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Surapong tells US of Suthep's declaration of himself a sovereign


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I could just see these two US officials looking at each other in total bewilderment. Then asking two questions to the FM.

1. What does this have to do with us and why do we care?

2. If what Suthep said is treasonous, why haven't you arrested him yet?

In fact, the US is quite interested in understanding the domestic politics of key regional allies. This is part and parcel of consular work for most nations... acquiring information about local trends and emerging issues because they might affect national interests. Just check the diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks. Go there and search on Thailand (I will not link the cables here because there is often mention of members of the royal family)... you can see that some of the information even approaches 'soap opera' quality.

Why nobody can/will answer the second question? There have been so many arrest warrants issued for him in the last 4 or 5 months and to this date he walks around in public. From what I have read, talked personally with members of the RTP.

After 18 coups and all the political struggle for the last 80 years, particularly in the last 8 years, what makes you think the US is all that interested in what this <deleted> Surapong has to say now?

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Isn't it the job of a foreign minister to keep diplomats and governments of other nations up to speed as to what is happening, especially if those governments are trading and their citizens and corporations are investing heavily in a country. I definitely would like to hear 1st hand what the concerns and opinions are. Just reading the newspapers or Thai Visa would not be enough for me if I was a diplomat.

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Actually with all the translations/interpretations out there now and one of the mildest being this from one of many the other sources...

..." Suthep said the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was ready to step in as soon as the judicial axe falls on the current cabinet. “Once we become the sovereign, we’ll seize the assets of the of the Shinawatra family members. We won’t allow them to go abroad. They will need to report to us,” he declared. “We will appoint the prime minister of the people and submit the name to His Majesty, to be countersigned by me.”

I don't think Surapong is overstating anything...and I think it is quite clear to the world that Suthep jumped the shark long ago...

It is clear that “demagogue” is an accurate description for Suthep.

Would love to be the fly on the wall at Democrat think tank now.....

Actually, that is not a translation from a neutral source. That is a translation from Khaosod which is a copy and paste from their actual news report.

So you claim it to be a 'mild' translation do you?..... by a Thaksin funded propaganda rag?????

Please tell us why ALL the red farang have to lie to form a comment?

Are you all totally incapable of debate without resorting to lies and fact twisting?

You should be banned from the forum.

If you can not win an argument with facts

Its the same old TVF mob again, make up lies about Sutherp

There is an old saying

if you tell enough lies you will start believeing your own lies

Here we have a perfect example

...............................YOU said...

"If you can not win an argument with facts

Its the same old TVF mob again, make up lies about Sutherp

There is an old saying

if you tell enough lies you will start believeing your own lies

Here we have a perfect example


"Are we on the same planet, as we sure are not in the same posting

At no time in the above posting can I see where I said you lied

In fact I was refering to the way many posters on TVF come from La La land

I made no reference to particular person at all

Then I said welcome to TVF, come here you must expect the type of replies you get

I hope you mistook my posting and not jump to conclusions as you have a guilty concience

But then you went and destroyed your argument and said Quote

"cuz things aren't going all too well in the PDRC camp since Saturday"

The red shirts had a no event and you say the PDRC are not going to well

I rest my case before I start

You where on a winner for a while

Then it all went down hill..."

_________________________________ Clear now...?

Here Tezz as you requested...

_ Fair enough...? yes reference to lies...? yes...

LOL I have no guilty conscience... but you pattern your replies after the Whoop de doo

Perhaps you can get someone to translate this for you... which is my reference to Saturday night...it' is only 54 seconds


Edited by DirtFarmer
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Stop bitching and start voting. Anything else IS treasonous to a Democracy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Another one with a very strong viewpoint, but a suspiciously low post count. Who (were) are you now?

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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

another immature post

The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

nothing to see here... move along

Actually it was a political stunt. The US doesn't need to be "briefed" by this relative of a despot.

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Actually with all the translations/interpretations out there now and one of the mildest being this from one of many the other sources...

..." Suthep said the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was ready to step in as soon as the judicial axe falls on the current cabinet. “Once we become the sovereign, we’ll seize the assets of the of the Shinawatra family members. We won’t allow them to go abroad. They will need to report to us,” he declared. “We will appoint the prime minister of the people and submit the name to His Majesty, to be countersigned by me.”

I don't think Surapong is overstating anything...and I think it is quite clear to the world that Suthep jumped the shark long ago...

It is clear that “demagogue” is an accurate description for Suthep.

Would love to be the fly on the wall at Democrat think tank now.....

Actually, that is not a translation from a neutral source. That is a translation from Khaosod which is a copy and paste from their actual news report.

So you claim it to be a 'mild' translation do you?..... by a Thaksin funded propaganda rag?????

Please tell us why ALL the red farang have to lie to form a comment?

Are you all totally incapable of debate without resorting to lies and fact twisting?

You should be banned from the forum.

Whoopers my wife translated it as well but by all means go out and get beer and food no I did not use the Khaosod translation a thai one and the word medium was interpreted as sovereign and your claim that all I do on here is lie is in fact a lie so go get your beer you are a quart or two low... you considering yourself a debater is as far fetched as as can be you are at best an apprentice bater...... catch my drift...? all you do is slam people and rant and rave whilst licking your Suthep lollipop and drinking your Jim Jones Kool Aid...for gawd sakes man go get your beer!

To be honest you have to laugh. Here is a poster who has been banned at least twenty times since December, yet just ignores this and signs straight back up under another user name thereby making a mockery of the forum rules, calling for other posters to be banned from the forum! Hahaha. "Are you all totally incapable of debate without resorting to lies and fact twisting?". This is a bit rich coming from someone who a day or so ago on another thread stated that Ms Yingluck was now on a par with PolPot, a genocidal dictator who slaughtered an estimated 2.5 million of his fellow countrymen for no other reason than that they were educated. An absolutely disgusting assertion to make, which amazingly the mods saw fit to allow to stand! Woopydoo is clearly not the full shilling, and perhaps it is probably making a mistake by engaging with him.

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I could just see these two US officials looking at each other in total bewilderment. Then asking two questions to the FM.

1. What does this have to do with us and why do we care?

2. If what Suthep said is treasonous, why haven't you arrested him yet?

In fact, the US is quite interested in understanding the domestic politics of key regional allies. This is part and parcel of consular work for most nations... acquiring information about local trends and emerging issues because they might affect national interests. Just check the diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks. Go there and search on Thailand (I will not link the cables here because there is often mention of members of the royal family)... you can see that some of the information even approaches 'soap opera' quality.

Why nobody can/will answer the second question? There have been so many arrest warrants issued for him in the last 4 or 5 months and to this date he walks around in public. From what I have read, talked personally with members of the RTP.

After 18 coups and all the political struggle for the last 80 years, particularly in the last 8 years, what makes you think the US is all that interested in what this <deleted> Surapong has to say now?

I've already answered your first question (re. the US needing to understand the domestic politics of key regional allies), though you repeat the question again. So I will repeat - if you don't believe the reason I give, just read some diplomatic cables.

As for your second question, the Yingluck Gov't had multiple valid reasons for not arresting Suthep. These include:

  1. Wanting to be seen taking the high road ... wanting to avoid a repeat of the gov't ordered street killings of 2010. They probably feel that by acting in a restrained fashion, it gives them the moral high ground.
  2. Not wanting to provoke a military coup. The military chiefs have repeatedly said that they will 'only' step in if things spin out of control. Well, the violence that would inevitably be associated with an attempt arrest Suthep at the height of the protests would give the army just the reason/excuse they would need.
  3. Suppression of the street protests might cause greater instability (and concern among investors) than the street protests themselves. The YL government would naturally want the protests to simply lose steam. This is exactly what has happened...

Thanks Doc, finally an answer.

Assuming from your likes there are others that support your answers.

1. Taking the moral high ground? Really? Even the most hardened supporters of this govt cannot place a "moral" badge on this govt.

2. Not wanting to provoke a coup? How many times and how long has this coup plot been in the works and still not happened? The military, almost on a daily basis, has reiterated no ambition or intent. even with the daily prodding of the red shirt leaders.

3.Suppression of the street protests might cause greater instability? Now how can this be? The PTP enjoy an overwhelming majority with the public. Right? Or did the red shirt support totally evaporate? Suthep. knew it did long before he took to the protest stage. It does not take a genius to figure this out. The amnesty bill was his ticket to his fame, the farmers not getting paid was all gravy and a lot of ammunition in is drive.

The govt cant arrest this guy because they have no support, no backup from the red shirts. One only has to look at the attempt this last weekend on Aksa road. A half million supporters turned into 35k supporters at ist peak and the rally was cancelled, do to lack of support.

Its only a matter of time these parasites (PTP) will be gone, Thaksin will fade away and what few red supporters left will figure out, its for the better and the country will move on.

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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

another immature post

The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

nothing to see here... move along

No need. The US embassy has a whole department full of rather switched on Americans and Thais who are able to brief the ambassador and the secretary of state about what is happening in Thailand far more intelligibly than this idiot who is clearly just talking his own book.

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It seems like John Kerry is willing to tut tut about military coups, while tacitly supporting the military coup in Egypt. But the whole thrust of his policy in Ukraine is that it is OK to topple democratically elected leaders like Yanukovich with anything just short of a military coup, if they are corrupt and practice majoritarianism. Since the Shinawatra family regime, of which Suraphong is very ugly and inept part, ticks nearly all the same boxes as the ousted Yanukovich regime in Ukraine, it is hard to see why Suraphong takes comfort in appealing to Kerry and Kenney.

Either he is stupid, or Thaksin told him to do it, or both.

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.......that .........is.........one....... sick.......... sh*t........

.....after having raped this country.........

....completely detached from reality.....

(.....like some parent that beats his children and blames them.......and tells them it is for their own good.....)


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PT are clutching at every tiny little thing now to hang on to power and will do their best to demonise anyone who might stand in their way.

Very well timed by Surapong. Three guesses who'll be the butt of the Lumphini speeches tonight?

He'd be only too well aware that Suthep's addresses over the last two nights have been largely focused on quite angrily telling Robert Amsterdam and those countries welcoming and harbouring Thaksin to keep their noses out of Thailand's affairs.

I doubt Suthep is gullible enough to fall into this trap by taking it further and launching into a total anti-world tirade (although anything's possible!), but you could almost put money on losing count of the number of times he's going to say 'Surapong'.

One would think they'd prefer Suthep to shut his trap ... yet they continually provide him with just enough ammunition to fire another volley.

Suthep tends to refer to Suraphong as "Ai hua laan" (Baldy) like Yingluck is "Miss Flower" and Chalerm is "Thaksin's Slave".. I don't know how many references there were to Baldy tonight.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif alt=bah.gif width=19 height=19>

And, if he really telling the truth? Did suthep say specifically that he would be the sovereign.


He said, if the translations are correct, "when we are the sovereign" and not "when I am the sovereign", so it is a bit ambiguous. But he did say he will countersign the orders along with his majesty, which must amount to lesse majeste I would have thought, and can be argued that he is putting himself at the same level as HM.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif alt=bah.gif width=19 height=19>

And, if he really telling the truth? Did suthep say specifically that he would be the sovereign.


He said, if the translations are correct, "when we are the sovereign" and not "when I am the sovereign", so it is a bit ambiguous. But he did say he will countersign the orders along with his majesty, which must amount to lesse majeste I would have thought, and can be argued that he is putting himself at the same level as HM.

The first person pronoun in Thai can either mean I or We. In this case, Suthep meant "we," but the point remains that he intends to exercise that sovereign power.

I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think the part about countersigning the orders amounts to lese majeste. In Thailand's constitutional monarchy tradition, countersigning an order is required due to the King's immunity to political accountability by Article 8 of the Thai constitution. (so that someone is accountable on his behalf.)

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Yes, but Surapong doesn't follow - probably doesn't even understand - diplomatic protocols. That's why foreign correspondents and members of the international press in Thailand have been receiving unprecedented notices of dissent and disapproval from professional members of the Foreign Ministry under the rubric 'Voice of Saranrom'.

He's considered an embarrassment and totally unprofessional by his own civil servants.

Please show us some of that notices, because you yellows never come up with evidence, only blablabla

They are circulated to the Foreign Press Corps, but I don't have permission to post them publicly on this forum. If you choose to disbelieve me, so be it.

Isn't Voice of Saranrom a radio station?

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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

I think the news item is a little dramatic but even so I'd have paid to be a fly on the wall to see the faces and hear the replies of the US officials - how on earth do you respond to such diplomatic ......delinquency........... I can just see his nose extending further and further as he blurts out this nonsense - was he holding hands with Charlerm at the time ? maybe they were holding each other up - if you combined the noggins of these two clowns you still wouldn't have a complete functional head - just air between the ears

I'm also not sure that Suthep has been quoted correctly, I'm sure what he said is on record for all to hear - if he did indeed say as claimed then he needs to clarify exactly were he's going with this and give it a little more thought - maybe he had a little ear medicine before hitting the stage

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Main lie: Surapong tells US of Suthep's declaration of himself a sovereign.

Plus we have some of the usual propaganda supporters believing this lie which was only reported in Khaosod. The Bangkok post's article was rather more credible. The only new opinion from Suthep is that he wants to appoint the interim PM after YL is removed (if) as caretaker PM.

As for Surapong 'informing' the US or any one else - they know full well where he is coming from. The head of the ICC in the Hague basically told him to go away and let the Thai courts sort out the aftermath of the 2010 riots. He is nothing but Thaksin's delivery boy and has failed every time he tries to get any of the international community to condemn Suthep's protests.

He, along with the likes of Chalerm, is nothing but an embarrassment to Thailand. Oh and Kittirat is telling more lies to the IMF & World Bank at the same time. Another embarrassment.


So where is his reform committee? I thought it was meant to be a committee fro where there would come a pm. Not for Suthep to appoint himself.

In fact, what happens if ,after he is given this rather awesome power and he doesn't give it up

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Perhaps the US will offer him political asylum.

Perhaps they will offer him a free pass to the asylum once his nose has gone back to normal - hilarious stuff this

I wonder can anyone hear the uncontrollable laughing coming from the US Embassy tonight - hope they closed all the windows

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Perhaps the US will offer him political asylum.

Perhaps they will offer him a free pass to the asylum once his nose has gone back to normal - hilarious stuff this

I wonder can anyone hear the uncontrollable laughing coming from the US Embassy tonight - hope they closed all the windows

I would imagine they must have a good laugh over morning coffee when they get the nightly report in about what's going on.

They probably read the April 1 stuff and called to check if it was true or not.

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Main lie: Surapong tells US of Suthep's declaration of himself a sovereign.

Plus we have some of the usual propaganda supporters believing this lie which was only reported in Khaosod. The Bangkok post's article was rather more credible. The only new opinion from Suthep is that he wants to appoint the interim PM after YL is removed (if) as caretaker PM.

As for Surapong 'informing' the US or any one else - they know full well where he is coming from. The head of the ICC in the Hague basically told him to go away and let the Thai courts sort out the aftermath of the 2010 riots. He is nothing but Thaksin's delivery boy and has failed every time he tries to get any of the international community to condemn Suthep's protests.

He, along with the likes of Chalerm, is nothing but an embarrassment to Thailand. Oh and Kittirat is telling more lies to the IMF & World Bank at the same time. Another embarrassment.


So where is his reform committee? I thought it was meant to be a committee fro where there would come a pm. Not for Suthep to appoint himself.

In fact, what happens if ,after he is given this rather awesome power and he doesn't give it up

nothing has happened yet - you are thinking way ahead of the game

Phase 1 - get rid of the Shins......almost done (by their own hand might I add)

You know here is a thought, if you had your own country and you needed someone to run it for a while - would you think twice about hiring the PTP team - honestly ask yourself if you would w00t.gif

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Main lie: Surapong tells US of Suthep's declaration of himself a sovereign.

Plus we have some of the usual propaganda supporters believing this lie which was only reported in Khaosod. The Bangkok post's article was rather more credible. The only new opinion from Suthep is that he wants to appoint the interim PM after YL is removed (if) as caretaker PM.

As for Surapong 'informing' the US or any one else - they know full well where he is coming from. The head of the ICC in the Hague basically told him to go away and let the Thai courts sort out the aftermath of the 2010 riots. He is nothing but Thaksin's delivery boy and has failed every time he tries to get any of the international community to condemn Suthep's protests.

He, along with the likes of Chalerm, is nothing but an embarrassment to Thailand. Oh and Kittirat is telling more lies to the IMF & World Bank at the same time. Another embarrassment.


So where is his reform committee? I thought it was meant to be a committee fro where there would come a pm. Not for Suthep to appoint himself.

In fact, what happens if ,after he is given this rather awesome power and he doesn't give it up

nothing has happened yet - you are thinking way ahead of the game

Phase 1 - get rid of the Shins......almost done (by their own hand might I add)

You know here is a thought, if you had your own country and you needed someone to run it for a while - would you think twice about hiring the PTP team - honestly ask yourself if you would w00t.gif

At least you can vote out the ptp bunch.

What you can't do is vote out the self appointed grand master of the country. As odious as ptp might be, an authoritarian nutter like Suthep scares me more.

He wants to "rule" like a 1950s strongman. Can't wait. I will definitely continue to spectate that from a distance. I can't believe you actually would think for a second that a nationalist 1950s strongman on a power trip wouldn't take some perverse pleasure in making farangs jump through even more hoops to stay.

I am getting ahead of myself? He wants to self appoint himself supreme leader. The Shins aren't going anywhere soon, dont worry. Suthep will implode before they move on.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I've already answered your first question (re. the US needing to understand the domestic politics of key regional allies), though you repeat the question again. So I will repeat - if you don't believe the reason I give, just read some diplomatic cables.

As for your second question, the Yingluck Gov't had multiple valid reasons for not arresting Suthep. These include:

  1. Wanting to be seen taking the high road ... wanting to avoid a repeat of the gov't ordered street killings of 2010. They probably feel that by acting in a restrained fashion, it gives them the moral high ground.
  2. Not wanting to provoke a military coup. The military chiefs have repeatedly said that they will 'only' step in if things spin out of control. Well, the violence that would inevitably be associated with an attempt arrest Suthep at the height of the protests would give the army just the reason/excuse they would need.
  3. Suppression of the street protests might cause greater instability (and concern among investors) than the street protests themselves. The YL government would naturally want the protests to simply lose steam. This is exactly what has happened...

Thanks Doc, finally an answer.

Assuming from your likes there are others that support your answers.

1. Taking the moral high ground? Really? Even the most hardened supporters of this govt cannot place a "moral" badge on this govt.

2. Not wanting to provoke a coup? How many times and how long has this coup plot been in the works and still not happened? The military, almost on a daily basis, has reiterated no ambition or intent. even with the daily prodding of the red shirt leaders.

3.Suppression of the street protests might cause greater instability? Now how can this be? The PTP enjoy an overwhelming majority with the public. Right? Or did the red shirt support totally evaporate? Suthep. knew it did long before he took to the protest stage. It does not take a genius to figure this out. The amnesty bill was his ticket to his fame, the farmers not getting paid was all gravy and a lot of ammunition in is drive.

The govt cant arrest this guy because they have no support, no backup from the red shirts. One only has to look at the attempt this last weekend on Aksa road. A half million supporters turned into 35k supporters at ist peak and the rally was cancelled, do to lack of support.

Its only a matter of time these parasites (PTP) will be gone, Thaksin will fade away and what few red supporters left will figure out, its for the better and the country will move on.

I cannot imagine Thaksin fading away. The final scene in the movie Predator comes to mind.

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Main lie: Surapong tells US of Suthep's declaration of himself a sovereign.

Plus we have some of the usual propaganda supporters believing this lie which was only reported in Khaosod. The Bangkok post's article was rather more credible. The only new opinion from Suthep is that he wants to appoint the interim PM after YL is removed (if) as caretaker PM.

As for Surapong 'informing' the US or any one else - they know full well where he is coming from. The head of the ICC in the Hague basically told him to go away and let the Thai courts sort out the aftermath of the 2010 riots. He is nothing but Thaksin's delivery boy and has failed every time he tries to get any of the international community to condemn Suthep's protests.

He, along with the likes of Chalerm, is nothing but an embarrassment to Thailand. Oh and Kittirat is telling more lies to the IMF & World Bank at the same time. Another embarrassment.


So where is his reform committee? I thought it was meant to be a committee fro where there would come a pm. Not for Suthep to appoint himself.

In fact, what happens if ,after he is given this rather awesome power and he doesn't give it up

nothing has happened yet - you are thinking way ahead of the game

Phase 1 - get rid of the Shins......almost done (by their own hand might I add)

You know here is a thought, if you had your own country and you needed someone to run it for a while - would you think twice about hiring the PTP team - honestly ask yourself if you would w00t.gif

At least you can vote out the ptp bunch.

What you can't do is vote out the self appointed grand master of the country. As odious as ptp might be, an authoritarian nutter like Suthep scares me more.

He wants to "rule" like a 1950s strongman. Can't wait. I will definitely continue to spectate that from a distance. I can't believe you actually would think for a second that a nationalist 1950s strongman on a power trip wouldn't take some perverse pleasure in making farangs jump through even more hoops to stay.

I am getting ahead of myself? He wants to self appoint himself supreme leader. The Shins aren't going anywhere soon, dont worry. Suthep will implode before they move on.

Suthep is a bulldog on a leash. Did you ever notice how brave a barking dog is as long as he is on his master's leash? Totally fearless, but in reality quite harmless. That's Suthep.

From the first day they started building a barrier in front of my house, I have not even once considered the possibility this man would "rule" Thailand. To me it sounds silly. In fact, it's my guess that he was chosen because of his lack of general political appeal.

Edited by rabas
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Suthep is doing an absolutely brilliant job of taking the focus away from the imminent rulings on Yingluck.

By creating a "next step" that is unpallatable to all - and will never happen - he has nutmegged the vast majority of the Thaksin camp

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