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Thai Postal Service Problems


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Hi Folks

Is it only me, or do other people have problems with the Post Office

Mail sent to me from England regularly goes missing.

I was expecting a new credit card from my bank last July....did not arrive

Bank statements for....July & August....did not arrive

Replacement Credit card due in November....did not arrive

Christmas cards from UK in December....did not arrive

Another replacement Credit card due in January....did not arrive

And the latest replacement promised for March ....still not here

We went to the Post Office in Naklua.......they said nothing was there

Any ideas who else can I speak to about these problems ????..........................Bangkok

Many thanks

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I was expecting a new credit card from my bank last July....did not arrive

Replacement Credit card due in November....did not arrive

Another replacement Credit card due in January....did not arrive

And the latest replacement promised for March ....still not here

So and you or your bank still didn't figure out after 4 failures that EMS or registered mail would be the simplest solution ?

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I always get everything that is mailed to me, including xmas cards etc, from the Uk but there again I never, ever have anything mailed that will inconvenience or cost me if it doesn't arrive.

I never trust incoming post in Thailand.

Replacement credit cards are always couriered and I get my bank statements on line.

Even important docs from Bangkok are always sent by ems.

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I was expecting a new credit card from my bank last July....did not arrive

Replacement Credit card due in November....did not arrive

Another replacement Credit card due in January....did not arrive

And the latest replacement promised for March ....still not here

So and you or your bank still didn't figure out after 4 failures that EMS or registered mail would be the simplest solution ?

True.............and this is only 4 instances that I am aware of........

The banks solution ......"We'll put a stop on that card and send out a new one"

Brilliant HSBC

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My bank has my Thailand address, but they also have the address of my PO box at the post office, ฿300.- a year. I told them that the post office has the right to accept registered letters, which they do, not sure if that is strictly true.

Secondly, all other stuff gets forwarded to my son's address in Switzerland, he sends it on by EMS once a month. I too lost a credit card, the local postie has been seen holding envelopes up to the light to see what is in there. So I circumvent his services, we just get TOT bills and stuff like that.

No problems since.

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We live in n Pattaya and to be honest our mail delivery is a farce ,i have not recieved birthday or xmas cards from the UK ,but also this last few months bills have not turned up ,and quite a bit of our other local mail has not arrived ,God knows whats happening ,as for anything of value from the UK forget ordinary mail.

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My bank has my Thailand address, but they also have the address of my PO box at the post office, ฿300.- a year. I told them that the post office has the right to accept registered letters, which they do, not sure if that is strictly true.

Secondly, all other stuff gets forwarded to my son's address in Switzerland, he sends it on by EMS once a month. I too lost a credit card, the local postie has been seen holding envelopes up to the light to see what is in there. So I circumvent his services, we just get TOT bills and stuff like that.

No problems since.

That all sounds plausible....

The sorting office in Naklua had no knowledge of anything.....they gave us the telephone number of the postman...who said he knows our house......so that leaves the sorting office in Bangkok......

My money is on Bangkok

As you say.....it doesn't take a genius to figure what a credit/debit card feels like

Next stop for me.....ring HSBC again.....and get it sent by courier

Thanks All

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For whatever reason, Pattaya (City) has always been a notoriously place for bad postal service. I seem to recall that there was a scandal at Jomtien Post office some time back where they uncovered some kind of theft/ corruption racket. The sad fact is that Pattaya attracts the very worst of Thais and farangs, many of whom are trying to outdo each other in dirty deeds.

For most of Thailand, including where I live out in Pong, near Lake Mabprachan, the service is much more reliable and to my knowledge nothing has ever gone missing, including xmas cards and other-low-importance stuff form the UK, such as magazines and even letters from the Tax man!!

I am actually surprised that any UK bank would send credit cards to Thailand by ordinary mail. All my banks have always insisted in using a courier as they know what happens over here.

And if they didn't insist on a courier - I would...

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In over 4 years of living here I have not had one item go missing, and I have ordered heaps of stuff from Ebay including watches and jewellry. Just luck or because I have a good postie, I don't know.

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Hello! I live out in the stix and our postman is in my landlords family. They have mail go missing as well and Sombat assures it was never given to him.

Last Christmas was the first time I received all the cards I was expecting. 12 of them. I am in email contact with the senders so I know to expect them. Been at the same address for the last 13 yrs so that isn't the prob.

Sombat is sure the nasty happens in BKK when sacks and sacks of foreign mail arrive and the pickings are easy.

EMS is the way to go. Never had a prob with it.

'nuff said


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Unfortunately times like this is when it pays to spend the extra money and have this type of mail (credit and ATM cards) sent by FEDEX

Same here, but please note that Fedex will NOT send a credit or ATM card if it's already activated.

You should ask your bank for a card that's not yet activated, but you will activate it via phone when it arrives.


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Unfortunately times like this is when it pays to spend the extra money and have this type of mail (credit and ATM cards) sent by FEDEX

Same here, but please note that Fedex will NOT send a credit or ATM card if it's already activated.

You should ask your bank for a card that's not yet activated, but you will activate it via phone when it arrives.


First of all if your bank sends you an activated card, spend the hell out of is since you will not be responsible for any "unauthorized " charges made on it. Secondly, how is FEDEX or any other courier service going to know whether or not it is activated. Sounds pretty incredulous that anyone would send any document / card without putting it in an envelope before sending it

Finally, you had better hope that your credit card company has your Thai telephone number on file since your example specifically states FROM YOUR HOME PHONE

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I receive approx 1 in 6 letters from the UK.

And it's not just the international letters.

1 in 3 months I will not receive Thai posted mail, i.e. TrueVisions monthly bill / 3BB monthly bill.

If you search random rubbish dumps, you're sure to find someones mail, though I doubt your own mail.

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I have activated a couple cards this way already, my bank just asks me some questions

like dob etc etc and my Home phone number they also know, as I can change that via Internet Banking

Never had a problem even when activating and using my GSM and that number they didn't know.

The Picture was just an example, and how fedex will know, I also have no idea, but if the card is lost in transit, they are not responsible if the card is used.

But each time Fedex came to pickup the envelope they asked what is in it and if it was a ATM / Credit Card they always replied, "we can't send already activated cards"

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Unfortunately times like this is when it pays to spend the extra money and have this type of mail (credit and ATM cards) sent by FEDEX

There is another way. Open a box with MBE (Mail Boxes ETC) which have branches at various shopping malls.

I've also had many problems with the postal service here, EMS included.

One time I discovered they had sent a parcel back to Bangkok because it was not collected - but they never placed a card in my letter box to inform me it had arrived. I've had EMS packages waiting at the post office which were NOT carded. I suspected at one stage the postman was upset because my wife was ignoring his gestures. He was obviously trying to come on to her as he'd ask for her signature and phone number to collect a standard TOT or 3BB bill... so as pay back he would not put cards in our box.

Recently the postman put a package from the Uk (about 2000 baht worth) on top of my letterbox for anyone passing by to grab. I was lucky as it had been on top of my box overnight before I found it. He could have just slid the package through my gate to keep it safe, or carded it.

If I was having as many problems as the OP I'd definitely open an MBE service. It would save a lot of headaches. Maybe I'll do that myself today.smile.png I'll check on their prices down at Central.

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Just recently Christmas and Birthday gifts to the kids from relatives in the UK haven't been arriving - I'd say 1 in 4 makes it, and that's just the ones we're expecting. Who knows how many surprise gifts may have not arrived also..

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Latest update

I spoke to HSBC in England this evening......He checked and said "yes your new credit card has been activated"

Fortunately it hadn't been used....... so they stopped it

But that now begs the questions who and how did it get activated ?

The new card they are sending by courier

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My bank Lloyds off shore will not send anything via the Thai post that includes statements and card's all has to be done either by courier or internet must tell you something.

Great job Thailand post keep up the good work.

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My bank Lloyds off shore will not send anything via the Thai post that includes statements and card's all has to be done either by courier or internet must tell you something.

Great job Thailand post keep up the good work.

That's interesting as Lloyds Offshore/International or whatever they call themselves now send my statements by ordinary air mail?

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We had postal problems in Najomtien just like you, so we sent a complaint to Bangkok, email address below.

Two weeks later the new head guy came from the local office took details,

But I think the word got around to the delivery people that they were being investigated, the lads just must have opened the mail, and anything useful like Tesco vouchers they kept.

we now get mail

Thailand Post Co., Ltd

111 M.3 Changwattana Road, Laksi,

Bangkok, Thailand 10210-0299

Tel : 0 2831 3131

E-mail : [email protected]

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We had postal problems in Najomtien just like you, so we sent a complaint to Bangkok, email address below.

Two weeks later the new head guy came from the local office took details,

But I think the word got around to the delivery people that they were being investigated, the lads just must have opened the mail, and anything useful like Tesco vouchers they kept.

we now get mail

Thailand Post Co., Ltd

111 M.3 Changwattana Road, Laksi,

Bangkok, Thailand 10210-0299

Tel : 0 2831 3131

E-mail : [email protected]

Thanks for your response

I will telephone them tomorrow and ask for an explanation

I very much doubt that they will "own up" to their staffs' dishonesty .....

But at least it will let them know that we "ex-pats" are on to them......laugh.png

"Oh I forgot....we don't have any rights here....wink.png

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Last year I had my proof of pension statement sent by EMS from the embassy.

After 10 days I phoned the embassy who said it had been sent and gave me the tracking number.

On checking the file it was reported as being sent to my address and no one home and a note delivered to collect.I was home all day that day and no bell was rung and nothing in my mailbox.The EMS large envelope with my address clearly written in black felt tip pen was subsequently sent back to the embassy.I had to arrange to collect it myself.

I phoned Bangkok and went to the sorting office .They did not believe me and said that their postman would never do such a thing as not deliver mail.

Bangkok said they would get Jomtien to sort things out.They never did.

Most of the mail sent from England never reaches me and I only recieve about 30% of my phone and electricity bills.It is fortunate that they are paid from my account.

This stemmed back to app 4 years ago when the postman raced by my house dropping a -not at home collect -note while I was in my garden without ringing my bell.

I complained to his manager at Jomtien and he then produced my letter with a small tear [done by himself, no doubt, which he claimed made it impossible for him to deliver.

The manager is also useless.This same 'delivery man; is still employed and occasionally delivering my mail.

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  • 4 weeks later...

An update to my situation - 2 Christmas parcels got returned to the senders in the UK. I asked the senders to take a pic of the returned parcels so we could see what had been written on them in Thai. It turns out to be a Thai word that sounds like "kueng" followed by the number 5 - from what i understand it just means "returned"

Took the photos to the post office today and was told that the parcels were returned because no-one was home when they tried to deliver and so they left an undeliverablecard and no-one came to the post office with the undeliverable card. Complete b*llshit. We have received several of these cards since Christmas but they have all been for registered mail items from Bangkok... i.e. nothing exciting.

They summonsed the guy who delivers to our house and he was adamant that he leaves cards any time he can't deliver, but he's only been working this route since January.

The bottom line is that despite spending almost an hour at the post office explaining that every year we receive 8 parcels from various relatives, this year we received one, and we are aware of 2 being returned to the senders in the uk, meaning currently 5 are unaccounted for, we got nowhere. However, the managers we spoke to appeared to be genuinely concerned and interested in finding out why this may have happened. The driver guy also seemed genuinely worried.

My suggestion would be that if this has happened to you, try to arrange pics of any parcels that have been returned to sender, and go visit the post office. I'm sure if one particular driver seems to be on a route where many parcels are not being delivered the PO management will take an interest and maybe even investigate. It could be too late to help you, but could help to get rid of a bad apple and save someone else's parcel from going walkabout in future..

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As far as I know I have always received all my post in my condo in Jomtien. It does sometimes take up to two weeks to get from the UK though. These are letters and I have never been sent parcels.

Recently I received two credit cards that had been sent as "tracked" from the UK via Royal Mail. In fact the "tracking" only seems to extend to showing when it leaves the UK and when it arrives in Thailand. The "tracking" label has two self-adhesive ID strips that I think are supposed to be retained by the postal service during the process of delivery, but they never do.

The first was put in my mailbox without a signature. The second I did have to sign for. The second one was in a thin envelope and it was perfectly obvious from a distance of 2 yards that it was a credit card as the outline of the card was fully visible. Touching the envelope one could even feel the embossed information on the card.

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Yesterday, I received a letter posted on 15 Nov 2013. Something similar happened recently, when a letter posted in early Dec 2013, arrived in late March.

The record for me is about 50 weeks. Anything important should be sent registered or EMS.

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I should receive every month the invoice from 3bb. But, within 6 months, may be 3-4 times i get it. Although my address is printed in Thai characters and the place where i stay is actually quite popular/well known.

Last year i did sent to myself 3 letters (for testing) which i put into those public red postboxes. Within Pattaya. Guess what; not one of them arrived.

On the flip side; every parcel which I sent to different European country's and USA have arrived. Even when it took up to two months.

For important parcels i highly suggest to use private couriers.

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