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The Leather on Those Golf Gloves Might Come From a Stolen Pet in Thailand

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This really is a bit off, when taken seriously. It's awful barbaric practice, and nothing to be laughed at. sad.png

In all honesty, is there a difference between skinning dogs for their hides, or skinning cows or pigs or snakes or even crocodiles for their respective hides ?

Why is one barbaric and not the other ?

It is barbaric if the animal is still alive dog, cow ,pig etc.

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This really is a bit off, when taken seriously. It's awful barbaric practice, and nothing to be laughed at. sad.png

In all honesty, is there a difference between skinning dogs for their hides, or skinning cows or pigs or snakes or even crocodiles for their respective hides ?

Why is one barbaric and not the other ?

Because they skin the dogs alive. That's barbarism.

You're right about the source of the hides and it doesn't really make sense to accept one as acceptable but not the other. At least they humanely kill the cows, pigs and crocodiles and they kill the snakes before skinning them I bet.

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Peoples pets wouldn't be at risk is they didn't let them roam the streets and kept them inside at night, instead of letting them bark all night keeping neighbors awake, all the barking just lets the theives know where the pride goods are. Those who allow their pets to roam the street and bark all night don't deserve pets.

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Posters are entitled to their opinions, as long as they are expressed while in keeping with ThaiVisa posting rules. However, flaming other posters for their opinions, and more specifically, issuing veiled threats, is expressly prohibited in the forum. Anyone who insists on continuing in this manner faces suspension.

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A couple of very inhumane responses above.

With all the real suffering in the world, you really expect most people to care all that much? If you feel so strongly about it go protest! Personally I fail to see the difference between gloves from other leather sources or dog, in fact if the meat were in the supermarket all nicely wrapped and cut up I for 1 would eat it. Different countries eat different things, Thais for example would be horrified to see rabbit in a butchers in the UK.

Jpeg, have a word with yourself not every post is serious.

Maybe a closer read would have more of an impact on you? Do you even try to get to the part where it says that 100 dogs can be stuffed in a cage and that they are sometimes skinned alive? Oh, right, why should we care about such suffering... it's just the way it is. Hope you don't bruise yourself on that barstool. Sincerely.

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If the people from this part of the world will rule this world in the future, there will be no more birds in the sky, no more fish in the sea and no more animals left. They just don't get it, but perhaps one day when there is no food left and the whole world is polluted they will understand that they cannot eat their Mercedes or fancy mobile phone.

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You're right. It's wrong to blame the dogs. They should be taken out to the countryside and allowed to bark and run to their heart's content. They should make gloves out of the irresponsible and inconsiderate owners!

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Of course it is wrong and illegal to steal pets for this trade, there are plenty of strays around and since nobody is dealing with them, here is a useful solution. They eat everything else, why not dogs ? I wouldn't eat it myself, but if people want it then why not supply it ? And surely it is better to use the skin as leather than just waste it ? As long as it is clearly labelled and you know what you are getting, I see no problem. In fact I know a few hot spots with aggressive strays I would like to see removed, I wonder if they have a phone number....?

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John Dalley: "co-founder and vice-president of the Soi Dog Foundation"

John Daly: "is an American professional golfer on the PGA Tour" (the drunk one)

Though I don't find anything amusing about animal cruelty.

So I wonder if John Daly the pro golfer wears dogs balls glovesw00t.gifw00t.gif

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from the skin of the testicles of male dogs “because that skin is particularly soft.

Bizarre...boarders on criminal...no golf gloves for me...sad people lacking in any form of customary values...

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You need to go home if you don't like it here. You are just one of those arrogant farang who think they are so superior to Thais. You must be on a sad, lonely, pathetic island by yourself. I feel pity for you and your dark sad lonely pathetic little island world - how unhappy you must be Didn't you get love when you were a child? I think your life must be very sad and lonely. You must need to ..... you must ... you are ..... you need .... you ...you ...you .... you [satire]

A country and a people who live in the dark ages, it’s a wonder they don’t use babies for the soft leather or maybe not thought of it yet wait until the dogs are finished. Oh I forgot it’s a different culture from the West.

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From what I have read on TV and the press, dogs that are 'saved" from the slaughterhouse are put into shelters where the great majority succumb to disease, starvation or just plain neglect. If I had a dog that was stolen from me I would prefer to think the poor animal died quickly and relatively painlessly at the slaughterhouse rather than died slowly and cruelly in a "shelter." Now I read that some are skinned alive rather than killed first. I can not decide which fate would be worse for the dog.

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The photo of this Thai truck packed with Thai dogs in cages is shameful. Thailand should be ashamed. The Thai newspaper is trying to blame Laos and Vietnam, but everyone knows the dog meat business and trafficking starts in Thailand on the streets of Thailand. The Thai press should start telling the truth and stop shifting blame.

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A couple of very inhumane responses above.

With all the real suffering in the world, you really expect most people to care all that much? If you feel so strongly about it go protest! Personally I fail to see the difference between gloves from other leather sources or dog, in fact if the meat were in the supermarket all nicely wrapped and cut up I for 1 would eat it. Different countries eat different things, Thais for example would be horrified to see rabbit in a butchers in the UK.

Jpeg, have a word with yourself not every post is serious.

Maybe a closer read would have more of an impact on you? Do you even try to get to the part where it says that 100 dogs can be stuffed in a cage and that they are sometimes skinned alive? Oh, right, why should we care about such suffering... it's just the way it is. Hope you don't bruise yourself on that barstool. Sincerely.

People killing each other over shirt color, child raping pedos getting locked up, bombs going off left, right and center, young boys shooting mum, dad and little brother and getting bail for pittance, the rich and powerful killing the poorer class with supercars and never doing a day in jail and poor farmers hanging themselves because they cant afford to pay back debts or feed their families. Somehow dogs are supposed to be top of my worry list???? One of us seems to have banged his head falling off his barstool, but I'm thinking maybe its you as I don't actually drink!

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I thought the article was a bit of sensationalism.

Are people's pets actually being stolen purely for their skins or do we still have mostly stray dogs being captured and sold for their meat?

Something that has been going on for years.

(Most pets seem to be small dogs)

I thought the pedigree dogs favoured could be easily resold alive, for a much better return. Particularly foreign breeds.

It is all very sad but the real problem is that of too many stray dogs in packs,

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I actually cried when I saw those dogs behind bars in that truck. Even if you don't love dogs as much as I do, you would have to accept that those dogs could be in loving homes where children would run home from school every day because they can't wait to cuddle their best friend who is standing there all day waiting for the kid to come home. It feels stupid saying that dogs are not cattle, and they should not be farmed for their meat or hides, because it is so obvious to anyone who knows about dogs and cattle. I'm a vegetarian in any case but I understand that people want steaks and cattle-hide products, and I also know that if I'm trapped in a fallen building or a snowdrift there won't be any cows rushing to the scene to save my life, it will be dogs - man's best friend.

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Well at least they might have found a use for all the diseased and useless soi dogs found everywhere throughout Thailand and with half the world starving and what must be a massive demand for golf gloves - seems they are onto a winning solution.

Next they should start on eradicating the breeders who flood the market with "cute" little puppies and the owners who buy them only to be released onto the streets when no longer "cute and cuddly".

Dog lovers and do-gooders - no response necessary.

The topic is stolen pets, not soi dogs

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Not trying to sound mean or cruel,but i have been attacked a few times by packs of dogs,barked at many times especially at night and they piss me off badly.i was nearly torn apart by 1 dog in Bangkok back in 2012,this dog was vicsious as hell and came fo me,took a chunk out of me, the owner yelled out and he stopped.,People should have there dogs in a secure yard and Thai authorities should fine people for letting there dogs stray.i have 11 stiches in my right calf muscle because of astray dog.it's is sad these dogs are stolen from owners and killed,but sorry to say,less stray dogs on the streets the better.

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This really is a bit off, when taken seriously. It's awful barbaric practice, and nothing to be laughed at. sad.png

In all honesty, is there a difference between skinning dogs for their hides, or skinning cows or pigs or snakes or even crocodiles for their respective hides ?

Why is one barbaric and not the other ?

Its the way they go about is shit for brains... my god there are some <deleted> wits on this forum..

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If people looked after their pets they wouldn't get stolen. There are, from time to time, a lot of packs of dogs roaming the streets and attacking passers by. Pet owners are required by the BMA to place identification on their dogs so that the BMA, when rounding up the wild dogs, can return free roaming pets to their owners.There appears to have been a round up recently because I can now walk the streets without getting set upon by packs of dogs, who perhaps can smell the golf course on me.

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This really is a bit off, when taken seriously. It's awful barbaric practice, and nothing to be laughed at. sad.png

In all honesty, is there a difference between skinning dogs for their hides, or skinning cows or pigs or snakes or even crocodiles for their respective hides ?

Why is one barbaric and not the other ?

Its the way they go about is shit for brains... my god there are some <deleted> wits on this forum..

Yes, and some of them can't manage simple English grammar (snigger). Tuck your shirt back into your y-fronts, sonny, and get your arse back to school. You can play with the big boys when you're a grown-up

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A couple of very inhumane responses above.

With all the real suffering in the world, you really expect most people to care all that much? If you feel so strongly about it go protest! Personally I fail to see the difference between gloves from other leather sources or dog, in fact if the meat were in the supermarket all nicely wrapped and cut up I for 1 would eat it. Different countries eat different things, Thais for example would be horrified to see rabbit in a butchers in the UK.

Jpeg, have a word with yourself not every post is serious.

I can understand the using of dogs the same as we use pigs or cows.

What I am against is the cruel and inhumane way they are transported.

If the drivers who deliver the animals were to be treated like this, how many of their families would protest.

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