners/central government attributed to the conflict in the deep South nor upon Shia communities (albeit a very small representation in Thailand).

Edited by simple1
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"Many local Malay-Muslim accuse Thai authorities of widespread human rights abuses and a lack of respect for their religion, culture and language."

good justification to behead innocent people

I don´t understand why some people still justifing these neanderthals crazy.gif

they will kill you too if they have to

No one is defending the actions of the cowardly scum who murdered these people. However it is wrong to condem every member of a faith because of the terrorist actions of a minority who misuse their religion to justify their dispicable crimes.

it can be wrong but they did not do anything to make us think the contrary, it´s very easy to put all them in the same scumbag when you see how they treat their women and how they deny other religions or societies

not always who pull the trigger it´s the most culpable, sometimes the imam of a small village can make more damage than ten suicide terrorists

Many Muslim leaders have condemned the violence in the south and in other countries religious leaders, scholars and imams have made it clear that terrorism in the name of faith is wrong.

There are Muslims who treat women badly as there are in all faiths. Not all do though and in more liberal/affluent societies they have a lot more freedom of thought and action. However, yes I agree here, the status of women where they are denied freedom of choice, thought and action through the use of Islam is one that appals me. As it does in all patriarchal societies.

I lived in the Middle East, in Kuwait, other religions had their places of worship, quite legally. Not Judaism and that I agree is wrong. Most Muslim countries are the same and many of these allow Jewish centres of worship, not all. The saudis religious leaders in particular follow a particularly interant brand of Islam that will not allow this. Are these communities persecuted, at times yes, but no more so than any religious minority (including Muslim ones) in other places around the world.

It is not Islam that is behind violence over the world. It is intolerance and hate that does that. Yes, there are many intolerant Muslims, as there intolerant Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and atheists as well as all other faiths. It is not a particular faith we should condem but intolerance, that is what leads to hate and violence, not religion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From your post "they have been the cause of close to 6,000 murders" I assume by 'they' you are referring to the Muslim community in the deep South.

Around 2k+ killed have been Buddhist & approx Approx 1k were members of the security forces and government employed civilians such as teachers, so that leaves approx 1k civilians murdered. Muslim deaths are around 3k+, out of which it is claimed roughly 500 killed were members of the insurgency, that leaves nearly 3k civilians killed. There does not appear to be a breakdown for the motivation behind civilian murders from either side of the conflict whether it be bombings, shootings, gang related, informers, personal disputes, extrajudicial killings and so on.

To repeat, within this topic constant reference to M.E. style of Islamic extremism, that I do not believe is truly relevant to the current situation in the deep South. Although the esculation of violence was from 2004 onwards, from my knowledge there has been no attacks on Westeners/central government attributed to the conflict in the deep South nor upon Shia communities (albeit a very small representation in Thailand).

Thank you for the statistics, they made for interesting reading. Can you cite your sources?

- I wonder, how many of these Muslim deaths have been committed by other Muslims, for not complying with Sharia? How many have been Muslim teachers, killed for being teachers in public schools (yes, they consider that a sin in the south). How many have been Muslim doctors and nurses punished for treating Buddhists? How many have been Muslim police officers, and soldiers?

- Yes, there are soldiers who hold Islam close to them, these are the few that are "protesting" in their own way in places like Amphoe Mueang Yala, Bannang Sata and Raman. They understand that the only way to stop an aggressor is with active and intelligent resistance. It is too bad that Bangkok does not have a memory long enough to enforce such policies.

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