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Surapong warns government officials not to support PDRC


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Surapong warns government officials not to support PDRC


BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul on Wednesday warned government officials not to support the anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban with threat of facing heavy disciplinary penalties for violation.

Warning by Surapong, also the caretaker foreign affairs minister, came as the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) leader Suthep was increasing campaign at government offices to persuade officials to stop work and refuse the caretaker government.

Surapong said as it became clear that the PDRC leader has declared himself a sovereign with intend to seize power from the democratic government of caretaker prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, government officials are therefore warned not to support and join the PDRC rally absolutely.

He said all government officials must work as usual and must not welcome them if they have rallies in front of their offices because the PDRC has shown clearly of its intent to overthrow democracy.

Any official found to give support to the PDRC will face heaviest disciplinary penalties, Surapong warned.

He said he planned a meeting with all permanent secretaries of the ministries to give them instructions so that they and their officials will not violate the law.

He also would raise the PDRC leader’s declaration of sovereign with the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order and the Department of Special Investigation to bring rebellion charge against Suthep and 58 PDRC leaders for conspiracy to overthrow democracy.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/surapong-warns-government-officials-support-pdrc/

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-09

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"Any official found to give support to the PDRC will face heaviest disciplinary penalties, Surapong warned."

At least Ms. Yingluck always warns 'all sides' to behave fairly, to abstain from using violence, etc.

Did our caretaker Dept. PM also warn officials not to support the UDD?

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How long can they hold on to power is the big question. They are now solely relying on the Police, self established CAPO and of course their lapdog the DSI.

Expect more threats from Thaksin's cousin. They are clearly getting desperate.

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Please mr. Surapong, aren't you part of a party claiming to be for democracy and anti dictatorship? You are threatening people who may vote against your boss.

What voting?

No voting please, we are Thais (or PDRC).

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If this does not stir the government/pubic officials to rethink their commettment to boss and country, I will be surprised. Surapong may go down in history of Thai politics as leading the Thai version of political hari keri. What is next frm this bunch, the threat of kick arse and take names?

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Clang! This is not going to sound very 'democratic' when you go groveling for help abroad on behalf of your master.

Time to retire Surapong before you put your foot in it again. Family or not you are becoming an embarrassment to 'the party' now let alone the country.

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To late Surapong the defense ministry is already holding talks with and negotiating with Suthep.

Posted 22 minutes ago

Suthep meets permanent secretary for Defence

Suthep Thaugsuban and core leaders of the People's Democratic Reform Committee met with the permanent secretary for Ministry of Defence and senior officials at the ministry Wednesday afternoon.

Gen Niphat Thonglek, the Defence permanent secretary, noted that while officials are ready to listen to Suthep’s proposals, they can act only within the legal constraints.

-- The Nation 2014-04-09

With better results than you have got crying to the international community.

Posted 44 minutes ago

Suthep will not hold marches during Songkran holidays

BANGKOK: -- Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee, said Wednesday that the PDRC will not stage marches from April 12 to 15.

He made the announcement following a talk with Defence Ministry's Permanent Secretary Gen Niphat Thonglek at the Defence Ministry.

Suthep said Nipat was worried that there were not be enough troops to keep security during the Songkran holidays.

As a result, Suthep said, he agreed to make no marches during the Songkran holidays so that troops and police could take a break and stay with their families during the holidays.

-- The Nation 2014-04-09

A great demonstration of what can me achieved when politicians are ignored and civil servants are allowed to do their work without interference.

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Please mr. Surapong, aren't you part of a party claiming to be for democracy and anti dictatorship? You are threatening people who may vote against your boss.

What voting?

No voting please, we are Thais (or PDRC).

LOL, that's what I was thinking.

Really, it is correct that government workers do not get mixed up in politic protests.

Surapong's not saying (at least how this article is translated/presented) that government workers can not have their own political views. That they must vote a certain way or that they must love and support Yingluck as a person. He's saying do your jobs and adhere to your oath to the Government of Thailand, whoever that may be and whether you like certain personalities or not.

If government workers want to physically engage in protests and acts to overthrow the government, then they should resign their government position, like Suthep, and go join in.

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" Any official found to give support to the PDRC will face heaviest disciplinary penalties, Surapong warned. "

By any chance would that include an official who personally hand delivered a passport to a man convicted of corruption ?

Would it by any chance include an official who has abused his office to intimidate the protest movement and companies that supported them ?

Would it by any chance include an official who is the cousin of a man at the very centre of the country's woes, a man who has managed to direct an administration from abroad, in flagrant breach of the constitution ?

Surapong has now used Suthep's foolish words to paint all the leaders of the PDRC - none of whom have echoed Suthep's words, and in fact one - Thaworn - who has publicly distanced himself from them. Surapong has now used Suthep's foolish words to paint the whole of the PDRC, and is now using his foolish words to shut down the whole reform movement and justifiable opposition to the legally-besieged Yingluck administration. He is now threatening also any administrative official that supports or even greets protesters. Surapong has therefore become the very thing that he accuses Suthep of.

Can you please explain these 'foolish words' you keep pointing to?

Please make sure that the words were actually spoken and comes from a credible source first.

If you are pointing out words that were purported to be spoken as claimed by Khaoson which has spurred a volley of news clipping purporting to the response by the PTP, UDD. CAPO and the DSI.

Can I remind you that those news clippings are ALL based on the words these government officials and agencies are referring to as described only by Khaosod.

Yesterday I went to the trouble of typing out the true translation of his speech on this very forum, and they were today echoed word for word by Thaksin himself in his first public reaction to this media scramble.

When you actually think about everything he said.... in my opinion, he is 100% accurate, and that his word are in fact very intelligent and logical.

You seem to have been sucked in by Khaosod, and I have to say that I am surprised at this coming from you.

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There is NO legislation in Thai law that prohibits any civil servant from supporting what they want to support.

The law would never be passed in any democracy because of its violation of basic human rights.

Surapong therefore has no right to punish anyone or threaten to and his statement today is actually totally illegal.

Whats more.... It is tantamount to a dictatorship in action.

Surapong should be hauled before the courts for this infringement of human rights. He has basically found Suthep guilty without trial and that is also an infraction upon Suthep's basic human rights.

This is nothing less than intimidation and victimization and I think Surapong has committed a huge folly here.

It is consistent with the "do what I want or else because I'm the only one that thinks correctly" philosphy that the PTP/UDD seem to practice.

Maybe it's time for the civil servant union (is there one) to go out on strike for a work environment free of threats?

It would seem reasonable to remind them that they have jobs and are expected to show up to work and work (novel idea that).

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Surapong's message to the government officials; vote against the government and you lose the job!

PLEASE, PLEASE can some 80% of those officials vote for whoever except the government. It would make the public service so much more efficient. Spent the ENTIRE day yesterday at the Department of Land Transport to:

- get a compulsory vehicle insurance (the voluntary insurance was done over the phone and by EMS through a private company)

- pax road taxes for 2558
- get a new "international travel permit" for cross border trips
Costs were below THB 5'000 for all which includes four coffees and an inedible lunch served on the compound of the government officials.
All walking around sooooooo important - hence vote for Yodsak's party = you'll lose the job and there is space for new staff and as it cannot get any worse we're possibly in for an improvement as far as the elected government as well as the public service is concerned ;-)

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There is NO legislation in Thai law that prohibits any civil servant from supporting what they want to support.

The law would never be passed in any democracy because of its violation of basic human rights.

Surapong therefore has no right to punish anyone or threaten to and his statement today is actually totally illegal.

Whats more.... It is tantamount to a dictatorship in action.

Surapong should be hauled before the courts for this infringement of human rights. He has basically found Suthep guilty without trial and that is also an infraction upon Suthep's basic human rights.

This is nothing less than intimidation and victimization and I think Surapong has committed a huge folly here.

You're right,, Suthep (whether you agree with him or not) has not done anything wrong. His statement about seizing power has already been proven to be a disgraceful twist of words and he is not about to trash the democratic process.

What Surapong has done is made threats of action against politicians that he cannot enforce and just because he made a statement about Suthep does not mean he is guilty of those things anyway.

I rally hope that everyone sees through this very weak statement for what it is,, total garbage. The man should be ashamed of himself.

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Funny but isn't it a thai comstitutional right to choose who they support politically? This is sounding more and more like north korea when they decided to have elections.

Choose me OR ELSE!

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If this does not stir the government/pubic officials to rethink their commettment to boss and country, I will be surprised. Surapong may go down in history of Thai politics as leading the Thai version of political hari keri. What is next frm this bunch, the threat of kick arse and take names?

Yes I was thinking along the lines of why doesn't he explain to the people all the good the PTP are doing and win their support that way. Instead in typical red shirt style he implies a punishment for supporting the rite to free speech. Also further demonstrates why the election process needs over hauling when a government official can push his employees around like that in order to get what he wants at the ballot box.

I know he didn't say any thing about how they vote but if he can get away with pushing them around now he will then.wai2.gif

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