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Kittiratt delays NACC rice-pledging case testimony


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Kittiratt delays NACC rice-pledging case testimony

Anuphan Chantana
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) yesterday agreed to allow caretaker Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong to postpone his testimony to the agency over the rice-pledging scheme.

Kittiratt cited an official duty to attend a World Bank meeting in Washington DC, an NACC source said yesterday.

Meanwhile, Norawit Larlaeng, a lawyer authorised by caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, said the premier had instructed lawyer Bancha Porameesanaporn to object to the NACC resolution allowing for only three witnesses to give testimony, out of the 11 witnesses she had named.

The three people the NACC accepted are caretaker Commerce Minister Niwatthumrong Boonsongpaisan, his deputy Yanyong Phuangrach and Kittiratt.

The lawyer would request that the NACC review its resolution in order to allow four additional witnesses, including caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, as the official who was in charge of investigating alleged corruption in the scheme; Deputy National Police chief Pol General Worapong Chewprecha, head of a team investigating alleged corruption in the scheme; caretaker PM's Office Minister and Deputy Agriculture Minister Varathep Ratanakorn; and Pichai Chunha-vajira, president of the Federation of Accounting Professions.

The NACC had earlier said it would allow officials who were involved in the project in some way to give testimony.

The NACC source said Yanyong had submitted a letter to the commission confirming he would testify today, and Niwatthumrong tomorrow.

The NACC is investigating Yingluck on charges of malfeasance and dereliction of duty for her alleged failure to stop losses from the rice-pledging scheme, before deciding whether to indict her.

Yingluck said she had assigned her lawyer to object to the NACC on two issues.

The first is an objection against Vicha Mahakun as an NACC member - her third such objection - and the second is objection is against the NACC's decision to allow only three witnesses.

Yingluck said she had asked four more witnesses who are officials overseeing details at the operational level, while she herself was in charge of policy.

Bancha called on Vicha to withdraw as an NACC member investigating the case, because he had earlier given an interview at Thammasat University's Rangsit campus in which he said 2 million tonnes of rice have gone missing from warehouses, though the case has not yet been resolved.

The lawyer also said he asked the NACC to allow testimony from Somchai Sajjapongse, director-general of the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO), to counter testimony given by Finance Ministry deputy permanent secretary Supa Piyajitti.

Supa is also chairman of the Post-Audit Committee supplying figures on the agricultural-produce pledging scheme, and has been accused by Yingluck's camp of providing figures on the rice-pledging scheme counter to post-audit practice.

-- The Nation 2014-04-09

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The assignment of another member of any organization to handle things like this is the norm in the business and political world. This practce of postponement is used in this government when it suits the personal agenda of the individual under the gun.

The cabinet have enough seconds to cover meetings on the hour and give press releases as fast as they can find a reporter It just too bad that they did not devote as much oversight to the national finances as they have for what they consider important/crital. hobbies (impersonating a leader)

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What a moron, to hold the Thai people in contempt as he struts the world stage at the world bank meeting , give me a brake ,what is more important getting this rice scam over and done with or impressing people at the world bank ,who quiet possibly would not be impressed by Kittiratt being there. bah.gif

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Maybe Kittirat is copying Thaksin's strategy when he asked to go to the Olympics. "I'm just going for a World Bank meeting. I'll be back soon. Really!"

When he returns: "I'm ill. The doctor says I'll recover in 6 months."

He should get it over with by giving his testimony now. He won't sleep during the World Bank meetings anyway.

Indeed, why go? Who is going to rspect him? "Oh, you're the one!", he'll hear. Everyone attending knows he's one of Dear Leader's cronies. He'll just be told again that the rice scam is making Thailand bankrupt, which he'll deny again. He'll be left in the middle of the room alone while the real economists talk to each other.

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Kittiratt cited an official duty to attend a World Bank meeting in Washington DC, an NACC source said yesterday.

Kittiratt: Gotta go to DC, man, get me some pointers on offshore banking...

The lawyer would request that the NACC review its resolution in order to allow four additional witnesses, including caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, as the official who was in charge of investigating alleged corruption in the scheme;

Please NACC, let Chalerm testify. Not only will he speed up Yingluck's conviction, he will also provide sorely needed entertainment as the comical relief!

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Supa is also chairman of the Post-Audit Committee supplying figures on the agricultural-produce pledging scheme, and has been accused by Yingluck's camp of providing figures on the rice-pledging scheme counter to post-audit practice.

Glory be she told the truth and we cant have that.

"counter to post-audit practice" Does that mean there is going to be an audit ?

Perhaps that 'audit' will be part of the evidence Yingluck provides in her defense.

But then again there could be more time and information needed before a full audit can be cooked compiled.

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Every day this nonsense continues, the Thai people lose extra billions to the amart rouge corruption. The rice is still being stolen daily, scams continue daily, storage costs must be met, loan paybacks with interest, is there no end to this folly?

While I agree, as Finance Minister he needs to attend this meeting. I would much rather he goes than the Foreign Minister.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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When "policy" leads to horrendous losses, a true leader must and will take decisive action. What a festering mess!

To make things worse, they are not going to sell the blasted mountains of rice, are they? Bit by bit, as if this wasn't a burning issue for the whole country.

It's both sad and infuriating, JMHO.

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so suddenly we are going to see memo's that were typed up last week dated one year ago from Yingluc asking these people to investigate the rice scam - I don't think the NACC will wear that at all


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What a moron, to hold the Thai people in contempt as he struts the world stage at the world bank meeting , give me a brake ,what is more important getting this rice scam over and done with or impressing people at the world bank ,who quiet possibly would not be impressed by Kittiratt being there. bah.gif

Are you really brought to the physical act of vomiting by this news, as presumably you mean to imply by the use of such an evocative emoticon, or are you just "playing to the crowds"? I suspect the latter.

He's obviously a "moron" as you so tellingly point out - I mean what is going through his mind, a Finance Minister going to a meeting of the World Bank? Preposterous. whistling.gif

Yet more proof that there is a shallow end in the gene pool.

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Supa is also chairman of the Post-Audit Committee supplying figures on the agricultural-produce pledging scheme, and has been accused by Yingluck's camp of providing figures on the rice-pledging scheme counter to post-audit practice.

Glory be she told the truth and we cant have that.

"counter to post-audit practice" Does that mean there is going to be an audit ?

Perhaps that 'audit' will be part of the evidence Yingluck provides in her defense.

But then again there could be more time and information needed before a full audit can be cooked compiled.

a bit confused here by this quote - it is against audit-practice to supply numbers ??

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As I said yesterday, they should demand he gets to a computer and sends his testimony by Skype, it is impossible to believe any of the corrupt PT clowns don't know how to use it since they have been using it to receive their marching orders from their fugitive boss for the last 3 years and if he really can't use it, I am sure someone there can show him how....whistling.gif

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"Bancha called on Vicha to withdraw as an NACC member investigating the case, because he had earlier given an interview at Thammasat University's Rangsit campus in which he said 2 million tonnes of rice have gone missing from warehouses, though the case has not yet been resolved."

Often it is said, "the truth shall set ye free". Yingluck clearly realises that in her case this is not so.

Unless of course the court accepts the argument that only PT's truth is the real truth.

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NACC: Mr. Chalerm, you were in charge of investigating alleged corruption in the Rice Support Program?

Chalerm: Yes, I was.

NACC: Mr. Chalerm, did you find any corruption in the Rice Pledging Program?

Chalerm: No, I did not.

NACC: Thank you for your testimony, You are dismissed.


NACC: Mr. Chalerm, you were in charge of investigating alleged corruption in the Rice Support Program?

Chalerm: Yes, I was.

NACC: Mr. Chalerm, did you find any corruption in the Rice Pledging Program?

Chalerm: Yes, I did.

NACC: What action has the government taken against that corruption.

Chalerm: Errr, we have formed a committee to decide the best course of action.

NACC: Thank you for your testimony, You are dismissed.

This government has paid 'lip' service to fighting corruption but has NOTHING to show for their supposed efforts.

What a waste of time to interview Chalerm.

Also not forgetting:

Mr. Chalerm, were you in anyway responsible for any of the funds involving the Rice Support Program?

Chalerm: No, I wasn't.

Then why the hell do we need to talk to you!!!!

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The assignment of another member of any organization to handle things like this is the norm in the business and political world. This practce of postponement is used in this government when it suits the personal agenda of the individual under the gun.

The cabinet have enough seconds to cover meetings on the hour and give press releases as fast as they can find a reporter It just too bad that they did not devote as much oversight to the national finances as they have for what they consider important/crital. hobbies (impersonating a leader)

I agree, since he has already agreed to give testimony, he should be prepared to inform the World Bank that his "number 2" will be attending the meeting in his stead.

If he insists on going to the meeting, then the NACC should inform YL that one of her "selected defendants" has informed them that he is not available to give testimony, so your selection is now reduced to two...!

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